Skyrim .... eh, I'm guessing the game will take a beating here

I simply thought that these numbers were common knowledge. I was wrong.

Page 10. "Video Games" are consoles (PS3 and Xbox360) and "Computer Games" are PC software. It is set up to be understood by investors and publishers, so it doesn't quite match with our vernacular.

*With the exception of my next sentence.

That's what I thought...if you look closely, the "Other Delivery" bar makes up a significant portion of sales, and that includes digital content. In fact, it also includes sales of physical content that is NOT sold retail, i.e. online.

I would say that your numbers would be more or less correct for retail PC game sales, but not for PC game sales overall.
I must admit my distaste for their lumping of "other delivery" into one big %30 bar. However, that most likely includes Xbox Live and PSN, which you could imagine would flatten PC delivery mediums by numbers.
so that report doesn’t include web-based and RPG MMO games under computer games? forget about games that we’ve heard of (WoW, Warhammer, Lord of the Ring,s EVE, Aion, Final Fantasy, Age of Conan), what about games like Habbo, RuneScape, Neopets, Webkinz and FarmVille eith like 10 million active players in each

but I agree on the part that says people who has more powerful PC’s than the one in my sig is 0.1% :p
I must admit my distaste for their lumping of "other delivery" into one big %30 bar. However, that most likely includes Xbox Live and PSN, which you could imagine would flatten PC delivery mediums by numbers.

Even at that, I highly doubt XBL or PSN downloadable games outsell all PC digital distribution.
Even at that, I highly doubt XBL or PSN downloadable games outsell all PC digital distribution.

It's a toss-up in that respect. Microsoft was making some pretty big claims about the amount if money they were pulling in from Xbox Live, but the same claims were made by Valve about steam.
Inventory mod just came out.

Here's the link that was provided but it doesn't seem to work.
A little "unusable" (direct quote) according to some people but it's a good start.

It's a start. There appears to be a sharp learning curve with modding the UI due to it being Flash based. DarN is having some issues and is pretty much learning as he goes. I'd guess it will be a month or so before we see any drastic UI mods.
My heartfelt suggestion is to stop being salty about PC this, console that, and JUST PLAY THE GAME. It is AWESOME.
My heartfelt suggestion is to stop being salty about PC this, console that, and JUST PLAY THE GAME. It is AWESOME.

It really is. I've already lost a ton of free time hours to it and there's no end in sight for the forseeable future to that.

Has to be my GOTY the way this is going.
I'm curious how much developer/publisher makes for each copy sold and how this varies, if at all, for digital downloads.

Also one thing to remember about PC sales, is that now that they've cranked up PC prices to match the console versions is that although they cost the same to buy the maker doesn't ened to pay MS or Sony any licensing fees for PC copies some somewhere along the line someone gets to pocket that extra "profit."
It really is. I've already lost a ton of free time hours to it and there's no end in sight for the forseeable future to that.

Has to be my GOTY the way this is going.

That it is. I think I have about 50-60 hours in and have yet to get past the initial couple of main quests. It certainly has its flaws, but I have not played a game for a while that pulled me in so quickly.

The ambience in this game is mind blowing, they did a great job with the weather effects; when it is raining it feels cold and clammy out and the mists and fog that go with it are well done. The snow storms almost feel dangerous when you are up in the mountains, and "feel" real. That weather really makes you appreciate when the sun does pop up and provides in some locations, a frankly stunning sun set.

The major cities are done well and while the cities feel somewhat empty it can be easily seen that a lot of thought and work into their creation. Markarth for instance, or Windhelm, those cities feel ancient but are done well enough that you can easily image what they must have looked like in their "prime".

GOTY? That remains to be seen but so far Skyrim is in my top 5 games of the last 5 years or so.
It's a start. There appears to be a sharp learning curve with modding the UI due to it being Flash based. DarN is having some issues and is pretty much learning as he goes. I'd guess it will be a month or so before we see any drastic UI mods.

I'm just going to wait for his because I know when he's ready to rock and roll it'll be done right.
That it is. I think I have about 50-60 hours in and have yet to get past the initial couple of main quests. It certainly has its flaws, but I have not played a game for a while that pulled me in so quickly.

The ambience in this game is mind blowing, they did a great job with the weather effects; when it is raining it feels cold and clammy out and the mists and fog that go with it are well done. The snow storms almost feel dangerous when you are up in the mountains, and "feel" real. That weather really makes you appreciate when the sun does pop up and provides in some locations, a frankly stunning sun set.

The major cities are done well and while the cities feel somewhat empty it can be easily seen that a lot of thought and work into their creation. Markarth for instance, or Windhelm, those cities feel ancient but are done well enough that you can easily image what they must have looked like in their "prime".

GOTY? That remains to be seen but so far Skyrim is in my top 5 games of the last 5 years or so.


It has some tough competition this year in different genres for me. I can cheat of course and pull the old "GOTY in this genre" card. ;)

For me I can easily say this locks down best RPG of the year for me no question.

But it might go past that. ;)
I know it is a good game when I cannot remember what the central plot is after 12 hours of playing... lol
It's a start. There appears to be a sharp learning curve with modding the UI due to it being Flash based. DarN is having some issues and is pretty much learning as he goes. I'd guess it will be a month or so before we see any drastic UI mods.

Looks like a good start indeed. More like the Oblivion one which I preferred.

Another main beef I have with the UI (actually more with the game mechanic in general I guess) is that chests are not sorted by item type. I wouldn't want them to be sorted when I find a random one, but when I want to store items in my home chest I'd like them to be organized, otherwise I have to scroll through page after page of shit (and also remember the correct name because everything is alphabetized) to find the item I want. Maybe have a different type of chest for this purpose?
Inventory mod just came out.

edit: Shops

Here's the link that was provided but it doesn't seem to work.
A little "unusable" (direct quote) according to some people but it's a good start.

Awesome, can't wait to grab this one!

Looks like a good start indeed. More like the Oblivion one which I preferred.

Another main beef I have with the UI (actually more with the game mechanic in general I guess) is that chests are not sorted by item type. I wouldn't want them to be sorted when I find a random one, but when I want to store items in my home chest I'd like them to be organized, otherwise I have to scroll through page after page of shit (and also remember the correct name because everything is alphabetized) to find the item I want. Maybe have a different type of chest for this purpose?

Yeah, although I hope to sort similar to how I did in Oblivion where I used one chest for weapons, one for armor, one for alchemy ingredients, etc....
Guys, please don't feed the trolls. Especially if their posts were more than a day or two ago.

Thanks for the info. I probably won't be buying it then. Too bad too because I have really enjoyed the ES series but I have never installed/used Steam and never will. I might wait a few months for the price to go down, then buy it, set it on the shelf and find a cracked version. I have never "pirated" a game before but, after a couple of bad experiences, I have decided I will never again install a game with any type of DRM.

Why do you not like steam, and every game had DRM in it, its a fact of life.