post pics of ur p180/p182/190s

Not long if you toss it out a window on the 5th floor of an office building.


A bad plan no matter how you look at it. Replace the fan.
Yeah, I will.

If you cover up any holes around the exhaust portion of the PSU and cause the air to exhaust out the back of the PSU where it was designed to...then it would last a bit longer...either way, removing the PSU cooling fan is begging for PSU sparks and possible fire issues, you should try and replace the fan you removed with something with similar airflow in the designed direction. Otherwise you are begging for trouble. The desire for less noise is need to replace it with something else...the PSU still needs cooling.

I did block all the holes around the PSU so that all the airflow from the 120mm gets forced throught the PSU, but I think all of you are right. Anyone have a good QUIET alternative to a Delta 80mm fan, model EFB0812EH???
Just got all the things finally together ( damn 8800 ), here some pics:






Some hw info:
Antec P182, C2D 6750, Zalman 9700NT, 2x1GB DDR800 4-4-4-12 Corsair XMS2 DHX, Asus P5N32-E SLI Plus, Gainward 8800GTS/512MB, Enermax Infinity 650W, 2x160GB WD RE Raid 0 + 1x400GB Samsung HD401J.
Temps - CPU idle: 32-34, Burn: 48 max., GPU idle 48-50, Burn 75-?? (fan speed 50%)

Thanks for everyone for the pics, that really motivated me and helped me to choose components. :D
Maybee this should go in ghetto mods but i thought it was creative anyway,I needed to add a drive and was out of room do to my liquid cooling radiator being mounted in my lower drive bay area so i randomly stuck the drive in and it fit perfect so i hooked it up and ran with it,i used two pieces of velcro to hold it in place so it floats nicley. Only problem i could forsee is an overheating isuee but this case is so well cooled im sure it will be fine.






Im just useing it as a backup drive now for important stop that i cant afford to lose with my ocing and moding,but in the future i was thinking of running two drives up front for a terrabyte raid and maybee a raptor back there for the os. anyone have any thoughts heating thoerys?
Well here is mine for the time being, as well, mounting that HD there is a great idea as long as you can cool it well enough.

Good for your P180b. They always had those slots from what ive read (despite the newegg pictures), and he asked about the P180 if im not mistaken.

Neither the P180 or the P180B had those motherboard holes or the Watercooling holes on the first version. they did however include a gay plastic 80mm fan over the video cards though. But that 80mm made 0 difference.

Not to mention the front door always curled up (antec replaced both black and silver for free). And the plastic cover for the wires holes that came with the P180 us useless without the Motherboard holes imo.
Good for your P180b. They always had those slots from what ive read (despite the newegg pictures), and he asked about the P180 if im not mistaken.

Also, as Dan D said, go ahead and prove the old revisions arent sold anymore, anywhere.

yea, just to re-iterate, the p180 did not always have those holes. i have pics in my fs thread where i'm selling my original p180.
This is my first attempt at cable mangement, pretty proud but the P35 Neo2-FR has a weird place for the 4 pin D: Is it possible to buy a 4 pin cable extender or converter?

Any pointers on how I can fix it up some more? Those fan cables are annoying me :/

Temporary Intel Stock cooler for my Q6600 soon to be replaced by a Tuniq 120, and replacing the 8800GTS 320MB for the 8800GTS 512MB.



You have no hard drives...?
Or is that optical at the top really an HDD in disguise?
Kr1z can't your run the power plug for your motherboard through the back and make it go over that top hole?
Kr1z can't your run the power plug for your motherboard through the back and make it go over that top hole?

The power plug does go over the hole but the plug is in the middle of the motherboard...
I didn't notice this when I was looking up this motherboard. The cable is 2 inches short if I route it through the back.

And no I don't use onboard sound. I am using an external sound card, the EMU 0404 USB.
Heres an update, seems that I am going to need a 4 pin ATX extender if I want it to look good. I was able to fit the 4pin under my video card in the meanwhile, and also some minor stuff

This is my first attempt at cable mangement, pretty proud but the P35 Neo2-FR has a weird place for the 4 pin D: Is it possible to buy a 4 pin cable extender or converter?

Any pointers on how I can fix it up some more? Those fan cables are annoying me :/

Temporary Intel Stock cooler for my Q6600 soon to be replaced by a Tuniq 120, and replacing the 8800GTS 320MB for the 8800GTS 512MB.

You could get a 4 pin power extension cable and run it behind the motherboard tray and down throught he upper holes in the tray. That's what I did.
The power plug does go over the hole but the plug is in the middle of the motherboard...
I didn't notice this when I was looking up this motherboard. The cable is 2 inches short if I route it through the back.

And no I don't use onboard sound. I am using an external sound card, the EMU 0404 USB.

Placement of a lot of things on that board is pretty strange. Can't say I've ever seen the 4pin ATX connection there, or the 4 pin AUX connection for Crossfire support. SATA connections seem kind of haphazard, too. Odd.

An extension should only run $10-12, so not that big a deal. I had to pick one up too.
really? could have fooled me. you know, with the combination of letters and numbers "p180" arranged as one word in your post and all.

Are you dumb? I was talking about the p180b, which is a different color and revision, which includes the holes.
Placement of a lot of things on that board is pretty strange. Can't say I've ever seen the 4pin ATX connection there, or the 4 pin AUX connection for Crossfire support. SATA connections seem kind of haphazard, too. Odd.

An extension should only run $10-12, so not that big a deal. I had to pick one up too.

MSI frequently has retarded layouts on their boards.
Are you dumb? I was talking about the p180b, which is a different color and revision, which includes the holes.

The p180b was exactly the same as the P180 except for a color change and different front door materials and did not include the holes. Next time actually know what you're talking about before making an ass out of yourself. :rolleyes:
Are you dumb? I was talking about the p180b, which is a different color and revision, which includes the holes.

No, not until the P182 was released did Antec start introducing the P182's features to both the P180 and P180b

The p180b was exactly the same as the P180 except for a color change and different front door materials and did not include the holes.

You are correct, sir. The P180b's original inception was the P180 chassis with different (black) colored panels/door. :D

Reportedly, even the newer P180 (silver) has the P182's features. Someone can confirm this to be sure. It makes sense, they simply switched their tooling over to the newer (P182) models, but continued making different colored panels/doors.
Whatever, ive read multiple threads on here stating the p180b included the holes, but im not going to fling shit back and forth anymore on an internet forum about holes in a computer case.
Whatever, ive read multiple threads on here stating the p180b included the holes, but im not going to fling shit back and forth anymore on an internet forum about holes in a computer case.

They do include the holes, but they didn't always. When I was shopping for my P182, the P180Bs were not guaranteed to come with the new features, so I got the P182 instead. No one is trying to fling shit back and forth.

Back in May of '07 practically every reviewer on NewEgg for the P180B stated whether or not he received the new revision in order to help people decide if it was worth the risk. I think Eagle was just miffed at your insinuation of his being dumb, when in fact, you did not have all of the information.

Internet = Serious Business.
They do include the holes, but they didn't always. When I was shopping for my P182, the P180Bs were not guaranteed to come with the new features, so I got the P182 instead. No one is trying to fling shit back and forth.

Back in May of '07 practically every reviewer on NewEgg for the P180B stated whether or not he received the new revision in order to help people decide if it was worth the risk. I think Eagle was just miffed at your insinuation of his being dumb, when in fact, you did not have all of the information.

Internet = Serious Business.

Unless I'm super blind and stupid My original p180b DOES NOT have the mobo holes and offset mobo tray. I have, although cut up my case to 'mimic' the new holes. So, bicycle wreck is infact correct when he said not all p180b's have the p182 holes in it. I got mine back in jan. '07 from Fry's.
You'll need to forgive with the SATA cables. I just got a second hard drive on Friday and needed the space right away, so I didn't have time to do a proper wire routing job on those. The IDE cable from the DVD burner is simply a hassle, next time I make a major upgrade I'll likely pick up a SATA drive simply to get rid of that sucker (the drive is old, 4x burner).

Well you might remember my previous thread with the shocking cable job that the computer shop done on my p182


Well the pc is back and while its not perfect i think it is defaintely an improvement. Also i noticed that the bottom fan was not working so this has been fixed and have also added another fan in the top HDD.


Thanks for all of your help as the pictures that i showed them of what it should look like really helped me out

Seriously, I would consider taking it back again and getting it redone.How hard can it be, to have a modular power supply with flat cables, and a case with cable management? Or you could do it yourself?

Also, are all the cables plugged in on the power supply? If so, kinda spoils the point of modular supplies.
Yeah i think i will do it myself and also replace the tri cool fans. I just read on the Antec website that the PSU should be installed upside down, you i swap it back or leave it as is?

I hvae alot of spare cables for the PSU so i dont think they are all plugged in but i could be wrong:confused:
PSU can be either way, doesn't really matter. Mine's upside-down cause it makes cable routing faster.

Pick up some $3-5 Yate Loon mid speeds to replace the TriCools. Hate TriCools...
PSU can be either way, doesn't really matter. Mine's upside-down cause it makes cable routing faster.

Pick up some $3-5 Yate Loon mid speeds to replace the TriCools. Hate TriCools...

Those are 1650 rpm.... it's gonna be pretty loud, unless Manta doesn't care about noise...
With the case closed you really don't hear 'em. Also, you can always under-volt.

I can hear the airflow noise from the tricools on low pretty well which are supposedly quieter, or atleast I think it's them. It could also be the psu. The new one should be here tomorrow - which is hopefully quiet - and I'll find out if it's the fans after all.
Noise is an issue so the more silent they are the better, i wont be overclocking or anything like that
Here's mine, happy with it now (sorry about the crap quality, camera phone):


Yea I know I need a sata burner, but that ide doesn't stick out too bad.
Got a new Lian Li tower for my main desktop since I want to go watercooling soon, so I rebuilt my server in my P-180 along with a nice chunky raid 5.


Unfortunately with all the cables being run behind the motherboard I can't even close the right side of the case anymore. It doesn't really matter with where I have it since that side is against a wall (actually the entire thing is in a decommissioned fireplace).

Also the Lian Li 4-in-3 drive cage I bought for those hard drives at the top doesn't quite fit so it's kind of sticking out the front. The front door can still close but I typically don't to ensure those drives are getting proper airflow.
I can hear the airflow noise from the tricools on low pretty well which are supposedly quieter, or atleast I think it's them. It could also be the psu. The new one should be here tomorrow - which is hopefully quiet - and I'll find out if it's the fans after all.

Well I got the psu, it's very nice and much quieter now. But still, the single tricool on low at the back is the most audible fan right now. Temps aren't great with just it on either, so I think I'll just buy 2x 800rpm Scythe Slipstreams, 1 for the rear and one for the mid intake.
I recently went from the Stacker 830 to P182 and returned the P182 because it was just a couple of inches too short for the 8800 Ultra.

I have my system housed in a Lian Li v1000b Plus II right now but it's a little cramped compared to what I'm used to so I've got a P190 on the way and it should be here next week.

Will post some pix when I get everything transferred over and cables routed etc.