Shut Down Your Console To Save The Planet

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Here's a little information for them to chew on. It's cheaper for me to heat my apartment with computers running 24/7 than it is to run the damn furnace. No, this is not a joke. Since I added two quads and swapped a dual core out for a quad core last Spring, my electric bill has gone down.

Not surprising, especially if you have a rather old furnace, I had one of those old gravity furnaces that was like the size of a small euro-compact car, winter months would get bills over $200, swapped it out with a mediocre 80% efficient furnace and now nothing higher than $70.
I turn off my stuff. Usually one machine (the slower of the many I have is on all the time).
Heater justification is so completely true. At this time of year I usually have to turn up the heat but with this crossfire set up that spews 80c at the core for each card, I can roam around in just my boxers. I love how comfortable my room is. So once again, turn my shit off? Fuck that.
I shut 'em all down. Or at most S3.

I keep getting spammed to "fold for the cure." To what end? So big pharma can get free compute time on my dime? No thanks.

I see many folders as purely e-peen attention mongers. Look how many work units MY MASSIVE THROBBING LIQUIOD COOLED FOLDING TOOL has completed. LOL.

AFAICT F@H has cured as many diseases as aliens found by SETI@HOME. Both worthy pursuits, just not on my dime.

Again, no thanks.
well i love SETI so when i get shields and energy weapons and hyper drives i'll be sure to come pay u a vist, k? ;) :p :D:cool:

Heater justification is so completely true. At this time of year I usually have to turn up the heat but with this crossfire set up that spews 80c at the core for each card, I can roam around in just my boxers. I love how comfortable my room is. So once again, turn my shit off? Fuck that.
agreed. i love how my place stays comfortable with just the 2 quad's running :)
Here's a little information for them to chew on. It's cheaper for me to heat my apartment with computers running 24/7 than it is to run the damn furnace. No, this is not a joke. Since I added two quads and swapped a dual core out for a quad core last Spring, my electric bill has gone down.

Hell, it's getting towards the end of November and I still haven't turned the furnace on. Normally, I have to turn it on sometime in October. It's currently 32F outside and still 73F inside with the nice warm computers. As long as it stays like this, my electric bill won't be more than $70/month.
i don't pay electric but as u said and the person above, i already do the same thing so it works out in my favor as well :D
I'm going to leave every computer I have looping 3dmark 24/7 while overclocked and voltmodded balls to the wall.
LOL, In the 70's it was global cooling. A few years ago it was global warming. Now it's Climate Change. Well guess what the climate was changing before man ruled the world and will be around after we leave. I'm not saying we don't have some effect on it. Just I think it's overstated. Right now we are in a "cooling" period anyways.

Anyways I think I'm going to leave my 360 on all night now.

that is so true, the global temprature has not changed in over 6 years now.. eat that..

stupid this global thing real stupid..

so we reduce our emissions by 25%, big deal it will do nothing to help.. when the bulk is still poisness, carbon monocide, carbon tri-oxcide (SP?) what needs to happen is to clean up the output.. a tree/plant can only use carbon dioxide to make o2..

its like telling me if i go into a room with 32% pure O2 is bad for me... what the heck.. no it aint, my body wont absorb more than it can handle/need. same with co2.. it is vital for plants/trees.. they need it to live.. it doesnt matter how high the co2 is only that it is pure co2. which it aint.

it is a money making bonanza is all it is.. a way to ripp us all off.

if one has to clean up ones output, then energy efficiency will begin to sky rocket and emessions in and off themselves would fall. cheaper to use it all then release too mcuh and the expense of keeping it clean..
oh and how the heck can one not expect the climate to change do dos.. climates must change, our planets orbit varies, its got a wobble, the tilt changes and wells o does the sons output change from moment to moment...
if turning off your shit because of the environmentalists isn't your thing, at least do it to save some money on your energy bill. THAT is enough incentive for me.
What we must have in mind is that pollution is a huge problem nowadays, especially in countries that rely on thermoplants.

I dont fold, i turn everything the fuck off when it's not in use mostly to save money on my 'way too high' elec bill, what i dont do is unplug my 360 when its off even though i know its sucking juice, cant be bothered physically plugging and unplugging the damn thing all the time..
I'd say the interests of the world are more important than curing one disease.

What "one disease" would you be referring to? Alzheimer's, Huntington's, BSE, ALS, CJD, Parkinson's, or one of many many many types of cancer? Pick any one of those because the study of protein folding affects all of those (and more).
I dont fold, i turn everything the fuck off when it's not in use mostly to save money on my 'way too high' elec bill, what i dont do is unplug my 360 when its off even though i know its sucking juice, cant be bothered physically plugging and unplugging the damn thing all the time..

Power strips. And get yourself a Kill-A-Watt so you can see what everything is sucking while its "off".
the problem I have is that my PS3 and PC run Folding@Home 24/7. So, I am torn between saving energy and possibly finding a cure for cancer, Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's.

While I believe people with this thought are very altrustic, I also believe, as much as they are trying to compare hardware size of theirs to others, same goes with how many units you've folded.

Then I remembered my car consumes about four dead dinosaurs a week when I drive it (so much for saving the planet) so I said screw it and I keep folding.

Drive a fuel efficient car... I get 20 MPG driving in stop and start traffic, and 30 MPG on the highway, and i'm a very agressive driver.... its a four banger. Don't drive a truck or a V8 corvette unless you just don't care about the environment..

Furthermore - our oil comes from very old plant matter... not dinosaurs. Maybe a drop out of a olympic sized pool is the product of a dino

Not trying to be a troll, I just think this whole folding @ home stuff is for the birds. I'd really like to see the results of one year of people turning off their machines when not useing them - we would have all engergy prices go down and save the environment at the same time.

Dunno.. just my POV.
that is so true, the global temprature has not changed in over 6 years now.. eat that..

stupid this global thing real stupid..

so we reduce our emissions by 25%, big deal it will do nothing to help.. when the bulk is still poisness, carbon monocide, carbon tri-oxcide (SP?) what needs to happen is to clean up the output.. a tree/plant can only use carbon dioxide to make o2..

its like telling me if i go into a room with 32% pure O2 is bad for me... what the heck.. no it aint, my body wont absorb more than it can handle/need. same with co2.. it is vital for plants/trees.. they need it to live.. it doesnt matter how high the co2 is only that it is pure co2. which it aint.

it is a money making bonanza is all it is.. a way to ripp us all off.

if one has to clean up ones output, then energy efficiency will begin to sky rocket and emessions in and off themselves would fall. cheaper to use it all then release too mcuh and the expense of keeping it clean..

Your 100% right. The current "Climate Change Religon" is just a money making scheme. The biggest players like Al Glore are also the biggest players in making a profit from us buying carbon credits and other crap.
Steve's comment in principle is a dangerous idea to subscribe to; that the means jusifies the end. I think its slightly unbalanced for a person to go ahead and state that.

Theres no conclusive results from either the global warming or saving cancer by folding agendas yet, but I suppose there will be soon..

Until then, may I suggest rigging a bycicle to generate power for the folding and using a car battery as a storage medium to keep the flow to the folding machine constant. Or if you have a large family, rig up a few bycicles to the circuit so everyone can pitch in. (Not sarcasm btw; a good idea: get fit, spend time with family, do a good cause)
i fold for the cure. to me it's a waste of the energy that was already put into making the hardware that i purchased if i'm not taking full advantage of it and providing its idle use to a cause such as this
I think the reason global warming or the lack thereof is such a debated topic is because no one can prove that it's real or that it isn't. Both sides spew out theories and arguments and even anecdots that are supposed to pass for "evidence", but no conclusive evidence against or for it exists. It's like trying to prove the existence or non-existence of god. That's probably how it will stay for the forseeable future because we can't even accurately predict the weather two days from now so how are we supposed to predict what will happen with the climate 25 years from now?

However according to a recent Anandtech article, running your high-end system at 100% load 24/7 in Germany would cost $1681 and leaving it ide 24/7 would still cost $947. Even in NC, USA, where electricity is apparently the cheapest, the cost is hundreds of $'s a year. Money and the increasing cost of power is something both sides can understand.
I think the reason global warming or the lack thereof is such a debated topic is because no one can prove that it's real or that it isn't. Both sides spew out theories and arguments and even anecdots that are supposed to pass for "evidence", but no conclusive evidence against or for it exists. It's like trying to prove the existence or non-existence of god. That's probably how it will stay for the forseeable future because we can't even accurately predict the weather two days from now so how are we supposed to predict what will happen with the climate 25 years from now?

However according to a recent Anandtech article, running your high-end system at 100% load 24/7 in Germany would cost $1681 and leaving it ide 24/7 would still cost $947. Even in NC, USA, where electricity is apparently the cheapest, the cost is hundreds of $'s a year. Money and the increasing cost of power is something both sides can understand.

Saying the planet is getting warmer or cooler is quite different than trying to prove or disprove something that is not directly observable. You put temp probes in the atmosphere and you gather data and calculate trends. The evidence for or against global climate change isn't inconclusive, either it is or it isn't just read the data to find out.
As far as folding goes, I'm all for it. The infrastructure for that project is already there. It wouldn't make sense to build a huge supercomputer to do these calculations when that ability already exists. It's a waste to NOT utilize it.

Sorry global warming detractors, it's real and it's happening whether you believe it or not.
The Bush administration's war on science and misinformation campaign has obviously been successful because there's really no question in the scientific community as to whether the climate is warming or not, the only debate now is how fast, and lately most of the evidence points to a much faster warming than anyone predicted.

I would imagine most Americans in this forum would agree with me that I like our position as a world leader and don't want that to change. One of the consequences of global warming is the northward movement of deserts. We're already seeing huge water shortages and drouts, particularly hard hit so far has been Georgia. What's going to happen when more of the US becomes desert? This is bad for us, but man Canada and especially Russia would love to warm up the planet a bit. Imagine all the farmland and resources that would open up to them.
However according to a recent Anandtech article, running your high-end system at 100% load 24/7 in Germany would cost $1681 and leaving it ide 24/7 would still cost $947. Even in NC, USA, where electricity is apparently the cheapest, the cost is hundreds of $'s a year. Money and the increasing cost of power is something both sides can understand.

North Carolina must not be anywhere close to the cheapest electricity rates. My electric bill in my apartment with no computers running is about $38/month. Add in 3 overclocked Q6600s, an overclocked AM2 4000+, overclocked XP-m 2400+ and P3 1Ghz and my electric bill goes up to about $68/month. Those machines are on 24/7 and running 100% load. You can also add in 3 17" CRTs, 19" CRT and 24" LCD to that mix although only a 17", 19" and 24" are usually on. In my case, I pay about $360/year to run my systems.

As far as folding goes, I'm all for it. The infrastructure for that project is already there. It wouldn't make sense to build a huge supercomputer to do these calculations when that ability already exists. It's a waste to NOT utilize it.

If my memory serves me correctly, there isn't a supercomputer in the world that can even come close to the processing power Stanford has crunching on F@H.

I just wanted to point this out to the people that think it would be better for Stanford to run a supercomputer for these tasks instead of a distributed computing network. Especially since whatever supercomputer they would theoretically build would be obsolete in no time flat whereas the distributed computing network increases in size and efficiency each year. The processing power I have sitting in my apartment running right now is probably more powerful than a shitload of supercomputers from 10 years ago.

Supercomputers definitely have their place, but they aren't the best tool for every job.

I consider power use from Folding a worthwhile trade-off. However, I will go shut off my Wii since I haven't used it in three weeks...
With the notorious RROD, who the shit leaves their 360 on? You want to minimize risk exposure :D
So many uneducated idiots posting in here. I think I even saw someone say "global-warming is such bs" People like that are whats wrong with society.

Do yourself and the world a favor and turn your consoles/computers/lights/etc off when their not being used. If you want to go a step further unplug them, or get a power switch/strip.
I don't care if global warming is a reality or not, I just look at it this way.............if I'm not using something, it gets shut off. Plain and simple.

I'm not giving someone free money........why give the utilities my hard earned paycheck for nothing?
Isn't the thermal stress from power cycling that cause the RROD problem in the first place?

Crap design (not following recommended specs) and cost cutting is the major reason.
I read that the official released figures for number of consoles NOT going faulty in the 360's early days is 17% !!
I didnt check up on this so perhaps someone else can confirm.
Some other things to consider is how old and crappy the current energy infrastructure is. I know some people joke how some European countries have better infrastructure b/c of the war (they HAD to rebuild).

OTOH, America itself hasn't rebuilt anything - sooner or later, someone's gonna need to do the dirty work.
they say turning off a ps3 can save you about $150CAD a year or something.. and the PS3 when on uses the same power sitting idle as it does when being used apparently...
they say turning off a ps3 can save you about $150CAD a year or something.. and the PS3 when on uses the same power sitting idle as it does when being used apparently...

That and the fact that my PS3 sounds like a fucking jet when its running is another reason I won't leave it Folding constantly.
The average American consumes about 5 times the amount of energy as the average Swedish citizen =P Considering we have about the same level of technology it can't be computers, TVs and such that are at fault. Inefficiency perhaps?

Agreed...we Americans are careless, lazy, inefficient, power-hungry beings.

Insane discrepancy inbetween an average american and an average swedish home size?
The climate changes -- it has been changing one way or another. Humans are still unable to set it at a fixed position (no Ice Age, Ice Age, coming out of Ice Age).

Want to slow global warming? Kill the cows, prevent volcanoes from erupting, and blow away half of the Earth's population. Solved until something else causes the climate to go whacky, be it human kind or not.

Anyway you cut it, we'll adapt (or get lucky) and survive, or we won't and we'll die. Sooner or later the Sun is going to burn out anyway.

Me? I am going to enjoy my torrents, video game systems, Folding, and everything else I do. Get some!
Your 100% right. The current "Climate Change Religon" is just a money making scheme. The biggest players like Al Glore are also the biggest players in making a profit from us buying carbon credits and other crap.

People have turned "feeding the poor & hungry in third world countries" into a money making scheme doesn't mean that hunger and poverty doesn't exist. Just because Al Gore has an 83 room mansion and takes a private jet everywhere doesn't mean that there aren't real problems.
And that has been debunked so many times as to render the rest of your post lame.
And in 30 years your claims will be debunked as well. :p

Go on with your quest of thinking you can control the weather, rofl. By all means, send us into global economic ruin with stringent carbon taxing and cafe standards. Let the government control more and more of our lives. They already pretty much have the incandescent lightbulb gone and tell me how much water my toilet can flush... what's next, how far I can set my thermostat too, or how many kilowatt hours I can use?
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