RMA'd BFG Card

see it as what you want but in my opinion you are overcomplicating this situation.
My soon to buy 6800GT for my shuttle will be BFG.
Dr. X said:
Am I the only one that sees it as a little unprofessional to be corresponding with customers about an RMA publically on an online forum? More of a PR stunt then customer service, and apparently people fall for that kind of stuff.

It's just you. :rolleyes:

Since LittleMe posted in a public forum about the problem BFG has every right to respond to it in said thread. It's not unprofessional, it's smart. The only question is the issue of "would BFG had done this if it wasn't on a public forum?" - I think from all I hear about BFG the answer is yes. Would the head biggie of marketing made a personal call to LittleMe to tell him a card is on the way? Maybe not, but the card would have still been on the way. Props to BFG for posting, shows they care enough to be informed about what their customers are saying about them. :eek:
topcat989 said:
It's just you. :rolleyes:

Since LittleMe posted in a public forum about the problem BFG has every right to respond to it in said thread. It's not unprofessional, it's smart. The only question is the issue of "would BFG had done this if it wasn't on a public forum" - I think from all I here about BFG the answer is yes. Would the head biggie of marketing made a personal call to LittleMe to tell him a card is on the way? Maybe not, but the card would have still been on the way. Props to BFG for posting, shows they care enough to be informed about what their customers are saying about them. :eek:

I never said they didn't have the right, I just said that I'd rather have my problem resolved in a more private space. Aparrently we have different definitions of professionalism. And you're absolutely right that it's smart, but you're kidding yourself if you think it was just to help the guy out. It's free advertisement.
Dr. X said:
I never said they didn't have the right, I just said that I'd rather have my problem resolved in a more private space. Aparrently we have different definitions of professionalism. And you're absolutely right that it's smart, but you're kidding yourself if you think it was just to help the guy out. It's free advertisement.
Judging from all the statements posted here from others who went through BFG's RMA process and were very happy, yes it WAS just to help him out.

I'd say if someone makes a public statement about an issue, that company should be able to make a public response to it. Now sure, he probably should have called them rather than post here, but he was asking advice here on whether to even try that card in his machine since it looked nasty. And that stuff looks more like rust to me than rosin from solder as someone mentioned. Spilled soda I can belive, that stuff can corrode as well.

You are thinking more of a workplace personel situation. Where if you have an issue with someone, you talk to them privately about it and/or talk to thier boss. And if that doesn't work, you talk to the next boss, etc. The last resort would be the newspapers, you dont want to go to them first. If you bring it up in public odds are you are just going to get let go from the company and it will never be resolved. And if you did manage to stay, everyone would end up hating your guts or not wanting to work with you since you caused trouble.

Customer service is a differant matter. I see no problem with bad or good customer service being publicized. I for one WANT to know about companies that do bad or good customer service. Then I know whether to move them up on my list or move them down.

Me, I like to see that a company is keeping an eye out on boards for posts about them. Both to resolve stuff, and I would imagine they give decent technical support on thier forums as well.

You ever see a company like best buy correct stuff on any forum? Heck correct stuff AT ALL? lol

BFG helped someone out with their problem, he's happy. Other people notice they take good care of thier customers, they are happy. The guy who posted here is happy from everyone else being happy. Everyone is happy. So I dont see a problem. Its good business sense as well as good customer service. And to me, professionalism in customer service means making your customer happy.
Dr. X said:
I never said they didn't have the right, I just said that I'd rather have my problem resolved in a more private space. Aparrently we have different definitions of professionalism. And you're absolutely right that it's smart, but you're kidding yourself if you think it was just to help the guy out. It's free advertisement.

Who cares if BFG got some free advertising with posting in this thread? It's the customer service that counts, and with BFG's reputation for said customer service, they deserve the free advertising.

If LittleMe wanted to make his RMA experience with BFG public knowledge by starting this thread, BFG has every right to reply to him here for the public to see.
What you were seeing on the solder is rosin residue from the soldering operation. Rosin is used to clean the joint during the soldering operation to ensure a good bond between the solder and the item being soldered. In a new production card it is automatically cleaned off. Apparently you got a card that had been hand repaired and there was some lack of attention in cleaning the solder joints after soldering or (much less likely) somthing went wrong with that card on the production line and it did not get cleaned properly. It would not have hurt anything. Whatever, BFG has made it right.

To Mr John Malley

I have just this minute changed my order for 5 video cards for a customer lot of machines to BFG GeForce FX 5700 OC AGP . (There are 4 more lots of 5 machines in the future and unless the very unlikely occurance of some compatibility issue I will order BFGs for them as well.) I even had to go to a different supplier as newegg has none of your cards in stock. Perhaps your sales rep handling newegg might wish to print or send a copy of this post to the newegg purchasing dept, they just lost the sale of 5 (25) video cards to zipzoomfly by not having BFG cards in stock. In any event the point is that there are customers out there (a few of us anyway, well, me for sure :) that are willing to reward a company that takes care of its customers. While I had heard favorable comments about your brand from [H] and other review sites one thing that had escaped my attention is your warranty and in particular your lifetime support for your older cards. Outstanding !!! You have a new booster in your camp. Now if they were only made in USA . /Sigh, oh well, can not have everything.
Dr. X said:
I never said they didn't have the right, I just said that I'd rather have my problem resolved in a more private space. Aparrently we have different definitions of professionalism. And you're absolutely right that it's smart, but you're kidding yourself if you think it was just to help the guy out. It's free advertisement.

I would aggree if LittleMe had not made a thread about it, but BFG made it's own thread and said "see, were sending him a new card!" but that's not what happened. I just don't understand what you have against BFG in this particular case? : Problem was posted in public, reply was made in kind, why is this "unprofessional"? was it "just to help the guy out"? No, there are more then one reason for the posting by BFG. Yes it's free advertising, and it's positive, becuase they are doing the right thing. One question: Do you believe BFG would have sent him a new card if LittleMe had NOT posted a thread? If you answer no, then I understand your cynicisim about BFG's motives for posting. But if you believe they would have sent a new card, I ask again, just why would it be "unprofessional" to do what they did?

I don't know man, sounds like you are so jaded you just cant see anything good out of a company/corperation/business/government/etc.......
I am extreamly pleased BFG marketing is monitoring this (and hopefully other) forums. It tells me they give a damn.

Look at it this way, if YOU were the president/owner of a company in a cut-throat business would YOU want your Marketing Director checking the forums to see how YOUR company was preceived and if possible head off trouble ? Be honest.

In short, if its part of his job, its a smart company, if he does it on his own, I wish he worked for me.
Well, mad props to BFG Tech, I own one of their video cards, and my next video card will definatly be a BFG Tech brand card.
It must suck to live in a country where "customer service" is interpreted to mean (by the vendor) as "customer dis-service."

Here in New Zealand, customer service is just that - actual, honest-to-God service.

What you're describing here as "amazing service" is what I refer to "normal service".

Remember: customer service is only as good as the customers require. UNless it's good, you never sell a second product. New Zealand is a small country (4 millions peeps) so you can't afford to lose customers...
I've had the pleasure to meet, and game, with the awsome crew at BFG a year and a half ago at their headquarters in Chicago thanks to Steve mentioning a BFG contest here on [H] :D

John and the rest of the crew at BFG are GAMERS and are crazy (understatement?) about having a great product and customer service that no other vendor can touch!

The one thing to keep in mind is they are a U.S. based company with a staff you could probably count on your fingers and toes. So, John is VERY close to the pulse of the end user when it comes to kudos OR complaints. Unlike much of the competition.

It took three months or so after meeting John, Shane, David, etc., for my primary computer to lose its video card. The replacement ... a BFG 5950 Ultra ;) I've got a BFG 5700 in one other seat and one on the shelf waiting for my wife's computers next upgrade.

I've contacted BFG customer service twice- First, the drivers for the 5950U wouldn't install correctly. Second, was for a minor issue I was having configuring my BFG Boomslang Sniper 2100. In both instances, the tech I spoke with was 100x more pleasant to deal with than any other company I've dealt with...including Dell (God forgive my Aunt for ever buying that POS)!

If you buy from any other manufacturer you're short changing yourself!


Props to New Zealand! I get to talk to my companys outsourced customer assistance center there between the hours of 06:00 and 08:30 EST :eek: Very nice people and apparently very cheap laborers as well j/k ;)
BFG definately sets themselves apart from the rest of the industry in two major points. Quality product, and unmatched customer service. I had the pleasure of dealing with BFG's customer service phone reps. My 5900 OC (128MB AGP 8x) had recently decided to nuke itself, so I hit the phone and got a rep who, not only was very polite, knew what he was doing. Offered to cross ship the replacement card for me, and by the end of the week, I had a lovely replacement in the form of a 5900 Ultra 256 MB version. Since that time I have made it a point to only deal with BFG.

Glad to see my experience with BFG wasn't a fluke, and that they really do step up to the plate. GG BFG!!


Besides BFG (and perhaps Corsair and Newegg), does anyone else really provide customer service like this? You'd be hard-pressed to find anything at this level.
I had to RMA a BFG TI4600 a few months ago because the cooling fan was dying. They shipped me a new card first so that my computer wouldn't be down for the week or so cross-shipping would have required. Kudos to BFG. My current card is a BFG :) (I specifically upgraded my Leadtek6800NU to a BFG 6800GT to stay with BFG).
topcat989 said:
I would aggree if LittleMe had not made a thread about it, but BFG made it's own thread and said "see, were sending him a new card!" but that's not what happened.
QFT - he posted his issue in a public forum, and BFG responded in kind. Better than hiding under their desk and hoping the issue goes away.....:cool:

My $00.02 - support the folks that support us in our hobby / profession. Simple logic.

Regards - B.B.S.
I was missing the case badge, sticker from my just recently purchased BFG video card. One email later + 4 days, I recieved not 1, but 2 new stickers sent to me.

These are small, worth next to nothing. But they sent them out, that day I believe. This is the mark of excellent customer service.

You would be surprised to find that many companys do not pay attention to the small details even when it doesn't cost them anything to do so.

Thank you BFG,

Kristina O
SixFootDuo said:
I was missing the case badge, sticker from my just recently purchased BFG video card. One email later + 4 days, I recieved not 1, but 2 new stickers sent to me.
i didnt get any case badge...
There are too many people saying how great their customer support is for this to just be a "fluke" of some sorts. I'm very pleased that BFG has people like John out roaming forums to help with these problems. I very much doubt things went the way they did because of this thread. Before John even posted here I was told he was going to contact me either Saturday or Monday to do this for me, which I posted about in here before John even posted here. I didn't even know John, or any other BFG support person was on these forums. I've never been more pleased with any other compaines tech support.

I started this thread and made my RMA experience public and I believe John had every right to post here. If he wouldn't have, trust me, I would have after his phone call. All of my business both personally and professionally will be headed towards BFG. Tech support like this means the world to somebody like me.

Also, I know what rosin is and what it looks like, but if this is rosin, it's the oddest rosin I've seen.

Kudos to BFG.
It's been mentioned already, but never as a formal question.

As it's definitely a good move, I'm very curious: do any other companies have official representatives on the [H] like this?
All I have to say is Damn. That is customer service. I am on my 2nd BFG 6800GT(1 AGP & 1 PCIE). I will be hard pressed to ever buy a card again that isnt BFG. If only BFG would start making ATi cards as well so I could venture to the other side if I ever chose to do so.
Just finished reading all the posts and what more can I say? Anybody who thinks this was just for advertisement, well, you have your opinion and I have mine. And ANY form of advertisement BFG wants to use me for, I’m game, they deserve it. If John does this as part of his job, then hats off to BFG for actually thinking of doing that unlike any other company I’ve seen. If he does it on his own, then he deserves a raise. I never see Dell monitoring threads in other forums, let alone their own. And heck, a lot of us can’t even get a reply from Nvidia on their forums about the SLI+DVI+Widescreen issue. I took a chance on my 2 5950Ultras with BFG and stuck with them with these 6800Ultra OC’s and I’m extremely glad that I did.
I swear BFG is the shit. I had a fried 5900 Ultra. I called them up and they replaced it with a a 6800 GT 256MB OC free of charge. In the future, ALL of my Nvida cards will be from them. HATS off BFG.
I just thought I'd chime in here finally, and this post made me do it.

I have to say that BFG is the almighty king of all customer service, and warranty in the the vid card biz. I had an excellent experience when dealing with a dead 4200ti. They sent me a brand new 5900 XT OC, (after a few tries) and they were gracious the entire time. Their lifetime warranty was just the kicker on an already awesome product. I hate to be a !!!!!! for any corporate entity, but seeing as though I'm more of a hypocrite than an activist... BFG has, and will continue to garnish all of my PC's saucy dishes. And by saucy dishes I mean display duties... and by garnish... well, I was never any good with analogies... or sentence structure, and you might as well throw spelling, grammar, and witty dialogue to that list. If you are reading this far... just disregard the whole post... except for the part about BFG running out of gum. They really are worth your jack.
SixFootDuo said:
I was missing the case badge, sticker from my just recently purchased BFG video card. One email later + 4 days, I recieved not 1, but 2 new stickers sent to me.
I want a case Badge to, My BFG 6800 GT OC Didnt come with one :eek:
Stormshade said:
I want a case Badge to, My BFG 6800 GT OC Didnt come with one :eek:

Did you check in your drivers cd sleeve? Thats where both of mine were, and I amost missed seeing them.
I love reading stuff like this. I also am a big supporter of BFG, my last video card upgrade before this free one, was a BFG 5900nu, which I bought because of the outstanding reviews, and, like this story, the outstanding customer support stories. The last 5 systems I've put together for friends have all had BFG cards in them, and I will continue to reccomend them to anyone who asks. Kudos, things like this only make people feel better when dropping thier hard earned cash down to any company.
Two things:

1) It's a pity BFG is nVidia-only. With such good client care, they can only double their sales by selling ATi too.

2) It's a pity BFG is not widely represented in the the rest of the world. Down here in South Africa, we usually have to contend with chiwanese stuff. Not that the quality is lacking, anything but, but customer care is lacking due to that.
Can u get it in Europe and is the customer service as good here?

Also as this is a good-CS-thread I have to issue a warning. Dont buy from LeadTek. Trying to get any support from them is like squeezing a stone for water... It's wasted effort.

It's just the way all RMA support should be, he made a good judgement call.

Reminds me of... well, me :D. Always knew I'd get recognition for my great customer support in a round-about way ;) :p.

And that is why we are willing to pay the extra $20 for BFG. Because they are worth it.
I have to say I had to RMA a geforce4 4200 a few months back for a failed cooling fan. I dont think the process could have been any smoother. I didnt have to wait on hold for a tech, the tech just said ok right away, gave me the address and rma number. I sent it in and 1 week later my new card arrived. A better one than I had sent. Now thats what I call service.

I also have to say.. that if the BFG cards were available when my other non bfg card had died.. my 6800 would have been one too. I needed a card right then.. not later =( However thats not to say I wont be building a SLI rig here in a month or two. ill make up for it by buying 2 :)
If John was just looking for publicity wouldn't have have responded to any of the previous 3 pages of posts with some back patting for BFG? It seems to me by his NOT responding that his original message was just to state that BFG had straightened the problem, end of story.

Maybe Im reading too much into no additional responses, but...
5inistry said:
And that is why we are willing to pay the extra $20 for BFG. Because they are worth it.

Try an extra $140 for two 6800GTs right now, but the warranty makes it worth it. Service sounds wonderful--I hope I NEVER need to use it but it's good that it's there.

Nicely done and the reference from hardocp.com shouldn't hurt BFG any. ;)
John Malley said:
LittleMe -- We'd like to apologize for this mix up. Your NEW replacement card is scheduled to go out today. If you have any further issues, please feel free to PM me here.

After I found out all BFG cards have a real liftime warrenty I was sold. But this, this sir is icing on the cake! I'm a BFG customer for life too. (as long as your polices never change, mind you)
extra 140? they are 400 on chumbo right now. i don't think any other 6800gt pci-e is 260? if so WHERE? please i'll take 4
BFG is incredible. They have ALWAYS shown a tremendous commitment to excellent customer service and I will always buy their products. Now if only they'd answer their LAN sponsorship requests...
5inistry said:
And that is why we are willing to pay the extra $20 for BFG. Because they are worth it.
Or even better, not pay extra at all. One time Best Buy was actually good for something.
spaceman said:
extra 140? they are 400 on chumbo right now. i don't think any other 6800gt pci-e is 260? if so WHERE? please i'll take 4

Aiyeea! Mebbe I should crawl out from under newegg, it's $459 over there.