Post your workstation 2008 !

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hey all, finally got around till taken some pics of my current setup..
hope you all like it..

- mine and the little ladies PC's


- her little work station I made for her :)



- where I work..... ... ... and play



- kind'a went crazy with my camera , hehehe :p


- some pics of my toys



- inside my baby




I could be wrong, but I think in order for you to get dual channel memory speed/support, you have to alternate the chips. So you'd want a chip in either both yellow slots of both black slots. Not sure how that mobo works though.

BTW... Awesome, Clean, setups!
I remember with my first build that I put the 2x1gb modules in the secondary slots (black slots usually). I got BSODs a couple times a week. You should probably check that out Camper.
Yes, on this ASUS mobo your memories need to be placed on either the first and third bank or second and forth.
Nice set ups Camper! Very nice and clean, that is actually how my setup is going to be when I move house. Good chair choice (presume you are a Brit? Same chair as mine)
Camper: That's probably the cleanest workstation I've ever seen. Looks great!!!

Your Michael Myers figure creeps me out a bit, tho. Perhaps a subliminal message to the little lady to behave or else Baby Stewie gets the bad news end of the knife? :p
I just moved, so here is my current setup.

I'm also currently parting out my desktop computer in the For Sale section :p
Don't you think your 360 will get too hot sitting on top of the reciever?
Thanx guys for all your kind comments.. i do like to work in a clean workspace...
As for the ram, i had 4 slots taken up litterly a few days ago, but moved 2gigs to a new build i'm working on.. being a silly and lazy person that i can be, i thought the ram works fine in them slots.. honestly for me to get at them slots, i have to take off the heatsink, which may result in removing the mobo and i dont wanna do that.. so i think its better for me to just pop in another 2gigs of ram when i'm at the computer retailers next... :p
My new and revised setup with Dual Monitors.(NOTE:I did not write zach's monitor on my lcd's bezel. My dumbass cousin did and I can't get it off


Where did you get the keyboard slider part from?

The hardware for the tray I got at Lowes. The shelf for the tray I ended up getting at Lowes too since they had a shelf that matched the color of the desk.
My new and revised setup with Dual Monitors.(NOTE:I did not write zach's monitor on my lcd's bezel. My dumbass cousin did and I can't get it off


Acetone should take it right off. Very little and make sure to have another rag with a cleaner handy to wipe off the acetone after the marker comes off. If you don't then it could melt the plastic real fast and then it will look damaged.
Acetone is volatile so once it's on, you really don't have much time until it evaporates. I don't recommend using acetone as it will start dissolving the plastic on the monitor as it tends to do the same to safety goggles in the lab.
Yeah, thats a dell down there. It's good for torrenting and backups. My main machine runs Vista 64bit with an e6700 and 4gb of ram.
Where do you get those stands for you headphones. I have looked everywhere for one of those things.

You get them at a kitchen store. They call them Banana Hooks. You hang your Bananas so they don't spoil as fast. But I really think the idea is very smart. Nice spin on an old idea. =]
On plastic, never use acetone unless you want to resurface it. Try isopropyl.

You could try the trick that's used to get permanent marker off dry erase boards. You basically trace over the permanent ink with a dry erase marker. Wait 5-10 seconds and then wipe it off. You might have to go over it multiple times since it's probably been set in for a while now. I guess this works pretty well on dry erase boards and I don't think you can make it much worse so it's probably worth a try.
how did you make the poster matte? did you just spray matte finnish over the poster or did you buy it matte? if so where can you buy it?


Hi coolazn,

The posters were professionally framed on matte wood. I don't really know the technical part of it, but I had it done at They are a local company here in Toronto, Canada.
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