Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

Goat said:
what wires? :D too many other sexy things to look at. :cool:

P.S. how do you like those speakers?? i want some good 5.1's and those are a pretty decent price.

I like the speakers a lot, you can pick them up for around 80 bucks. For a 5.1 sound it's not bad. Logitech X-530

Will be updated in the next couple of days when I recieve my new Dell 2405 Widescreen 1900 x 1200 bitch!!!!

Will update pic on arrival !!!!! :D
Thats a 30" Medion LCD TV.

1280 x 768 and displays games absaloutely superbly if you use 4 x AF 16 x AA

It has the best connectivity for use as a monitor than any other LCD TV's on the market at the time ( July 04 ) for the price, and has a remarkably quick response time 16ms. It also has many other features such as PIP and PAP so useful for web browsing while watching the TV

Gonna be nice when this sits next to my 2405 :D
L0ony! said:
Thats a 30" Medion LCD TV.

1280 x 768 and displays games absaloutely superbly if you use 4 x AF 16 x AA

It has the best connectivity for use as a monitor than any other LCD TV's on the market at the time ( July 04 ) for the price, and has a remarkably quick response time 16ms. It also has many other features such as PIP and PAP so useful for web browsing while watching the TV

Gonna be nice when this sits next to my 2405 :D
I came sooooooo close to choosing a 30" LCD TV as my new monitor. The resolution is perfect for cranking games at their highest settings (now and well into the future), but it sucks for applications, writing documents, viewing multiple windows, web browsing, etc.
L0ony! said:
Thats a 30" Medion LCD TV.

1280 x 768 and displays games absaloutely superbly if you use 4 x AF 16 x AA

It has the best connectivity for use as a monitor than any other LCD TV's on the market at the time ( July 04 ) for the price, and has a remarkably quick response time 16ms. It also has many other features such as PIP and PAP so useful for web browsing while watching the TV

Gonna be nice when this sits next to my 2405 :D
Oh. Cool.

I have a 27". I've liked it a lot so far. (3 months). I still have not gamed on it yet though. At the native resolution everything looks pretty good to me. (And that's comparing it to my Samsung 172x right below it)
Cluttered desktops are satanic, i keep my neatly organized a game group, internet, and some others because then i always know where everything is. :cool:
I don't even use the desktop except for a few icons. I have a toolbar on my taskbar for games, and I think the Quick Launch toolbar is great.
Thats even worse cause then taskbar items get smooshed together, thats why FireFox owns cause of its tabbing abilities. No such thing as needing a new window :cool:

No one else using an old school Lucite 17" Apple Display? :D

waiting for my 2005FPW to come in :(
Joony said:
No one else using an old school Lucite 17" Apple Display? :D
Sure. My school has two of 'em up in the Language Arts Education computer lab. And no, that isn't my major.
Ok here is my setup.

From left to right.
Lombard 333(320 ram) used for messaging when I'm playing games
Apple 23 inch HD display hooked to main machine(css at 1920x1200 is sweet)
Dell 600m main computer for school and used for playing css on the go. Runing windows
because of some apps that need it.
ibook g3 800(if you can see in the resised pic set to crap quality it has a clear shell)

My icons on my desk on the main one have filled up where I was out of room about 3 times now. Some of those folders are old desktops....

I have a 15 inch lcd on another machine around the house and have a few more notebooks
that and used by others but these are my main setup. And yes those are p2's sitting on my machine. I dug them up somewhere and didn't throw them back :) I have some bsd boxes around the house too but they don't have screens.
O yea to the person that said something about some guy having both a pc and a mac. What does that make me? OS 9.2, XP PRO, OSX, BSD, Linux, Win Server. :)

My first LCD after a lifetime of CRTs and man is it nice. Viewsonic VP201B.
atlwriter said:
Here's my setup...


Why aren't any of you people installing the hutch that comes with your Jerker desks? Does it not leave enough clearance for large monitors?
I"ve finally got LCD after being a CRT bitch for years, and i'll NEVER go back!! :D

Oh and a nice new desk complete with new shelf from Staples never hurts either

Is that Vin Diesel, his new movie is a thumbs down but as riddick full on coolness :cool:
Photoshop owns, i once clone stamped a chicken onto someones head ahhahha i was lol'ing for hours :D
IceWind said:
Ummm, no thats me in a Photoshop experiment :D

lol....did i get you messin around with PS?

looks good on that desk. i can't wait for mine to get here, it's gonna look huge on my desk cause it's so cramped and i'm about 22 in. away from the screen.
frank b said:

My first LCD after a lifetime of CRTs and man is it nice. Viewsonic VP201B.
Your mointor VP201B, I have read good reviews for the people who have bought a Viewsonic on this website. Nice picture of the motorbike

cv643d said:

I will probably get a 30 incher or dual 23 setup in 3-5 years from now.

might I suggest updating that pos mouse and keyboard first? :eek:

that keyboard must be very very clickity clackity by now, no? :D UGLY!!!
Martin64 said:
Here's mine. :)

Some system specs, in case people are interested:

Apple Cinema Display 30", Shuttle SN95G5, AMD Athlon 64 3500+ @ 2.40 Ghz, 2x1024 Crucial Ballistix DDR PC4000, Asus V9999GE (6800 w/GDDR3 @ 415/1000/16), 2x400GB Seagate 7200.8, Zippy Aluminum keyboard (model WK-722), Logitech MX-1000

I really like that compact keyboard.. now only if it were wireless, it would look phenominal. btw, it looks as if our huge 30" monitor is gonna slip off the edge soon... I'd be more careful with a 1500$ piece of hardware if I were you... :) Very nice though.. very very nice. :D
Bigshot said:
My setup:

woah, I knew that sub looked similar. :p Then I looked at the speakres.. then the amp on the right, and I figured that you have the same speaker system for your computer that I do for my television. :D :cool:
Haloevo said:
I really like that compact keyboard.. now only if it were wireless, it would look phenominal. btw, it looks as if our huge 30" monitor is gonna slip off the edge soon... I'd be more careful with a 1500$ piece of hardware if I were you... :) Very nice though.. very very nice. :D

Yeah it's a nice keyboard. :) The monitor is safe from falling off the edge.

Please advice where you can pick up this monitor for $1500, I'll take another one. ;)
Martin64 said:
Yeah it's a nice keyboard. :) The monitor is safe from falling off the edge.

Please advice where you can pick up this monitor for $1500, I'll take another one. ;)

ack! $2,200!? You rich sob. :( ;)
locutus24 said:
$500+ for a single mon, i think i will take a couple of crts for that much

Well this is a LCD thread after all, maybe you should post your CRTS.