Post PICs of your old cards!

BigDaddy85 said:
Suppose that 3Dfx made new video card called voodoo 11 with extreme SLI technology?

Actually 3dfx was dropping the Voodoo name since the Rampage equipped series of boards were so radically different then any chipset they had done before.

The first boards were to be called Specter 1000, 2000 and 3000.

1 Rampage chip w/64MB $200 USD
1 Rampage/1 Sage w/64MB $300 USD
2 Rampage/1 Sage w/128MB $500 USD
I find it hard to believe they would have dropped the voodoo name. Nvidia has supposodly been dropping the geforce name for years and they're still using it, the voodoo name was the best known name in graphics for a long time, doubt very much it would have disappeared completly.
Chris_B said:
I find it hard to believe they would have dropped the voodoo name.

None the less that is the case- They wanted to make it clear that Rampage had nothing to do with the old Voodoo architecture. Indeed, Rampage performance was such a cut above anything else that they could have named it "turd bomber 3000" and people still would have lined up to buy in droves.

It would have stood on it's own with ease, no voodoo name required.

One engineer recently stated that Rampage performance was on par with G-force 4, and this was back in 2000-2001.

There is a reason Nvidia grabbed a bunch of 3dfx engineers =)
GeForce 3 Ti200 I believe. Served me well way back in the day.

the rampage sounds like it would have been awesome... too bad 3dfx died off (the company anyways) and got bought up. they were going places. (mostly good ones:p)

i had a MCA (microchannel) card of some sort (i think it was a mach 64 or so) but i got rid of it :(

i know i had a mach64 on VLB. other than that, i have a s3 trio (i think) on agp and a g200 or 2 (also agp) i dunno if i still have the 2mb cirrus logic/trident PCI cards (those things are great for troubleshooting)

i used to have a windows sound system sound card, but i dunno where that went. i also had a aureal sound card, but no longer. i can't remember the name, but it was the (whatever) 2. i think it was $100 or something... it came with heretic and some other games :p

no pics ATM tho... sorry.

edit: oh yeah, i also still have a working creative 3d blaster banshee (PCI, 16mb memory) that i got for $60. UT was awesome on that and my cyrix 200 w/ 96 mb memory :D i had so many issues getting UT to install along with windows onto a ~500 mb disk... kept running out of space w/ 98 and 95 didn't support filenames properly. ended up running it over network (thinnet) from my brother's computer, which had a 2gb disk, a CD burner, the same processor, and 128mb memory. i had more memory than him until he got the CD burner and we swapped to keep it from getting buffer underruns... but it still happened and he didn't give the memory back. grr... hehe. that card is currently in a computer i put together for a friend (450mhz p3) so i can't get a pic/scan of it either... it has a burn spot on the sticker on the back of it over the core.
No pictures but I have a couple of old S3 Cards.

One I actually have in my main rig while I wait for my 6600GT. It is an S3 Trio/Virge 2meg( I think). I got it from a computer my dads friend gave to me. The computer was built in 1996, and let me tell you back in that day that computer was sweet. This card can still play CS at 800X600 16 bit at a constant 40 fps.

The other card is an S3 Trio 32. Dont know anything about this one. I just picked it up at a local computer junkyard for a computer I was fixing for somone. Turns out it wasnt the video card that needed fixing, all I needed to do was clear the CMOS. So I kept the card(still have that comptuer actually :p )
i had a creative Banshee 16mb PCI aswell.. and i know what you emean by burn spot.. i got a 2nd degree burn from that card on my up[er hand after i turned my comp off i just wanted to feel it... well i felt it alright.. for 2 days... :S
that card was amazing too.. all the games back then just ran perfect on it.. UT, HL1, Q3.. played alot of MOHAA on that banshee too then i got a about.. no difforence... but the card OCed well.. that MX200 is in my parents comp, not doing a damn thing for graphics :rolleyes: ...
Warrior said:
i had a creative Banshee 16mb PCI aswell.. and i know what you emean by burn spot.. i got a 2nd degree burn from that card on my up[er hand after i turned my comp off i just wanted to feel it.

The chipset ran hot enough that 3dfx considered adding a heat spreader to the back of the card :eek:
Here is one box I have handy. Still have 2 boxes in storage that I'll post up one of these days.

TNT2 M64 32MB

Diamond Stealth64 ??MB

Yeah, whatever...

Diamond Stealth 3D Pro ??MB

Diamond Stealth64 ??MB

STB Voodoo 2? Black Magic 12MB I think?

Diamond Monster Voodoo 2 12MB SLI ???

Diamond Monster Voodoo 1 4MB

Pure 3D Voodoo 1 4MB???

Guessing some kind of TNT2???

3dfx Voodoo 5 5500 64MB agp

As you can tell I'm guessing on some of these cards. If someone can identify these things right, please let me know so I can change it. I still have more to come if I ever make it to storage any time soon. And if anyone is intersted in buying or trading for one of these, just let me know. I'm not going to list them since its no big deal if I get rid of them or not.
If Nvidia actually owns trademark to 3dfx now, it will be interesting to see what happens with it down the line. Perhaps someday they'll release a product that they know will be the pinnacle of their company's existance, and decide to pay homage by naming the card the "Geforce 3dfXtreme" or some such. ;)
Heres some of my older cards:

My first card, Diamond 3d Monster II

ATi 3d Rage Pro

3dfx V3-3500

3dfx Voodoo 5 PCI

Elsa Gladiac Mx W/Blue Orb

Visiontek Gf3 Ti-200(from Best Buy's infamous black thursday!)

And an old Creative SB Pro

And some boxes the cards are in!

I got a couple more like a Visiontek Gf4 Ti-4600 and others, but being used!
dont all of you think this thread needs a sticky?.... it has alot of the beautiful video card history in it..

btw.. nice cards everyone.. keep up the goods :D :D
SLiLOVER said:
How do you put images in posts?
like this

there is a little yellow button above while your posting. and it will ask for a URL.. input the URL of the picture and then hit ok.... and the code will implent automaticly...
Advil said:
If Nvidia actually owns trademark to 3dfx now, it will be interesting to see what happens with it down the line. Perhaps someday they'll release a product that they know will be the pinnacle of their company's existance, and decide to pay homage by naming the card the "Geforce 3dfXtreme" or some such. ;)
Or they could sell a sub-set of their GeForce cards under the 3DFX / Voodoo name, knowing that people will buy the crap out of them, just for the name :p
SLiLOVER: for the love of god learn to resize images :eek:

and edit out the blurry one...

still no pics. i don't have most of the cards anymore (well, not readily available) and i have yet to borrow my dad's camera, so... could be awhile.
Unknown-One said:
Or they could sell a sub-set of their GeForce cards under the 3DFX / Voodoo name, knowing that people will buy the crap out of them, just for the name :p

Um... Thats what the GeforceFX series was... 3dFX, GeforceFX... see a pattern?

Google it, Im sure you will find somthing.
I still had a Voodoo 3 card in my comp until about 2 months ago. I already had an FX5200 in there, but I just couldn't be bothered to take out the Voodoo 3 because I had nowhere to put it. (I'm a neat freak LOL)
Tengis said:
Um... Thats what the GeforceFX series was... 3dFX, GeforceFX... see a pattern?

Google it, Im sure you will find somthing.

that is the most shocking information ive heard in a while.. i never knew that... is that why the FX cards all blow?
Warrior said:

that is the most shocking information ive heard in a while.. i never knew that... is that why the FX cards all blow?

The FX cards suposedly used some tech left over from 3dfx or something, I saw a few people talking about it once, but never looked into it myself.
From what I can take it, the FX series were the first nvidia cards to encorporate some of the technologies from the 3Dfx buyout. Too bad it was such a bum line. I guess you can view the GF6 and 7 series as its replacements. Since they still incorporate the technology which 3Dfx was working on when they were bought out by nvidia. Thats pretty much what I have come up with from what Ive seen..

Sure do miss 3Dfx though, awesome company. Glide was just simply amazing in games that supported it. I owned a Voodoo Rush, Voodoo Banshie, Voodoo 3 3500, Voodoo 5 5500. Either sold or lost them all over time, too bad. Is it me, or did computers seem simpler and somehow more pure in those old days?
demingo said:
Is it me, or did computers seem simpler and somehow more pure in those old days?
Speaking as someone who still regularly messes around with old (486DX2-66 and up) systems, I can tell you that you're very much mistaken, one example being the AT powerconnectors, where plugging in the P1/P2 connectors in the wrong order (black _not_ in the center) would result in a fried mainboard. Try that with your new-fangled ATX ;)
demingo said:
From what I can take it, the FX series were the first nvidia cards to encorporate some of the technologies from the 3Dfx buyout.

Anything out of David Kirks mouth needs to be taken with a large grain of salt.

Fusion was the follow up to Rampage and was to use the Sage II T'nL chip.

The Sage I chip had *just taped out* and the first batch might have been done when 3dfx closed doors and Rampage had just been running a few days.

If you insist ;-)

One of the rarest Banshees made, I have only seen three (and own two of them)

CharonPDX said:
Well, here are a few fun bits.


Finally is the massive processor collection:

With everything ranging from a 386/16 (with companion 387 floating point coprocessor,) to an Itanium, this is my big daddy collection. Some highlights: 387 math coprocessor (first row, second from the left.) Pentium OverDrive processor (63Mhz Pentium processor for use in a 486 socket, top row, 8th from left with fan hanging off so you can see the text underneath.) Pentium Pro early engineering sample (133MHz, a speed that was never even released! Second row, leftmost. It didn't even have the name 'Pentium Pro' yet, it's followed by two production PPro procs.) 'Klamath' processor. (233MHz engineering prototype of the Pentium II. Again, before it has the name Pentium II. Second row, fourth from left, followed by a 333MHz P2, 266Mhz cacheless Celeron, and 700MHz Coppermine-core P3.) The ultra-rare Pentium II OverDrive (3rd row, sixth from left, this was a 333MHz Pentium II processor with FULL-SPEED L2 cache to go into a Pentium Pro motherboard. It was the only P2 that was more-than-dual-processor capable, and it was almost twice as fast as the fastest Pentium Pro processor. What looks like a Coppermine style 'flip-chip' core is really the L2 cache, the large heat spreader-covered chip is the core.) Right next to that is a Pentium II Mobile (third row, 7th from left, this one was a 'thermal' sample which really meant that it would power up, but not run.) The big honkin monster with what looks like 3 P2 cores is a Pentium II Xeon (sans big black case, one core is indeed a 400MHz P2 'Deschutes' core, the other two are full-speed L2 caches, 512kB each.) Next to that (third row, right end,) is an original Itanium. (If you look, you'll see four long chips (each twice as large as a Coppermine P3,) that are the L3 caches, and the humongous square isn't a heat spreader, it's the gigantic core of the Itanium.) Directly beneath the Xeon and Itanium is a PowerPC 604, taken from a PowerMac that got an upgrade. The processor itself is the tiny square in the lower left quadrant. (It's a flip-chip with a ceramic casing barely bigger than the silicon. The red is the actual chip, the white is thermal paste.) In the lower-left is a Motorola 68040 upgrade for a Macintosh IIci. This bugger plugs into the L2 cache socket in the Mac! Above that are my non-Intel x86 chips, an IBM 486, Cyrix 6x86es, and AMD K6-2. Next (which really should be on the next row down,) is a PowerPC 603e pulled from a PowerBook that got a G3 upgrade.

Oh, and this doesn't include my Macintosh collection. (Now about 10 more than on that webpage.)

Ooooooooh...... The couple old processors I had were smashed open so I could peer at their cores, I will have to see what old hardware I can dig up when I get home!