Post PICs of your old cards!


V5-6000 "3700 A" with full rework, 183 mhz clock with prototype fan and heatsink combo.

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gdonovan said:

V5-6000 "3700 A" with full rework, 183 mhz clock with prototype fan and heatsink combo.

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Well that would be game over. Thanks for playing folks but we just got smacked around by the master :D
Spectre said:
Well that would be game over. Thanks for playing folks but we just got smacked around by the master :D

sweet merciful crap! we sure did. lol ;)
revenant said:
sweet merciful crap! we sure did. lol ;)
lol.. that card is pretty sweet... but is it really yours?.. or are you just sayin?.. got original pics?
Warrior said:
lol.. that card is pretty sweet... but is it really yours?.. or are you just sayin?.. got original pics?

I can take any pic you like of it, if you clicked on the system link you would have seen it installed in the machine I built for it.
Diamond Stealth 64 VRAM video card with Motion Video Player 2000 capture card.
And a Creative CT3600 sound card thrown in for good measure. Is that thing huge or what?! :D


The Diamond "all in one" video/capture card has onboard mpeg1 enc/dec with built in sound.
Also has S-Video and cable outputs.


This was all cutting edge stuff 10 years ago.
Warrior said:
lol.. that card is pretty sweet... but is it really yours?.. or are you just sayin?.. got original pics?

If you don't believe Gary try and race his Reliant ;)
gdonovan said:
If all goes well will be a single digit car in the spring =)
Nice. It would be fun to see the Caravan push into the 12's!
yeah - I saw that beast... man. Sort of reminds me of a Grand-National prototype car or something... pulling 9s will be crazy... what a sleeper. :)
revenant said:
yeah - I saw that beast... man. Sort of reminds me of a Grand-National prototype car or something... pulling 9s will be crazy... what a sleeper. :)

Aiming for 8's.
holy cattle! that'll pull like 2 or 3Gs on the skid pad. lol

EDIT: wait - the space shuttle launch creates 3Gs.. so maybe 2 heh
okay - on with the pics :)
Here's my old GeForce2 GTS 64meg which I bought off uBid in May of 2001 for $199! I think that was a good price then... It might be a VisionTek... not sure... still works great, though. In my linux machine. :)

That's an after-market fan upgrade... didn't quite fit... but I made it work :)
gdonovan said:

V5-6000 "3700 A" with full rework, 183 mhz clock with prototype fan and heatsink combo.

<fixed link>


You must be nuts having that thing clocked to 183 mhz, im assuming its overclocked from the stock 166mhz. :eek:
I think 183mhz is a factory setting with that newer hsf setup?

anyways... here's my last old card image: My old 9700pro.. shim removed, AS5 added, bga ram-sinks bonded with AS thermal epoxy... a great card! :)
Chris_B said:

You must be nuts having that thing clocked to 183 mhz, im assuming its overclocked from the stock 166mhz. :eek:

Nope- 183 is the original spec for the VSA-100 chips. 3dfx lowered the clock in an attempt to make the boards stable under anti-aliasing modes.

Only problem was the clock speed wasn't the issue but a design flaw in the pcb that was causing signal noise on the internal bus.



p.s. this card has been up to 191 mhz stable, the limit on the board is the ram not the VSA-100 chips. If I can find them the card is going to be upgraded with 4 or 4.5ns ram.
revenant said:
Here's my old GeForce2 GTS 64meg which I bought off uBid in May of 2001 for $199! I think that was a good price then... It might be a VisionTek... not sure... still works great, though. In my linux machine. :)

That's an after-market fan upgrade... didn't quite fit... but I made it work :)

That gf2 GTS was a great card in it's day. I have the ASUS v7700 flavor and it still OCs
like mad to this day in my Win98 gaming rig. :D
yeah i had a geforce 2 Ultra.. and that card could still play UT2k3 at 1024 high.... great card... :p
gdonovan said:
Nope- 183 is the original spec for the VSA-100 chips. 3dfx lowered the clock in an attempt to make the boards stable under anti-aliasing modes.

Only problem was the clock speed wasn't the issue but a design flaw in the pcb that was causing signal noise on the internal bus.



p.s. this card has been up to 191 mhz stable, the limit on the board is the ram not the VSA-100 chips. If I can find them the card is going to be upgraded with 4 or 4.5ns ram.

Is there any real reason you know off why they went from the 2x2 design to the 4 in a line design? 2x2 seemed to make the board a lot shorter, don;t see why the would have opted for making the boad longer with 4 cores in a row, im assuming theres an engineering reason behind it, though youd think it would be similar nomatter what way they were attached.
Chris_B said:
Is there any real reason you know off why they went from the 2x2 design to the 4 in a line design?

As the FAQ page points out, the 2x2 board was a fake non-functional board to show the press at Comdex, nothing more. It was never intended for production and due to the design impossible to implement.
gdonovan said:
As the FAQ page points out, the 2x2 board was a fake non-functional board to show the press at Comdex, nothing more. It was never intended for production and due to the design impossible to implement.

Thats what i don;t understand, either way it was a 4 chip design with one version saving a couple of inches in board length, what possible difference could the arrangement of the vsa's on the board have made to the engineering task? :confused: And from what ive read at other places the main reason the voodoo 5 6000 got delayed so much was the guys at stb totally screwed up on the board design. :(
Chris_B said:
Thats what i don;t understand, either way it was a 4 chip design with one version saving a couple of inches in board length, what possible difference could the arrangement of the vsa's on the board have made to the engineering task?

The traces from the chip to ram/agp connector/bridge chip would have been impossible to run.

And from what ive read at other places the main reason the voodoo 5 6000 got delayed so much was the guys at stb totally screwed up on the board design. :(

See "PCI rework" in FAQ page.
gdonovan said:
The traces from the chip to ram/agp connector/bridge chip would have been impossible to run.

See "PCI rework" in FAQ page.

You going to be doing any benchmarking with the cards? I see theres benchmark text but no url, coming soon maybe? :)
Chris_B said:
You going to be doing any benchmarking with the cards? I see theres benchmark text but no url, coming soon maybe? :)

Yes, I'll be running a series of benchmarks soon.

(If you look down the bottom, there is a benchmark page already but only with a Celeron 1000)
gdonovan said:
Yes, I'll be running a series of benchmarks soon.

(If you look down the bottom, there is a benchamrk page already but only with a Celeron 1000)

Pretty decent results for a celeron. Im running xp here with a 5500 pci which suddenly decided to start working again with a 3.2 prescott @ 4ghz. I think the 5500 cards top off at around 2ghz or maybe slightly less, doesn't really matter much what cpu you throw at them after that point, according to the general concensus at the old x3dfx forum anyway. Be interesting to see what the 6k cutoff point is, I thnk my 5500 would be doing a lot better in a win98 environment, the xp drivers are good but i can;t help but feel it actually ran faster on win 98 coupled with a slower cpu for some reason. :confused:
its like giving a new geo premium.. and a old mustang regular..

the old like it the way it was back in the day.. and the new like it.. well regular

Chris_B said:
I think the 5500 cards top off at around 2ghz or maybe slightly less, doesn't really matter much what cpu you throw at them after that point, according to the general concensus at the old x3dfx forum anyway.

Depends on the application, the VoodooAlert site just did a driver comparision and a 5500 PCI still showed gains moving to a platform faster then 2 ghz.

Since the VSA-100 has no onboard T'nL the host CPU has to handle the work, more mhz is your friend =)
If you thought that V5-6000 was impressive check out what just showed up last week:


Rampage, yes it works.

Hmmmm.....precious...........that sounded slightly creepy :eek:

Nice card gary :D
I love how 3dfx lives on vicariously through enthusiasts and threads such as this. :) very cool stuff.
revenant said:
I love how 3dfx lives on vicariously through enthusiasts and threads such as this. :) very cool stuff.

Thanks! Finally got around to setting up the dual boot feature with Win200Pro as the second OS and sorting drivers out.

Current games installed for benchmark testing of the V6K are Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, Serious Sam, Jedi Knight II & Max Payne. I'm still thinking about Wolfenstien but frankly since I already have Quake 3 and Quake 3 based JKII I don't see a need for one more Q3 based game. The above list reflects a good cross section of OpenGL titles, Glide in the case of UT and Direct X in the case of MP.

I have no plans on using 3DMark2000 or 2001 since it has been well documented that both programs are biased and perfer to use a real game like Max Payne for Direct X testing.

I tried installing UT:2003 and using the built in benchmarking program but it locks on the second or third level loaded for some reason even though the game plays fine.

The plan is to start at 1024 x 768 x 16 bit color and progress to 32 bit color and then 2x AA and then 4x AA. At 32 bit color and 4x AA this will stress memory bandwith quite a bit.


p.s. Doom3 = 20 FPS at 1024 x 768 32 bit, there is no difference in FPS from 640 x 480 and 1024 x 768! My poor Barton 3000+ is the bottleneck in Doom 3!

Screenshots are downsized from 1024 x 768:



Yup, I was rocking online playing Doom3 last night, lol. Look for a guy with the screen name "Hioctane-V6K" tonight if your on.

System specs here-
I wish they never disappear. Suppose that 3Dfx made new video card called voodoo 11 with extreme SLI technology? Nvidia and ATI r gonna get owned by 3dfx for good, but never happened. :(