Post Your Workstation 2009!

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College student? I can relate, I've got no money. I spent it all on my rig and my monitor.

I start in august. I spent most of my money on my rig, and I've had the monitor ever since I built my first. Its special to me, and it works better than my LCD does. I have a 17 inch I use for laning.
Updated, Got two new desks

Right - Gaming PC

Man, I wish those drinks worked for me. I could down a six-pack of Monster, or any energy drink, and then take a two-hour nap.

I wish I could drink one without the urge to vommit. I haven't tried any of the other ones but the green one and it made me wanna puke. Are the others any better?
I wish I could drink one without the urge to vommit. I haven't tried any of the other ones but the green one and it made me wanna puke. Are the others any better?

Yea, Monster does not taste good to me. I prefer Rockstar. Careful with the energy drinks though. I recall Rockstar dropping off free cases to our fraternity house back in 2005, and to this day, I still drink them. They can't be good for you with all of the caffeine and sugar. Although they are under the radar with the FDA because they use supplements, I'm sure that they will have to be regulated in the near future. I mean really, what are some of these supplements that are in these drinks?
Yea, Monster does not taste good to me. I prefer Rockstar. Careful with the energy drinks though. I recall Rockstar dropping off free cases to our fraternity house back in 2005, and to this day, I still drink them. They can't be good for you with all of the caffeine and sugar. Although they are under the radar with the FDA because they use supplements, I'm sure that they will have to be regulated in the near future. I mean really, what are some of these supplements that are in these drinks?

Yeah I used to drink 1 sobe adrenaline rush a day, but on the way to school one morning (as I was drinking said sobe) I noticed my right foot was shaking alot.... after that I cut back. Now im back to just one mountain dew a day (helps a little) and the occasionally bawls at lan partys. I like to take 6 bottles of bawls (64 ounces or so) and make koolaid. Its always a hit at the lans. I make people chip in if they want more than a small cup. Dont add any sugar just the bawls and the mix. I do that because it makes the after taste of the bawls go away. the after taste isnt *bad*, I just dislike it.
Avira Antivirus is the best! Easily better than AVG or any paid anti-virus program, that thing has saved me so many times.

is that avira antivirus in the taskbar? if it do you like it? arent they free?
I figure now is the best time to finally get a pic, just cleaned up everything :D Btw, the LCD's look MUCH better in person.
^^ Scary that you have many of the same components that i do. Same Antec 900, G5, speakers and xbox360 controller.
Finally got around to posting my slightly modified setup. Compared to last year my workstation is no longer a rats nest of cables. I don't have pics but even the back side of rack looks tons better.









Yes my notebook has internal wireless, the proxim card is primarily used in backtrack along with a few other ones I use.
You guys have some insane setups ....
Heres my nooby ones :p

My pc



My wiring


Last but not least my laptop

its hard being a college student in a 3rd world country :p
P.S - My wiring pwns all !
Well, the desk isn't something I'd have used, but this is what was in the room when I moved in. What you can't see is the PS3 tucked in behind my monitor, and the subwoofer is behind the TV.


Here is my new desk that I just got - Its one of those Staples Z-Line designs, and its holding up just fine....for now:
I've been thinking of dropping my Z-Line L Desk for that...I wish they still made the bookcase :(
Yeah- this desk came with an attached one (those three shelves), but it fits my needs. I just wish it had enclosed storage
they still make this desk? I got mine at staples for $59 about 5 years ago. I thought it was a clearance item, but i guess not. Very nice and sturdy desk :D

thanks. you would not believe the free posters you can get at the NYC Auto show. Went last year and am going again this year
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