Skyrim Modding Megathread

Huh, anyone else finding that arrows now hit where you aim regardless of range? I noticed over the weekend that my height compensated range shots were sailing over the target's head. Went to Solitude and tried shots at the archery range in the castle courtyard from point blank out to ~150 yards away with every shot aimed directly at center target and they all hit very close to center target.

I do have the archery "fixes" in my Skyrim.ini...


...but those historically have made archery more realistic where you have to aim above your target at range to hit.

Gonna have to disable my mods and see if I've got something affecting it, but don't think I have any archery related mods installed.
@blade52x -- indeed nice-lookin whiterun!! What mod is replacing the road?

Awesome! Cool to see some more content making its way into the game. As others have said, thanks dj_2004 for posting your cool findings!
Awesome! Cool to see some more content making its way into the game.

Hopefully the navmesh bug will be fixed in the next patch so people start releasing more village mods. I know Arthmoor is waiting for it to be fixed before he starts/releases his villages (I think he made 5-6 villages for Oblivion).

On an unrelated note, this mod is pretty funny: ColloseusXs Toy Soldiers

And one of Nicoroshi's swords ported over: Nicos Gift
DYNAVISION - Dynamic Depth of Field
I don't like it but some people might.

Psiijic Teleport Spells

Wandering Dupe Mannequin Fix

Birds and Flocks

Cloaks of Skyrim

Katixas Refillable Potions
Handy little mod for those of us who cannot afford purchasing new potions all the time.

No Boring Sleep-Wait Menu
Increases the wait time to 1-720 rather than 1-24.

Unlimited Bookshelves
Allows bookshelves to no longer be constrained to an arbitrary number, but instead it depends on the size of the shelf itself. It also removes the spaces between book models when placed on shelves (this was especially hideous with journals/notes).

Automatic Variants
This is an especially cool mod that I'm surprised hasn't gotten more attention.
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Birds and Flocks

Cloaks of Skyrim

No Boring Sleep-Wait Menu
Increases the wait time to 1-720 rather than 1-24.

Automatic Variants
This is an especially cool mod that I'm surprised hasn't gotten more attention.

Man if only i was still playing.. these are indeed some sweet mods. The cloaks! :eek:
DYNAVISION - Dynamic Depth of Field
I don't like it but some people might.

It says the the grass doesn't actually cast shadows but rather shadows from objects cast properly on grass now. Not quite what I was hoping, but still looks better.
It's great that they're adding features, but I have to question their priorities... more kill cams? Probably just me but i find them completely immersion breaking. (not to mention they also tend to fuck me up if it triggers in the middle of a fight.

Now what kill-cams DO need attention are the Axe and Mace weapons, as their animations are just recycled from swords, but there's no mention of this... hopefully the "new" killcams include mace and axe specific animations, but the video didn't leave me with that impression.

Still though, new features for a game which has already sold is rare these days.
So, I bought Skyrim... what pack(s) do I want to enhance the graphics other than the official high-res pack? And... where is the file I set shadowmap resolution/etc. in located/what's its name? Thanks :D!
Others will lie, but these are what I use so you must use them, use them all, do not deviate. You will receive no further warning.


NOTE: I do not use the official high-res pak. I believe all the plug-ins are generated from these mods, so no need for screen shot of plug-in list.

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Did they ever come up with a solution to hotkeying for dual wielding? I just want to be able to switch between my weapon and a that so unreasonable? :(

I saw some video on youtube where you can make a hotkey for switching the left and the right hand, so it could technically work if, to re-equip my offhand I always (1) equip my offhand (2) hit the swap key, and (3) equip my mainhand. Was thinking about trying that but never got around to it. It really feels like there should be a better solution by now.
Is there a mod that adds numbers to the character creation screen? I thought I saw one some time ago but I cannot find it.
Anyone having issues with Skyrim freezing on autosaves? I'm using the Skyrim HD texture pack and the official HD textures pack as well as [H]'s suggested tweaks (uGrids is at 9 though). I've played with these settings pretty much since the game came out, but this is recent.
Anyone having issues with Skyrim freezing on autosaves? I'm using the Skyrim HD texture pack and the official HD textures pack as well as [H]'s suggested tweaks (uGrids is at 9 though). I've played with these settings pretty much since the game came out, but this is recent.

How many hours do you have on that autosave? At some point the autosaves (and quicksaves) just get currupt, there is a lot of information in those saves if you have 50+ hours. If you can get the autosave to load, us an actual save slot, then exit and delete the autosave. It should fix the issue.
Did they ever come up with a solution to hotkeying for dual wielding? I just want to be able to switch between my weapon and a that so unreasonable? :(
Dual Wielding worked perfect for me. Equip your offhand, then equip your primary hand, then set the primary hand to the favorites. Then bring up a torch and equip that then set it on favorites. Clicking the favorites for torch and dual wield primary weapon should properly equip the weapons.
Did they ever come up with a solution to hotkeying for dual wielding? I just want to be able to switch between my weapon and a that so unreasonable? :(

I saw some video on youtube where you can make a hotkey for switching the left and the right hand, so it could technically work if, to re-equip my offhand I always (1) equip my offhand (2) hit the swap key, and (3) equip my mainhand. Was thinking about trying that but never got around to it. It really feels like there should be a better solution by now.

The categorized favorites mod has this as a feature. Extra hotkeys for entire "equip sets" (all the stuff you are wearing potentially). Seems to work ok for what little I tried of it (Found it only after I experimented with dual wielding).
How many hours do you have on that autosave? At some point the autosaves (and quicksaves) just get currupt, there is a lot of information in those saves if you have 50+ hours. If you can get the autosave to load, us an actual save slot, then exit and delete the autosave. It should fix the issue.
Yep, that fixed it, thanks! :cool: I was under the impression they were just overwritten, but it appears not. Also, patch 1.5 is out. Kill-cam shots on arrows are great, although considering projectiles had kill cams in FO3, this is long overdue. :p
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For some reason I must have botched an install of this nice mod:

Any sun files are in textures\sky\ and and

Long/short: I don't have a sun in my game any more. With mod. Without mod. Reset AI a million times. Verify file integrity a bunch of times. All my drivers are up to date.

I'm at a complete loss. How do I get the sun back?
Is there a mod that adds numbers to the character creation screen? I thought I saw one some time ago but I cannot find it.

I'd like to see this as well. Actually, i'd like to see more mods which put back in all the shit that Bethesda cut from Morrowind to this game.

I've been rather unimpressed by the diversity of mods released. Obviously wars in skyrim is awesome, and the cloak mods are adding much needed extra gear slots.

but i was really hoping to see some mods which add more RPG to the game. I guess it's still early?


Buff Icons and Timers
Health Bars
Deadly Reflexes
Dual Casting Improved
Better Stats
Revamped Skill Trees
Jump while Sprinting


After getting bored with Skyrim's simplicity, i figured that people would be working hard on fixing the things bethesda did wrong, but instead we just keep getting more texture mods. I must be in the minority here.

I'm not complaining, because i tried to use the tools myself and found that i was incapable.... just trying to find out if the tools are too simple to actually mod this game up to an awesome RPG.
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The three month delay of the CK and its bugginess have not helped matters. By the time it was released, a lot of potential modders probably moved on to another game. And, at the moment, some current modders are getting tired of the bugs.

It is still early though as the CK has been out for less than two months so stay hopeful. :)

Skyrim Mods Textures Optimizer - SMTO
I went from a 9.59GB textures folder to ~8.7GB. This is like the third of these texture optimizer programs but this one is easy to use, fast, and there is supposedly little quality loss.
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Anyone having issues with Skyrim freezing on autosaves? I'm using the Skyrim HD texture pack and the official HD textures pack as well as [H]'s suggested tweaks (uGrids is at 9 though). I've played with these settings pretty much since the game came out, but this is recent.

I recall having an issue like this in Fallout 3. In order to fix, you had to kill your character then reload your save. Afterwords I would be able to auto-save for several hours until the bug struck again. I found it was being caused by one of my mods because it finally went away after I deactivated several of them.

Anyway, not sure if this is the same issue or if it will work in Skyrim but it's worth a shot.
I think mod quality will improve once there has been enough time to produce quality work. We're just seeing the stuff that people can put out in a short amount of time, which is going to be small stuff.
I recall having an issue like this in Fallout 3. In order to fix, you had to kill your character then reload your save. Afterwords I would be able to auto-save for several hours until the bug struck again. I found it was being caused by one of my mods because it finally went away after I deactivated several of them.

Anyway, not sure if this is the same issue or if it will work in Skyrim but it's worth a shot.
Thanks for replying, but I had tried it all and so far no dice. I think it's the patch 1.5 if anything. I'll try deleting the whole game and redownloading next, other than that, there's nothing I haven't tried.
Why are you spending so much effort in getting autosaves to work correctly? They have always been troublesome for the semi-recent Bethesda games so it is best to just turn autosave off.
Why are you spending so much effort in getting autosaves to work correctly? They have always been troublesome for the semi-recent Bethesda games so it is best to just turn autosave off.
This is the first time I've ever had trouble with them, and I played all of FO3 + expansions and through FO: NV as well. I like to had autosaves on in case I forget to save or I want to try a different approach to an encounter/convo/fight/whatever. Currently, it's not too much of an issue and the game will only freeze after a few hours.
There are autosave mods if you absolutely need that functionality. The other advice here is spot on, disable the built-in autosave feature.
There are autosave mods if you absolutely need that functionality. The other advice here is spot on, disable the built-in autosave feature.

Agreed. It's a habit I picked up way back on Oblivion. Avoid using quick saves and auto saves as they're easily more prone to corruption. Turn those features off to reduce risk of random CTDs on transitions and the rest of it.
I haven't had much of a problem with quicksaves. Autosaves are problematic since they save immediately while the game is loading. This can cause the game to freeze or crash.