Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

That's correct, they do. It seems like they are redesigning the Cutlass 'cause Chris wasn't happy with the design.
Aww, I liked how the Cutlass looked and was thinking about picking one up later. I hope they don't change it too much.
i thought original backers have a version with the game/alpha access and cutlass but i could be wrong.

Mine definitely came with the game - just checked on the website. Although I might need to pick up an additional, smaller ship regardless.

"Digital Pirate - LTI"
Drake Interplanetary Cutlass
Tractor Beam
Docking Collar
Digital Game Soundtrack
Digital Star Map
Lifetime Insurance
Beta Access
Alpha Access
Squadron 42 Digital Download
Star Citizen Digital Download
Skull and Crossbones Skin
2,000 Game Credits
I posted some game ideas over in the RSI forums, if you guys are interested you can find it here:


Good stuff.

I'll reply to each one of your points from what I know the devs have/have not said about them:

Customization of interface devices in cockpit
That is all in and more. Quote from the dev directly responsible for the HUD.
I should add that I’m not authorized to answer all questions, but yes, a great degree of configurability is built into the HUD from the ground floor up. And the design ethos is to provide maximum information in a compact space during battle. This includes movable and configurable displays, of course.
Sometimes it feels more like I’m developing an avionics package for the military than for a game!
Every element in our HUD responds to damage. As Chris built the fly-by-wire system to procedurally handle an infinite range of ship states based on damage to various components, that philosophy was extended to have damage also rendered procedurally in the HUD. Just as one example, text in the HUD is not pre-rendered or even generated on the fly as a block; it’s printed procedurally to the displays one character at a time, with a greater likelihood of transcription error (or garbled transmission) depending on specific damage to your avionics or communications systems. Response to damage is a bedrock feature of every element in the HUD and has a negative impact on boot times, data latency and accuracy.

Repairs in space
Yes they alluded to something like this so that people can earn their keep as part of a ship's crew. There will also be the possibility of calling "Space AAA" to come repair/reload/tow your ship. It's only logical a regular player could/should be able to do the same job.

Ship to Pilot Communications
I don't think this has been asked before so good idea. I don't see why it couldn't be implemented. They already have fine granularity when it comes to the actual information you see on the displays of your ship and how damage affects the flow and accuracy of that information. i.e. When you start taking hits to a particular system(s) the information displayed back to you on screen is delayed/erroneous reflecting the severity of the damage.

So it should be easy to implement a voice over telling you what's going on and being equally affected by damage taken in battle.

Inter-ship Communications
Already in after a fashion. They have a technology in place that takes your webcam input and matches your speech and lip movements to your character in game.

Star map utilities and integration
Relatively little is known about the star map but we actually do have some complete start maps gleaned from the brief video during the livestream:

See here:

and here:

I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to add annotations and "bookmarks". The game has uncharted areas waiting for you to discover and name so it should be entirely possible and probably intended to do what you ask.

Licensed ship builders
Don't know what you mean by this? Do you mean the game pays royalties for every ship sold to whoever designed the ship? I'm not so sure that is in. You can't just make any ship and start selling it on your own in the persistent universe. It has to be vetted by CIG and I would assume they'd take over the content/you'd sign it over to them as I'm sure there'd be legal concerns to work out. What you can do is mod the game and run whatever ships you want if you run your own server and that will be provided free of charge on release to every backer. In fact there are already several community driven mods under development.
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Don't know what you mean by this? Do you mean the game pays royalties for every ship sold to whoever designed the ship? I'm not so sure that is in. You can't just make any ship and start selling it on your own in the persistent universe. It has to be vetted by CIG and I would assume they'd take over the content/you'd sign it over to them as I'm sure there'd be legal concerns to work out. What you can do is mod the game and run whatever ships you want if you run your own server and that will be provided free of charge on release to every backer. In fact there are already several community driven mods under development.

My idea was the designer makes something off ship sales (in in game currency) or gets like a special variant of the ship. A kind of thank you to them for putting effort into the game.
My idea was the designer makes something off ship sales (in in game currency) or gets like a special variant of the ship. A kind of thank you to them for putting effort into the game.

I know for sure if a ship someone designed gets incorporated into the game they get their name added to the game credits. As far as the rest, no idea so it's good that you asked.
My idea was the designer makes something off ship sales (in in game currency) or gets like a special variant of the ship. A kind of thank you to them for putting effort into the game.

i believe they said that you would get royalties
In ingame credits for every ship sold. i could be wrong
Good stuff.

Repairs in space
Yes they alluded to something like this so that people can earn their keep as part of a ship's crew. There will also be the possibility of calling "Space AAA" to come repair/reload/tow your ship. It's only logical a regular player could/should be able to do the same job.

for sure some other ships will be able to repair you ( not fully ). like idris and constellation ships that have a bay big enough to receive you.
To add, you will never be able to fully repair a ship back to "mint" state. There is a system of wear and tear on equipment and you will eventually have to replace it because it will gradually lose efficiency. This wear and tear will be accelerated by things like overclocking (proper and improper), etc.
To add, you will never be able to fully repair a ship back to "mint" state. There is a system of wear and tear on equipment and you will eventually have to replace it because it will gradually lose efficiency. This wear and tear will be accelerated by things like overclocking (proper and improper), etc.

doesnt apply to the hull though correct?
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Yes that applies to the hull as well. You'd have to go in and have it refinished/repaired if you wanted it to look brand new again. Wouldn't make sense for you to be able to ram into ships/asteroids, being shot up with lasers/missiles/whatever and not see it reflected on your ship.
Straight from the horse's mouth:

I should have been more specific. I know wear and tear applies to the hull as well. however you said " you will eventually have to replace it" that would not apply to the hull though.
Ah, you mean the actual "sheetmetal". Yeah you're probably right. Tho I kinda do want it to happen to the hull as well.

Imagine this scenario:

You come across a derelict, torn up to hell and back Freelancer. You get on your EVA and decide to board it to see if you can salvage anything. Next thing you know the airlock doors lock and through the glass you see a crafty pirate that has docked with your ship is already pillaging your goods.

He thanks you for your curiosity and opportunism and leaves you locked in there to ponder your situation. :D
Don't remember if this was already posted since it's pretty old, but here is some actual gameplay from a very early build (the build used to reveal the game back in October of last year). It features A.I. attackers (Vanduul Scythes) versus A.I. defenders (Bengal carrier & Hornets).

A couple of things are worth noting though. The 3rd person view you see there is just the follow/beauty shot camera and gives you no HUD. You will be playing inside your cockpit in first person.

Second, notice how slow the laser bolts are? This explains it:
NOTE: This is very early pre-pre Alpha. There was a bug with laser bolt speed in this build and they were incorrectly capped at a very low speed. That is not how they will behave in the game. But we thought the video was awesome enough to show you anyway!

I just love the crazy maneuvers the ships are capable of, now put yourself inside the cockpit of one of those ships. Cant' freaking wait.
I just love the crazy maneuvers the ships are capable of, now put yourself inside the cockpit of one of those ships. Cant' freaking wait.

Yeah..obviously centripetal force is not being taken into account on some of those turns.. you would at the minimum be knocked unconscious from turning like that.
Yeah, definitely. But they are wearing space suits from 900 years in the future :cool:
Don't remember if this was already posted since it's pretty old, but here is some actual gameplay from a very early build (the build used to reveal the game back in October of last year). It features A.I. attackers (Vanduul Scythes) versus A.I. defenders (Bengal carrier & Hornets).

A couple of things are worth noting though. The 3rd person view you see there is just the follow/beauty shot camera and gives you no HUD. You will be playing inside your cockpit in first person.

Second, notice how slow the laser bolts are? This explains it:

I just love the crazy maneuvers the ships are capable of, now put yourself inside the cockpit of one of those ships. Cant' freaking wait.

yeah the hornet looks like it can really move.

happy with my purchase ;D
Haha I guess the correct question would be who isn't going to upgrade their ship? :D
me, mwahahahahahaha

i wish they would actually show us what the skins look like. i would buy more.

I hate this game already. It's become far too easy for me to spend money on... I was looking at maybe getting a cutlass or an avenger... this would give me three ships... sigh
I know you have a stella. what's your second? i think the cutlass will be a better buy than the avenger, especially if you have a fighter type ship already.
Can you share a hanger with your friends? (have one of my friends pilot the 300i while the rest are in the stella?)
Speaking of ships and being too easy to spend money on

I think I have a problem....
I think I have a problem....

eh.... why didn't you get a Retaliator?

That one was tempting, but alas, I could not bear to spend that much.

Hey do you know if the ships will have some sort of blast doors ?

That would be useful for defending against boarders.
Deplete Oxygen levels and suffocate them, like in Faster Than Light.

It wouldn't make sense to not have this.
What's the point of buying all the packages? i thought they said they only give you 1 physical copy even if you have multiple packages. i could be wrong though, i know there was a bit of confusion on the forums a while back. i don't know if it was ever resolved.
I'm gonna be gifting some of them (brother, friends, pirate alter ego account, etc :cool:)
eh.... why didn't you get a Retaliator?

Didn't have the funds back then. If they become available again I will sure try to get one. I can always melt a package for store credit and buy other ships with that. That is in fact what
I did to get the Cutlass.

Hey do you know if the ships will have some sort of blast doors ?

That would be useful for defending against boarders.
Deplete Oxygen levels and suffocate them, like in Faster Than Light.

It wouldn't make sense to not have this.
No idea on that one, but they have talked about hull breaches so it would make sense there'd be something along those lines.

I can and will get you an answer and by the way this ties in to the surprise I was alluding to a few days earlier. I just need a little more time to make a "formal" announcement.
Will they be doing LTI again? Cause I wasn't able to buy in when I wanted, now I want to know if there will be another LTI chance.
eh.... why didn't you get a Retaliator?

That one was tempting, but alas, I could not bear to spend that much.

Hey do you know if the ships will have some sort of blast doors ?

That would be useful for defending against boarders.
Deplete Oxygen levels and suffocate them, like in Faster Than Light.

It wouldn't make sense to not have this.

i don't think it will do much if you vent your ship since the boarders will probably have some sort of space suit.

though it would be cool if you could close the blast doors and the boarders would have to cut through them.