PS3 - What's going on? Is it already Over?

the wiimote lags too much to be used in any online enviroment in my opinion. Being an avid source player until recently I decided to stop investing in my pc and look into consoles. My friend has the 360 and wii and after playing both for hours, the wii doesn't seem like all that. Too much delay when you move the wiimote around for me, and I need multiplayer. It's hard enough to get 3 friends over and im sure as hell not buying 3 wiimotes for them, needs better online play.
blueadept33 said:
the wiimote lags too much to be used in any online enviroment in my opinion. Being an avid source player until recently I decided to stop investing in my pc and look into consoles. My friend has the 360 and wii and after playing both for hours, the wii doesn't seem like all that. Too much delay when you move the wiimote around for me, and I need multiplayer. It's hard enough to get 3 friends over and im sure as hell not buying 3 wiimotes for them, needs better online play.

There is no lag for me, try adjusting the placement of the sensor bar and/or your position in front of it.
blueadept33 said:
the wiimote lags too much to be used in any online enviroment in my opinion. Being an avid source player until recently I decided to stop investing in my pc and look into consoles. My friend has the 360 and wii and after playing both for hours, the wii doesn't seem like all that. Too much delay when you move the wiimote around for me, and I need multiplayer. It's hard enough to get 3 friends over and im sure as hell not buying 3 wiimotes for them, needs better online play.

I'm not sure what games you're playing (or what you mean by "lag") , but do realize that some games use a pointer delay as a sort of "smoothing" effect (e.g. the aiming in Zelda) to sort out people wiggling their hands. Try out Trauma Center or Call of Duty 3 and you'll see 1:1 movement on the screen.

The potential is there, we just need developers to exploit it.
quadnad said:
I'm not sure what games you're playing (or what you mean by "lag") , but do realize that some games use a pointer delay as a sort of "smoothing" effect (e.g. the aiming in Zelda) to sort out people wiggling their hands. Try out Trauma Center or Call of Duty 3 and you'll see 1:1 movement on the screen.

The potential is there, we just need developers to exploit it.

Yes thats what im hoping for. I have a problem soley because I like to "power" game and the Wii has frustrated me at points when the title i have played isnt going as "fast" as Im trying to make it go. But I completely understand this is probably a developer issue and not the hardware.

I really want to see some sort of reactive AI in a sword or any hand weapon type fighting game on the Wii, where the faster i can fight the AI will reactively get better at defending me. Rather than being limited to a cap on the speed i can swing my weapon or other.
erwos said:
I just wanted to point out that this is what killed the Gamecube, and tossed it firmly into third place last gen. Gamecube owners not only preferred Nintendo titles, but ended up buying them to practically the exclusion of everything else. It wasn't profitable to develop for. Nintendo cannot carry the system all by themselves. It didn't work the Gamecube, and it won't work for the Wii.

Nintendo can't help being known for its flagship titles. When people think of Nintendo, they think of Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Donkey Kong & company, but it wasn't this that put the Gamecube into third place as much as it was the fact that it didn't deliver on what it Nintendo is known for.

The Gamecube lacked a traditional Mario platofrmer and a traditional Kirby platformer. Had the opposite been true, I'm sure that it would have been able to sell atleast as many units as the N64, which would have made it a solid number two. You can say the same about the Saturn. Sega was known for the Sonic franchise, but the Saturn never had a traditional Sonic game, which caused it to flop outside of Japan.
Lord Nassirbannipal said:
The Gamecube lacked a traditional Mario platofrmer and a traditional Kirby platformer. Had the opposite been true, I'm sure that it would have been able to sell atleast as many units as the N64, which would have made it a solid number two. You can say the same about the Saturn. Sega was known for the Sonic franchise, but the Saturn never had a traditional Sonic game, which caused it to flop outside of Japan.

I seriously doubt kirby would have sold any systems, and while a mario one would certainly have helped I doubt it would have made the 50% difference (~32 vs ~20 million) that you suggest.

The saturn died largely because of the lack of games, and I'd put my money on that being caused by the ridiculous architecture that essentially had 2 separate motherboards. Its the same reason we won't see saturn emulated in the near future.

Also sonic cd is considered by a lot of people to be one of the best, if not the best sonic game made, yet it didn't save the sega cd.
Considering how the majority of the discussion in this thread has turned to the Wiimote it seems the answer to the OP's question is not so much that it's already over but that it never really got started (yet). It's hard to say what will happen with the PS3 because there are just not enough of them out for there to be very many meaningful user reviews. It appears that a good many of the ones that are available are being resold and not played. None of my friends that have PS2s are even thinking about getting a PS3 because it is too expensive. They want one but can't justify the price. The 360 is also more money than they want to spend on a game machine right now. If the price drops on the 360 in the spring (and I think it will) then they may decide to go that route. None of them have even mentioned the Wii as a possibility. I think that is because we play mostly Sports games and FPS where the graphics play more of a factor in the buying decision. I'm not saying the PS3 will fail but if the 360 has a major price drop in the spring when the availablity issues of the PS3 are gone it may be too late for SONY to maintain their market dominance. I think there is room for all 3 consoles but the market share numbers will be much closer for all 3 this time around. for the record I own an original xbox and have no plans to make a console purchase anytime soon. I may be getting a 360 as a gift in a few weeks but that is the only way I will be getting a next gen console. I will gladly take it and would also gladly take it if it was a Wii or a PS3. just my 12 cents
4saken said:
Yes thats what im hoping for. I have a problem soley because I like to "power" game and the Wii has frustrated me at points when the title i have played isnt going as "fast" as Im trying to make it go. But I completely understand this is probably a developer issue and not the hardware.

I really want to see some sort of reactive AI in a sword or any hand weapon type fighting game on the Wii, where the faster i can fight the AI will reactively get better at defending me. Rather than being limited to a cap on the speed i can swing my weapon or other.
Adjust the sensitivity in the main console menu. If you crank it up, you can get 1-1 motion in Zelda. Of course, you then realize how much your hand twitches, and even minor motion will make the target jump all over the place.
Spaceman_Spiff said:
I seriously doubt kirby would have sold any systems, and while a mario one would certainly have helped I doubt it would have made the 50% difference (~32 vs ~20 million) that you suggest.

Perhaps I was a bit speculative in stating that it would have recaptured the sales of the N64(it's actually 32 million to 23+ million, which is more of a 25%-30% difference), but a Mario game and a Kirby game would have undoubtedly placed the 'Cube in second place

The saturn died largely because of the lack of games, and I'd put my money on that being caused by the ridiculous architecture that essentially had 2 separate motherboards. Its the same reason we won't see saturn emulated in the near future.

I'm not trying to say that the lack of a Sonic game was the only reason, but just one of the reasons. The confusing hardware was indeed largely to blame.

The Saturn had many games that appealed in Japan, such as Virtua Fighter 1&2(which has been the most popular fighting game in Japan ever since), and its excellent catalog of schmups(Radiant Silvergun, Donpachi, Dodonpachi, Sexy Parodius, Battle Garegga, etc).

Also sonic cd is considered by a lot of people to be one of the best, if not the best sonic game made, yet it didn't save the sega cd.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 is widely considered to be the best Sonic game.

As far as Sonic CD not saving the CD, well, there ya go. Nothing could have saved the Sega CD. It was simply a $200 add-on that didn't live up to its hype. It didn't provide much in the way of hardware advancements for the games, it added annoying loading times, and it basically just took existing games and added a few new levels or just ported them with no upgrades at all.

I don't think Jesus could have saved that monstrosity.
Spaceman_Spiff said:
The saturn died largely because of the lack of games, and I'd put my money on that being caused by the ridiculous architecture that essentially had 2 separate motherboards.

Mismanagement killed off the Saturn. There were tons and tons of games that sold well in Japan but were either never localized for other markets, or they were 99% English already and still never released elsewhere.
brentsg said:
There were tons and tons of games that sold well in Japan but were either never localized for other markets, or they were 99% English already and still never released elsewhere.

The reason for this is the decline of the arcade scene in the west.

As previously stated, the Saturn was known for Virtua Fighter and its arcade perfect ports of Capcom's 2D Fighters, and schmups. Virtua Fighter never got as popular in the US as other 3D games like Tekken and Soul Calibur because most arcades couldn't afford Sega's Model 1 arcade hardware. Most shooters also get their start in the arcades, so the decline of the arcade scene in the west pushed them into a niche market, and it's been that way ever since. Since then, most schmups haven't seen a release outside of Japan(Espgaluda, Mushihime-sama, Dodonpachi Dai ou Jou, Trizeal, Under Defeat, Zero Gunner 2, Psyvariar 2, Giga Wing Generations).

Even when Ikaruga was released to N. America and Europe on the Gamecube in 2003, it was only a limited release because most people to whom the game appealed had already imported it for the Dreamcast.
Stereophile said:
So when you say RSX is closer to a 7600 than 7800 that's a guess right ?
What is the point of emphasizing the 128 bit memory interface ?

I have to laugh when you say wii is easily the most fun.
Looks like you have no problem stating your opinion as fact.
They could have added that controller to a gamecube and called it a day. :)

No, I'm saying that based upon what we know--what's been published (eg clock speed, memory interface, etc) it's clear that RSX is closer to a 7600 level card than a 7800. That said, there's clearly more we *don't* know about RSX that Sony doesn't *want* us to know, likely because it would illustrate again that RSX isn't as powerful as they claim. The reason the memory interface is worth mentioning is that one of the biggest limiters of performance in a GPU is the memory bandwidth, and RSX has just over *half* that of the 7800 series.

What you SHOULD laugh about is your contention that "they could have just added that controller to a gamecube and called it a day". Well, not really. We already know that Wii has roughly triple the memory of GC, and nearly double the CPU and GPU clockspeeds. Those alone guarantee a fairly significant performance boost. More importantly, though, in order for the controller to be taken seriously by consumers and by developers it COULDN'T be simply an addon to a 5 year old box. It simply isn't possible. If they'd done that, nobody--not consumers and certainly not developers--would have given it a second look.

By making it the *default* controller for the system they've managed to capture the attention of the public at large, and they've managed to ignite excitement from developers. By sticking to a similar architecture to the GC they've also greatly reduced the learning curve and thus development time and costs for games, which therefore excites *publishers*, who can continue to sell their games at the $50 sweet spot while making more profit on those games than they could by selling PS3 or 360 games--which cost 3-4 times as much to make--even selling those games at $10 more.

While it's too early to call the long-term significance of what Nintendo has done here with Wii, it *is* safe to say that they've captured the attention of every important group--gamers, developers and publishers. Gamers, because they're seeing something new, Developers because they've got new creative opportunities without bucketloads more work, and Publishers, because they can improve their profits by making games for Nintendo's system, which consumers so far are *loving*.

None of that's opinion, whether you like it or not.
Rash said:
Yes formula one demo is superb!
I think the ps3 shits all over my 7600gt from a great height, id say the rsx is closer to the 7900 series

The F1 demo is very good, no question, but hardly surpassing what we've seen on 360 so far. You're also failing to take into account that while your PC with a 7600GT has to deal with an enormous OS, variations in drivers and quality of support for your specific card's features, the PS3 (or 360 or Wii) have none of that. In short, they can get more bang for less buck because of the fixed architecture.

Whatever else RSX *may* have under the hood, it doesn't approach a 7900 anything. The memory bandwidth limitations *alone* preclude even the possibility of such a thing.
DragonMasterAlex said:
By making it the *default* controller for the system

Without touching the PS3 GPU info (I'm not really sure that there is enough info available to make any solid claims), I completely agree that this new controller would not have worked for the GC. Only by making it the standard controller for the system can Nintendo give the new scheme the largest chance of success. Otherwise it would have become just another gimmick.

Also, another big plus is the ultra-low costs for development kits as well as overall development costs, allowing much smaller outfits to produce games which should spur innovation (hopefully helping to create some innovative new games for the controller).

PS: I'd just like to damn Sony yet again for having the F1 license. I WANT A PC F1 GAME THAT ISN'T FROM 2002!
4saken said:
From the demos already available and upcoming game screens movies, id have to possibly disagree on the 360 ending up with the better graphics of the 2.

I realize it all comes down to a dev teams skill more than likely, but from what im already seeing on the PS3, i have little doubts it will surpass the 360 in terms of graphics very shortly.
But who knows, maybe the 360 will be pushing out even greater things than GoW. Either way they both will be pushing each other to their respective consoles limits. Makes me glad to own them both.

Formula One demo (in progress) made me a believer out of the PS3. Graphics/physics/audio are beyond superb.

You have to remember, too, that 360 has essentially also been a training ground for developers working on PS3 games. Because the architectures are so comparable, it's not difficult to see that what you can do on a 360 can more or less be done the same on a PS3 and vice versa. PS3 will likely see lower rez texturing due to its lack of available and assignable texture memory compared to 360, but at the same time 360 will probably not see the same level of physics as will be possible on PS3 as a result of the floating point capabilities of Cell. Plainly, both systems have their ups and downs.

What I think it's unquestionably *safe* to say is that in the course of their lifetimes, neither Xbox 360 nor PS3 will ever come to a state in which it unilaterally outshines the other across the board. Quite likely your cross platform games (which is turning out to be more and more of the library every day just about) will be identical in nearly ever regard, and the occasional AAA title exclusive (such as MGS4 and Gears of War) will push the hardware to its limits and provide a unique and compelling look.

Either way, the likelihood of either system dominating the other in the graphics arena is practically nil.
erwos said:
I just wanted to point out that this is what killed the Gamecube, and tossed it firmly into third place last gen. Gamecube owners not only preferred Nintendo titles, but ended up buying them to practically the exclusion of everything else. It wasn't profitable to develop for. Nintendo cannot carry the system all by themselves. It didn't work the Gamecube, and it won't work for the Wii.

Given that GC was the *only* system last gen to consistently turn a profit, I don't see how you can reasonably claim that they can't carry the system all by themselves or that "it didn't work for the GC". Yeah, it DID work.

That said, I agree that they can't take it to #1 all by themselves. They *need* 3rd party titles, no question about it. It's already evident, though, that Wii has more 3rd party support than Gamecube *ever* had, and the announcements of additional titles and developers signing up are coming regularly.

Wii and GC, architectural similarites aside, are two *very* different animals.
quadnad said:
I'm not sure what games you're playing (or what you mean by "lag") , but do realize that some games use a pointer delay as a sort of "smoothing" effect (e.g. the aiming in Zelda) to sort out people wiggling their hands. Try out Trauma Center or Call of Duty 3 and you'll see 1:1 movement on the screen.

The potential is there, we just need developers to exploit it.

I was going to point that out as well, LOL. Trauma Center is a *clear* 1:1 ratio. Some games you'd definitely not *want* 1:1, Zelda being one of them.

And for whoever said you want to play Sports games...dude, Wii is *the* place for fun sports games :D
I think there are a few reasons as to why no one's excited about the PS3.

1) It's not a huge paradigm shift. When the X360 came out, it was the first of the next gen consoles, sporting resolutions that made HD tv's look beautiful. Compared to the XBox and especially the PS2, there was a huge difference in graphical quality.

2) Launch titles. Yes, while the 360 had a crappy launch lineup as well, most people wanted the games just to show off. That, and even though Perfect Dark was a pretty lame game, it was still a "perfect dark" game. Sure, there's Resistance, and it might be a good game, but its a brand new IP that people are unfamiliar with. Short of Final Fantasy, Sony doesn't have any games that "belong" to that system that people care about. Would anyone be excited if they anounced... Crash Bandicoot for the PS3? Socomm? EverQuest? Untold Legends?

3) The 360's been out for a year. Its hard to justify the hefty price tag when your one good game is compared to Gears of War. Why am I going to spend $660 (because I have to buy the HDMI cable) to play a shooter when I can spend $300 less to play Gears of War and have access to a larger library of games? The PS3 can play PS2 games? So can my PS2. And it can play Guitar Hero. Let's see the PS3 do that. That, and if I were going to spend $600, I'd get an 8800gtx. With scalpers out there snatching up the systems, there's no reason what so ever to buy a PS3 at $800.

4) If you are interested in the PS3, you're really interested in Metal Gear. A game that's coming out in late 2007/early 2008. By late 2007, I will be able to walk into any store and hopefully plunk down $4-500 on a console. FF13? Another late 2007 game? Between now and mid-late 2007, what games on the PS3 are coming out that won't be on the 360?

5) Wii. People actually buy the consoles to keep. Yeah, while Zelda may be the only -must- own game for gamers, its a MUST own game. There aren't many games out there that feel like Zelda. The console is cheap, and we've got Mario and Smash Brothers down the line. Metroid Prime was awesome, and playing it in 480p will be pretty bad ass.

That being said, I do intend on getting a PS3 eventually. When the games and potential justify a $400 price tag. And, if Sony loses MGS as an exclusive, then they lost me as a customer. I loved Squaresoft in the SNES days. I owned every one of their SNES titles. The PSX saw some sweet Square games. Einhander, Bushido Blade, FF:T. Then, either my taste in games changed, or Squaresoft changed, but I grew tired of Squeenix real fast.

If Square ended up only developing for Sony, well, I guess I'd never find out whether very effeminate male lead defeats super effeminate male villain who used to be a good guy in disk one and wins the heart of the renegade female figure of authoritative power with a mysterious past who fights in the name of Gaiea with 9 minute summon animations and a monster arena grind.

If... Freespace 3 were a PS3 exclusive launch title, I would hop on E-bay, buy the first PS3 I saw under a grand(Camping's not my thing. I did it for the Wii, and the PS3 crowd sounds a bit more... dangerous). Buy Freespace 3 Blu-ray super special edition for $100, and the Logitech, only works on the PS3 $400 HOTAS system, and thank Sony everytime I busted out my Amex.
DragonMasterAlex said:
The reason the memory interface is worth mentioning is that one of the biggest limiters of performance in a GPU is the memory bandwidth, and RSX has just over *half* that of the 7800 series.

Uhm Hello ? Xenos uses a 128 bit interface too ? There are good reasons consoles don't need the same bandwidth as a PC gpu. It sounds to me like you're just looking for excuses to knock it. Sure it's not as powerful as Xenos but to point out its memory interface as a flaw is a weak argument considering the X360 (The console you proclaimed will have the best graphics this generation) uses 128 bit also.

Defend the wii all you want. I think the controller is a gimmick. It's not cool enough to make me overlook the pathetic hardware. Most of the launch games look worse than gc games. I think the DS stylus is overrated as well. As for adding it to a gc, learn to spot sarcasm.

Stereophile said:
Uhm Hello ? Xenos uses a 128 bit interface too ? There are good reasons consoles don't need the same bandwidth as a PC gpu. It sounds to me like you're just looking for excuses to knock it. Sure it's not as powerful as Xenos but to point out its memory interface as a flaw is a weak argument considering the X360 (The console you proclaimed will have the best graphics this generation) uses 128 bit also.
I think he is trying to say that since it has a 128 bit memory interface it is not on the level of a 7800 while the comparison to the xbox is a different subject. (at least that's how I read it)
It's all moot anyway. The ps3 and 360 have comparable gfx chips and I would guess each will show strong points. We will probably see a xbox vs gamecube style match with both platforms having strong exclusive titles and both having 3 tons of crap piled on them :p
Stereophile said:
Uhm Hello ? Xenos uses a 128 bit interface too ? There are good reasons consoles don't need the same bandwidth as a PC gpu. It sounds to me like you're just looking for excuses to knock it. Sure it's not as powerful as Xenos but to point out its memory interface as a flaw is a weak argument considering the X360 (The console you proclaimed will have the best graphics this generation) uses 128 bit also.

Defend the wii all you want. I think the controller is a gimmick. It's not cool enough to make me overlook the pathetic hardware. Most of the launch games look worse than gc games. I think the DS stylus is overrated as well. As for adding it to a gc, learn to spot sarcasm.


Errr... how is talking about the limitations of the PS3's GPU "defending the wii!!!!111shiftoneone11shiftone!!!11"? As for "adding it to a gc", learn to not try and cover up serious remarks of silliness as "sarcasm".
Ashtaka said:
I think there are a few reasons as to why no one's excited about the PS3.

1) It's not a huge paradigm shift. When the X360 came out, it was the first of the next gen consoles, sporting resolutions that made HD tv's look beautiful. Compared to the XBox and especially the PS2, there was a huge difference in graphical quality.

2) Launch titles. Yes, while the 360 had a crappy launch lineup as well, most people wanted the games just to show off. That, and even though Perfect Dark was a pretty lame game, it was still a "perfect dark" game. Sure, there's Resistance, and it might be a good game, but its a brand new IP that people are unfamiliar with. Short of Final Fantasy, Sony doesn't have any games that "belong" to that system that people care about. Would anyone be excited if they anounced... Crash Bandicoot for the PS3? Socomm? EverQuest? Untold Legends?

3) The 360's been out for a year. Its hard to justify the hefty price tag when your one good game is compared to Gears of War. Why am I going to spend $660 (because I have to buy the HDMI cable) to play a shooter when I can spend $300 less to play Gears of War and have access to a larger library of games? The PS3 can play PS2 games? So can my PS2. And it can play Guitar Hero. Let's see the PS3 do that. That, and if I were going to spend $600, I'd get an 8800gtx. With scalpers out there snatching up the systems, there's no reason what so ever to buy a PS3 at $800.

4) If you are interested in the PS3, you're really interested in Metal Gear. A game that's coming out in late 2007/early 2008. By late 2007, I will be able to walk into any store and hopefully plunk down $4-500 on a console. FF13? Another late 2007 game? Between now and mid-late 2007, what games on the PS3 are coming out that won't be on the 360?

5) Wii. People actually buy the consoles to keep. Yeah, while Zelda may be the only -must- own game for gamers, its a MUST own game. There aren't many games out there that feel like Zelda. The console is cheap, and we've got Mario and Smash Brothers down the line. Metroid Prime was awesome, and playing it in 480p will be pretty bad ass.

That being said, I do intend on getting a PS3 eventually. When the games and potential justify a $400 price tag. And, if Sony loses MGS as an exclusive, then they lost me as a customer. I loved Squaresoft in the SNES days. I owned every one of their SNES titles. The PSX saw some sweet Square games. Einhander, Bushido Blade, FF:T. Then, either my taste in games changed, or Squaresoft changed, but I grew tired of Squeenix real fast.

If Square ended up only developing for Sony, well, I guess I'd never find out whether very effeminate male lead defeats super effeminate male villain who used to be a good guy in disk one and wins the heart of the renegade female figure of authoritative power with a mysterious past who fights in the name of Gaiea with 9 minute summon animations and a monster arena grind.

If... Freespace 3 were a PS3 exclusive launch title, I would hop on E-bay, buy the first PS3 I saw under a grand(Camping's not my thing. I did it for the Wii, and the PS3 crowd sounds a bit more... dangerous). Buy Freespace 3 Blu-ray super special edition for $100, and the Logitech, only works on the PS3 $400 HOTAS system, and thank Sony everytime I busted out my Amex.


I didn't know there were other gamers who felt exactly as I did. Freespace 3? LOL.

If only you would have given a shout out to Homeworld 3 (of course, PC only), you'd be my hero.
Stereophile said:
Defend the wii all you want. I think the controller is a gimmick. It's not cool enough to make me overlook the pathetic hardware. Most of the launch games look worse than gc games. I think the DS stylus is overrated as well. As for adding it to a gc, learn to spot sarcasm.


Yeah, the DS stylus is overrated. And the Wii controller is a gimmick.

That explains why the PSP can't hold the DS's jock in sales.

Face it, you're in the hardcore gamer minority. While the DS stylus pisses me off (I own one) at times, it's still incredibly well done in some games. Which is more than the PSP can offer since it has no games.

People like you are in the 2% minority. Which means that nobody caters to you.
Ashtaka said:
If Square ended up only developing for Sony, well, I guess I'd never find out whether very effeminate male lead defeats super effeminate male villain who used to be a good guy in disk one and wins the heart of the renegade female figure of authoritative power with a mysterious past who fights in the name of Gaiea with 9 minute summon animations and a monster arena grind.

Ha. Heheh. Heheheheheheheheheheheh.

Rocketpig said:
Yeah, the DS stylus is overrated. And the Wii controller is a gimmick.

That explains why the PSP can't hold the DS's jock in sales.

Face it, you're in the hardcore gamer minority. While the DS stylus pisses me off (I own one) at times, it's still incredibly well done in some games. Which is more than the PSP can offer since it has no games.

People like you are in the 2% minority. Which means that nobody caters to you.
Where the fuck did you get 2% from lol
Rocketpig said:
Yeah, the DS stylus is overrated. And the Wii controller is a gimmick.

That explains why the PSP can't hold the DS's jock in sales.

Face it, you're in the hardcore gamer minority. While the DS stylus pisses me off (I own one) at times, it's still incredibly well done in some games. Which is more than the PSP can offer since it has no games.

People like you are in the 2% minority. Which means that nobody caters to you.

This exact post can be related to the next guy's negative comments about square that you back up. You don't like square? Guess what, the majority of gamers do.
Spaceman_Spiff said:
This exact post can be related to the next guy's negative comments about square that you back up. You don't like square? Guess what, the majority of gamers do.

...not really. The PSP isn't what the "majority" likes; it's getting outsold against the DS by a hefty margin. The software sales for the PSP are even worse.
K600 said:
...not really. The PSP isn't what the "majority" likes; it's getting outsold against the DS by a hefty margin. The software sales for the PSP are even worse.

I just meant that it was hypocritical to dismiss the one person's minority opinion then agree with a different one in the very next post.
Ashtaka said:
If... Freespace 3 were a PS3 exclusive launch title, I would hop on E-bay, buy the first PS3 I saw under a grand(Camping's not my thing. I did it for the Wii, and the PS3 crowd sounds a bit more... dangerous). Buy Freespace 3 Blu-ray super special edition for $100, and the Logitech, only works on the PS3 $400 HOTAS system, and thank Sony everytime I busted out my Amex.

Yes . . . I agree, I would sell members of my family into slavery and pay whatever cost if that is what I had to do to play Freespace 3.
I also read on the source from reuters they declined to say how many they sold. So you know now they are not proud of how many they sold. I think the Wii took the spotlight this gen with the xbox360. ps3 i think is gonna be in 3rd like the gamecube was most likely from the looks of it right now.
Conker said:
I also read on the source from reuters they declined to say how many they sold. So you know now they are not proud of how many they sold. I think the Wii took the spotlight this gen with the xbox360. ps3 i think is gonna be in 3rd like the gamecube was most likely from the looks of it right now.

All of these companies sell out all their units at launch. Its not about how much you can sell, its about how much you can produce. They could have sold a million ps3 if they had been able to produce that many. Making predictions based on sales right now is as silly as saying that microsoft loses because it hasn't sold 100% of the machines its produced while nintendo and sony have. Sony absolutely destroyed nintendo and microsoft last time around and once they get production numbers up they'll be fine.
Spaceman_Spiff said:
Sony absolutely destroyed nintendo and microsoft last time around and once they get production numbers up they'll be fine.
I think Sony will do just fine, but remember. Last gen is not this gen. Completely different set of circumstances.
Spaceman_Spiff said:
All of these companies sell out all their units at launch. Its not about how much you can sell, its about how much you can produce. They could have sold a million ps3 if they had been able to produce that many. Making predictions based on sales right now is as silly as saying that microsoft loses because it hasn't sold 100% of the machines its produced while nintendo and sony have. Sony absolutely destroyed nintendo and microsoft last time around and once they get production numbers up they'll be fine.

Look at the retention rate of the PS3. A huge chunk of them went straight up on E-bay.

The only people who bought PS3s were people who planned on reselling them. If Sony produced a million PS3s at $5-600 a pop, there'd be tons sitting on shelves.

Sony sold a ton of PS2s because of:

Initial hype. Remember the huge Squaresoft demos? The talking heads? The Rinoa/Squall "real time" dance scene? The photorealistic The Getaway previews? The news reports of countries buying PS2s because they were super powerful and could be used to launch missiles? The Sony hype machine was in full swing, and the consumers didn't know better.

The Sony name. Back then, it meant a -ton-. And why wouldn't it? Look at the previous generation. Nothing could touch it's software library. FF, RE, GT.

It was a cheap DVD player. When the PS2 came out, DVD players were expensive and newish. Cheaper than most stand alones. The difference between DVD and VHS was huge. Just not having to rewind was worth the investment.

No "next gen" competition. Yes, there was the Dream Cast, but that cattered to a different set of gamer.

As for Sony destroying Nintendo and Microsoft last gen; Microsoft established itself as a player. MS got its feet wet and then some. Nintendo? I believe they're the only company that made any sort of profit.
Ashtaka said:
Look at the retention rate of the PS3. A huge chunk of them went straight up on E-bay.

A huge chunk of PS2's and 360's went straight to ebay as well.

The only people who bought PS3s were people who planned on reselling them. If Sony produced a million PS3s at $5-600 a pop, there'd be tons sitting on shelves.

I'd agree with you here if they were only selling at retail price, but the fact that this "huge chunk" is selling at 2-3 times MSRP would say otherwise.
Lord Nassirbannipal said:
I'd agree with you here if they were only selling at retail price, but the fact that this "huge chunk" is selling at 2-3 times MSRP would say otherwise.
Under 2x on average now, and dropping. Rich and stupid people do not make a console launch. You're talking about the people that panicked because it looked like they wouldn't get one for xmas and were willing to pay megabucks.

Lets at least wait until the new year before calling the race. ;)
Psychotext said:
Under 2x on average now, and dropping. Rich and stupid people do not make a console launch. You're talking about the people that panicked because it looked like they wouldn't get one for xmas and were willing to pay megabucks.

The last I checked, which was a few hours ago, they were still going for $1200 pretty often. Are all of them? No, but there's too many for all of them to get enough bids, but they're still going for well above retail.

I do agree that paying that much money for a console that you can get for retail price a few months later is the ultimate retardation, but then again, a great portion of the human race is ultimately retarded.
Lord Nassirbannipal said:
The last I checked, which was a few hours ago, they were still going for $1200 pretty often. Are all of them? No, but there's too many for all of them to get enough bids, but they're still going for well above retail.
Sorry, I should have been clearer. I was going off the numbers Amazon released earlier this week. I haven't actually been tracking them.

(There will be another spike between now and xmas too).
Rocketpig said:

I didn't know there were other gamers who felt exactly as I did. Freespace 3? LOL.

If only you would have given a shout out to Homeworld 3 (of course, PC only), you'd be my hero.

TIE Fighter 2 for the win.... (and I mean an actual TF2, with the same sort of fun storyline as the original)