Project: PrometheusCu

Langer was sucked into a time warp bubble made of high density carbon fiber 10 feet thick I believe. Once in there he found the EMI shielding is preventing his passage through the space time continuum. Its that or he decided to try some of his own moonshine from his DIY still and is now blind and has no way of completing this project or see his screen to inform us of his misfortune.
I wonder how long it'll take for this off-topic banter to occupy more pages than the actual worklog :p was on topic...It was about Langer, carbon fiber and a DIY still, all part of whats been posted along with the mystery that is the longer then expected missing in action Jesse. We all know that his case became large enough to form a space warp bubble around him comprised of 10 foot thick carbon fiber.
Hopefully he was wearing his tin foil hat and resisted the gravitational pull of the warp bubble...
I'm still alive, and still working on prometheus with every spare breath.

I've been up to many things... short films, editing an indy picture, shooting a pin-up girl calendar, several websites, and school as well; too many projects for just one post.

This week I made 2 orders for this project, orders of forgotten things. Which means the end is extremely f*cking neigh.

I'll be back soon, and with reinvigorated haste.

I'm actually STILL living in a hotel, I've been too busy to do the condo hunt thing.

tune in soon.
it's a 1940's-50's theme

here's july:


I'm tempted to mail you a copper trophy for....well...I don't know, the point is, you deserve an award for something.
I've been up to many things... short films, editing an indy picture, shooting a pin-up girl calendar, several websites, and school as well; too many projects for just one post.

What picture if you dont mind me asking....

The indy film still only has a working title. When it comes closer to completion I'll share details.
My short film is a couple weeks from finishing and it's called Turn

Enough about the film/calender! Let's hear an ETA on that case!
Yes! He's back! :D
Glad you are doing well.
Thank you for the pictures of the pretty lady!
Planning started about a 18months ago, and I've put an hour or two into it every day (or at least 90% of the days anyway). Also weekends/holidays/free time was usually dedicated to it in it's entirety.

I'd estimate 1500-2000 solid hours, much of that spent looking for unique components. I don't know really.
Personal reasons. Those off-topic pics pushed the wrong buttons for me.

Well, my girlfriend always appreciates a good 50s style pinup... ;) But I understand. Want us to pm you to come back when the project is finished?
Personal reasons. Those off-topic pics pushed the wrong buttons for me.

They may have pushed some buttons for you, but it is Langers thread which would make it on topic for him.

Cant wait to see whats next for PrometheusCU. One of the sickest mods ever. Worth the wait with Langers move, work and other projects going on.

Are you still going to hardline with copper pipe?
Life gets the best of all of us :)
I will come back after vacation to hopefully some shiny new pics :)
Haha, I don't think I have ever been as teased before now. I picked up reading this thread because I was like "omg I can't wait to see how it turns out!" I didn't even think that it might not be completed because the start of the thread was almost a year ago. I read every one of Langer's posts about this worklog, consistently being enthralled by the attention to detail and the vast amount of time and money (mainly money) he's thrown at this project to make it the best it could be. Then all of a sudden he disappears and comes back with 50s pinups. I mulled about it being a big joke and there was no computer but that would be the biggest most expensive practical joke in history.

I'm looking forward to when there's actually a completed computer to look at. I can't help but wonder what the sponsors are thinking like "Did this guy just buck on all our stuff???"

Also I was wondering if you (Langer) were going to switch out the hardware i.e. mobo, cpu, etc. Since it's taken so long some of the initial stuff has become nigh obsolete.

I just want to see this copper and carbon fiber beast!
Stop whatever it is your doing, and get cutting on the 'cut'. I should talk. Three plus years on Beast III and still no completion.

About that.:D

Cool mods, nonetheless. The huge ones with all the detail usually end up sitting around half done, as working on them gets to be more of a chore than fun. I have the same problem with all of my projects...:(
Also I was wondering if you (Langer) were going to switch out the hardware i.e. mobo, cpu, etc. Since it's taken so long some of the initial stuff has become nigh obsolete.

I just want to see this copper and carbon fiber beast!

Not the latest does not mean obsolete. 486s are obsolete. Pentium 2s are obsolete. This rig is still plenty fast. Its also all about aesthetics with this build.
Bumping for great justice! C'mon Langer! Let's see at least a pic of the parts so we know you didn't sell it for scrap! Might have to buy another bottle of TarnX at this rate.
Your attention to detail seems nearly obsessive. But its going to lead to some spectacular results.
Any updates? This is the one worklog that I think I check for each time I'm on [H].
Nah, it is just that working on this is more or less a chore, I have the same problem with big projects.
Langer, hope you can find the time to work on this project...and finish it :D
looking forward to some updates.
remember when you spent around $10,000 dollars on a computer and it was really close to completion? good times!
Hello all, and greetings.

In response to what's been said above:
I'm afraid my $100,000 education is taking precedence over this little project.]

Its been my intent for several weeks to post an update - but time doesn't play fare.

Prometheus still excites me and it's far from a chore, I've been purchasing bits for it periodically but I don't want to sacrifice any opportunities during my studies. Not to mention the fact that financing doesn't come as readily to a student as it did a few months ago when I was working.

On another note - I've recently (yesterday) completed the production which has been sapping my time away from Prometheus these past months. This will translate into further progress on the modding front soon - I'll be sure to document my work here for you all.

Let it be said -again- that I won't be walking away from this project!
I've never abandoned any project I've undertaken and I sure as shit wont start with Prometheus.

It's merely an issue of time and priorities - as much as I would LOVE to mod every day. The way I see it; 1 more year of dedicated, focused, hard work in school will ensure me a lifetime of prosperity... and I cannot let anything (even something as exciting, and fun as Prometheus) get in the way of that.

I'm sure you understand. Take solace in the knowledge that this project WILL come to a close sooner than later (lets just hope clients stop offering me obscene amounts of money to pull my focus away from modding - hahaha).
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As much as I'd love to see Prometheus finished as you visioned it, I'd give my left nut to be where you're at right now (and I like that one). We'll be here waiting, bumping, and being very jealous. Priorities are in order, full speed ahead. :)
First its good to know all is well, even if Promethus is still in storage somewhere. Secondly I assume the "production" you refer to is your film? Any chance we get a link to the video.. :)