Post your Mobile Devices!

Very Nice, going against the grain i see...Im glad theres someone who can think for themselves! Unlike someone....*cough* Mr.Wolf *cough*....
Very Nice, going against the grain i see...Im glad theres someone who can think for themselves! Unlike someone....*cough* Mr.Wolf *cough*....
Thanks! Yeah I definitely considered something like the 8900/iPhone but I really don't use all the extra features of a true smartphone and I liked the form factor of the touch/slider phones. The keypad is a little too spaced out for me though as I'm coming form a Blackjack II.
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All of the forward thinkers need to band together! All of us with Nokia, Sony, Samsung, RIM, HTC, ect, phones, We need to come together and banish the darkness, Apple is Communism and death! We will not take it!! I for one, will be on Nokia's Side!

My future phone:


my iphone 3gs 32gb black, my third iphone now and i love it.

and yes i know its dirty, whatever... ill clean it later:eek:
Another iPhone user?! OMG, quickly everyone post up your NON iPhone pics!!! We must overwhelm them!
Very Nice, going against the grain i see...Im glad theres someone who can think for themselves! Unlike someone....*cough* Mr.Wolf *cough*....
If you only knew the power of the iPhone!!!!

Join me and I will complete your training... with our combined strength, we can end this pointless cell phone conflict and bring order to the Mobile Device forum...

Come with me to the iPhone side... it is the only way...
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My Dad has an iPhone and my Brother has a ipod touch 2g, i know what its like...and its HORRIBLE!
I mean, look at nokia's newest phone! That is one slick piece of hardware...and i want it...i want it bad!

I will never join the iPhone side! Never!!!
As part of my ongoing efforts to torment Eragon Dragonslayer, I post pics of the best rubber iPhone case. It's from Speck and is the only rubber case designed to accommodate the iPhone's charger/sync stand without having to remove the entire phone. Speck sells it for $35, but I found it on eBay for $23 shipped.



Recipient of the Sith Lord stamp of approval...

My Dad has an iPhone and my Brother has a ipod touch 2g, i know what its like...and its HORRIBLE!
I mean, look at nokia's newest phone! That is one slick piece of hardware...and i want it...i want it bad!

I will never join the iPhone side! Never!!!
Physical keyboard... it's just so yesterday's news.
Physical Keyboard + Full Touchscreen = Amazing
Im sorry, the iPhone doesnt appeal to me in anyway, at first it was like Obama, full of promises, and then came the disappointment.....
Ahahahaha! Wolf, that looks like a giant rubber weapon! Have u been reduced to threatening us with Mr. 1 task?

I've seen that case before. If I ever go iPhone, that will be my blue and black of course.

As for my Tour, I go naked. :) Got a new charging dock. Its very non intrusive and doesn't require any form of insertion; just drop and go. Nothing to wear and tear like a proprietary charging connector. Plus, it cost $12 shipped and looks sexy. Go BB!!

I've seen that case before. If I ever go iPhone, that will be my blue and black of course.
its the switcheasy capsule rebel, they have a bunch of colors and they come with a lot of accessories.

Ahahahaha! Wolf, that looks like a giant rubber weapon! Have u been reduced to threatening us with Mr. 1 task?

I've seen that case before. If I ever go iPhone, that will be my blue and black of course.

As for my Tour, I go naked. :) Got a new charging dock. Its very non intrusive and doesn't require any form of insertion; just drop and go. Nothing to wear and tear like a proprietary charging connector. Plus, it cost $12 shipped and looks sexy. Go BB!![/][/QUOTE]

YES! A Forward Thinker! One who can think for himself! BTW, love your to do list, Play L4D all night long...very nice! :D

Looks like the Light has more then the Darkness! We Are Winning!
Jodiah: What's a Mr. 1 task?

The iPhone IS a weapon!

Eragon: It's time to have your prescriptions refilled.
I do need to visit my drug dealer....but its you thats having all the problems! How can communism be free?! It cant!!!
I do need to visit my drug dealer....but its you thats having all the problems! How can communism be free?! It cant!!!
In addition to the meds, pick up a history or economics book and learn a little about communism. I could have ripped you, but didn't have the heart. Besides, we've hijacked this thread long enough. ;)

Bring on the pictures!
In addition to the meds, pick up a history or economics book and learn a little about communism. I could have ripped you, but didn't have the heart. Besides, we've hijacked this thread long enough. ;)

Bring on the pictures!

Touche, Bring on all the non iPhone pictures!
If ever a phone was meant to run wild and naked it was that one! Set it free Wolf, set it free.

In other OT news my 5th Tour gets hot and uncomfortable after 5 mins data use. Expect to see a pic soon of it 1/2 way through a wall...or a Verizon rep. :)
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Do you mean towards the bottom of the back of the phone? That is where the processor is. When im using the phone extensively web browsing and such, it does get hot back there, but thats normal to me. Mind you, theres no fan to cool that processor off. So the heat dissipates through the casing.
If ever a phone was meant to run wild and naked it was that one! Set it free Wolf, set it free.

In other OT news my 5th Tour gets hot and uncomfortable after 5 mins data use. Expect to see a pic soon of it 1/2 way through a wall...or a Verizon rep. :)
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

Jodiuh I think we're cursed when it comes to Verizon phones. I'm taking my storm in this morning, as this one is getting horrible battery life and white lines through the screen when the accelerometer turns and they are starting to stay. Driving me up the wall.
Tour's 1-3 didn't get so hot, but weren't as nimble on the web. When playing a game or watching a high bit rate video, the back does not get hot, even that warm. However using the phone or browsing the web will kick it up into uncomfortable territory. Because of that I think it's more of a radio getting hot than the compute internals. Regardless, it's to the point I'd rather just not use it to browse or talk on the phone for any length of time. An absolute fail for me.

I think I'm going to push for the Pro 2 at this point. And if they don't switch me, then I'll sell the Tour on Craig's and probably switch to TMo for a G1. I've got a bunch of buds that have them and love it.
I've been pretty behind the times with phones and my recent "upgrade" hasn't exactly changed much. A friend recently have me a broken Blackberry 8800 I was able to repair and I replaced the housing with a new one from an 8830. It's still old but it's better than my RAZR.


I love my Touch Pro. Very customizable with cooked roms. I can't wait will March and I can upgrade to the Touch Pro 2. I know it's the same hardware but the bigger screen and the keyboard is what sold me on it.
Gave up on the Tour as soon as I found old faithful. I'd been looking for this thing for months! It might not be a super phone or even a very good txter, but the voice quality from the earpiece is LEVELS beyond the 2 Blackberry's I had (Storm/Tour).

Very Nice! Best Phone ever- Simple and Easy to use, and does what its supposed to!

For the first time in months I did not have to ask someone to repeat themselves in a conversation all day. It was full of awesome. And this phone has been through wars. It has been used as a hockey puck, weapon, frisbee, even dropped out of a car. It's not quite Motorola e815 awesome, but at least regular awesome.
I never would have got rid of my razr if I didn't accidentally keep it in my back pocket when I went to play softball :( Seriously. best phone I've ever owned.