Post Your Workstation 2007

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Dang, nice setup. Do you host online games or websites with that server? What is it for exactly? How does your ISP feel about you hosting stuff like that? I know mine didn't like it :mad:
I know this is the ikea FREDRIK


where would i go about getting it and the monitor stands pictured
well that sucks how would i go about finding the jerker and parts when they no longer had that line. short of ebay. any private companies still selling it.
well that sucks how would i go about finding the jerker and parts when they no longer had that line. short of ebay. any private companies still selling it.

Craigslist :) That's how I found mine. I had do drive a few hours to pick it up, but it was SO worth it :).
Dang, nice setup. Do you host online games or websites with that server? What is it for exactly? How does your ISP feel about you hosting stuff like that? I know mine didn't like it

Sadly I can barely host a Teamspeak server for more than 2-3 people. (Roadrunner's U/L sucks more than normal when you have the digital phone). I'm only staying where I am for probably 6 months, perhaps I can get a better connection (either the premium package or DSL) when I move.
Craigslist :) That's how I found mine. I had do drive a few hours to pick it up, but it was SO worth it :).

heh i would drive if i lived in CA

haha ohio native here. not many people selling it on there. then again im new to CL
Sadly I can barely host a Teamspeak server for more than 2-3 people. (Roadrunner's U/L sucks more than normal when you have the digital phone). I'm only staying where I am for probably 6 months, perhaps I can get a better connection (either the premium package or DSL) when I move.

I don't understand then...why do you have such a big server if you're not using it for anything? :s
i can't seem to find any pictures of the fredirk anywhere

wanna be able to make sure a samsung LN-T3253H 32" HDTV will fit in there with comfort able viewing pleasure
That's a case, not a workstation.

A question, though - how did you attach the wheels? Stick-on, drilled holes, etc.?

i think that case comes with wheels as an option. i saw a review of a case that looked like taht on overclockers the other day. :)
Wow, talk about rip-off! (assuming that we're not talking about 5 years ago).
I don't understand then...why do you have such a big server if you're not using it for anything? :s
E-peen and i'm trying to get into the IT field, so the cisco and stuff is for me to practice on, plus where I work i've gotten good deals (the IBM workstation was $400 and ive changed alot of parts out, many i got for free from work or craiglist. Long story)
My setup update for the 2007-2008 College school year :)


Excuse the phone-camera-ness. And yes, my desk is always this clean. ADHD and OCD make it impossible for me to be even slightly messy (Well, what's weird is that any other room can look like it's been hit by a tornado... but not my computer desk) the distance between my subwoofer and the red cabinet beside it is exactly 11 inches :p.

I forget the name of the desk, but it's by Ikea... Galant I'm fairly sure.
hey man you totaly have to explain to me how are you hidding thos wires ? Can you take a picture of how you did it. It's really amazing!
My setup update for the 2007-2008 College school year :)


Excuse the phone-camera-ness. And yes, my desk is always this clean. ADHD and OCD make it impossible for me to be even slightly messy (Well, what's weird is that any other room can look like it's been hit by a tornado... but not my computer desk) the distance between my subwoofer and the red cabinet beside it is exactly 11 inches :p.

I forget the name of the desk, but it's by Ikea... Galant I'm fairly sure.

hdkhfkhsd what HK receiver is that?
Arcygenical... nice setup there, no doubt. What's that device you got in the top drive bays of your Lian Li? Looks to me like an LCD. I got the V-1000B and I have red lighting as well, so I must say that your case has won my heart. This is probably totally unrelated, but I also love your hardwood floors :D

Well, new case...modded it slightly. Comfortable for me so It'll stay like this until I'm motivated to screw it up :)


These cases have a fan on the lower bottom but they don't have any intake fans right in front. Mainly because there is a hard drive cage that houses like 8 or so HDDs. I took the cage out, put a hole there and that's all she wrote. My HDDs are near the Optical drives which is better for hotswapping. Easy to put back together too.


Another thing about the case I thought it needed was a side intake fan. I would have loved a window but I wasn't going to dremel my ass off all night. An 80mm hole works wonders.


A couple of HALO3 stickers for charachter....


...and my N500 cooling system gives me good temps for OCing. I have multiple coolers here at the house. Last week, I had CoolITs Ellimintor and before that, Zalmans 9700 and before that, Ultra's Peltier cooler (forgot the model).

picked up a new chair at staples yesterday, came to $103 after tax


its a nice change from my old chair which was dirty and uncomfortable.
hey man you totaly have to explain to me how are you hidding thos wires ? Can you take a picture of how you did it. It's really amazing!

Hehe, hiding my desk wires? Certainly :) An in-progress shot of how I do it...


Hang a basket, and fill it with EVERYTHING. Then, using zip ties and tie mounts, you attach all the other cords to the bottom backside of the desk.

hdkhfkhsd what HK receiver is that?

AVR-130... Freakin awesome with a S/N ratio of 100db... Even at maximum volume, there's no distortion.

Arcygenical... nice setup there, no doubt. What's that device you got in the top drive bays of your Lian Li? Looks to me like an LCD. I got the V-1000B and I have red lighting as well, so I must say that your case has won my heart. This is probably totally unrelated, but I also love your hardwood floors :D


The device is the Mashie MDVA... Which is now out of production... I wanted anoter one too :mad:. I love red/white lighting more than anything.

And Thanks! I appreciate the hardwood floor comment, seeing as I installed it myself :p

Arcygenical i got the same keyboard as you! I love it

I know, it's an incredible keyboard.
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