Should I play Doom 3?


Jan 21, 2006
After the DNF failure I'm itching for some good shooter action. I've never actually played Doom 3, only the demo, and I liked that. I'm wondering if it would be worthwhile to play this game after all these years? Is it still a good game?
No, absolutely YES

however I wouldn't buy it from Steam unless it was on sale.
Doom 3 is a classic, just not the best game for longevity. It spurred on classics like Q4 as well.
Doom3 was good, though the expansion left me traumatized. It should have been named "Doom 3: Resurrection of the Red Barrel". Not only were the red explosive barrels everywhere they were more dangerous than anything else in the game. Get shot in the face by a marine? 2 health. Imp set you on fire? 3 Health. Accidentally shoot a red barrel? I'm suddenly dead!
It was kind of boring. Kind of a so so engine; looks pretty but not much interaction.
It was on a Steam sale awhile back for the whole Doom series...Picked it up, haven't really played it. :(
Absolutely you should play it. Super atmosphere and great action and control and a very good story to boot. I'll go so far to say that no self respecting fps fan should be without this game in their library.
Great game, make sure to get all the extra modes for it and some of the uncompressed textures, looks great and a ton of fun aslong as u dont mind a so/so story! I also played the xpac and recommend it if u find the first game fun!!
I would say yes play it. Crank up the visuals, put on head phones and play in the dark - really get into'll probably shit yourself like I did ;p
Played Doom 3 on my rig below and absolutely enjoyed it... stuff busting out of walls aliens style and decent amt of game play
I've never actually played Doom 3, only the demo, and I liked that. I'm wondering if it would be worthwhile to play this game after all these years? Is it still a good game?

The game is a good game. Not some AAA MUST BUY game but a good game. I enjoyed it plus the expansion pack. The only thing you probably won't like is the enemies become VERY predictable. I liked the listening to their voice messages and e-mails and such. It adds good atmosphere to the game.
I'm going to say no. It was never a good game.

Doom III had the most awe inspiring, jaw dropping lighting and fog and shading effects you could apply to a monster in a closet. But that was largely it (disclaimer, I never did play the expansion pack). I bought Doom III day 1, I waited on HL2. I regret that.

The technology is surpassed by just about any current shooter and the game-play was nothing to get excited about when compared it it's 6 year old contemporaries.
i enjoyed D3 being a longtime id fan.. as long as you accept it's shortcomings like the darkness/enemies in closets you will enjoy it.. i loved the graphics at the time, all of the cool guis, shaders and particle fx..
I need to replay it, especially now since all the mods are out for the game. I wish i had the duct-tape mod for it when i was orginally playing it...
After the DNF failure I'm itching for some good shooter action. I've never actually played Doom 3, only the demo, and I liked that. I'm wondering if it would be worthwhile to play this game after all these years? Is it still a good game?

Everyone should play Doom 3... any self-respecting fps fan should. Also, how is DNF a failure before it's even released? Just curious...
Doom 3 was okay. It was a spooky corridor shooter. My biggest disappointment was never getting out of the space station and on to the surface of Mars.

We have satellite pictures of the surface, so we know what certain areas look like. Having at least part of the game take place out on the surface of Mars would have made the game something special. Especially if it was mapped and inspired by the actual surface as we know it. But no, we were indoors the entire time.
It was kind of boring. Kind of a so so engine; looks pretty but not much interaction.

I recently tried to start playing to doom 3 for the first time and I have to agree it just hasn't aged well. The hour I played was boring as hell and yeah its an old engine hiding behind a shit ton of bump mapping. Theres nothing wrong with that I beat Prey recently and it was awesome but Prey had a lot of interactivity and variety. Doom 3 is a lot of Boo! then boring boring boring Boo! Oh you got me again! then more boring.

I'll try it again one of these days, but I'm in no hurry.
I recently tried to start playing to doom 3 for the first time and I have to agree it just hasn't aged well. The hour I played was boring as hell and yeah its an old engine hiding behind a shit ton of bump mapping. Theres nothing wrong with that I beat Prey recently and it was awesome but Prey had a lot of interactivity and variety. Doom 3 is a lot of Boo! then boring boring boring Boo! Oh you got me again! then more boring.

I'll try it again one of these days, but I'm in no hurry.

The combat starts to open up in the second half of the game.
I think Doom 3 is the only single player campaign I have completed 3 times over the years, that's how much I enjoyed it. I'm even thinking about playing a 4th time at 2560x1600...
Everyone should play Doom 3... any self-respecting fps fan should. Also, how is DNF a failure before it's even released? Just curious...

^^ this

I still enjoy firing up doom 3 from time to time... it's pretty old now, but looks pretty nice @ 5760x1080 :)
Doom 3 was one of the most stressful gaming experiences I have ever had lol. I couldn't play it for more than an hour at a time. Being on edge the entire time playing, just to not let some assdemon pop out of a wall and get the jump on me, had me on nerves edge the whole time. Didn't help that I was always playing at night in the dark too.
I thought it was a good game, I didn't regret the money/time invested.
Just about to beat it for the first time. I ve owned the game itself since late 2007 but was always stuck at this one part. I just didn't have the skills to beat it. Now after beating deadspace 1 and 2 i m finally sticking to the hordes of hell.
I had fun on my playthrough a while back, but after beating the game, I had no desire to go back and play it again. So I suggest getting it, whaling on demons and whatnot, but be aware it might just be a "one and done" purchase.

Wait for a sale.
I still think it's fun, played through it a year ago. Graphics held up surprisingly well and there are some nice scares. The expansion is really fun for classic Doom style shooter, buy was sadly forgotten by most
[A]MD-Fan;1037379480 said:
What do you mean by second half, when you go to hell?

I mean at the beginning it's pretty slow paced. Mostly just a couple zombies or imps teleporting behind you. As the game progresses you'll get more weapons and you'll start to encounter a wider variety of enemies. The combat will become faster paced with more enemies to fight and an emphasis on switching weapons mid combat.
Doom 3 was one of the most stressful gaming experiences I have ever had lol. I couldn't play it for more than an hour at a time. Being on edge the entire time playing, just to not let some assdemon pop out of a wall and get the jump on me, had me on nerves edge the whole time. Didn't help that I was always playing at night in the dark too.

If you thought Doom3 was scary (Agreed a couple of the warp ins with the demon runes were), never play Dead Space. That game will *really* get to you after about 30 minutes, if it even takes that long.

Looking back it feels like Dead Space took inspiration from Doom3. Particularly the zero atmosphere segments, surprise attacks, and high tech setting. Both games even have their ammo counters directly on the weapons. I played them both in about the same timeframe so maybe my views are a little biased but there were definitely similarities. Then again there's only so many ways you can make an action / survival shooter in the dark.
The problem I had with the game is that the levels appeared to be pretty much generic generated levels, aside from the ones in hell. ie: write a program to link corridors and rooms then have space somewhere for big fucking machines and that describes the doom3 levels.
Doom 3 had only fun 2 or 3 first levels... after that it was scripted shooter, that you could easily forsee where the monsters will spawn. It was boring as hell, and the scary atmosphere just disappeared after few levels.

Finished it, unistalled it and forgot about it.
I would say no the game play was boring as hell...
walk in pitch black hear a noise turn 180 degrees shoot a shotgun, "oh what do you know? I just killed and imp!" rinse wash repeat... BORING!
Doom 3 gave me the most memorable scary moment in all of my gaming years. I was playing around midnight in the dark w/ 5.1 surround. Game was new at the time, had built a PC just to run it. I was in some scarier part of the game when a live bat swooped down from a hole in my drop ceiling and wacked me in the back of the head. I screamed like a little girl, jumped up out of my seat, and ran upstairs. I couldn't play the game for like a week after that.