post pics of ur p180/p182/190s

Jeeze, if you want to take a close up pic, scoot back a bit with the camera, and ZOOM in. You'll get a clear pic and not look like you don't know how to take pix.

or, if your camera takes large enough pictures, just crop it instead of resizing it :p
optical zoom gets the full quality.. cropping reduces the quality of the pic.. but idk.
You're flat out insane if you're paying $30 for fans. Any fans. Unless they give blowjobs. Or shoot magic candy when you turn them on. Barf rainbows. Something.

rofl i wish they did that

i live in aus ;p so convert 30aus into us.

but in aus an antec fan cost like $22aus so 30aus for noctua fan is alright ;p
Jeeze, if you want to take a close up pic, scoot back a bit with the camera, and ZOOM in. You'll get a clear pic and not look like you don't know how to take pix.

No, the best way is to turn on MACRO MODE (usually looks like a tiny flower icon somewhere).

Then get up to the thing you're taking a picture of, hold the shutter button at half, to let it find the focus, then snap the pic.
imageshack automatically resized every picture except the one... oh well... i just got rid of the picture... all better now
No, the best way is to turn on MACRO MODE (usually looks like a tiny flower icon somewhere).

Then get up to the thing you're taking a picture of, hold the shutter button at half, to let it find the focus, then snap the pic.

Thats true. Even better, get a cheap camera tripod or just rest it on a stack of something, hand jittering really is a problem when taking macro pictures. and make sure its well lit. Daylight is best :p


Yes, I recently bought a MAC keyboard just cause my G15 got to be to damn bulky. Quite nice I have to admit : X.
I agree, but when I'm over clocking i just hook up a mini-usb one i have so i can do screen caps.For Ex.


Just cant get it prime stable, low temps tho :p
Need moar voltz.

Have you bumped up the northbridge/FSB driving voltage at all? If not might try a notch up on each and see if it sorts out.
Hey guys only made a couple of posts in the forum, but it's been a great resource for making decisions for my current build. Only thing that really bugs me about the build is the stupid flat cable I need to connect my X-fi Platinum to the front panel.

Here it is, feel free to let me know what you think, good or bad. Specs are in the sig.

All the goodies

"Murdered Out" P182 Gunmetal


Everything Installed




What did you use to tint the case like that? Looks like it came from the factory like that.

What did you use to tint the case like that? Looks like it came from the factory like that.

Just spray painted the inside with an spray paint enamel. Anodized Bronze is the color, and I got it from Home Depot. I wanted something that matched the outside panels and this was the closest I could get.

Everything is running stock right now, but going to start experimenting with some overclocking. I have yet to get into that, but I plan on it.
I'm also selling my p180b. it's the same as the p182. Pm if interested.
Here is my setup.

Bought my P182 yesterday...

Case is really good value and it's quiet when I put all the included fans at 7V.

But it's shame that I'm unable to mount a 120mm fan infront of the disk cage at the bottom of the case.

Also I don't find any use of the cable holes between the bottom and up of the case because my CORSAIR HX520 has long cables which are going under the mb tray :(

EDIT: Here are the photos....Nice & Tidy...






You can get a fan in there (thin fan, have to order it special) but it requires drilling out a couple of rivets and replacing them with machine screws and nuts once you pull out the bracket that's in the way. This leaves the bottom HDD cage without anything to screw in to, but it snaps in tight enough that it doesn't really matter. I've done this with my case -- never got the fan, just did the prep work while I was already drilling stuff. ;)
i fit my 80mm fan down in the lower HD cage. I didnt need to drill or screw it in, it fit perfectly snug.
I would assume that many of us would rather purchase a case with a side window (preferable without the drive bays showing) as is offered with other brands of cases. It seems a shame to have to order a custom modded side panel that costs more than the original cost of the case (counting recent rebate at NewEgg). OK--I am too lazy to do it myself -- my age is showing...

I would assume that many of us would rather purchase a case with a side window (preferable without the drive bays showing) as is offered with other brands of cases. It seems a shame to have to order a custom modded side panel that costs more than the original cost of the case (counting recent rebate at NewEgg). OK--I am too lazy to do it myself -- my age is showing...


I'm ok with cases coming with windows but I wouldn't want them to all be like that. I prefer mine window-less.
But it's shame that I'm unable to mount a 120mm fan infront of the disk cage at the bottom of the case.

I just used a $15 compound action/avaition snip from Home Depot to cut out the lower portion of that chamber and the lower grill as well. Managed to fit in a normal sized Yate-Loon that way.

Though the slim Yate Loon might fit in with no modification:
120mm Yate Loon D12SL-12C Case Fan - $5
You guys that hid the psu cables behind the mobo panel, did you have any trouble putting the side panel back on? I had to use a bit of pressure...
Same, I had to lay it on the side also but its protruding like 1mm from the middle using a p182.
Also, I'm having trouble removing the lower chamber fan. I can see the screws but they aren't aligned to the holes. Any ideas? I don't want really wanna brute force it cuz I might want to reuse the bracket.
So the general consensus is, it's going to be a tight fit? Just wondering if I could wire it better if I'm doing something wrong.
My side panel was a pain to get on. With all the wires back there it's tough, but I got it. It's not like you have to take it off a lot, so for me it's not that big of a deal.

As for the bottom fan, you need to pull the whole bracket out with the fan. The thing locks into place and to get it out you need to push the deflector panel in towards the fan. Once you do that you can slide the whole assembly out.
Finished my p182 custom side window today. Came out as good or better then the cutom bought ones ive seen very satisfied. Will post pics tommarow and how to or info if anyone wants it. Plus it cost me 10 dollars and a little labor. Worth every secound for the price, ill get picks up tommarow.

did some more work on my system this week...

new motherboard(Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe/WiFi-AP)
new CPU(AMD Phenom 9600BE)
new video card(Sapphire Radeon 3870 - in crossfire)
changed all my fans to s-flex E's
moved power cable to rear of motherboard tray...
could probably do a better job of hiding fan cables but that'll take some thought i think...




question, whats the best way you guys hid your front panel wires (jpanel) i have everything nice and tucked away but the rainbow colors of the wires are pissing me off....