Problems with XFX's RMAs

Hope this works out for you. I've owned many XFX products in the past ranging from GPUs to PSUs, and never had one fail one me.

Lucky. It seems the only way I can even get a new replacement is to live in North America.

Contact the USDoS and come on over!
Thanks everyone for the support to myself and XFX.. We do make great efforts to keep our community well taken care of. Ultimately, I too am apart of this community and go above and beyond whenever I can in the hopes that some day, someone may do the same for me.

As far as this case is concerned, it was a newly introduced Over-seas buying program from USA-Newegg that landed Josh Park in Australia, a New-in-box faulty card, followed by an RMA to Asia which in turn was another faulty card. The odds are inconceivable, and I imagine there are more factors than 1 that led to the failure. Either way, this is where we're at.

The problem comes in when i try to get involved in other regions territories, how its billed, who pays customs, and really, who has the know-how or job-title to handle this case from start to finish. Since it travels through so many gray areas, we try to segment each XFX Division to its own region.

What i've been able to do is get approval for a brand new card to replace the one Josh is sending me directly. i couldn't get his shipping cost waived, but i was able to get shipping back to him and the new unit approved. Hopefully it all goes smooth from here on out, but then again, customs can get tricky.

Mark at XFX
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Outstanding service, Mark. Way to step up to the plate!
I agree...A good many of us put XFX at the top of our pc parts shopping list because of this kind of service. op if mark gets you fixed up, you should edit the title of this thread accordingly.
Do you know off hand which versions of the next gen cards will carry the LLTW if any?
Not yet, ive heard rumors we're changing it up again though.
Yea that change burned me on my 290x. I purchased it with the memory that XFX warrantied "ALL" cards for LLTW. Not the case anymore and would have loved to know that before purchasing the card I have now. Haven't had any problems out of it but still there is always that one day coming and hopefully it comes on the future owner after I upgrade. lol Will make sure if I stay on team red to keep an eye on which XFX cards are actually true to what XFX used to be. Then of course if I change sides and go Green it's EVGA all the way to purchase the 10 year extended warranty.