So who else bought an 8800gts 512mb?

Doesn't look like it... The fan ended up being a little too loud overall for my liking, so I've ordered a Thermalright HR-03 GT + Nexus 120mm fan to replace it. Should be arriving tomorrow.

Well where are the pic's at, oh I'm too early. Would like to know how the temps are for you now since I have a 8800GTS G92 comming today and already have a HR-03 GT waiting but I will use no fans on mine to start with, because I have a great cross flow from front to back.
Well where are the pic's at, oh I'm too early. Would like to know how the temps are for you now since I have a 8800GTS G92 comming today and already have a HR-03 GT waiting but I will use no fans on mine to start with, because I have a great cross flow from front to back.
It turned out pretty nice. At stock speeds with a Nexus 120mm fan running full speed on it (1200rpm, not very loud) load temps were about 45°C, compared to 82°C with the stock heatsink. Now with the fan down-volted to 9V (silent PC ftw :)) and my sound card installed right above it, it hits around 60°C load, which is still good enough for me.

I'd like replace my current sound card with some sort of PCI-E solution eventually, so the video card can have unrestricted airflow at the top of my (inverted) Lian Li PC-V1000, but I'm pretty satisfied with this setup for now.
Just now finished installing my 8800 GTS 512 also, but now the hard part- trying to figure out how to monitor temps and fan speeds on Vista 64 with this thing. It's been 5 years since I have had an nvidia card. Last one was a PROPHIT III. But I did get a Crysis game with the card for 319. Nice deal I guess.
Use Rivatuner 2.06, it works perfectly. Just remember to edit the .cfg file (add ,600h to the G92 line) so that it reads the 8800GTS 512.
Well I fired it up and tried the Rivatuner 2.06 but haven't made sence of it yet.

I am used to ati simple gui style so I NOW need to read the instructions and figure it out.

Nice board tho. I almost sent it back because the box that it was shiped in was a mess and all scrunched up. You could see where they smashed it so bad it left an impression on the outside of the box as to what was inside. Opened it up and the nvidea box was even smashed. But thank you nvidia with the plastic liner in your box and it made it without a scratch. How it wasn't totaled I don't know.

But it works and I REGISTERED it right away.

Now I get to try crysis.

edit: Well the only problem I see with nvidea is there control panel is usless. It will not monitor fans or control them and what else it will do is very limited. OH well. They need ATI to make a control panel for them!!!!!!!!!!!
I did Vmod the GPU only...The ram dosnt do good At all even at stock it only goes to 2250stable using Stock heatsink lapped maxed @907//2160//2250..Then i used water non chilled..950//2302//2250 @1.53v to find max VGPU and OVP...

It seems these cards need better memory...The GT's are already using Samsung which is 2300mhz stable...The GTS on the other hand will fail even @40c max load using memory @2300+ The fact is the Qimonda dosnt handle stress above 2250 at all,But @2250 or below it runs fine 24/7 ..You must use the Fan @100% if your going to Oc like this or the memory will crap and then theres no going back..This is the 6th A2 version card ive tested and all of them Overclocked to the 900mhz GPU on Air with new thermal paste and Lapped Stock heatsink...With water i had tree out of the five cards @950mhz and some would only run the Shader up to 2160max with memory @2250mhz..Clearly the memory Holds it back..

Im still testing these cards and will pick up one more tomorrow...So far despite the memory overclocking me and a bunch of friends are very Happy with our results...The New DUAL SLOT GT,,soon to be released is gonna have simalar results but with better memory..The BFG's are already using Samsung memory on the Single slot solutions...So im looking forward to doing more Overclocking ..I will be testing one more GTS Saturday ..This one is from a new batch that was just recieved at Frys..The higher the Serial number the better the Make Oc should be...

Its kinda like finding stepping on a CPU..This method works..Prodution Card Numbering is last four digits the rest of the numbers are when produced ..You want the highest overall serial number for improved cards or silocon on the GPU..and you may even get lucky with better memory..

7878412XX0750...where 0750 is the Number of card in which it was made..This would mean this was the 750 card made for this production run of 78789412..Cards that are 0400 and higher have all overclocked very well...So when buying look @ the serial number and grab the Card with the HIGHEST last FOUR NUMBERS...This goes for any make or model..One of my friends gladly showed how the number game works a few weeks back..and so far the results are satisfying..At first I though he was only kinding about what serial number card to pick:D