Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

Here's an idea that's been floating in my head.

You've seen the universal docking collars on every ship right? I wonder if we'd be able to build ourselves a space station using ships as modules connecting them through their docking collars in a similar way as how the ISS was built.
Here's an idea that's been floating in my head.

You've seen the universal docking collars on every ship right? I wonder if we'd be able to build ourselves a space station using ships as modules connecting them through their docking collars in a similar way as how the ISS was built.

nope just read a development post about that this morning
I thought you were trolling me lol. Was that in chatroll? 'Cause I saw him in there the other day and didn't think they'd answer questions from there.

P.S: I see you
Have they said if we'll want an additional account if we want a pirate character and UEE character or is it still uncertain? Still debating if I want to get a package just for pirating or not.
What do you think are the chances of them announcing their physical goods store at the gamescon event?
Have they said if we'll want an additional account if we want a pirate character and UEE character or is it still uncertain? Still debating if I want to get a package just for pirating or not.

from what ive heard, you can make as many characters as you want to play SQ42 but when it comes time to play in the Persistant world Star Citizen you can only choose to import 1 character.
I read and lurk the forums mostly, didn't idle in chatroll much 'cause of my assumption.

Chat roll is pretty dev active man, give it some time in there. Absolutely make time for Wingman's Hangover after the show there.
Chat roll is pretty dev active man, give it some time in there. Absolutely make time for Wingman's Hangover after the show there.

I wish it wasnt at 12pm est since im at work.

Oh by the way here is what holokitten said when asked about making floating cities out of docked ships.

Currently we only support pairs of docked ships. There won't be any way to create ad-hoc floating cities, but we do have at least one landing zone constructed this way. If thats your cup of tea you might want to pay a visit to Spider!
P.S: They said you might be able to customize your hangar with a custome logo/decal. Well I know what I'm putting up on mine

Somehow I foresee a pile of micro transactions on the horizon.

Im just starting to get the feeling like they keep pumping out ideas and everything has a separate price tag attached to it.
I dont have a problem with micro transactions as long as it doesn't affect core game play. I dont think CR will let that happen.

another post from holokitten about fake ID's.

"We aren't certain about false player IDs but fake ship IDs are on the table."

so it looks like the whole fake ID system is up in the air right now
the decal thing comes up all the time, they always seem hesitant about it. theyve mentioned it in a bunch of wingmans hangars and he always explains how hard it would be to do.
Ya I actually don't expect it for initial launch and for other reasons like people putting up pr0n. Imagine someone being featured on Wingman's hangar: "Hangar of the week" and as they are going through the hangar live you see a nice picture of tubgirl or on the wall. :D

Re fake IDs: I was always under the impression that fake IDs were for ships only. Why would I want a fake ID myself.
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the decal thing comes up all the time, they always seem hesitant about it. theyve mentioned it in a bunch of wingmans hangars and he always explains how hard it would be to do.

I think they dont want a bunch of dicks and racist stuff on ships or in the hanger, which makes it exponentially harder to implement.
Hey guys. Just want to say lorien is great to deal with. Just had him convert a package to a lti package and it went great. Hopefully more people join up :D
Hey guys. Just want to say lorien is great to deal with. Just had him convert a package to a lti package and it went great. Hopefully more people join up :D

Yep, Lorien is kind of the fucking man when it comes to [H] and this game.
the decal thing comes up all the time, they always seem hesitant about it. theyve mentioned it in a bunch of wingmans hangars and he always explains how hard it would be to do.

I'm not sure what'd be so hard about it? I mean a simple decal overlay system where you can make up your own decale and place it on pre determined parts of your ship or uniform?

They'd have that kind of technology and the ability to do that in games since the 90's.....

APB does it and it's an mmo, and they allow you to do it for about anything, clothing, tattoo's, and vehicles, can get quite some unique cars and things from those.

I mainly would just like to be able to make my 300 have a more retro WWII style appearance with noseart, wing decals/tail decals.
I'm not sure what'd be so hard about it? I mean a simple decal overlay system where you can make up your own decale and place it on pre determined parts of your ship or uniform?

They'd have that kind of technology and the ability to do that in games since the 90's.....

APB does it and it's an mmo, and they allow you to do it for about anything, clothing, tattoo's, and vehicles, can get quite some unique cars and things from those.

I mainly would just like to be able to make my 300 have a more retro WWII style appearance with noseart, wing decals/tail decals.

just repeating what he said really. im sure i can find where they mention it. it comes up in several episodes of wingmans hangar and they shut it down pretty much
so has there been more info on tractor beams? All I can find is that they helps bring in items and such. Can you use them on live ships to slow them down at all? Love the idea of being a pirate (both lone wolf and with you guys) and the cutlass looks really sweet but was curious on the usefulness of its tractor beams
So are they going to be all anti copyright infringement with ship building? I want to make an exact replica of Serenity.

P.S: Some (bad?) news. This is what the concierge had to say when I sent her J Macker's questions


So mea culpa for assuming we'd get a direct line of communication to the devs. In hindsight it wouldn't have made much sense since they already offer direct communication in the ask a dev forum.

Edit: Maybe I should ask her what is her favorite Nicholas Cage movie?
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The Concierge service is for helping you with account issues, not a direct line to the devs. So, questions about packages and add-ons, melting ships, status of gifts and stuff like that. I'm guessing it might be good for support questions once the hanger hits if there are any issues with it or the downloader.
Ya, I asked for clarification on what is and is not to covered and they told me pretty much that. Oh well, I'm still extending it to anyone that may need a question answered about their account.

Edit: Plus the swag and whatever extra info they may offer down the road
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Ya loved the book but that movie looked appalling. you could also play Nazi zombies at the center of the earth. that movie had every thing required to give the watcher a brain hemorrhage.
So is this a good time to fund the game? I know I should have jumped on board earlier--but I didn't. If I didn't pay for a starter package how much does the game cost when it'll be released? What ship do you start with?

So is this a good time to fund the game? I know I should have jumped on board earlier--but I didn't. If I didn't pay for a starter package how much does the game cost when it'll be released? What ship do you start with?


Talk to Lorien. Going through him he is willing to use his original backer status to help get you a package and that will give you some of the perks of the original backers that you wouldn't be able to do on your own. Ship all depends on what you want to do as they have stated they are going to try to make the game not about finding the very best ship in the universe.

I believe the game will be $60 when first released but I could be wrong about that.
So is this a good time to fund the game? I know I should have jumped on board earlier--but I didn't. If I didn't pay for a starter package how much does the game cost when it'll be released? What ship do you start with?


1. It's always a good time to fund the game. GIVE ALL THE MONIES!
2. We don't know how much the game will cost yet but a safe guess is in the $50-$60 range.
3. We don't know what a starter ship will be yet but a safe guess will be something like an Aurora or a bit worse.

Take a look at some of Lorien's posts helping folks out.
They haven't said what the starter ship will be, but i don't think it will be the aurora. and i believe that the game will be 60$

i would say yes just get in the door now i think the lowest pledge that includes alpha, beta, and full game costs 40$.

and go through lorien he will hook you up