Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

you think we will ever be able to get battleships, like 2000 meters big.?

Maybe not initial release, but im willing to bet we will, heck, we may even see it from the build a space ship thingy.
you think we will ever be able to get battleships, like 2000 meters big.?

battleships are already planned but they never said what size they will be, but my guess is they will be smaller than a bengal but have a lot larger/more weapons.

so no i dont think we will ever see a battleship be 2km long.

there might be special ships larger than the bengal tho like a super ship owned by an unkown faction/race at some point.

but i honestly dont want anything too big that will tank the FPS so if we dont see a ship larger than the bengal i am okay with that.
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battleships are already planned but they never said what size they will be, but my guess is they will be smaller than a bengal buy have alot larger/more weapons.

so no i dont think we will ever see a battleship be 2km long.

there might be special ships larger than the bengal tho like a super ship owned by an unkown faction/race at some point.

but i honestly dont want anything too big that will tank the FPS so if we dont see a ship larger than the bengal i am okay with that.

I can't even fathom how difficult it would be to crew a ship that big.
Hmm just got a Hearthstone beta key. Are people trading/buying these? I'd take market value in RSI in-game items for it.
i want to see someone try and mod in a to scale repilca of the deathstar, 1000km goodness lol

would make the bengal look like a toothpick
A pain to do. You'd have to model the flight characteristics of each aircraft due to the very wildly different effects of gravity on them. Remember each of very different configurations for thrusters and engines. That would be an epic nightmare to code. Even if you could do a procedural system to do this... you'd be likely doing it for every ship.

Or shoving a truncated flight model down onto each ship/category of ships.

That's just ONE hurdle. Do some brainstorming, you will realize it would be a huge effort.

Space sims where you can fly into an atmosphere are nothing new. They'd just need to bring on Derek Smart. He has tons of experience with those.

EDIT: Whoops, just realized I was replying to a post from 2 pages ago - quoting for clarity.
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IIRC there were issues with direct upgrades in general. Since the LN is new, I'd give it some time to sort itself out. Possibly contact support.

Right, I thought that I had side stepped that issue, I had previously upgraded a 300i to a 325A and had no issues, shows up in my hanger just fine. Oh well no biggy.
just a heads up to people bringing in new players. Theres a website glitch with the aurora LN where it tells them they don't have a game package yet even though the $45 LN pledge does so they can't dl the client. They need a copy of the installer, once you have the client it lets you sign in no problems
Space sims where you can fly into an atmosphere are nothing new. They'd just need to bring on Derek Smart. He has tons of experience with those.

EDIT: Whoops, just realized I was replying to a post from 2 pages ago - quoting for clarity.

ya but i think CR said that he didn't want to do all that random terrain generation that the others have use in the past. Plus as far as i know no one has generated a whole planet on the cry engine.

i dont really care about the big ships i am more interested in fucking enormous space derelicts. rob said that there would be carrier sized wrecks, but i hope there will be bigger
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Sup AWACS hornet

P.S: Wild, told you.
Had my brother-in-law gift a package to me this weekend -- got the 325A with LTI. I now find myself wondering if I should have him melt it and gift me the Avenger instead. I like the looks of both quite a bit, but I'm not sure which would be better for me, especially considering I don't really know what I intend my role in-game to be.

The Avenger DOES come with the business hangar versus discount. I gotta say, the discount hangar is pretty lame. Any idea if the hangar upgrades will be purchasable in game also?
Had my brother-in-law gift a package to me this weekend -- got the 325A with LTI. I now find myself wondering if I should have him melt it and gift me the Avenger instead. I like the looks of both quite a bit, but I'm not sure which would be better for me, especially considering I don't really know what I intend my role in-game to be.

The Avenger DOES come with the business hangar versus discount. I gotta say, the discount hangar is pretty lame. Any idea if the hangar upgrades will be purchasable in game also?

you can upgrade your hanger in voyager direct.
yeah but thats a waste of money, could be put into a better ship

Yeah that's kinda what I was thinking. I saw the upgrade available there, but I could bump my 325A to a Hornet for $30 more instead of the $20 for the business hangar upgrade. I know CR has said that anything available in the store now will be available in game, so I'm *assuming* the hangar upgrade would be included.

I'm $80 into an unreleased / pre-alpha game in a genre that's new to me ... I'm not really looking to spend any more real money on it ;)
Yeah that's kinda what I was thinking. I saw the upgrade available there, but I could bump my 325A to a Hornet for $30 more instead of the $20 for the business hangar upgrade. I know CR has said that anything available in the store now will be available in game, so I'm *assuming* the hangar upgrade would be included.

I'm $80 into an unreleased / pre-alpha game in a genre that's new to me ... I'm not really looking to spend any more real money on it ;)

Rookie ;)

I am $400 in, want to do more, and I know that I am not even close to the highest spenders here.

Is that awac hornet fan made? that actually looks pretty well done
i wasnt expecting an AWAC package for the hornet, i would of thought that would be something the gladiator could do to give it another role other than bomber, i mean it does have a second screw member too which would be good for playing with the AWAC sensor settings so the pilot can focus on flying.

seems like a lot to ask from a hornet pilot.
i wasnt expecting an AWAC package for the hornet, i would of thought that would be something the gladiator could do to give it another role other than bomber, i mean it does have a second screw member too which would be good for playing with the AWAC sensor settings so the pilot can focus on flying.

seems like a lot to ask from a hornet pilot.

I'd tend to agree. However think about the role of F/A-18 pilots, though the copilot is usually the nav.. It might be something to the accord of an EA6b but again, typically two pilots.

I would have thought the gladiator would be more for this role, except it's so heavily armored it seems more likely that the hornet would be for this role. It seemingly makes sense, the question is would someone want to spend 110$+ on a short(ish) range recon ship..
I'd tend to agree. However think about the role of F/A-18 pilots, though the copilot is usually the nav.. It might be something to the accord of an EA6b but again, typically two pilots.

I would have thought the gladiator would be more for this role, except it's so heavily armored it seems more likely that the hornet would be for this role. It seemingly makes sense, the question is would someone want to spend 110$+ on a short(ish) range recon ship..

it could work well for an idris flight group, like the dev said no one ship can have all the sensor types.

so you have on the Idris a wide band search for hostiles, and you have 2 Fighter hornets, + 1 Awac type hornet with cargo sensor or just to expand your sensor field and get more accurate data.
You beat me to posting that by SECONDS.

That looks usermade a way.

I just noticed it was you posting it on the forums over at rsi.. lol

sigh if thats what i think it is, then i am disappointed. unless its hiding something in its "stats" page.

edit- yeah most likely user made
You beat me to posting that by SECONDS.

That looks usermade a way.

I just noticed it was you posting it on the forums over at rsi.. lol


Pretty sure no one else has posted these on the internet lol. I just went into my hangar and spawned it.
Edit: what you said lol
What would be sick is a two seater extended hornet .. like the f18 super hornet.
If they are in the game files they are not made up.

More explicitly: I didn't model, texture nor imported that gatling gun turret into the game, it was already there along with a lot more stuff.
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Trivia (not important) The EA6-B has a pilot and 3 EA operators, and while I think the AWAC Hornet looks almost as cool as the chaingun L-Variant, but I agree that the AWAC would seem to fit a two man ship better.
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a lot of people are saying the super hornet is going to be a 2 seater with a manned turret