So who else bought an 8800gts 512mb?

Dec 6, 2007
Hey everybody this is my first post on the forum :) Anyway, I just purchased an EVGA 8800GTS 512mb card yesterday for about 350 bucks not including shipping costs after a long, miserable debate about what card to get. I'm building my first ever computer and I couldn't decide between a GT or a GTX or SLI'd GT's or this new GTS, but I finally decided to get it. The way I see it, it's better than a GT in every category, and more or less equal to a GTX at the resolution I will be playing at on my 22" monitor. I think this card has a lot of overclocking potential, and am eager to experiment with it on my new rig. Also, the fact that it's only about 50 bucks more than a good GT at the moment and readily available (for the time being) basically made up my mind. Of course, I went with EVGA so I can step up to most likely the newer versions of the GTX coming out early next year.

Anyway I was wondering who else got this card, and if you have it, how do you like it? I've seen a lot of praise and a lot more bashing to go with it, so I'm going to stop reading because it makes me feel guilty about not "having the best". Then again, considering my meager student budget, this should come out to be one hell of a computer. So, how do you guys like this card?
only reason I am considering it is because my 8800gt ssc overheats and locks up if I don't manually adjust the cpu fan (or use rivatuner). So I may step up to the 8800gts 512 just because of the better cooling. I would like to wait and step up to the 9800's due in feb I hear but I think my step up will be expired by then (think I have until the 11 or 12th of feb to step up)
the fact that it's only about 50 bucks more than a good GT

Well Actually the cheapest G92 GTS on newegg is $359, while the cheapest GT is $249. The price difference is about $110 unless you get conned into buying a ridiculously priced factory OC GT (can OC most GT 's to the more expensive card levels anyway as seen here).

Just putting the price in perspective without talking brand preference.

Anyway I was wondering who else got this card, and if you have it, how do you like it? I've seen a lot of praise and a lot more bashing to go with it, so I'm going to stop reading because it makes me feel guilty about not "having the best".

Edit, the G92GTS is a great card, and even at $359 is is fantastic value compared to what was available 3 months ago. Its a slightly better card than the GT and the only question being is it $100 ish better?. For those G92 owners where $100 is nothing (and I am not being sarcastic), who cares might be your answer, its still 10-15% faster both stock and maybe 8% faster at the same clock rate, but maybe not quite as good value. As for waiting for the next gen card it may well be a exspensive GX2 and thats February, a long time to wait.

sir that is EXACTLY how i see it. I think the big difference between those such as me, and those who have tons of money to spend and always need to have the latest and greatest, is the fact that we have different expectations about what is acceptable and what is enjoyable. for me, i've never had a more or less "cutting-edge" computer, and have always been plagued by my awful 5 year old dell laptop which overheats and has onboard video. I think people bashing the GTS or even the GT for not being able to play Crysis with everything maxed is, to someone in my shoes, ridiculous, as I can't even INSTALL Crysis on my current computer, let alone play it. So i think that for the great majority of us, being able to play games with a card like the GTS is a dream come true in some sense or another.

also, i agree with the point about pricing, GT's can be found pretty cheap, if you can find them in stock at all that is. However I'm pretty sure the GTS's price will go up as demand rises and as factory overclocked editions become more common. For me the price difference was just right. Either way, I'm very happy with my purchase and cannot wait to game on this baby.
Was thinking about returning my 8800GT and getting one but then I realized there's not a huge performance gain at resolutions I play at, oh and the GTS is $100 more than I paid for the GT.

NCIX has a bunch in stock for those looking... they've also got the GTs in stock (including EVGA for those who were looking).
I purchased an evga version...
I was hoping to grab the new big-bad g92 that was "supposed" to be launching before the end of the year, and had to settle for this..

Hopefully the new crazycards(tm) don't get pushed back later than my step up period, I'd like to grab one of them.
I just stepped up from my 8800GTS 640 since I only had 12 days left. It seemed like a no-brainer for $7.00 plus shipping on my end. The retail comes in at $10 less than I paid so I couldn't resist. I know it's not going to be a huge upgrade but even a few fps in Crysis can't hurt. It also looks like a decent fps boost in Oblivion which I still break out every so often.
i just picked up an 8800gts 512 to finally replace my 7900gs. I did so because I wanted to go evga for the stepup to the 9xxx series, and there was no evga 8800gt available. But if you ask me, the 359.99 evga gts model available now, which includes crysis is not a bad deal at all compared to the jacked up prices on the 8800gt for any good brand. By the way, im stoked to get this puppy under water, had my gs at 710/2000 :D
I've went from an 8800GTS 320 -- 8800GT 512mb OC -- 8800GTS 512mb (installed today) and thus far this new card is the best. It runs faster, quieter, and clocks higher than the 8800GT for only $100 more (for me). I'll never go with another single slot cooling solution on a video card again...terrible design. I want that bigger heatsink/fan plus air moving out of the case.

I only wish rivatuner was working correctly with this card.
Thinking of getting one to replace my 8800gt, dont like the dual slot solution.
I ordered the EVGA model with Crysis yesterday. Now I'm going back home after two weeks of exams to enjoy those.
I just ordered one becuase my name is Mike and i have hardware issues
I've got two coming from EVGA on Step-Up Tuesday. Sweet! Although I think I'm going to sell these two while they still have high value and buy two new ones so I can re-step-up in February to the 9800GTX.
In ~2 weeks time, I am getting not only one 8800GTS 512... but TWO.... yeppers, midrange SLI ftw :D
Bought an eVGA for $360. I figure it's money well spent towards the upcoming 9-series :cool:. I hope to clock it to 800MHz+ like some others are getting.
Bought an eVGA for $360. I figure it's money well spent towards the upcoming 9-series :cool:. I hope to clock it to 800MHz+ like some others are getting.

Sure you will be able..

My last stable score on air - stock cooler was:

CPU - e6700@3,2GHz (10x320)
GPU: 830MHz
VRam: 1030MHz (2060MHz)
Shader: 2075MHz
Dunt Lie....................... its cuz of ME!! :D

Yeh , your the guy with the horns sitting on my shoulder.........I dd not realize until now.

What did you do with the angel on my other shoulder?:p:eek::D
i'm in #226 in que to replace my gts 640 for $5.65. i think it's worth it for me. anyone knows if the ht-03 plus will work on this card?
Would anyone know where to get this new evga g2 that accepts PayPal? The only place that I can find that even carries them is Newegg and they don't let you use it. Thanks!
NewEgg accepts PayPal just fine. When you're at the payment options screen, it's one of the tabs.
Sure you will be able..

My last stable score on air - stock cooler was:

CPU - e6700@3,2GHz (10x320)
GPU: 830MHz
VRam: 1030MHz (2060MHz)
Shader: 2075MHz
Sweet, can't wait until Wednesday :D
Don't second guess it man, for a first time build you'll be really happy with the purchase and I'm sure you'll enjoy the heck out of it. You'll be able to play Crysis at acceptable settings on a 22" and you'll be able to max out every other game for the time being.

Could you have goten by with an 8800GT? Perhaps, but you'll learn a lil' something about bang-for-your-buck with every successive PC build, trust me, every one of us has gone thru it. ;) 'Sides if you could afford it and if you've bought Crysis, who cares, heh. Stop reading and go game!
I got the EVGA one. Running it Stable at 837/1998/1098. I got it watercooled with MC60 and im missing the little ramsinks still, so im hoping to do a better memory overclock when i get them. Load temp is 43. Not bad. Runs Crysis High + some very high in DX9pretty good in jungle around 25 fps, im on a carrier now and had to lower settings down a bit. But still im surprised its running it this quick.

Now a really big problem. Video Playback. I have some HD movies in x264 (mkv) and was expecting my cpu to be minimum. Its still hovering at around 30-40% for 720p and around 70-80% for 1080p. Obviously its not using the hardware. Also the biggest problem are the colors. Colors are so dull, blacks are totally gray and colors are not vibrant whats so ever. I have run out of ideas what to do. With ATI i simply Select Overlay Mixer for the renderer and Colors were Vibrant. Here I've tryed so many things and blacks are gray! can you guys help PLEASE!
What are you using to play the videos? Are you just getting the washed out colors in videos, and not games? What codec is it?
From a review of the EVGA 8800GTS on Newegg:
Cons: I purchased the cards on the 12 one day after they came out. I called to see if I was indeed going to get a copy of Crysis and the answer was NO.

Other Thoughts: So don't expect to get Crysis with your card, it ain't gonna happen. But I am happy as a clam about the cards!
:( I hope that's a mistake. I ordered the card yesterday, and I definitely would have gone with the GT if it wasn't for Crysis being included with the GTS.

It was still advertised to come with Crysis at the time, so I'll be a bit annoyed if it doesn't.
From a review of the EVGA 8800GTS on Newegg:

:( I hope that's a mistake. I ordered the card yesterday, and I definitely would have gone with the GT if it wasn't for Crysis being included with the GTS.

It was still advertised to come with Crysis at the time, so I'll be a bit annoyed if it doesn't.

I saw the same thing, and I'm in the same boat as you. I really hope thats not true. I talked to a newegg rep and they said if they game is not included eVGA will mail a copy.
What are you using to play the videos? Are you just getting the washed out colors in videos, and not games? What codec is it?

Wasted about 5 hours trying to fix the darn video problem, so then i downloaded Windows Classic media player 6.9 or something and the only codec that has good colors is Haalis video renderer. Thank for for the help. I got crysis with the game. in fact it was in a sealed EVGA package. So i think you'll def be getting the game :)
From a review of the EVGA 8800GTS on Newegg:

:( I hope that's a mistake. I ordered the card yesterday, and I definitely would have gone with the GT if it wasn't for Crysis being included with the GTS.

It was still advertised to come with Crysis at the time, so I'll be a bit annoyed if it doesn't.

If you ordered the EVGA GTS with model number ending in -A3 you'll be getting the Crysis Bundle which is the only one available on NewEgg I beleive. If the card was ordered through the EVGA Step-up Process or through EVGA's standard checkout you'll likely get Model # ending in -AR which does NOT include the Crysis Bundle. EVGA did have the A3 Model listed on their site, but it was only for a brief time on the 12th.

See Model # / No Crysis Bundle :

I ordered this one for $349 as I was not interested in the game. EVGA laster raised the price of this one to $359 after they pulled down the A3 with Crysis included for the same price.
If you ordered the EVGA GTS with model number ending in -A3 you'll be getting the Crysis Bundle which is the only one available on NewEgg I beleive. If the card was ordered through the EVGA Step-up Process or through EVGA's standard checkout you'll likely get Model # ending in -AR which does NOT include the Crysis Bundle. EVGA did have the A3 Model listed on their site, but it was only for a brief time on the 12th.

See Model # / No Crysis Bundle :

I ordered this one for $349 as I was not interested in the game. EVGA laster raised the price of this one to $359 after they pulled down the A3 with Crysis included for the same price.
Yeah, I ordered the A3 from Newegg. I'm just hoping they didn't run out of stock on the A3 and start selling the AR without changing the product listing.
Yeah, I ordered the A3 from Newegg. I'm just hoping they didn't run out of stock on the A3 and start selling the AR without changing the product listing.

If they pulled that, I would send it back and tell them you ordered an A3, depending on how much you really want the game of course.
I ordered the one with the game from newegg, although I know a certain someone already got me the game for christmas :p. Still, I see it as a ~$35 rebate as I can sell the game :cool:.
I just picked up EVGA GTS512mb AR.....A3's were $359.00 now you can only the AR in retailors @$359-$399...with no game....EVGA now has AR @359.00 Are they kidding us...its suppose to be $299.00 for a plain jane..

I just hope when i open BOX on Christmas Day it dosnt have a memory problem like the GT's do....I will Oc to the max ..

I am stepping up in Febuary......

It should be here tomorrow. The 8800GT SC card was still worth a lot of $$$ so got rid of it and traded up while I can.

It comes with Crysis, which is why I wanted the better card anyway. And on top of that, it is the only card on the market that has a prayer of running the game halfway well on high settings at 1920. And yes I'll be overclocking the heck out of it to get there. 800+ mhz core and 2000+ on the mem should get me by until mid next year.

I would have just done SLI on the 8800GT cards, but I've owned enough SLI setups of all types to be tired of dealing with them. I want to play, not tweak drivers endlessly.
My EVGA 8800GTS w/ Crysis should be here tomorrow, can't wait to finally be able to run current games reasonably well. My x1800xl is really getting long in the tooth after two long years.