Project: Galaxy 4.0

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Way to start off page 11 :D (for those who do 40 post per page)

It's almost said Galaxy 4.0 is done though, but it would be neat to see if in person. I'll have to head out there for a LAN sometime.
With 1tb drives around the corner (having a 30tb capacity), I don't see a need in the near future for a galaxy 5.0 :)

And if I was to do a galaxy 5.0, I will go all out this time ;)
With 1tb drives around the corner (having a 30tb capacity), I don't see a need in the near future for a galaxy 5.0 :)

And if I was to do a galaxy 5.0, I will go all out this time ;)

Ya, because 22.5 TB just isn't enough storage :p

Looks very, very nice. Although I must say that I feel a small pang of sadness that such a large case has no water cooled components in it. Good job!
I started to use NorcoTek rackmount storage subsystems, but it's not so convenient as having something more portable in the same case :)

I think Galaxy 5 should be a large, spherical case made from clear plexi. There should be a clear plexi shaft running through the center, top to bottom, that is free to rotate. This shaft is not necessarily cylindrical, but may have large flaps running top to bottom such that if placed into a current, the shaft would spin. All components are then mounted inside the sphere by attaching them to the central shaft (the flaps on the shaft should made this easier) at varying heights on varying lengths of plexi. Parts should be situated inside the sphere such that they are evenly distributed across the inside volume of the sphere, and face in many different directions. Low power white (or multicolor) LEDs should be mounted freely across the component mounts and the shaft. The idea is to fill the sphere with clear mineral oil. Depending on the size of the sphere and number of components used, at least one one pump and radiator should be mounted outside the sphere, with the inlet and outlet of the loop oriented such that flow will generate a circular current inside the sphere, causing the components and shaft to rotate. The mineral oil will flow through the radiator(s) to provide cooling. The wiring for inputs and outputs will be run through the center shaft and fitted to a rotating connector at the base.

Or, you could translate this idea into a more simple 2-D look that would more closely resemble a galaxy viewed from a distance. Instead of a sphere, use a short cylindrical pool ~5ft in diameter. You could mount something like this in your floor or ceiling.
wow... just wow. what hard drives? what exactly do you need it all for? have a huge raid0 array :D
wow... just wow. what hard drives? what exactly do you need it all for? have a huge raid0 array :D

Ya, I doubt Ockie will do that. Just image the data loss of 22.5TB because a drive, controller, etc decided to die :rolleyes: :(
wow... just wow. what hard drives? what exactly do you need it all for? have a huge raid0 array :D
lmaorofl:D that would not be funny when the whole thing dies
I think Galaxy 5 should be a large, spherical case made from clear plexi. There should be a clear plexi shaft running through the center, top to bottom, that is free to rotate. This shaft is not necessarily cylindrical, but may have large flaps running top to bottom such that if placed into a current, the shaft would spin. All components are then mounted inside the sphere by attaching them to the central shaft (the flaps on the shaft should made this easier) at varying heights on varying lengths of plexi. Parts should be situated inside the sphere such that they are evenly distributed across the inside volume of the sphere, and face in many different directions. Low power white (or multicolor) LEDs should be mounted freely across the component mounts and the shaft. The idea is to fill the sphere with clear mineral oil. Depending on the size of the sphere and number of components used, at least one one pump and radiator should be mounted outside the sphere, with the inlet and outlet of the loop oriented such that flow will generate a circular current inside the sphere, causing the components and shaft to rotate. The mineral oil will flow through the radiator(s) to provide cooling. The wiring for inputs and outputs will be run through the center shaft and fitted to a rotating connector at the base.

Or, you could translate this idea into a more simple 2-D look that would more closely resemble a galaxy viewed from a distance. Instead of a sphere, use a short cylindrical pool ~5ft in diameter. You could mount something like this in your floor or ceiling.
I think is should have quad optys and 40tb! FTW!!!

But man, Okie that is kickass. Are you the only one who uses the server for serving stuff?
I think Galaxy 5 should be a large, spherical case made from clear plexi. There should be a clear plexi shaft running through the center, top to bottom, that is free to rotate. This shaft is not necessarily cylindrical, but may have large flaps running top to bottom such that if placed into a current, the shaft would spin. All components are then mounted inside the sphere by attaching them to the central shaft (the flaps on the shaft should made this easier) at varying heights on varying lengths of plexi. Parts should be situated inside the sphere such that they are evenly distributed across the inside volume of the sphere, and face in many different directions. Low power white (or multicolor) LEDs should be mounted freely across the component mounts and the shaft. The idea is to fill the sphere with clear mineral oil. Depending on the size of the sphere and number of components used, at least one one pump and radiator should be mounted outside the sphere, with the inlet and outlet of the loop oriented such that flow will generate a circular current inside the sphere, causing the components and shaft to rotate. The mineral oil will flow through the radiator(s) to provide cooling. The wiring for inputs and outputs will be run through the center shaft and fitted to a rotating connector at the base.

Or, you could translate this idea into a more simple 2-D look that would more closely resemble a galaxy viewed from a distance. Instead of a sphere, use a short cylindrical pool ~5ft in diameter. You could mount something like this in your floor or ceiling.

Man you really got into detail there. Looks like a project for you ;) lol

wow... just wow. what hard drives? what exactly do you need it all for? have a huge raid0 array :D

Hard drives are various sizes, system drive is a raptor 36.4, and the rest of the storage drives varies from 320's to 750's (a couple 320's are in there). Majority is 500's. Brand wise they are Maxtor, WD, Seagate, and Hitachi... I'm not picky when it comes to brands but I do have a soft spot for the 5 year warranties.

Ya, I doubt Ockie will do that. Just image the data loss of 22.5TB because a drive, controller, etc decided to die :rolleyes: :(

That would be funny... as funny as me sticking my hand in a meat grinder. lol. Yes, that would suck.

lmaorofl:D that would not be funny when the whole thing dies

I think is should have quad optys and 40tb! FTW!!!

But man, Okie that is kickass. Are you the only one who uses the server for serving stuff?

I'm welcome to the idea that you would send me hardware to attain that 40tb status ;)

Yes, I'm the primary user I would say.

What drives you used? I read the hole thing through but cuold find the final specs.

Various. Read above in this post.
Ahh yes. I just got an email from reseller ratings and performance-pc's. Apparently these guys are on two different tracks.

The response I received from a staff member at PeformancePC's on reseller ratings was weak, rude, and a straight out lie. So basically from what I can see is that these guys are working on two different mindsets.... looks like one staff member is out to do damage and the other member is out to do damage control.

I'll be giving the "damage control" guy a ring to see what he has to say about their latest response. As far I was concerned this deal was settled... but apparently not. Now they are making up lies to cover their behaviour or simply just trying to aggitate a customer in the effort to look good for everyone else.

Poor business.

Here is the response I recieved out of the blue:
All the PSU plates as well as 20 other accessories for the 343-B are optional for this case and NOT included in the price. This is obvious by the 3 choices listed on the site for PSU option plates (no case would not come with 3 PSU plates stock). We still offered to send the part to this customer if they paid for the part and we would cover shipping but that was not good enough and there was only rude demands from customer we send this for free. was always polite with this customer even while he demeaned the employees he spoke with and was totally unreasonable to deal with.

All the PSU plates as well as 20 other accessories for the 343-B are optional for this case and NOT included in the price.

First of all, I did not expect the "Accessories" to be all included. I didn't expect "all the psu" brackets to be included either. According to their site back then, one of the brackets (the redundant psu bracket) was an optional part, radiator parts were optional, window, modular, and all the fancy accessories were... yes... optional. However, their description indicated that the dual psu bracket was part of the case, due to the lack of pictures at that time this could not be confirmed 100%. When I initially talked to the sales guy, he was nice and told me that something isn't right and the dual bracket should be there and he will call back... welp, didn't get a response back.. when I called back he was an asshole (described his behavior in a previous post) and told me straight up I'm SOL and there is nothing they will do about it. I tried to reason with him, asking him for any restitution as I am screwed now as it was my primary reason of buying this case. I didn't care what they would do as long as they got me the bracket to their best efforts, if it's free shipping, advanced shipping, advanced notice, I don't care... I just wanted my stinking bracket that their site indicated that it was included.

This is obvious by the 3 choices listed on the site for PSU option plates (no case would not come with 3 PSU plates stock).

Really? I WISH it was OBVIOUS. THERE WERE NO CHOICES THEN! Oh sure it's easy to say it now as you have the brackets and all the other options, you also have pictures, you also have a revised description.... sure now anyone would be a fool not to know now. Pretty easy for them to make such a sweeping claim.

We still offered to send the part to this customer if they paid for the part and we would cover shipping but that was not good enough and there was only rude demands from customer we send this for free.

Really? Well that would have been nice! I never asked for any free components. I asked for some sort of balance, something to help me get that bracket, I didn't care for $20 for this bracket, I just NEEDED the bracket. I don't care if an Eskimo comes to deliver it to me, as long as they indicated that they wanted to help me.

I never demanded anything, this is a pathetic attempt at a lie. Shit, the last time I talked to the "damage control guy" he OFFERED me a free plate and shipping, but I told him I was not interested in mooching nor do I want to milk them, I just simply wanted an apology. was always polite with this customer even while he demeaned the employees he spoke with and was totally unreasonable to deal with

Always polite?! You tell your customers "There is nothing we can do and nothing we will do", "Too bad"?!.

I demeaned the employees I spoke with?! I didn't even know their names...nice one there buddy! I'm curious, do you make this stuff up or something? Wild dreams? Imagination? I beg to know.

This comment of thiers was the polite way of dealing a customer AFTER somone has already called and appologized AND admitted to thier mistakes... now comes to accuse me after an appology? Pathetic.

I request of you all to avoid performance-pc's. They want to play this game, I can too. I will pass this around to my sites and we can see how many we can have playing this game.

First Post:

Second Update:

Third Update:

Resller Ratings:
Consider it done on my part. Hope they go the way of Monarch (Who DIDN'T really deserve to go under).:mad:
Good afternoon, Hank.

Ockie gave you guys full credit over at [H] for James' apology and the offer of a free plate back on 1/26. Now, today, you attempt to mislead people about the actual situation. I saw your site when Ockie placed his order last October, there were no drop-down menus for optional parts because they weren't available at the time, so insinuating that he missed something obvious when placing his order is completely misleading. I also have no reason not to believe Ockie's complete account of his first dealings with your customer service, especially after reading about his positive experience on 1/26. Yet nearly 6 months after the initial incident and 2 months after it was happily resolved, you state that Ockie was totally unreasonable. He seemed perfectly reasonable to me on the forums and on the phone during my dealings with him regarding this issue.

Your response on Reseller Ratings is not only insulting to Ockie, but to anyone who has followed Ockie's project thread or can read dates correctly. I suggest that you make some drastic changes to the wording of your response. Maybe James can fix the hole in your foot.

Most Sincerely,

-Nate M

Edit: PPCs' reply added below:

Hank's response:

Hello Nate,

Well he never edited the eval and made us sound like we ripped him off which we did not. We have no problem editing the eval if he can do the same. It was quite harsh and unnecessary for him to put what he did in that eval. We thought he would reword his eval and leave it as the web page not being clear to him on that accessory. And to be fair you were not on the phone with him and I when he was less then cordial with us.

End of Email.

I replied:

Good afternoon, Hank.

While I can certainly understand the possibility of Ockie being un-cordial given his situation, and while I understand how his report on RR may have seemed harsh, I still think that trying to use your current (correct) website to confuse the original issue is misleading, especially if you acknowledge that your site was incorrect at the time of the order.

Ockie's post on 1/26 made it clear to [H] that he was satisfied with your response and that the issue was resolved. I'm sure that he would not object to you stating this in your response, which I believe would put you in a much more positive light than your current response which is just vitriol after the fact. Did you ask Ockie to revise his original review before you posted your response this morning? I'm sure that he would be reasonable about it since he was already satisfied with James' response - although now he might be a little more annoyed. I suggest you ask Ockie about it, because you aren't looking very good at the moment.

-Nate M

Edit: added another response:

They reply very fast. First Hank's reply:

The website was not wrong, the case does not include the brackets and it never said that it includes 3 brackets. It listed 3 things you can do with this case via rear plates. So this was not clear to him and we offered free shipping on the part. We added a couple words to make it more clear on the site but it never stated that the case comes with all those plates. We were never rude with him but he was with us demanding we send the part for free. Most customers we deal with are understanding when there is something unclear and we try split the difference if there is an issue and go about our merry ways. It is not right a customer can trample over a shop and they have to just take whatever is written. Like I said I am open to both editing the eval.

Best Regards,

Hank Baron

Then James' reply:

Hi, this is James. I'm a little confused to on why this has come up again. Like you said, last I knew the situation was resolved with both parties being satisfied with the result.

I did not ask Ockie to revise his post as I felt that if he was truly satisfied that he would simply update it as the situation changed. I don't want in anyway for it to appear that I called to have him fix the evaluation, I simply wanted to fix the situation. I guess if he would be willing to update it then I would appreciate it, but that is up to him. I can't even begin to explain the confusion on why this is up again. Nearly all of our Evaluations go unanswered on our behalf simply because of the large volume of orders that we deal with. However, this doesn't do anyone else justice because a lot of times bad reviews bring up the best customer service but as in our case the customer is not asked to directly update the evaluation. But if the problem is in fact fixed, if the evaluation isn't replied to and not updated, it would appear as if the problem still existed.

Again, I feel as if the problem is "dead" and settled. I apologize for any hostile notion derived from his responses. Our replies were made to hopefully give our "side" of the situation to future customers that base their purchase decision on these evaluations. I appreciate the time you've taken in getting this worked out and I look forward to dealing with you as well as Ockie again in the future.

James "Levell0rd" Davis

And once again my reply to both:

Good afternoon again, Hank.

He may have been rude to you last October, but since 1/26 all has been well until today. True, Ockie's review has been on RR all that time, but if you'd like him to tone it down a bit since things were settled, I think it would've been a better idea to simply email him and ask if he'd mind either toning it down or noting that everything had been resolved. I'm sure that he would have been reasonable. Instead you post a response today that only serves to stir up the argument again, and now it seems that Ockie must edit his rating before you edit your response. I'm sorry, but you took the moral low road this morning, and I think it's only fitting that you adjust your response to something more pleasant, like: "This issue was resolved on 1/26" and then ask Ockie if he wouldn't mind amending his review to reflect that he was satisfied. If Ockie is not willing to reason with you, then post whatever you want.

But even if Ockie is in a rage and makes his review even more harsh, I still think you'd look MUCH better in the eye of your potential customers if your response read something like: "This issue was resolved with the customer on 1/26, and our site has been updated to prevent future misunderstandings." I'm not saying that you should let customers walk all over you, but in the most extreme cases where you have someone slandering you, responding in kind does not earn you business. I'm just trying to be helpful here.


Thanks for your reply. Considering that the incident happened last October, and the resolution was reached in January, it might've been the case that Ockie needed to be reminded of his review at RR. Considering what he posted at [H], I can't imagine that he would've insisted his review remain unchanged. I don't think it would've been 'shady' or anything to just openly ask him if he'd mind updating it.

Most Sincerely,
-Nate M
Thanks guys, I'm at a loss to whats really going on, I thought the apology was the end of things so I continued onwards... I was blown away when I get this post response from them. I would have preferred and probably would have been into their best business interests if they simply responded with "This issue has been resolved, our apologies" or something to that line... but to blatantly accuse me of things I did not do, thats pushing it for me.

Nice letter nicepants. Btw, where did you get that name from? Are you always wearing nice pants? lol
Thanks nicepants. I wasn't aware that you can change reseller ratings after you have posted them, I was under the impression that they are similar to ebay ratings... as you can see I'm a nube at RR.

Anyways, if they simply asked me to change it it would have been a different story, but to come back and then make up lies about me and trying to basically blackmail me saying that they will remove their quotes and accusations if I removed mine, thats unacceptable. For starters, I did not lie, nor did I insult or demand anything... and for them to accuse me of a lie, thats just outright insane.

I think having a bad post and a good resolution says more about a company than a bad post simply dissapearing, but hey, thats just me.

I will go now to RR, remove my post, first I will capture a screen shot. I will remove my post not because I'm giving into their demands, but I'm simply just tired of it and I will stand up and be the better person. I am disappointed in performance-pcs attitude about all this, especially for a customer who swore by them, and I am very shocked that this attitude and behavior would come from a business on such a personal level... almost vendetta like.

In the future I will do not business with them, I will encourage everyone else to do the same, let them have their ice cream and eat it too.

EDIT: I don't see where you can remove the rating, you need a 50 word minimum post, so I just made up a cheesy post and changed my rating to neutral.
and how much does that thing weigh? lol :D

It weighs quite a bit, moving it is a chore. I was really impressed that this case held up the weight so good and still manages to look snazzy.

Soon, when I get time (right now my current project is remodeling the bathroom to include a jaccuzi), I want to make this case a custom transport case, something that would allow me to put this case on leather seats or on soft seats for that matter without it using those little wheels to punch holes into it, lol.
Thanks nicepants. I wasn't aware that you can change reseller ratings after you have posted them, I was under the impression that they are similar to ebay ratings... as you can see I'm a nube at RR.
No problem, Ockie. It seems like I've been running into hubris among bosses a lot lately. Sometimes it seems like people have to choose between owning a business and knowing when to show a little humility or restraint.

Nothing says "I care" like resurrecting a 6-month-old misunderstanding (that's already been resolved) without first contacting the concerned party. :confused:

(right now my current project is remodeling the bathroom to include a jaccuzi)
Cheaper RAID controllers, FTW!! Pics! Pics!
Soon, when I get time (right now my current project is remodeling the bathroom to include a jaccuzi), I want to make this case a custom transport case, something that would allow me to put this case on leather seats or on soft seats for that matter without it using those little wheels to punch holes into it, lol.

Strip the wheels off and put a hard, slick plastic pad about 2cm deep on the bottom, so you can drag it, perhaps? Not too good for rough surface, but I'd be surprised if those wheels dealed gracefully with rough surface extending beyond lino.
If you look at page 3 you can see there blaming everything but them selfs. I mean calling a customer a liar and a trouble maker is really on top of how childish the company is. Sure they might have a lot of positive reviews. However to me whats important is how they take care of there neg. reviews. From the look at it there support team is very childish.

The right thing would have them posted that it was solved and ask you to edit your listing however they took it saying you wanted it for free and always was rude and wasn't reasonable was not the right thing. I won't be shopping there any time soon due to there actions they take on the bad reviews. Most Positive reviews will be about the buyer just receiving there packages that they bought which isn't a hard thing to do for the company. Now having the company suck it up and deal with there problems instead of claiming coming totally wrong to make it seem like it was all the buyer. That is not right.
It weighs quite a bit, moving it is a chore. I was really impressed that this case held up the weight so good and still manages to look snazzy.

Soon, when I get time (right now my current project is remodeling the bathroom to include a jaccuzi), I want to make this case a custom transport case, something that would allow me to put this case on leather seats or on soft seats for that matter without it using those little wheels to punch holes into it, lol.

ah c'mon. weigh that sucker ;). :D. i estimate my cooler master stacker case weighs about 70-80 pounds currently. i may just put on scale to see :D
Consider them on my ignore list to buy from too. Thanks for the update on that situation.
Cheaper RAID controllers, FTW!! Pics! Pics!

I should have taken pictures as I've been going. To put it in perspective, this tub was a bitch, I don't think I'd do it again, the reward is awesome... but MAN... I'd rather stick to computers, lol.

Trying to navigate an old tub with skirt and siding down a staircase (which makes a right turn) was just fun.. lol. Trying to do the same with a jacuzzi was also just as much fun.

I will take pictures of the end product, I'm still finishing off the hard board and the drywall. Everything works like a charm, the electricity, plumbing, and the tub.... which is a good thing, because removing that tub for any reason I would go nuts.

Strip the wheels off and put a hard, slick plastic pad about 2cm deep on the bottom, so you can drag it, perhaps? Not too good for rough surface, but I'd be surprised if those wheels dealed gracefully with rough surface extending beyond lino.

1,250lbs with water and tied down to the walls.. I don't think it's going anywhere, with or without wheels :p

If you look at page 3 you can see there blaming everything but them selfs. I mean calling a customer a liar and a trouble maker is really on top of how childish the company is. Sure they might have a lot of positive reviews. However to me whats important is how they take care of there neg. reviews. From the look at it there support team is very childish.

The right thing would have them posted that it was solved and ask you to edit your listing however they took it saying you wanted it for free and always was rude and wasn't reasonable was not the right thing. I won't be shopping there any time soon due to there actions they take on the bad reviews. Most Positive reviews will be about the buyer just receiving there packages that they bought which isn't a hard thing to do for the company. Now having the company suck it up and deal with there problems instead of claiming coming totally wrong to make it seem like it was all the buyer. That is not right.

Yes, I completely agree. To me a bad review which was resolved successfully is 100 times better than just a good review. If someone receives their order as they should and in a good condition (no UPS hockey), then it's automatically a good review, which IMO doesn't say much other than the company did its job.

ah c'mon. weigh that sucker ;). :D. i estimate my cooler master stacker case weighs about 70-80 pounds currently. i may just put on scale to see :D

I can tell you that your stacker will weigh quite a bit more as the case itself already has a 20lb head start. The PC-343B is incredibly light for its size, I found my stacker to be a rock in terms of weight difference.
I made an order with PPCs... Here are the cliffs:

Cancelled it with Hank (over about 3 emails back and forth)

It was still shipped, with the wrong courier (UPS to Canadian destination = 45$ brokerage fee to my UPS account).

Was dropped off (no signature required, so I couldn't send it back).

Email was never replied to.

Order contained 2 wrong items.

Further emails, never replied to.

Total cost out of my pocket, 200$ for an item I no longer needed, an item that wasn't even in the package!
I made an order with PPCs... Here are the cliffs:

Cancelled it with Hank (over about 3 emails back and forth)

It was still shipped, with the wrong courier (UPS to Canadian destination = 45$ brokerage fee to my UPS account).

Was dropped off (no signature required, so I couldn't send it back).

Email was never replied to.

Order contained 2 wrong items.

Further emails, never replied to.

Total cost out of my pocket, 200$ for an item I no longer needed, an item that wasn't even in the package!

Ouch, and let me guess, there is "nothing they can or will do"?
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