Playstation 2 turns 20 today.


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 3, 2004
The best selling console of all time has turned 20 today.

March 4th, 2000 - PS2 was released in Japan to rival the Sega Dreamcast.

"2000 – The Playstation 2 was released in Japan to rival Sega’s Dreamcast system and Nintendo Game Cube. The Playstation 2 had an “Emotion Engine” processor at 294 MHz (later 299 MHz with 128 bit capabilities), 32 MB RAMBUS memory, Graphics synth at 147 MHz, USB 1.1, Ethernet connection and 2 memory card slots which could accept up to 8 MB cards."


As a shoutout to the Playstation 2, what were your favorite games?

Still have a PS2? Any fond memories? Please share.
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Its crazy to think that the PS2 is 20 years old already...... Feels like just a few years ago.

And I am only 26 years old...

The PS2 has such a deep game literally had games for anyone and everyone. And it could play online.
I remember college semesters ending and basically playing gta3 non-stop until the next semester. Just killing, not missions. And then some more killing.
ICO and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, are two of my most very favorite games of all the times.

I guess its probably nostalgia. But I still love the look of the PS2. Xbox One X feels like an omage to the shape.

It's still a good looking machine for its age. I agree.
Gran Turismo 3 and 4 was where it was at back then. Great games

still remember the first time I stealth played my PS2 while my parents were out. it came bundled with GT3, booted it up, picked a porsche and drove it around the super speedway. My jaw hit the floor since GT2 was such a low rez and pixelated game lmao.

would then box the ps2 back up and wait till xmas

God im old...


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I got my PS2 Slim around the time I first started working a proper day job.
Fun fact: I only played two games on it: Gran Turismo 3 and Gran Turismo 4.
I sold it after finishing both games, only to purchase one again to play Gran Turismo 4 again about a year or so later.

Then I made the mistake of purchasing Liberty City Stories, which was a GTA3 expansion that never came to PC.
That was when I realized it is impossible for me to play any shooter with a controller. So it's not a "Get off my lawn dirty console peasants" thing as some have accused me.
The PS2 didn't launch in NA until October 26. The Bouncer was the first game I ever played on it, which is still a great game. I think I literally played it every day for about two weeks straight. It was a short game, but fun. Really nailed down the 3D beat-em-up formula.
still remember the first time I stealth played my PS2 while my parents were out. it came bundled with GT3, booted it up, picked a porsche and drove it around the super speedway. My jaw hit the floor since GT2 was such a low rez and pixelated game lmao.

would then box the ps2 back up and wait till xmas

God im old...
GT3 didn't have Porsche.
I remember playing Guitar Hero for the first time on PS2. My brother and his friends were making all kinds of noise, and I went in there to yell at them and ended up playing for an hour.
The PS2 didn't launch in NA until October 26. The Bouncer was the first game I ever played on it, which is still a great game. I think I literally played it every day for about two weeks straight. It was a short game, but fun. Really nailed down the 3D beat-em-up formula.

GT3 didn't have Porsche.
I think RUF counts...
I think RUF counts...
No because Ruf is an independent car manufacturer simply using BIW chassis from Porsche. They get their own VIN and federal registration numbers. A BIW is basically just a fully assembled body. Everything else from the aero, suspension, and engine down to the interior and upholstery is made and/or assembled by Ruf. They do tuning, modification, and Ruf conversions for customers, but legally those cars are still Porsche vehicles.
Thanks for making me feel old, it was the first console I pre-ordered at 24.
It was also my first DVD player, even bought the remote with the IR receiver that plugged into the controller port.
Can't remember if this or the Dreamcast was the last console I bought.

I remember installing a firmware update for it, came withe the DVD remote I think.
Thanks for making me feel old, it was the first console I pre-ordered at 24.
It was also my first DVD player, ever bought the remote with the IR receiver that plugged into the controller port.
Can't remember if this or the Dreamcast was the last console I bought.
Dreamcast came out on 9/9/99 in the US, so it was released before the PS2.
No because Ruf is an independent car manufacturer simply using BIW chassis from Porsche. They get their own VIN and federal registration numbers. A BIW is basically just a fully assembled body. Everything else from the aero, suspension, and engine down to the interior and upholstery is made and/or assembled by Ruf. They do tuning, modification, and Ruf conversions for customers, but legally those cars are still Porsche vehicles.
That doesn't stop people from saying "Oh look, a Porsche!"
Dreamcast came out on 9/9/99 in the US, so it was released before the PS2.
Ya, but I didn't buy it at or near launch, my roommates had one tho.
Actually remember, I bought the PS2 before I moved out to live in my own apartment, then I think I bought the DC because they said they were disconning it, and I snagged accessories cheap for it, lightgun, KB/mouse, broadband adapter, 2 more controllers and VMUs
I was 17 and waited in line at Walmart with about 40 other people to get the PS2. We were interviewed by the local paper and everything. First and only time I'll do it, was worth the experience.

Twisted Metal Black was my game.
I've been in a game collecting and wanting to play a lot of my old consoles kick lately and i've scored some great new games for PS2 I never played much before over the past couple months, but the best games I remember from that era when I bought the PS2 originally are...

  • Metal Gear Solid 2 - This is probably the most hyped game of the PS2 generation and being a huge MGS fan I played that game over and over and over again.
  • Silent Hill 2 - To this day is still the scariest game with the best atmosphere and greatest soundtrack to accompany it.
  • Grand Theft Auto 3 - I'll never forget GTA3. It felt like it was the first true "next generation" game that I felt was the future. It felt like you could do anything in that world. Getting in and out of cars, doing missions, trying different cars, deciding where to drive, varying mission tactics. Was awesome.
  • GTA: Vice City - Vice City I replayed more than any other GTA game b/c I loved loved loved the atmosphere and the music. Ray Liotta and the rest of the voice cast are iconic in my mind.
  • The Getaway - This was a game that has etched itself in my memory b/c it was really revolutionary and ahead of it's time. No HUD, all on-screen cues for direction and health, voice acting was great, and the graphics are still impressive given the PS2's limitations.
  • Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec - While many could say it's just another racer I put in many many hours into this game. The enormous amount of tweaking possible, the amount of cars, and upgrade options were just insane and I haven't gotten into a racing game anywhere near that much since.
  • Shadow of the Colossus - This game arguably is a work of art. It's really hard to describe this game to people, but the atmosphere, music, gameplay, and overall is just fascinating to play. Gives me a sense of awe and wonder about the world and it's inhabitants.
  • God of War - While I wouldn't say it's one of my favorites I do remember the impact this game had at the time and how even to this day people love Kratos, and after all these years God of War is still a series to be reckoned with.

Some games I bought recently that I may have played before years ago but am playing through now:

  • The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - This game is great. Great action, great gameplay, great movie tie-in. One of the few "games based on a movie" that's really really good.
  • Enter the Matrix - Written and Directed by the Wachowskis I forgot how fun this game was. Control is a little off, but there is a wide variety of gameplay... there are 3rd person shootouts, driving sequences, hand-to-hand fighting, 1st person shooting. They squeezed a shit ton of gameplay mechanics into a single game. Also the high point for me is the live-action cut-scenes shot with The Matrix original actors that are all new to the game. Very cool.
  • James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire - This game is too much fun. Guns, gadgets, campy dialogue, catch-phrases, stereotypical villains, and everything. I only played the first two levels but I can't wait to get back into this again. The graphics, guns, and set-pieces are really fun and is just generally a blast to play.
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I still have my PS2 that I preordered but didn't receive until early 2001. It works just as well as the day I plugged it in. I have the network/HDD adapter for it as well. That was the last console that I played regularly. I have a PS3 but I bairly played it to to being part of the #PCMasterRace.
Still have my PS2 I bought in 2002. Sadly, just recently the DVD-Rom drive died.
When all is said and done, I think the PS2 is the strongest contender for my favorite console next to the SNES. The games were amazing for it and it was really a huge step up in performance from the previous generation.
PS2 certainly was one of the best consoles ever. Great game selection. I do prefer that more games are coming to PC now but the PS2 certainly was amazing back in the day in large part due to game selection.
I remember waiting in line for 2 hours when this launched at the mall. I had preordered my console there, but once I got up to buy it they told me, oh you didnt fully pay for it so you cant get it yet. this was in spite of me asking a month earlier there if I needed to fully pay for it to be guaranteed to get it on launch, and them telling me no it didnt matter. I was so mad I ended up going home in a rage and ended up buying one off ebay for double price so I could have one. It took almost 4 months to get the console I preordered, and was the last time I preordered or bought a console at launch.
20 years and this intro music cannot escape me no matter how many times I try to detox

1.Xbox 360
My older brother and I pooled our money together, put it on lay away, and bought it ourselves when I was in 6th grade. Served me for many years, and was awesome.

2. PS1
Dad brought one back when he did an unaccompanied year in Korea, that guy had a mod chip and a whole giant container full of bootleg games with their misspelled bad copies of the game covers. I remember the first time playing Tony Hawk and hearing that soundtrack. It was such a different experience from the SNES!

3. OG Xbox
Someone gave us one as a gift when we went to visit family. Had a huge game library, and played a ton of Halo 2 and did LANs in our house.

4.Gameboy Advanced
Had the original Gameboy, had the GC, and one Christmas my brother and I got an the clear blue GBA for Christmas in 2001 when I was in 1st grade. I still remember using my GBA in 7th grade, after acquiring a link cable (traded some candy for it) and battling friends in homeroom on Pokemon. I was pissed when my little brother peeled a bunch of the stickers off the cartridges.

Had Japanese games, had a light gun, had the gameboy adapter, had the mouse and nintendo mouse pad. I think my mom stupidly donated most of the games, but I know that I still have my SNES somewhere in a box.

Even though I never owned one, I always would try to go over to my many friends who did own one. So many great games, so many fun times. Most of my many hours playing PS2 were always with other people, many times in some random party my parents would bring us to.

Another one that I never personally owned but was owned by many friends and family. And there were many fond memories with family attached to this.

For many of us here, the news that the PS2 is 20 years old is a reminder of how much time has passed in our own personal lives......
1.Xbox 360
My older brother and I pooled our money together, put it on lay away, and bought it ourselves when I was in 6th grade. Served me for many years, and was awesome.
That's what me and my brother did when we bought the original Nintendo. Pooled our allowance together for months, lol. Good times.