Red BFG.

Wouldn't matter much to me, BFG is usually just slightly more expensive than the other brands and it's always enough to make me not consider them.

They're worth the price,never had a BFG card that failed on me. Given the poor warranties and customer service offered by most ATI vendors,BFG would be a welcome addition.
They're worth the price,never had a BFG card that failed on me. Given the poor warranties and customer service offered by most ATI vendors,BFG would be a welcome addition.

your BFG didn't fail becasue it was BFG, the only thing Nvidia cards have unique to the rebranding company is the box and warranty they give you, the card themselves all come the same OEM assembly plants last I heard

unless its specific after market models, but the standard models are all from the same place
Maybe they will get a reality check just as Intel got theirs after Prescott. Nvidia's next generation video card should need to take into account heat and power issues and have it balanced with performance. Or just do as ATI did with the past generation of cards. Make video cards with competitive prices relative to performance since economy is weak.

Why buy a Corvette when you can get all the excitement from a new Camaro.
What will be interesting is if they continue to offer their trade-up policy once they start to carry ATI cards.
*correction noted Red Falcon*

@Wag: Dont know why they wouldnt be able to. Would certainly help their stock for warranty work. Since they arleady have their infrastructure in place to handle trade ups, I dont think they would need a whole lot from AMD, aside from first dibs for all the high end stuff!
Has there been any further info on this? I'm not impressed at all with Nvidia's new cards,and would like to move up to a DX 11 card in the near future.
I get the feeling that the closer we get to actual retail dates for fermi, the more we will know about BFG and their intentions. Their website shows specs for a forthcoming GTX 480, but it should be interesting to see if they, in fact will offer ATI cards in the future.

If they dont, XFX will be getting my cash for a 5k series in the future.