Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

I wish they'd release the dogfighting module before getting rid of LTI on pledges. I'm really loathed to put any more money in to the game at this point, the dogfighting module might actually give me some impetus to buy more as then I'll be able to see the direction they are heading with it and decide if it'll be as fun as I hope it is.

Whats the supposed release date of the dogfight module again?
That's so soon!!! My body isn't ready.


And even though I have my avenger, I am in need of another ship, tomorrow is not here fast enough for me to determine if the Hornet I go, or if the Cutlass I go!

And even though I have my avenger, I am in need of another ship, tomorrow is not here fast enough for me to determine if the Hornet I go, or if the Cutlass I go!

I think I'm done throwing money at this game for now. I am prepping my computer for what's to come now. My poor wallet... :(
I think I'm done throwing money at this game for now. I am prepping my computer for what's to come now. My poor wallet... :(

I am waiting before doing any serious upgrades. I did a minor upgrade here recently because I was so out of date but I think late next year is when I do my serious upgrades and start looking at what fun toys I want to go with this like maybe Occulus Rift, eyefinity etc. . .
I am waiting before doing any serious upgrades. I did a minor upgrade here recently because I was so out of date but I think late next year is when I do my serious upgrades and start looking at what fun toys I want to go with this like maybe Occulus Rift, eyefinity etc. . .

I purchased a 7970 recently, but am waiting to do the motherboard / processor upgrade for close to official launch, and will most likly get a 280x to pair with my 7970 in crossfire.
I purchased a 7970 recently, but am waiting to do the motherboard / processor upgrade for close to official launch, and will most likly get a 280x to pair with my 7970 in crossfire.

Yeah I was still rocking a 955BE with a 5850 so an upgrade was really due anyway. Bumped up to a 2500k and 7950 which I figure should get me through till next year and then I can look at upgrading again just before the official launch.

On one hand I love the fact that my wife games on the other every time I do an upgrade or buy games they cost twice as much :p
ok, who is the bunny?

Yeah I was still rocking a 955BE with a 5850 so an upgrade was really due anyway. Bumped up to a 2500k and 7950 which I figure should get me through till next year and then I can look at upgrading again just before the official launch.

On one hand I love the fact that my wife games on the other every time I do an upgrade or buy games they cost twice as much :p

My wife hates my computer, shes not a gamer, thinks they are pointless and doesn't understand why im building rig #2, and when I told her so my son could fly through space with me, she snickers and gives me the, nope, uh uh, no, no NOPE face.
My wife hates my computer, shes not a gamer, thinks they are pointless and doesn't understand why im building rig #2, and when I told her so my son could fly through space with me, she snickers and gives me the, nope, uh uh, no, no NOPE face.

Sounds like she has some growing up to do. It's pretty bad if you can't appreciate or at least understand other people's passions, regardless of whether or not you share them.
My wife hates my computer, shes not a gamer, thinks they are pointless and doesn't understand why im building rig #2, and when I told her so my son could fly through space with me, she snickers and gives me the, nope, uh uh, no, no NOPE face.

did you marry your mom? :eek:
Ok so I have a Constellation and my wife has a Freelancer. I am kind of planning on going explorer as my role but tbh I love playing all roles and jumping around. Should I buy something to go pirate or bounty hunter next? Another option is melting the wife's Freelancer for something else as well. What say you guys?

Note: I am not rich enough for an Idris as much as I wish I was :p
once cry engine gets mantle support, i think i should be ok with 2 7950's

7970 + 280x in xfire, I hope will be enough, but by than I will be upgrading to the newest AMD chip at that point as well and a minimum of 12GB ram.
My wife hates my computer, shes not a gamer, thinks they are pointless and doesn't understand why im building rig #2, and when I told her so my son could fly through space with me, she snickers and gives me the, nope, uh uh, no, no NOPE face.

Tell her you're cancelling cable because you don't watch it and you think her 16 & Pregnant / Kardashians / W/E other trash TV shows are pointless (this is assuming of course, she actually watches them.)

Sounds like she has some growing up to do. It's pretty bad if you can't appreciate or at least understand other people's passions, regardless of whether or not you share them.

I agree with this. I myself have actually gotten some flak over my gaming hobby from in-laws. Everyone has their hobby, but some people think theirs is better because it could potentially be more productive. I think a lot of people see video games as something that's for kids. My usual counter-argument is that I feel the same way about sports. :D
Tell her you're cancelling cable because you don't watch it and you think her 16 & Pregnant / Kardashians / W/E other trash TV shows are pointless (this is assuming of course, she actually watches them.)

I agree with this. I myself have actually gotten some flak over my gaming hobby from in-laws. Everyone has their hobby, but some people think theirs is better because it could potentially be more productive. I think a lot of people see video games as something that's for kids. My usual counter-argument is that I feel the same way about sports. :D

We do not have cable, at all, so that comment, unfortunately, wont work =[

Yes, she does need to grow up a bit, she knows its a hobby, and shes a lot better than when we first got married and I am still working on her to know, this is what I like to do.
We do not have cable, at all, so that comment, unfortunately, wont work =[

Yes, she does need to grow up a bit, she knows its a hobby, and shes a lot better than when we first got married and I am still working on her to know, this is what I like to do.

Tell her to get back into the fucking kitchen.
Regardless of everything else, good on you for creating a PC so that you and your son can have another activity to share. I have lots of great memories from playing games (including space sims) with my father, even back during the "pass the joystick and share" days of Xwing, TIE Fighter, and Wing Commander single-player titles. I would have loved if I could have played as my dad's wingman, but the tech wasn't quite there yet for cooperative play. Star Citizen of course, should provide all that and more!
Regardless of everything else, good on you for creating a PC so that you and your son can have another activity to share. I have lots of great memories from playing games (including space sims) with my father, even back during the "pass the joystick and share" days of Xwing, TIE Fighter, and Wing Commander single-player titles. I would have loved if I could have played as my dad's wingman, but the tech wasn't quite there yet for cooperative play. Star Citizen of course, should provide all that and more!

hes 5 atm, he LOVES to fly, so the dog fighting should be fun for him with my avenger since I have LTI :)

I just want him to have a blast, he loves to fly the jets in BF3 (I mute it cause they swear something awful in BF3) and let him jet around, he actually knows to fly to objectives and can stay near them, than he likes to crash into other jets, hes better at jets than me.
Regardless of everything else, good on you for creating a PC so that you and your son can have another activity to share. I have lots of great memories from playing games (including space sims) with my father, even back during the "pass the joystick and share" days of Xwing, TIE Fighter, and Wing Commander single-player titles. I would have loved if I could have played as my dad's wingman, but the tech wasn't quite there yet for cooperative play. Star Citizen of course, should provide all that and more!


That would be so epic for your son. You can't ask for better memories.
We do not have cable, at all, so that comment, unfortunately, wont work =[

Yes, she does need to grow up a bit, she knows its a hobby, and shes a lot better than when we first got married and I am still working on her to know, this is what I like to do.

If she made you a sandwich instead of talking so much, you guys would be happier IMO. You should tell her that.
Regardless of everything else, good on you for creating a PC so that you and your son can have another activity to share. I have lots of great memories from playing games (including space sims) with my father, even back during the "pass the joystick and share" days of Xwing, TIE Fighter, and Wing Commander single-player titles. I would have loved if I could have played as my dad's wingman, but the tech wasn't quite there yet for cooperative play. Star Citizen of course, should provide all that and more!

Xwing vs TIE Fighter days are over, it was so awesome since it was state of the art game. sad part, i can't stand bad graphics, playing old games don't interest me.
Don't be, I have an AMD 7970 and run Physix in everything I play. These days CPU's are powerful enought to brute force the poor implementation without any real penalty. At least this applies to the Batman series and Borderlands 2...

Anyone know games where you really need Nvidia?
Don't be, I have an AMD 7970 and run Physix in everything I play. These days CPU's are powerful enought to brute force the poor implementation without any real penalty. At least this applies to the Batman series and Borderlands 2...

Anyone know games where you really need Nvidia?

Those applications don't deal with things on the same scale as explosions inside of real ships that have modeled systems though ;/
so what happens when the apha slots run out it? just stop selling packages with alpha slots? it seems kinda stupid to do that since it will probably turn away newcomers.
Regardless of everything else, good on you for creating a PC so that you and your son can have another activity to share. I have lots of great memories from playing games (including space sims) with my father, even back during the "pass the joystick and share" days of Xwing, TIE Fighter, and Wing Commander single-player titles. I would have loved if I could have played as my dad's wingman, but the tech wasn't quite there yet for cooperative play. Star Citizen of course, should provide all that and more!

There was a combat flight sim in the mid 80s that had coop and competitive split screen WW2 combat. Can't remember what it was called though.
so what happens when the apha slots run out it? just stop selling packages with alpha slots? it seems kinda stupid to do that since it will probably turn away newcomers.

the current limit is based on the infrastructure they are guestimating they can handle, im sure once they work out some things they can increase the alpha slots once they increase capacity or what ever they need to do.

as it is 280-290k alpha slots for the first run is a massive number and i expect dogfight to be broken for a few days when its released.

once that initial pounding is over and they can see what the active number of people testing/playing is and they can open more alpha slots.

but with having said that. i dont think they need to add more alpha slots, after alpha comes beta so they could just remove alpha slots only allow beta slots. which imo is the really important phase to have a slot for.

but really what they should do is allow alpha slots up until the release of dogfight and at that point cut off alpha slots. so if you really care about getting into alpha you have up until alpha actually starts to get in it otherwise you have to wait for beta
Has anyone heard if they will release a patch so you can fly your ships before dogfighting or is that the first time we will be able to? I can see pledges jumping if the released that before the LTI offer ended. I still hope they end up extending it anyway but we will see I suppose.
Has anyone heard if they will release a patch so you can fly your ships before dogfighting or is that the first time we will be able to? I can see pledges jumping if the released that before the LTI offer ended. I still hope they end up extending it anyway but we will see I suppose.

LTI doesnt matter for the dogfight, since you cant lose your ship in the dogfight.

you are not even really flying your ship in the dogfight you are in a simulator, the simulator will likely just see what ships you have in the hangar and give you access to them that way.

so it doesnt matter if they let you fly before or not, plus you can fly against AI too not just other players. so you can practice on AI and then against players if you want.
LTI doesnt matter for the dogfight, since you cant lose your ship in the dogfight.

you are not even really flying your ship in the dogfight you are in a simulator, the simulator will likely just see what ships you have in the hangar and give you access to them that way.

so it doesnt matter if they let you fly before or not, plus you can fly against AI too not just other players. so you can practice on AI and then against players if you want.

I knew about ships not being damaged in dogfighting and am not worrying about LTI in that regard. I was simply meaning if they let you fly your ship, however they do it, before the end of the LTI offer they would get a lot of people grabbing new ships. Whereas if they release it after the LTI offer ends then there is less incentive to get new ones now.
ah yeah i missed thats what you ment.

i think they have mentioned locking people into their ship if they fly it, so i dont think a fly before you buy type of scenario is something they would allow.

i think their plan is if you use a ship in the dogfight alpha it removes your ability to melt it. so you better be sure you want a ship before you use it.
ah yeah i missed thats what you ment.

i think they have mentioned locking people into their ship if they fly it, so i dont think a fly before you buy type of scenario is something they would allow.

i think their plan is if you use a ship in the dogfight alpha it removes your ability to melt it. so you better be sure you want a ship before you use it.

Wasn't aware of the lock in if you fly but I suppose that makes sense. I thought I remembered hearing at one point that all ships would be available in dogfighting but I have no source just my shitty recollection.

Still I think if they had a simulator before the LTI offer expired I think they would have a lot of people purchasing more ships even if they couldn't melt anymore