Post your "rate my cables" here



still have to organize the room, looks like a tornado went through.


still have to organize the room, looks like a tornado went through.'s not that bad. Without any mods the 1000 and 2000 series of Lian-Li cases do make things slightly difficult, but you've actually done a great job with it, one of the best wiring jobs I've seen in that case without any serious modding.
Couple of hardware changes and a lot of cable re-routing, I'm closer to happy now...

Looking really good, but I'd route the two SATA cables down and straight under the motherboard as opposed to down as far as they're going...looks unnecessary.

I agree with the sata cables, damn annoying connection position, good thing you don't need an ide cable! If they were slotted 90 degrees sideways, they could route under the right side of the mobo and keep the IDE and FP connections clear.


I agree with the sata cables, damn annoying connection position, good thing you don't need an ide cable! If they were slotted 90 degrees sideways, they could route under the right side of the mobo and keep the IDE and FP connections clear.


I dunno, move the bottom cable down one SATA slot to space them out and just put the cables right on top of each other (to look like one cable from head on) and route them under the motherboard.

Don't be afraid to bend the motherboard and/or have it held in a bit of a bent position...I did some nasty flexing with my old IC7-MAX3 years back and it ran fine for a VERY long time...the PCB's in today's motherboards are just as resilient from what I've experienced and there's really not much to worry about if it means better looking wire routing.
Ok so here it is, this is my third Re-Wire with my Antec (I'm sure there are several more to come). The flash really screwed up the cables coming out of the PSU, they look black in person but the flash really showed the colors through the mesh. I need a 24-pin mobo extender, and I was gonna use black electric tape to cover up where the wires come out of the mesh (example, where the 260 plugins are) to make it look better. Im still looking for ideas etc to make this even cleaner, so the more the merrier guys!

It will also be a lot better when my buddy sends me the money for a new CD/DVD drive, since he really wanted my SATA lightscribe drive, I was generous enough to lend it to him untill he can pay me back for a new drive. I am currently using his old IDE cable drive, and it makes things a bit messier looking as any IDE cable component does. (Although I am using a round cable)

Not bad...I liked working with the Antec's mine to compare, the case is too damn big to wire as cleanly as I wanted without cutting anything (computer wasn't built for me, just by me):

If they would have given me a little extra time to sleeve the PSU and cut the case it could have been so much nicer...oh well.
Yeah.. Im just going to use electrical tape to make up for the short sleeves.. Although I think for a quick job, its very nice and im loving the view from where I sit:

A nice view indeed...enjoy the system, I know the new owners of the watercooled 1200 I threw together are loving theirs!

Enough off-topic thread jacking for me though...sry guys.
Innards of my Antec 1200. Could improve a few things in the cable management to make it look better but frankly, I don't care all that much at this point.

Here is mine. I havent had a chance to clean it up again since I changed the drives and put in the 4850.

I'm thinking about a new graphics card, other than that it's coming along as planned...
The crimson red glow that it emits looks wicked from the hallway :eek:




I finally broke down and bought a Bulgin Vandal switch... I should have done that sooner... the feeling when you push the button is a pleasure to my sensory cells :D



And finally, here's the interior all cleaned up... gotta love that V1000 cable management potential ;)

krameriffic, not bad if not much time was put in, but what was the reasoning behind the SATA cables...almost look like you purposefully coiled them. Easy to route the SATA cables down into the hole in the mobo tray and out next to the drives.

TooBooKoo, very nice V1000 wiring...and the red glow is eerily overpowering for sure!
That's TWO very nice P180 jobs on the same page! Nice and clean!

Is this the same UncleDavid from DIY Street? The work looks similar (perfection), but I find it hard to imagine him using a P180! :D
Why yes it is. I remember you also!

How yah been?
thats is some awesome cabling anti hero sooo clean i wish i could do that with my stacker with out drilling holes
Thanks. I'm sure you can mate, it just takes a lot of time and patience. That is one of many attempts to get the cables tidy.

Send me a pic of your stacker and I'll see if there is anything you can do to tidy it up a little more :)
Yeah, that came out real nice AntiHero. Great job. Out of curiosity, what's that black fan looking thing behind the hard drives?
thanks antihero i will send you that when i get home from work around 830 (1.5 hour ride home not the most enjoyable. :)
Yeah, that came out real nice AntiHero. Great job. Out of curiosity, what's that black fan looking thing behind the hard drives?

Do you mean the thing beside the hard drives in the first pic? If so then that is a directional fan mount that came with the case. It allows you to twist the top around to direct airflow wherever you want in your case :)

np prodigee, I'm happy to help.
That's TWO very nice P180 jobs on the same page! Nice and clean!

Is this the same UncleDavid from DIY Street? The work looks similar (perfection), but I find it hard to imagine him using a P180! :D

Thanks for the comment, I just realized I posted the pick with out the top HDD cage, some time later I'm going to work on hiding more cables if I can find my zip ties somewhere and repost another one with the HDD cage in.

Also noticed browsing this thread is that [H]'ers sure do love their corsair PSU's

P.S. the P180 is one of my favorite cases, I purchased 2, the 2nd one being an HTPC planned on being silent!
Made a welcomed change...


I have more wire sheathing at work, so I'll have to try and remember to bring it home...

There was quite an effort in just adding the second GTX (cable wise)... Would be a little easier if I would have bought the sata drive instead of the pata, dang build a new computer jitters got me all excited!

I got a little carried away with the pictures, forgot to add the sli bridge; it's there now.
Why yes it is. I remember you also!

How yah been?

Quite good my friend! I miss the ol' Street, more than I thought I would. It's fun to bump into some of the members, at sites like this and others more obscure.

Nice to see you are still running Lanpartys! I have a P35-T2RS in the works, saving for a penryn quad before I move it to a better case.

Thanks for the comment, I just realized I posted the pick with out the top HDD cage, some time later I'm going to work on hiding more cables if I can find my zip ties somewhere and repost another one with the HDD cage in.

Also noticed browsing this thread is that [H]'ers sure do love their corsair PSU's

P.S. the P180 is one of my favorite cases, I purchased 2, the 2nd one being an HTPC planned on being silent!

Looking forward to seeing an updated pic!

Huge benefit to be able to point the Freezer Pro upwards! Really draws heat off the vid card, and straight out the case. That's how I had mine set when I ran a Freezer (in The Fridge, of course), except in the DFI Ultra-D the air passed over the ram before exiting the case.
  • Tip: The freezer power cable can be completely hidden. Undo the knot in the cable, and run it underneath the HSF, it'll stay there under the downward bent fins, then it'll appear out the top to connect to the mobo and be very hard to see at all.
  • Tip: Pull all your cable slack back to the PSU, and stash them above it. Should clean out the lower drive bay area nicely. Route those cables on the back side of the case so they can't be seen, leaving some slack in the sata cables so the drive bay can be pulled out a bit before disconnecting them. In an older P180, there is no room to route cables in the back side past that big fan. The solution is to cut a knotch in the fan bracket (the newer P180s have this), or replace the fan with a 90mm which allows room through the fan hole, or remove the big fan altogether and put a regular 120mm fan in front of the drive bay up by the filter (may need to cut a little flange out to get a fan in, some peeps do some don't). The last option is what I am doing, puts the fan in front of the HDs, near the filter, and opens a huge slot for passing cables through to the HDs and top chamber.
  • NitPick: Easy fussy stuff! Stuff the upper fan cables under the mobo. Reroute the optical sata cable underneath the bend in the ATX line, then a right angle straight into the drive bay, curling around out of sight into the drive -- possibly route the sata data line the same? The two HD data lines should be able to fit underneath the video cards, then straight down through the hole to the lower chamber.
You can probably get away with using very very few zipties! Perhaps one or two, tacking up the extra 2-pin PCIe out of view. And the upper drive bay will hide the rest.

I am not suprised about the Corsair PSUs! They are extremely high quality units IMHO, and I love the paint coating on their enclosures super durable, good looking and a great feel on the fingers! The cables are extra long, with plenty of connectors. The modular unit's cables are great to work with, opening all sorts of interesting possibilities in cable management. They could be a little cheaper for what they are power-wise, but good PSUs have always cost a premium.

I have two PCP&P 750 quads (of course I love them), but the second one I decided on only because in a case with a lower mounted PSU (Antec 300) a PSU and a 120mm fan like the Corsairs, the cables come out of the wrong side of the enclosure! In a P180, it doesn't matter because you can mount the unit upside down.

I am ordering a Corsair 450VX soon for my pedestal server case, because I need an EPS 8 pin connection to the mobo and don't need huge power - just 4x sata cables. The 450VX fits the bill perfectly, at a price that is reasonable. The only other quality unit in this range is an OCZ StealthXStream 600, which would also do well but can have a noisy fan and nowhere near as nice a finish on the enclosure.

I ran P180 a lot without the top cage, better airflow. But sometimes it was easier to drop an extra HD in the top rather than pull the bottom all apart for it's last open slot. I do all my HD work in another system now, using a pedestal server case. It's much easier to add and remove HDs with it's hotswap bay and using my main rig for HD work wasn't a good idea anyway.

The P180 is my old rig now, and eventually I will move my current system into it, and my old S939 system into my current Silverstone TJ04. The problem with the TJ is that full size vid cards bump right into the HDs in the drive bay, it'll just fit but not allow plugging in any cables. For now, I've been using only a two drive Raid-0 (striped), and smaller vid cards in SLI. Once back in the P180, I can put four drives in Raid-0 in the bottom, run two full size vid cards without problem, and hopefully even squeeze the top bay in with one HD for backups. Otherwise, I will mount the spare HD in a 5.25 bay.

Getting it done is the hard part, I just can't find the time to take my main sys offline these days. It's like I first have to move into another spare first. I have a spare I can use, but moving all my data is such a pain.

Right from day one, I've called my P180 'The Fridge'. The plain look, silver aluminum and black finish, quite and cool, just exuberates 'Fridge'. All it really needs is a bunch on notes, pictures and a calendar held on the sides with fridge magnets and it would fit in any kitchen with stainless steel and aluminum appliances! :p I used to joke that I kept my beer in it!

What I really want to do, is get a Cosmos to replace the P180. It's just as quiet, maybe even more. Looks a little more interesting, and still fits the silver-black color scheme I have with the rest of my desk. I really like the HD bays in the cosmos. It's big, and easy to work in. The only thing I don't like is the lack of removable mobo tray. I'd have to go with a Stacker 830 to get that, and loose the silence.

I've no idea what I would do with the P180 if I got a Cosmos. I'd have no ready use for it, no room to store it, and would find it very hard to sell. Ideally, I'd find a good friend or neighbor to hand it down to including the S939 system -- it'd be easier to let go if I knew the person.

Worked on the cables this evening. Quite please with the outcome.

Man, I love those Cosmos!

Very nice work! Love it to death!

I notice your Corsair is mounted fan down. The Cosmos has a vent for air intake here, does it not?

The ONLY thing I would change is the main ATX line ziptied to the mobo. I would move it over to the right and tie it to the mobo tray using the existing bigger holes (or just use stickyback ziptie holders). This would hold a more perpendicular vertical line, and improve an already near perfect look!

Yes the Cosmos has a vent below for air intake into the PSU. Thanks for you suggestion, I had a quick look at using a zip tie on the mobo tray before but thought this way was easier. I'll take another look tonight and see if I can sort it out.

EDIT: Had a quick go at what you suggested.

Looking forward to seeing an updated pic!

I appreciate all your tips and will take into consideration, I really appreciate the really lengthy right up :D

The Freezer Pro wire was already re-routed, like i said old pick, same with the top fan power cables, I actually removed the twisties and ductaped them to the back so they stayed there (yea I used tape haha)!

Your advice about the bottom cables will REALLY help I was very stumped on what to do with those, the PCI-E power cables probably won't be moveable for me unless I move to a 90mm fan or move the fan like you suggested, I can't believe I didn't have that idea to begin with!

The HDD will stay, I can't switch it around, I already tried it :(, if I turn it around to hid the cables twords the front of the case it nocks into the edges and I don't like that, if I move it to the top it inteferes too much with the PCI-e connectors on my 4870's which is another thing I don't like at ALL since they are stressed as is (too bad ATI didn't face them like Nvidia's that would of helped big time, then I could remove the top sleeve and bend them twords the motherboard for easy flexibility)

Also agree with you consmo's, but like you I love the frigerator look too much and am too [H]ard headed to change my case just for incase flexibility :(

Again thanks for the comments and suggestions and wish you luck on your next project, also love your case and wiring job, I don't have enough patience to move to those small shuttle cases but do admire them.
EDIT: Had a quick go at what you suggested.


Nice. I think it looks a little better like that as well. I see you added some foam on the bottom as well, or do those cases come with that also. For noise reduction I'm assuming?
The foam believe it or not was used to package my 3870. I got the scissors out and cut it to size and slotted it in (It's actually about 4 seperate pieces). It was mainly an experiment to see if it has any affect on temperature, but I hope it helps to absorb the sound of the fans around it.