Skyrim .... eh, I'm guessing the game will take a beating here

Lol, anyone who is bitching about Skyrim doesn't know what a good game is. Port or not.
My problem with Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, is the repetitiveness.
It's actually worse in Skyrim.

You can "explore" but every area on the map pretty much looks the same.
Some snow, some rocks, and that's about it, some waterfalls and rivers here and there. It's a fantasy game, there's plenty of varying environments for them to use. The dungeons all look the same, too. Small corridors, brown-ish color.

Seen one town? Seen em all.
Seen one dungeon? Seen em all.

The quests are exciting but unfortunately most of them involve traveling to just another dungeon and retrieving some other item.

Not that the game is bad. I blame the old consoles. Maybe when the PS4 or the Xbox720 comes out, we can get some new graphics and more in-depth gameplay. For what they're working with, I'd say they did fine.
Lol, anyone who is bitching about Skyrim doesn't know what a good game is. Port or not.

Skyrim is a decent game that's in need of some heavy deconsolization by the modding community. It definitely isn't a bad game by any stretch of the imagination. Over the next few months the modding community will provide us with the true PC gaming experience, because Bethesda has not done that here.
The two biggest problems I have with the game currently are:

1) Consolized interface (though it's possible to get used to it, but not ideal by any means)

2) SLI scaling being crap right now

Once those two issues are solved I think it will be almost perfect.

My problem with Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, is the repetitiveness.
It's actually worse in Skyrim.

Seen one town? Seen em all.
Seen one dungeon? Seen em all.

Supposedly they actually "hand-crafted" many of the dungeons in Skyrim, as opposed to Oblivion where most of them were just sort of cut and pasted.
The two biggest problems I have with the game currently are:

1) Consolized interface (though it's possible to get used to it, but not ideal by any means)

2) SLI scaling being crap right now

Once those two issues are solved I think it will be almost perfect.


I agree, the UI needs to go, it's utter garbage.

World map is kinda sucky as well.

Lockpicking sucks, I'm using a hack (all the Oblivion console commands work here in Skyrim).

It needs a texture pack to make the game look better.

FOV needs to be fixed.

Mouse control needs to be fixed.
World map is kind of sucky, agreed.

Lockpicking...isn't it the same as Oblivion? I mean, not great but not terrible, either. I haven't done much lockpicking yet, though.

Texture pack would be welcome, yes. Looks okay for now, though.

FOV can be changed easily via the console.

Mouse you mean acceleration or the UI again? UI I agree with, and supposedly there's a fix for acceleration in the .ini, but I haven't been able to get it working.
It's actually very intuitive, the only downside is that for lists of items/spells (long lists) you can't click the sidebar and drag down.
Other than that, I love it.
Mouse wheel works great for me in this role.
Update - last night I was drunk posting my initial impressions... been playing some today. Graphics are still crapola... but this is a fun game. I'm enjoying it more than I recall the start of Oblivion.

Loaded the current ATI drivers from 10/31, running stable.... except that twice now I've had the game close to desktop when trying to loot all something.

It's not totaly pissing me off yet... but it's annoying and hopefully these little things get fixed.

Shadows... meh.... like the H review, up close graphics are not super detailed, from a distance it all looks good... interface is bad but I'm figuring it out... Q is your friend after you favorite the hell out of everything you want to use.

It's enjoyable so far... glad I didn't pay full price but still, $42 was more than enough for this not pushing the envelope tech... and still being buggy.
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Another weird issue I've noticed is that once you start a conversation item with an NPC, you can hit RMB (I think, some button anyway) and it will skip to some seemingly arbitrary point in the conversation. My guess is that if you had captions it would skip to the next part of the conversation. However, captions are off by default, so it just seems bizarre and disjointed.

Also, is it me or does the blood look terrible? It looks like some ghetto sprite animation every time you hit a guy. I remember seeing it in a beta video thinking it was a placeholder...apparently not.
Have any of you tried patching the game? Seems to have fixed all the mouse problems for me. Funny thing is I got so used to using the aswd keys to navigate the menu, I don't even use the mouse to navigate. Frames seems alot smoother too with the patch. Running at max settings. I'd say graphics are pretty decent. Don't know what all the fuss is about. Game is so immersive after a while, I don't even notice the crappy parts anymore.
Have any of you tried patching the game? Seems to have fixed all the mouse problems for me. Funny thing is I got so used to using the aswd keys to navigate the menu, I don't even use the mouse to navigate. Frames seems alot smoother too with the patch. Running at max settings. I'd say graphics are pretty decent. Don't know what all the fuss is about. Game is so immersive after a while, I don't even notice the crappy parts anymore.


Buy the game, cheap prick.

Buy the game, cheap prick.

What does that have anything to do with what I am talking about? So you're saying people can't use third party patches, fixes and mods to make a game work properly? Don't know about you, but when I buy a new game and it's not up to par, I'm going to find tools to make it work best. You should step down from your high horse before you fall and break your neck.
You can use a mouse in the menus, sometimes the mouse loses focus though.
No offense to the Skyrim nublets in here, but after messing with the UI with keyboard controls for about 8 hours of gameplay today, I can navigate the menus faster than possible with a mouse.

It's actually very intuitive, the only downside is that for lists of items/spells (long lists) you can't click the sidebar and drag down.
Other than that, I love it.

This. For the most part the only people complaining either haven't played the game for very long or are finding a way to justify their not purchasing the game in the first place. The game is excellent.
Eh, the guards seem to act more like Oblivion guards than Morrowind. For instance, if you steal or do some nonsense out of sight, somehow the guards know about it. Do the guards also "feature" that awesome auto-level system with the player? If so, those two things are enough for me to pass Skyrim.
Eh, the guards seem to act more like Oblivion guards than Morrowind. For instance, if you steal or do some nonsense out of sight, somehow the guards know about it. Do the guards also "feature" that awesome auto-level system with the player? If so, those two things are enough for me to pass Skyrim.

i havnt ran into that problem yet,

only interactions really ive had with the guards is one of them came upto me and said hey can you enchant one of my weapons blah blah as a passing comment.

and another when i went in someones house tunred into a warewolf out of sight and killed the occupants and left the house and ran away as a wolf.

came back a few days later as a human and one of the guards was walking slowly near the house on alert and made a comment to me that "so and so was murderd, and hey didnt i see you leave the house?" he never said anything other than that tho since i never got a bounty from the origional encounter.

i thouht it was pretty cool tho to see him on alert.

and unlike in oblivion, if you kill any witnesses to your crime you dont get a bounty.
Eh, the guards seem to act more like Oblivion guards than Morrowind. For instance, if you steal or do some nonsense out of sight, somehow the guards know about it. Do the guards also "feature" that awesome auto-level system with the player? If so, those two things are enough for me to pass Skyrim.

For Oblivion, the No Psychic Guards mod fixed that nicely (and explained the issue). You might try requesting a similar Skyrim mod here.
My problem with Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, is the repetitiveness.
It's actually worse in Skyrim.

You can "explore" but every area on the map pretty much looks the same.
Some snow, some rocks, and that's about it, some waterfalls and rivers here and there. It's a fantasy game, there's plenty of varying environments for them to use. The dungeons all look the same, too. Small corridors, brown-ish color.

Seen one town? Seen em all.
Seen one dungeon? Seen em all.

The quests are exciting but unfortunately most of them involve traveling to just another dungeon and retrieving some other item.

Not that the game is bad. I blame the old consoles. Maybe when the PS4 or the Xbox720 comes out, we can get some new graphics and more in-depth gameplay. For what they're working with, I'd say they did fine.

I'm trying not to jump to conclusions here because I’m new to this type of games but yeah these are my complains so far plus I don’t see where is the part where skills are required, I went around collecting stuff and talking to people for 3 hours and when that big spider came I thought this is where the fun starts but I quickly found I can stand with the tunnel between me and it and just burn it with fire. then after a couple of hours I met the Skeleton boss and quickly found he is so stupid and slow I can run around for hours and he can’t do anything. maybe thigs will get more fun later or maybe I’m trying to compare it to an online battlefield rush server.

and there is the procedural animation issue that I think this type of games need. players mostly talk about graphics while a game like this is missing a more realistic interactive character animation that will give the game much smoother movement and better gameplay. check Overgrowth videos on youtube for example.

In terms of character animation, the games industry is currently split into two groups: studios trying to achieve highly realistic motion, and those going for stylized characters. Interestingly enough, both these groups are converging on procedural animation as a way to reduce mocap overheads, reduce memory usage, provide animators with more direct control, and increase the space of animations possible...

In this keynote from the Paris Game AI Conference 2010, you'll hear Ken Perlin explain the benefits of procedural animation. Ken is a leading expert in the field of character animation, and in this presentation he demonstrates his many character prototypes he's built over the years. You'll see how simple techniques combined with effective artists controls can bring characters to life!

edit: wow :eek:

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Not sure how many hours, but I'm level 6 and I still dislike the UI. I can navigate okay with the KB/M now, but it's just more of how much of a console-centric, over simplified piece of crap it is. I really hope someone can make it like the Oblivion modded UI where you can see lists of items with details all at once rather than having to flip back and forth to compare items. At least with armor/weapons it kind of tells you if it's better than what you have equipped, but that's like a bare-minimum functionality.

Also, I did all the shadow tweaks, but they still look like blocky crap up close... :confused:
PC version plays great a 360 controller. Get a gamepad and enjoy the game. I have no complaints on this issue. This isn't a fast paced FPS so there's no need for a KBM for me in this game. I love the simplified in-game UI.
So far in Skyrim felt like things have gotten too repetitive at all. Oblivion on the other hand, yes, it didn't take long for me to feel that way. I love this damned game. YMMV.
This is the first Elder Scrolls game that I've actually enjoyed. I've tried Morrowind and Oblivion and gave up on both within a few days. Skyrim has me hooked big time.
Yeah thats what I thought. Unless you have a non-steam copy like that cheap sob.

WTF are you going on about man? You assume he has a cracked copy, he gives evidence you don't know what you're talking about, then you continue to insult him?
GTFO with that crap, seriously.

Anyway, the UI does need some work, though I've adjusted pretty well to it. I don't think it's nearly as bad as the PC elitists are crying about.
DarN is working on figuring out the Scaleform stuff for the interface to give us a DarNified UI.
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I asked about DRM.

Steamworks, but only through the launcher. Once installed, it can be run from the exe directly and doesn't appear to enforce DRM.

So, forgive my ignorance here but are you saying the game requires that you download and install Steam even if, in the end, you don't actually need Steam running to play it? That having a steam account is initially required to make the game playable?
So, forgive my ignorance here but are you saying the game requires that you download and install Steam even if, in the end, you don't actually need Steam running to play it? That having a steam account is initially required to make the game playable?

Yes. This game needs Steam. You should have Steam running while you play it if you want to earn achievements and use the overlay. Steam is required to decrypt the binaries on the DVD in order to play it the first time.
Yes. This game needs Steam. You should have Steam running while you play it if you want to earn achievements and use the overlay. Steam is required to decrypt the binaries on the DVD in order to play it the first time.

Thanks for the info. I probably won't be buying it then. Too bad too because I have really enjoyed the ES series but I have never installed/used Steam and never will. I might wait a few months for the price to go down, then buy it, set it on the shelf and find a cracked version. I have never "pirated" a game before but, after a couple of bad experiences, I have decided I will never again install a game with any type of DRM.
Thanks for the info. I probably won't be buying it then. Too bad too because I have really enjoyed the ES series but I have never installed/used Steam and never will. I might wait a few months for the price to go down, then buy it, set it on the shelf and find a cracked version. I have never "pirated" a game before but, after a couple of bad experiences, I have decided I will never again install a game with any type of DRM.

You've never used Steam and you're a PC gamer? You sure you're on the right website?
Thanks for the info. I probably won't be buying it then. Too bad too because I have really enjoyed the ES series but I have never installed/used Steam and never will. I might wait a few months for the price to go down, then buy it, set it on the shelf and find a cracked version. I have never "pirated" a game before but, after a couple of bad experiences, I have decided I will never again install a game with any type of DRM.

Not gonna have a philosophical argument about Steam/DRM in this thread, but if Steam is too much DRM for you, the future of PC gaming is looking pretty grim.
Thanks for the info. I probably won't be buying it then. Too bad too because I have really enjoyed the ES series but I have never installed/used Steam and never will. I might wait a few months for the price to go down, then buy it, set it on the shelf and find a cracked version. I have never "pirated" a game before but, after a couple of bad experiences, I have decided I will never again install a game with any type of DRM.

no good reason not to use steam.
Yes. This game needs Steam. You should have Steam running while you play it if you want to earn achievements and use the overlay. Steam is required to decrypt the binaries on the DVD in order to play it the first time.

Thanks for the info. I probably won't be buying it then. Too bad too because I have really enjoyed the ES series but I have never installed/used Steam and never will. I might wait a few months for the price to go down, then buy it, set it on the shelf and find a cracked version. I have never "pirated" a game before but, after a couple of bad experiences, I have decided I will never again install a game with any type of DRM.

If you purchase the game from anywhere besides Steam, the game still requires Steam for install only. Regardless of which version you buy, you do not have to run the game from Steam.

The Steam achievements in games are worthless and are frankly a console-centric waste of time. The overlay is not needed.