Shut Down Your Console To Save The Planet

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The computer in my family room in my apartment runs 24/7. Last time I turned it off was when I went on a vacation because I didn't want a high electricity bill when I came back lol. But I do turn off my gaming pc/htpc when they aren't in use.
My file server with 6 hard drives only draws ~125w from the outlet (measured with killawatt), but that's the only computer I have running 24/7.
most people i know that own consoles, turn them off when they're not in use.. not cas they give a crap about electricity or the stupid environment.. but cas those bastards overheat like hell and they dont want them to melt....
Funny I went round my flat the other day testing appliances for power consumption whilst in standby or 'off' mode.

The 360 consumes 0.2w when switched off. That is now unplugged when not in use.

The worst offender? My Slingbox Classic. That consumes 12w in standby. I have to say I never leave that plugged in when its not being used.

This isnt done for environmental purposes. I'm out of work for the moment so just trying to shave off some costs.
By the way the Slingbox uses 13w when actually running! 12 when in standby.

Thats pretty disgusting really.
It's November, it's 11 deg outside.

My boxen are causing global warming my frozen ass. :eek:


that is so true, the global temprature has not changed in over 6 years now.. eat that..

stupid this global thing real stupid..

so we reduce our emissions by 25%, big deal it will do nothing to help.. when the bulk is still poisness, carbon monocide, carbon tri-oxcide (SP?) what needs to happen is to clean up the output.. a tree/plant can only use carbon dioxide to make o2..

its like telling me if i go into a room with 32% pure O2 is bad for me... what the heck.. no it aint, my body wont absorb more than it can handle/need. same with co2.. it is vital for plants/trees.. they need it to live.. it doesnt matter how high the co2 is only that it is pure co2. which it aint.

it is a money making bonanza is all it is.. a way to ripp us all off.

if one has to clean up ones output, then energy efficiency will begin to sky rocket and emessions in and off themselves would fall. cheaper to use it all then release too mcuh and the expense of keeping it clean..

And in 30 years your claims will be debunked as well. :p

Go on with your quest of thinking you can control the weather, rofl. By all means, send us into global economic ruin with stringent carbon taxing and cafe standards. Let the government control more and more of our lives. They already pretty much have the incandescent lightbulb gone and tell me how much water my toilet can flush... what's next, how far I can set my thermostat too, or how many kilowatt hours I can use?

You're easily the most misinformed and unintelligent people on the internet. :(

You're easily the most misinformed and unintelligent people on the internet. :(

Thank you for the generic statement of fail since you have no scientific proof otherwise to refute an argument on. Go ahead and link me to Al Gore's movie. The earth has cooled down 0.75C since it was released, rofl. The entire scientific community has no basis of solid evidence one way or another, so how are you, the internet troll, going to convince me otherwise? Go waste your money on some green products.
If the earth has been cooling, how can you explain the increasing rate of glaciers melting globally?

I prefer to read scientific literature from scientists and not politicized conservative think tanks, sorry. I have trouble believing that people take Rush or Beck's nonsense to be gospel literally, but then look at how many fools believed the Todd story.
The same way Mars has receding ice. It's all the vehicles driving around on the surface.
The same way Mars has receding ice. It's all the vehicles driving around on the surface.

That and all the factories and power plants on mars spewing green house gas everywhere.

In all seriousness though, we've seen Greenland have record levels of ice increases, and Antarctica has had a net growth in ice as well. It's all cyclic and receding some places and growing in others. I could really care less about ice growth and melting.
In all seriousness though, we've seen Greenland have record levels of ice increases, and Antarctica has had a net growth in ice as well. It's all cyclic and receding some places and growing in others. I could really care less about ice growth and melting.

Where are you getting this information:
I googled "Greenland Ice Increase" - these are my first two results:

1. "Warmer summers increase Greenland ice melt"

2. "The Greenland Ice"
As much as I'd like to get involved in yet another global warming debate. . .

*in hurried voice* global warming is simply natural, and cyclic. *shuts up*. (woops, couldn't help myself).
Thank you for the generic statement of fail since you have no scientific proof otherwise to refute an argument on. Go ahead and link me to Al Gore's movie. The earth has cooled down 0.75C since it was released, rofl. The entire scientific community has no basis of solid evidence one way or another, so how are you, the internet troll, going to convince me otherwise? Go waste your money on some green products.

Lol pwnt.
Thanks for the link w1retap. I actually found more discussion related to that study:"The+Lone+Ranger"

And more from the same paper:
"There are, however, caveats to consider. First, we cannot make an
integrated assessment of elevation changes - let alone ice volume
and its equivalent sea-level change - for the whole Greenland Ice
Sheet, including its outlet glaciers, from these observations alone
because the marginal areas are not measured completely using
ERS-1/ERS-2 altimetry. It is conceivable that pronounced ablation in
low-elevation marginal areas could offset the elevation increases that
we observed in the interior areas. Second, there is large interannual
to decadal variability in the high-latitude climate system including
the NAO, such that the 11-year-long data set developed here remains
too brief to establish long-term trends. Therefore, there is clearly
a need for continued monitoring using new satellite altimeters -
including advanced ones with improved ice-sheet ranging in steeper
coastal areas - and other remote-sensing and field observations,
together with numerical modeling to calculate the mass budget through
net losses and net input from snow."

And by the way, the above article (from ABC Australia) also had this
to say:

Separate study supports sea level rise due to ice melt.

A separate study in today's issue of Science reports that sea levels
are probably rising slightly because of a melt of ice sheets.

"Ice sheets now appear to be contributing modestly to sea level rise
because warming has increased mass loss from coastal areas more than
warming has increased mass gain from enhanced snowfall in cold central regions,"

the report by a team led by Professor Richard Alley of
Pennsylvania State University in the US says.

"Greenland presently makes the largest contribution to sea level

Definitely will be keeping my eye on articles of this subject from now on.
Over the past 20 years, Greenland's glaciers/ice have slowed from sliding ~10% as well. Another sign that contradicts much of the cherry picked data out there.
You're easily the most misinformed and unintelligent people on the internet. :(


i wouldnt say that, he is correct about the earth not heating up any more over the last few years.. but they oxygen thing... uh no.. oxygen BURNS... its not a matter of absorption, its the fact that the more pure oxygen the accelerated rate of oxidization, which can be devastating on your lungs.

Where are you getting this information:
I googled "Greenland Ice Increase" - these are my first two results:

1. "Warmer summers increase Greenland ice melt"

2. "The Greenland Ice"

studies based on data that ends in the early 90's much like most global warming data...

global warming and cooling is a naturally occurring cyclical phenomenon...
global warming was once frowned upon by the government powers/energy companies that be because it negatively impacted on the economy and their business.. but now they realise they can jack up the price of power and blame it on the big bad monster 'global warming' and people accept it...
when will people accept, the government don't give a crap about the environment, all the give a crap about is money and public perception. They would never pass laws that contradict that.
Thank you for the generic statement of fail since you have no scientific proof otherwise to refute an argument on. Go ahead and link me to Al Gore's movie. The earth has cooled down 0.75C since it was released, rofl. The entire scientific community has no basis of solid evidence one way or another, so how are you, the internet troll, going to convince me otherwise? Go waste your money on some green products.

Well, supposedly, before a big "melt", there's a cooling trend, which seems to be whats happening. Do you know why? Let me make it simple: because it got hot enough for a lot of glaciers to melt, dumping tons of cold water into the relatively warm ocean. And what happens when a shitload of cool water is dumped into the ocean? Fast moving air, what we call "wind", passes over the cooled water and becomes cool because of that. Next thing you know, that cooled air is brought around the world, cooling everything a bit. That ice will only last so long. When most of it is gone, the air circulating around the world will no longer be cooled and the oceans will warm, along with the rest of the planet.

See, while the planet, on average, is cooler than usual, the poles are hotter. It's only because of the heat trapped at the poles that we get the colder weather. Once the ice at the poles are melted, then obviously the thing that's causing a cooling trend will be gone, and the Earth will heat up dramatically.
@w1retap.. don't mock the green products.. while i agree global warming is a corporate perpetuated myth, its still undeniable that we are polluting our land and waterways and wiping out phenomenal numbers of species. for example the entire frog genus is expected to be wiped out within 20 years.
Well, supposedly, before a big "melt", there's a cooling trend, which seems to be whats happening. Do you know why? Let me make it simple: because it got hot enough for a lot of glaciers to melt, dumping tons of cold water into the relatively warm ocean. And what happens when a shitload of cool water is dumped into the ocean? Fast moving air, what we call "wind", passes over the cooled water and becomes cool because of that. Next thing you know, that cooled air is brought around the world, cooling everything a bit. That ice will only last so long. When most of it is gone, the air circulating around the world will no longer be cooled and the oceans will warm, along with the rest of the planet.

See, while the planet, on average, is cooler than usual, the poles are hotter. It's only because of the heat trapped at the poles that we get the colder weather. Once the ice at the poles are melted, then obviously the thing that's causing a cooling trend will be gone, and the Earth will heat up dramatically.
Yes, we've seen all this happen throughout the history of the earth, many many many times over. It's nothing new. I'm not worried about climate change.
@w1retap.. don't mock the green products.. while i agree global warming is a corporate perpetuated myth, its still undeniable that we are polluting our land and waterways and wiping out phenomenal numbers of species. for example the entire frog genus is expected to be wiped out within 20 years.
There is a difference between harmful toxins/pollution, and greenhouse gases. I agree we should recycle and not pollute harmful chemicals into our environment. Paying price premiums on "green" products just doesn't do it for me though. If anything, companies should offer them at lower prices to encourage people to do the right thing. The "green" technology wave has been hijacked and slapped with a yuppie label. I don't buy into it unless it makes sense for my budget and environmental feasibility outlook.
There is a difference between harmful toxins/pollution, and greenhouse gases. I agree we should recycle and not pollute harmful chemicals into our environment. Paying price premiums on "green" products just doesn't do it for me though. If anything, companies should offer them at lower prices to encourage people to do the right thing. The "green" technology wave has been hijacked and slapped with a yuppie label. I don't buy into it unless it makes sense for my budget and environmental feasibility outlook.

well that's a sensible opinion, although it does cost more to produce said products, but yes, i'm much more inclined to buy generics myself... excluding of course my favorite tasty treats (none of which are green)...
Yes, we've seen all this happen throughout the history of the earth, many many many times over. It's nothing new. I'm not worried about climate change.

no, we we can make some pretty good guesses, though. let me ask: what happens to the hundreds of millions of tons of crap we put into the air every year? do you really believe that there are no effects or bad and harmful consequences from this? so, what, it all just magically disappears?
no, we we can make some pretty good guesses, though. let me ask: what happens to the hundreds of millions of tons of crap we put into the air every year? do you really believe that there are no effects or bad and harmful consequences from this? so, what, it all just magically disappears?

Er yes we have. You can check the soil core samples, ice core samples, tree wood rings etc. etc.

It goes in cycles of heating and cooling over and over. The problem is when folks try to conceptualise this planet in terms of human lifetimes. They see a change in living memory and its bad, no it isnt. Give it another few hundred or thousands of years and it will be back as it was. This planet works on timescales of hundreds of thousands of years not silly little 80 year chunks.

I always laugh when I see folks say "oh what is mankind going to do when the sun goes nova in a few billion years??"

Err well they wont be doing anything. Mankind as we know them now, will be a forgotten footnote in the fossil record. Could well be another 20 dominant species between us and then. Again its folks not understanding the timescales involved.

Me? I'm just waiting for the memo that states catagorically one way or another that is signed off by every climatologist, scientist, meterologist etc. etc. as agreed proven fact.

Then I'll make a decision if needs be.

Until then I'll get on with my life thanks.:)
This reminds me of back when the cigarette companies had paid off doctors to say that smoking is actually good for your health... does anyone really believe that many scientists arent in the pay of the oil cartel (which btw, is alot like the smoking and drug cartels)? Im sure the pro GW crowd also has an agenda. EVERYONE has an agenda.

One thing I did like was the proof of concept I saw that a bunch of people from Calbridge came up with-- of situating mirrors in geostationary orbits around the earth, one in each time zone, to reflect back a percentage of sunlight. This would lessen incoming solar radiation and cool us down and hopefully turn back global warming.

Global warming doesnt seem to have had a huge impact in the climate of the contiguous 48, but up in Alaska and the arctic regions, whole villages are becoming extinct because the ice is literally vanishing right in front of our eyes... and the arctic will probably be completely ice-free within 20 years.

I dont much care for oil or the companies that mess up the environment to keep feeding us this drug, and how they try to forestall human advancement in favor of greed. Hopefully the further development of nuclear energy, the electric car and other sources of clean energy will put these bastards where they belong. Now that Bush is gone, I hope no one from Texas ever ascends to the White House ever again-- Texas is like the Colombia of the oil cartel.
yeah, all those scientists are being controlled by George Bush and the oil companies. ROFL.. ahahahah..


AHAHHAA, seriously, you have to be shitting me. ahahah
Hopefully, even if we cant stop GW, we can reverse it through the use of technology to lessen the amount of incoming solar radiation-- the concept I illustrated above is actually being funded and should be up and running within a few decades-- that is if the following and subsequent administrations arent as inept as the Bush family-- who set back science almost to the dark ages-- now that the US is no longer a superpower, and we see India, China and Japan going to the moon while we mess around with the ISS.
George Bush was the worst president in this country's history-- if you dont believe that then you are seriously naive. Qualified historians have known it for some time-- its just that now its sinking in with the American public :)
yeah, all those scientists are being controlled by George Bush and the oil companies. ROFL.. ahahahah..


AHAHHAA, seriously, you have to be shitting me. ahahah

And most scientists agree that global warming exists and is a serious problem... stop listening to the narrowminded, cross burning, inbred conservatives who still believe in creationism and geocentricism.
and since your screen name is "w1retap"... you obviously know about how Bush has violated the Bill of Rights and the rights of all the citizens in this country when he had the telecoms infringe on our privacy... and over the weekend it was found out that Verizon was keeping records of Obama's conversations as well--- coincidence, I dont think so...

Over the next few years, youll learn about alot of stuff that Bush did and tried to cover up which will make you wonder-- why didnt this guy get impeached? He is of the same ilk as another power-hungry marauder--- Richard M. Nixon.
This thread is about climate change, and not about Dubya - he will be judged rightfully so by history, but this thread is NOT the time for it.

*you may also consider refraining from triple-posting in the future.
How about going for a quadruple post?

Get a grasp on historical timelines and what has been happening with the earth over the past 300 million years. Nothing we're seeing is "new" and "shocking". All your cherry-picked global warming studies are relying on of NASA satellite data from the past 30 years. If you look who is in charge of those NASA data collections, you'll see he has been purposely manipulating data to make the anthropogenic global warming argument look even more realistic, and he was caught doing it.

Please, step back into reality for the sake of sparing us the drone minded catch phrase comments.
How about going for a quadruple post?

Get a grasp on historical timelines and what has been happening with the earth over the past 300 million years. Nothing we're seeing is "new" and "shocking". All your cherry-picked global warming studies are relying on of NASA satellite data from the past 30 years. If you look who is in charge of those NASA data collections, you'll see he has been purposely manipulating data to make the anthropogenic global warming argument look even more realistic, and he was caught doing it.

Please, step back into reality for the sake of sparing us the drone minded catch phrase comments.

Carefully read the first post--

Notice that I mentioned that both sides are doing this? I refuse to take sides here, because BOTH are cherry picking the data to fit their own agendas.

Im talking about more than just data-- im talking about possible elimination of arctic ice from the polar regions for the first time since the Cretaceous period. However, I know the GW crowd is hyping this thing past all levels of science, but we also cant be ignorant and proclaim the other side right, because they are burying their heads in the sand as well. The answer probably lies somewhere in between...

The fact of the matter is, we should be doing EVERYTHING possible to get away from oil, even if it impacts our economy, for a MULTITUDE of reasons, this not even being the main reason.
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