So who else bought an 8800gts 512mb?

Well i just fired mine up and i am impressed. 1650x1080 Crysis everything on high, no AA 16x af and it runs smooth so far.
I just ran it with fraps on. I was at the part were the rope bridge is down and i dove off the cliff to the water. Looking at the water fall and emptying a clip into the river she ran at 24fps but it fell like over 30. They are 5 meg bmp files and since i have a clean install of Vista 64 i have yet to install Photoshop (its at work )

Rather than subject you guys to five 5 meg pics, i will install photoshop tomorrow and then post jpegs.

My intitial impression is I am satisfied , the GTS feel exactly like a GTX, I know i have owned no less than 3 of them. She is much more powerful than a GT as it relates to Crysis with regard to visual quality and performance. Just my humble opinion

Bear in mind my 680I has been tempermental and as such i am runing only 2 gig of memory and I was running 4 gig with my GT cards. It could very well be that my board was getting cranky with the 4 gig and before it would not even boot with 4 gig and its entirely possible that using just 2 gig has resulted in the performance increase but I did run my 640 GTS with only 2 gig and the new G92 GTS feels the same if not a little better (smoother with better IQ) than that card with an indenticle system configuration even though the 640 has the memory advantage

Note: I ran my GT on high with motion blur on medium

The GTS allows everything on high

crysis profile
control panel settings are as follows
AA let app decide,
AF 16x
Gama correction on
Force Vsync off

PS, I am currently runing the cpu at stock 2.4 ghz until I replace the board with an x38 board
Here is where it was the slowest




On two gig of ram running, my 680Ii got tempormental
i thought it'd get more than 21 fps on all high....

EDIT: what resolution?
Sure you will be able..

My last stable score on air - stock cooler was:

CPU - e6700@3,2GHz (10x320)
GPU: 830MHz
VRam: 1030MHz (2060MHz)
Shader: 2075MHz

Wow, is that at 100% fan speed? I can clock that high, but i get artifacts and crashes while running crysis. I can run 750 at 70% fan totally stable, but the fan was just too loud to even want to see what it can do at higher rpms. Good thing when I get home from work tonight my asetek water block is going on ;)
1650x1080 but i have to say that it was smooth , no choppyness at all It feels more like 31 fps

Vista 64 DX 10Mode
Gama correct on
Trilinear ops off
AA application controlled ( app set to 0) Transparency supersampleing otherwise
16xaf ( pics do not do justice to how beautiful it looks. they are gifs converted to jpeg in photoshop
I decided to order the $300 PNY at Fry's. I figured it was either this or get a GT with an aftermarket cooler; I wouldn't wait around forever for the next best thing either. I'm upgrading from a 7600GT, so I'm expecting it to be a screamer (performance wise; it better not make a lot of noise since I'm used to my passively cooled 7600!).
So I got my EVGA 8800GTS on Wednesday. It did come with Crysis, if anyone was still wondering.

This card is freaking amazing. :D

My only gripe so far is that the fan spins up really loud for a few seconds whenever I first turn the computer on (I assume it's just a delay in the fan control kicking in.) Anyone know if there's anything that can be done about that?
If you don't go crazy with the overclocking and just leave it alone the fans pretty quiet.
My only gripe so far is that the fan spins up really loud for a few seconds whenever I first turn the computer on (I assume it's just a delay in the fan control kicking in.) Anyone know if there's anything that can be done about that?
Thats exactly why I came here. The fan speed at start up is 100% and very loud, then it returns to silent. This is my "step up" so while I was waiting for it to arrive, a friend let me borrow an 8600gts which did the same thing the first time I turned my computer on and then stopped doing it after that. There must be someway to change it...If anyone has an insight please post.

To anyone who is thinking about getting this card, this issue is not that big a deal, so dont even let it enter your choice criteria, but it would be nice to change.
I am tempted to pick this card up since Newegg has it for 339.99 after rebate with Crysis. I figure I can return my copy of Crysis which I haven't opened in case I get it as an Xmas present bringing the price down to 300 or only $50 more than the basic 8800GT.
My card will not be here until late next week.

Can someone do me a really big favor and take a picture of the bottom and top of the PCB?

Or if you can only take a pic of the bottom that would be really helpful as well.

I'm trying to figure out of the Memory, and mosfet layout is the same as the 8800GT card so as that I can get my Liquid cooling parts and ramsinks layed out before hand. I'm almost regretting returning my 8800GT for this thing because im not sure if my waterblocks will be compatable?
goddamn I love this card. I don't exactly have experience with other cards, but I am VERY happy with my purchase. I've overclocked it to 800/2000/1000, running 42 C idle, never seen it go above high 50's. I'm at 92% downloading crysis, so probably later today I'll put it to the test.

Although no one probably cares, but I can run CS:S with everything completely maxed at my native resolution, getting 280-300 fps stable.

Incredible card, I can only wonder what the 9 series is going to be like.

The only gripes are yeah, that full fan thing as soon as the comp powers on, but i don't think it's a big deal at all. And I wish it was made upside down so I could see the sexy EVGA art on top lol.
Posting my thoughts after having several days with the card. One word: awesome. This was a great upgrade over my G80 8800GTS and is easily 20-25% faster in Crysis once overclocked (and this thing overclocks like a beast). I'm generally getting 30-50FPS at 1680x1050 with everything on high and the game looks amazing. One thing I noticed though is Crysis still eats this thing for breakfast :p. I can easily 3DMark06 at 820/2050/1140 with no artifacting. Running that in Crysis will lockup the card after 20 minutes. So far 792/1998/1102 has been perfectly stable @ 70% fan (100% is too loud for my tastes) and everything still runs great :D. I'm very glad I got the card, grab it if you can, I don't think you'll be disappointed. :cool:
Ordered one at Fry's even though I prolly shouldn't have - I do have 640gts and it's not that much slower than this one... well, I guess I'll have a chance to compare the two :)
I was going to step-up to an 8800GT from my 8800GTS 320 since it would only cost me shipping, but decided to go ahead and step-up to the 8800GTS 512. Right now I'm #233 in queue, can't wait.
Got mine today. I still don't know what to do with it. Now i know its a lot better than my current 640. But how will it perform if i decide to game on a 42' lcd? Will the 640 do better?

I may have a buyer for my 640 for $280 with some bonus stuff, so this would be a $30 upgrade if i keep the 512mb.
I've had my card going for a few days and I am extremely satisfied. The cooler really is amazing. The fan doesn't spin very fast on stock settings, but cranking it up to 60% keeps the core under 65C load for me even with a decent OC. That was the highest it got after a triple run of the Crysis harbor assault benchmark at 1280x1024 all settings on high and windowed.

It's totally inaudible at 60% to me. 70% has a quiet whoosh. 100% sounds like a vacuum cleaner, but what's most important is it actually feels like it's blowing a lot of air out the back at full tilt. The old 8800GTS cooler did not blow anywhere near as much air out as this one.
I still haven't opened the card. I need to sell my current gts first. So far i can sell it for $260 so it'd be a $50 upgrade from the 640mb, is it worth it?
I wouldnt feel too bad if you bought a 8800gt, getting a gts when you have gt is like eating that extra slice of pizza you know you souldnt eat after eating a whole other 8 slices, you may feel satisfied but its still too much and wouldve been much happier 1 slice less.
I hate that hideous thing EVGA stuck onto the cooler. It's nasty looking. I want to take them off but I don't want to void my warranty.
I wouldnt feel too bad if you bought a 8800gt, getting a gts when you have gt is like eating that extra slice of pizza you know you shouldn't eat after eating a whole other 8 slices, you may feel satisfied but its still too much and wouldve been much happier 1 slice less.

Not me, for me Pizza is like Jello, there's always room for more....:D
I hate that hideous thing EVGA stuck onto the cooler. It's nasty looking. I want to take them off but I don't want to void my warranty.

Seriously what marketing genius at EVGA approved that sticker?? I bought an XFX one over the EVGA one simply because of the sticker :) Then I found out that BFG was giving us a deal a few days after receiving my card :(
Do you actually have a case with a window where the motherboard is mounted upside-down? Otherwise, you're not going to see the sticker anyway after it's installed.
I have not oced mine. I am still trying to figure out if 48c is normal for my south bridge on my new x38 board
sir that is EXACTLY how i see it. I think the big difference between those such as me, and those who have tons of money to spend and always need to have the latest and greatest, is the fact that we have different expectations about what is acceptable and what is enjoyable. for me, i've never had a more or less "cutting-edge" computer, and have always been plagued by my awful 5 year old dell laptop which overheats and has onboard video. I think people bashing the GTS or even the GT for not being able to play Crysis with everything maxed is, to someone in my shoes, ridiculous, as I can't even INSTALL Crysis on my current computer, let alone play it. So i think that for the great majority of us, being able to play games with a card like the GTS is a dream come true in some sense or another.

also, i agree with the point about pricing, GT's can be found pretty cheap, if you can find them in stock at all that is. However I'm pretty sure the GTS's price will go up as demand rises and as factory overclocked editions become more common. For me the price difference was just right. Either way, I'm very happy with my purchase and cannot wait to game on this baby.

this is [H]ard|OCP, we use laptops like yours as frisbees... or as virus boxes for... interesting searches. :p

i know i need to have a computer i don't care about infecting with malware... some things just can't be found without risking infections heh heh heh.
Anyone ever find out how to stop the fan from opening up its afterburners on startup, like was mentioned before?
Doesn't look like it... The fan ended up being a little too loud overall for my liking, so I've ordered a Thermalright HR-03 GT + Nexus 120mm fan to replace it. Should be arriving tomorrow.
Seriously what marketing genius at EVGA approved that sticker?? I bought an XFX one over the EVGA one simply because of the sticker :) Then I found out that BFG was giving us a deal a few days after receiving my card :(

is this deal still going on? if so, could i have a link?

EDIT: nevermind i found it, and i see that theyre gone!
Anyone ever find out how to stop the fan from opening up its afterburners on startup, like was mentioned before?
would like to know too.. for some reason this is quite annoying when you turn on your computer.. it's tolerable, but quite annoying sometimes ::mad: