Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

I really hope they do exploring well. that could be one of the coolest aspects. i have this picture in my mind of a space suited figure, silhouetted by a sun, floating towards this enormous derelict, which is cast half in shadow with rays of light shining through a mesh of twisted superstructure and armor. Every time i think of exploring.

Whenever I think of anything akin to that, I think Event Horizon... Have fun exploring that thing... I'll keep to the smuggling.
How fucking scary would it be if they sometimes had aliens inhabiting them, darting around in the shadows waiting to rip out your spine. that would be so cool!
If I were a pirate, I'd be looking for conflicts and opportunity wherever possible...

.... maybe people like me are the problem...



I'm sure there will be lots of folks that just gonzo out but I'm hoping the bounty system and other repercussions exist that discourage enough that it's not the preferred way to play. Some of that will keep the spice up in the game though so I hope it's not completely absent.

I REALLY hope there is a group of players nutty enough to play firefly reaver type characters. I'd even consider playing one as an alt. It's nice to have savage bad guys to just love to hate and always want to fight.
I figure that if I were going the piracy route, It'd be advantageous to fight every encounter where you had a reasonable advantage. Slaves for trading and parts to salvage. Also great dogfighting experience
I REALLY hope there is a group of players nutty enough to play firefly reaver type characters. I'd even consider playing one as an alt. It's nice to have savage bad guys to just love to hate and always want to fight.

You complete me. :D
At least we got the movie to wrap things up nicely. And there is also the glimmer of a possibility in getting Nathan Fillion to do voice acting for this game. (someone correct me if I'm wrong or read too much into that WMH episode a few weeks ago)
At least we got the movie to wrap things up nicely. And there is also the glimmer of a possibility in getting Nathan Fillion to do voice acting for this game. (someone correct me if I'm wrong or read too much into that WMH episode a few weeks ago)

That would be cool.
At least we got the movie to wrap things up nicely. And there is also the glimmer of a possibility in getting Nathan Fillion to do voice acting for this game. (someone correct me if I'm wrong or read too much into that WMH episode a few weeks ago)

Folks have been hitting him up off and on since last October trying to get him interested in Star Citizen with no luck yet. There was some really aggressive social media attempts from some fans that might have kind of spooked him or his agent a bit though.

Hopefully down the line the contacts in the entertainment industry will be useful for this kind of thing since we're probably quite a ways away from needing it.
I REALLY hope there is a group of players nutty enough to play firefly reaver type characters. I'd even consider playing one as an alt. It's nice to have savage bad guys to just love to hate and always want to fight.

Don't worry, I will be playing with people in my clan, and that is our job in games, and we take it very seriously.
Yeah I'll ask again later in the evening when more people are around. First test worked fine (hint: twitch giveaway extension for chrome) ;)
Edit: afk for a few hours now.
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Lorien, can you clarify if the laser pistol is a real one or just in game? Phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range?

Standard issue Earth Force PPG, and it comes with a purple or green sash of your choice. (cookie for whoever gets this)
Hmm so it appears I heard right after all. The Cutlass was being redesigned. Still, we have no idea which is the final design between the 2 so take it with a grain of salt.

From Jim Martin conceptual artist

Old version, notice the cockpit is tucked inside the superstructure of the ship. Also notice the lateral cargo doors which are missing from the new picture above and in their place there are maneuvering thrusters. I don't know about you, but I kinda liked this old version better.
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Late night chatroll is such a good place for extra nuggets of new info. There is a hidden forum ready for the hangar release called "Game Bugs and Issues"

slowreflex = forum moderator
i was thinking a sea turtle but pancake works too. Since you are online ygpm.
The old version just looks more mean, the new one makes it look cutesy and bull-crap like that.
The old version just looks more mean, the new one makes it look cutesy and bull-crap like that.
Pretty much this. The angle of the camera on the new shot doesn't help it at all either.
i was thinking a sea turtle but pancake works too. Since you are online ygpm.

i think that turtle looks a lot more scary than the cutlass. it looks like its deciding whether its worth its time to kill the camera guy or not.
i think that turtle looks a lot more scary than the cutlass. it looks like its deciding whether its worth its time to kill the camera guy or not.

the amount of f***s given by the turtle about anything, is 0
the render looks alot like the drawing, its the camera angle that make it look so much different
Ohhh hangar module footage from Gamescom, starts at 1:00 minute mark

Edit: Listening to the man talk makes me all tingly inside. He definitely "gets it" and also Xbox One and PS4 versions of the game are a possibility.

the render looks alot like the drawing, its the camera angle that make it look so much different

Notice the cockpit, its protruding a lot more in the new render compared to the old illustration.
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I could use some grappler arms ala Outlaw Star for my scavenger ship

Yep definitely had a few tingly moments. man IM SO EXCITED now. Looking around in the cockpit looked badass.
The player character looked a lot like Walter White. I'm gonna go around yelling: SAY MY NAME