Planetside 2

Sensitivity is adjustable for different vehicles. For shooters I play low sens and do that for PS2 infantry and aircraft, but I crank the sens high for vehicle turrets because they are otherwise slower and have a delay in movement.

A mouse with adjustable DPI may help there. I dont bother though.

Didn't know this. Thanks for the tip. Maybe I can now adjust the aircraft sensitivity so I can actually hit stuff lol.
Thanks for your excellent replies, Ritorix!

-------How do you capture nodes? Does blowing up their terminals help with anything?

Just stand near them (The big "A" on a map), or just be in the region of a facility to get points for it upon capture or defense.

Blowing up terminals is generally bad because your own team's infiltrators can hack them for your use. There are situations when its better to just blow them up, like in a big pitched battle or when you cant hold something and just want to deny access.

Are there any nodes which a single soldier can capture? How do you tell beforehand how many people you'll need to take something? A buddy and i tried to wrestle control of a facility but were unsuccessful in moving the capture bar.

-------How do you turn a sunderer into a spawn node?

You deploy it. Needs a special piece of equipment on the sundy and cant be done too close to another deployed one. You get xp when someone spawns at your sundy.
Is this an upgrade you have to purchase?
-------What's the difference between factions?

The weapons, main tanks and fighter craft. These give each faction a different playstyle.
So does this mean that a certain faction will have better guns, while another has better vehicles? or are they all pretty much the same just with different skins?
-------Anyone else experience that you have to crank up the mouse sensitivity to be able to fly planes and drive tanks, yet then it makes the sensitivity way too high to look around on a 4x4 or in a weapon turret?

Sensitivity is adjustable for different vehicles. For shooters I play low sens and do that for PS2 infantry and aircraft, but I crank the sens high for vehicle turrets because they are otherwise slower and have a delay in movement.

A mouse with adjustable DPI may help there. I dont bother though.
Well i did try to adjust the various sensitivities. but the one for "vehicles" that i turned up so that the tank and planes were not so sluggish also turned up the sensitivity for gun turrets and 4x4 head turning. Did i miss another sensitivity bar somewhere?

Also another question: why is the FOV default 55? Isn't that irregularly low? Also, max FOV isn't even 90... i'm wondering if they are using their own rating instead of the standard fov settings. Like in Q3A, i have mine at about 100.
Thanks for your excellent replies, Ritorix!
Are there any nodes which a single soldier can capture?

I played this game 30 minutes total and managed to capture some "Technical terminal" or something similar alone. You just stay next to it similar to BF3 flag capturing
I played this game 30 minutes total and managed to capture some "Technical terminal" or something similar alone. You just stay next to it similar to BF3 flag capturing

I guess you just have to roam around and test them out to see if you can capture... it'd be nice if they'd let you know beforehand though.
Lots of good info in this thread, Thanks guys.
I did find that they seem to reward support roles in the game pretty well, i've been rolling as a engineer and been having a pretty good time with it, but with little time to play and so much to figure out it can seem like alot to take in.
Also, has anyone noticed that the 'show allies' on the map view doesn't actually show where any of your allies are?
I guess you just have to roam around and test them out to see if you can capture... it'd be nice if they'd let you know beforehand though.

There are several points you can capture. Big bases have A B C and each point can be captured by standing next to it. Also, small bases have a boxy symbol that can be captured using the same technique.

In addition to those points, there are different points that need to be destroyed. Generators for both shields and spawning vehicles as well as spawn control units with is self explanatory.
How can you tell if something is destroyable on the map? (ie Generators)... I hear people asking for someone to destroy them, but what do they look like?
-------From the comments above, there can never be a victor of the entire map? (all 3 continents)

Yep you can control continents and get a bonus for doing so. Taking all three would be quite a feat since naturally the two smallest factions tend to gang up on the one with the most territory.

I was thinking about this, and began to wonder--- Are there certain bases which cannot be captured? Couldn't a team 'lock down' a continent by capturing 100% of the land-mass, preventing the other teams from spawning there?

Also, when this game launches, we definitely need a West Coast [H] Outfit.
PS2 is not starting. I installed it and while starting it redirected me to the with countdown timer. Every next attempts to restart it just tell

Unable to download HTTP::Exception::UnhandledResponse: Not Found (404 - -

/me sad

Have they closed beta till the launch day?
Yeah...beta is over. The actual game will be available in 3 days so no biggie!
Yeah...beta is over. The actual game will be available in 3 days so no biggie!

I have no game to play this weekend. BF3 is booring. May be BF2142.

Or may be Painkiller Hell and Damnation?
What is better for this weekend

HardReset (13 Euro)
Painkiller Hell and Damnation (23 Euros)
I guess you just have to roam around and test them out to see if you can capture... it'd be nice if they'd let you know beforehand though.
How can you tell if something is destroyable on the map? (ie Generators)... I hear people asking for someone to destroy them, but what do they look like?
You will see the points on your minimap as well as your screen in front of you while looking at the environment. While looking at the objective on your main screen (meaning where your crosshairs are), you will see the icon of the objective. Move your crosshairs over the icon or as close as possible to it and an additional text appears immediately below it. If it says "Capture" underneath it, it means you have to stand within a couple meters of it to capture it. If it says "Destroy", you must walk up to it, wait for the pop up that says "Press E to activate" then press AND HOLD the E key and watch the status bar. Once alarms start going off and the generator says it will overload, run away or defend the objective from people trying to disarm it.

I was thinking about this, and began to wonder--- Are there certain bases which cannot be captured? Couldn't a team 'lock down' a continent by capturing 100% of the land-mass, preventing the other teams from spawning there?
All bases and areas are able to be captured except the shielded jump gates and the immediate area around it. Some areas will be captured once the entire base is captured and then a conversion timer (a status bar) will appear in the left area above minimap that will tell you how long until the team captures that section of the map. Teams can capture the entire continent. It can become a bit of a spawn rape situation for a while, but people are free to jump to other continents, and eventually teams get bored, and the other 2 teams may start to re-capture lost ground when things even out. Of course the beauty of Planetside is that there are 3 factions, so every faction always has to fight a 2 front war which is very difficult to advance or defend 2 fronts at once, making the battleground constantly changing also making no single faction completely overwhelming on any single server. I believe I have seen SOE reset the continents a couple times when one faction captured the continent during the Beta, but I am unsure if that will continue once the main game is released.
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I'll be playing on Tuesday as New Conglomerate. The server I played on in the beta was Lysthia (sp?) but I heard the server names will be changing after full release.

I also did the pre-order since I was a huge fan of PS1 but then found out later the game is going to be free-to-play. Not sure if I like that since its going to attract a bunch of idiots. Hopefully the in-game system helps against that. I do like the fact your weapons get locked if you TK too much. :D
Weapons lock gets pretty annoying if you drive a tank. For some reason people like to run straight at friendly tanks. If it says '2/2' above a tank, it is full, and you will get run over. You will probably get run over anyway if you try to jump in a turret on a moving tank :)
Weapons lock gets pretty annoying if you drive a tank. For some reason people like to run straight at friendly tanks. If it says '2/2' above a tank, it is full, and you will get run over. You will probably get run over anyway if you try to jump in a turret on a moving tank :)

My favorite past time in PS1 was running people over by "mistake" in my Vanguard. Those hate tells were the best, especially from a cloaker you hit multiple times. The grief system in PS2 still doesn't have a number value?

Though there were still idiots you ran in front of you attempting to get in or were on the road when I was running from a Prowler that always get run over. Just comes with the game. The only thing that really drives me nuts is how easy it is to run friendlies over in this game, even the slightest tap does it. In PS1 you were get barely anything for just tapping someone if your grief level was low. Even running full speed into a rexo didn't kill him 100% of the time.
They tried to patch it once, and made it so if you barely bump someone they don't die. I don't know, it doesnt seem to work. And of course when I am trying to run someone over, like enemy infantry that cant really hurt my tank, it becomes impossible.

The best way to run people over in this game is with a Scythe. Its a flat fighter plane that looks like a cylon raider, and if you skim just barely over the ground you can mow people down at impressive speed. :D
Yeah I got killed by having my toe run over by a team mate. Exited game after that. Just lame.
Yeah I got killed by having my toe run over by a team mate. Exited game after that. Just lame.

They're betting on the F2P model to bring in a steady amount of players, which will likely work.

Beta testing will continue beyond launch.
I've been waiting for this, to sort of "replace" the Battlefield series for me finally.

I've a couple of questions: -bis there a definitive chart somewhere for PS2 that shows the differences between weapon and vehicle traits for each faction and general gameplay differences?

I'm not sure which faction to go with because I don't really know what gameplay differences there are with weapons and vehicles.

Any suggestions/info? I'm looking everywhere.

Looking for the faction that's a balance between accuracy and damage, maybe, and what ever has the most "fun" vehicles.

Also: - is it possible to switch factions with the same character at any point?

I'm assuming not, and that you'd have to make a new character, but I've no idea.

I didn't get into the beta, so I had no opportunity to try anything out.

One last question: - for a Battlefield/FPS vet, how quick/easy is it to get a hang of how the game plays/is designed? With capture points, loadouts etc?

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One last question: - for a Battlefield/FPS vet, how quick/easy is it to get a hang of how the game plays/is designed? With capture points, loadouts etc?


Not hard at all. I played PS1 and this was different enough for me not to get it straight away (it's not that similar). But, it feels like a great shooter (which PS1 didn't really), so you can jump in and just start playing, just pick a continent and find a "hotspot" (where action is), and jump in. There's a key to auto-join a squad (which makes it possible to spawn on your team leader). It's all quite similar to Battlefield honestly.

Now, the capture mechanics I didn't get straight away, mainly because I knew they might get changed before launch. I just always stuck to my squad and followed the battle and if it looked like we were taking a base, I'd run inside and help out.
Its a pity they took down the whole site, including the forums and whatnot during the countdown to release.

I literally have no idea what will be included upon release in terms of features, certs and other elements of gameplay. There were so many things in flux up until the last minute. When I was playing a day or two before the end of beta, Stalker Camo still wasn't in for instance, and it felt to me that Cert point gain was WAY too slow.

As a Planetside 1 veteran, I have to say that I had the highest of hopes for the game. If they just replicated PS1 with new graphics and underlying engine/netcode it would have been one of the best shooters ever. PS2 however, I feel falls WAY short of its potential and short of PS1 considerably. It is going to be launching with less vehicles, less weapons (hell, in beta most if not all weapons shared the same graphic for a given type. The Vanu "starter" sniper rifle looked no different than one of the ones you could "buy"!), less abilities, no inventory system, no proper Hacking or Engineering system, no Nanite/Fuel system, a horrid "vertical" certification system, foolish "capture" system and just everything "Dumbed Down". "Infiltrator" classes are basically snipers with a 10-second cloak. Weapons are not visible holstered on the player's bodies. There are no animations for entering/exiting a vehicle or anything else etc.. I could go on... It is inferior to the original Planetside in most ways, save for graphics and engine/netcode and I'm really,really sad that is has turned out this way.

I get the impression that they wanted so much to go after the "modern shooter" CoD/Battlefield crowd, that they simply created a large scale Battlefield game and put a coat of Planetside paint upon it. Those that never played the original Planetside and/or really like Battlefield or CoD style shooters, will likely enjoy PS2. However, it actually angers me that they left out 90% of what made Planetside such an awesome game, from major mechanics to minor ones. Originally Smed told us that this "real beta" was meant to add and test all sorts of stuff and so I began to hope there would be enough time and flexibility, but this release is WAY too bloody soon; the whole thing has been rushed out the door.

Planetside, and all of us who loved that game - especially those like myself who really could never get into seriously playing another multiplayer shooter, since - deserved better. I'll hang around for a bit to see what they do post-release, but at this point I don't have much faith.
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Yeah I tested and gave feedback, I won't be playing at least for a couple of months after release. They have a lot of work to do, and a majority of it is with their new engine. It is not optimized... AT ALL
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Seeking an outfit - Anyone out there needing an extra gun? :)

What faction are you looking to play primarily, and what server and/or time zone? I've found Ghosts of the Revolution to be one of the best Vanu (The purple guys with the futuristic gear) outfits around back in PS1 and they've had a strong presence through PS2 beta. They're going to be playing on the US East server which is tentatively named "Mattherson". Look into them at .
What faction are you looking to play primarily, and what server and/or time zone? I've found Ghosts of the Revolution to be one of the best Vanu (The purple guys with the futuristic gear) outfits around back in PS1 and they've had a strong presence through PS2 beta. They're going to be playing on the US East server which is tentatively named "Mattherson". Look into them at .

I haven't decided on a faction yet. Wanted to find an outfit first. Thanks for the link ;)
I wasn't able to get into the beta, but I've read that the gameplay differences between factions in regards to weapons and vehicles is relatively the same as in PS1, as outlined in this chart (sorry if this has already been posted):


I know there will be plenty of tweaks to come in the future, but can anyone confirm that this chart is basically relatively accurate?

I've no real "attachment" to any particular faction, so it's more about the gameplay mechanics for me than the backstory.

I'm leaning most toward TR again, though I sort of like the Vanu for certain aesthetic reasons.

The differences don't make an absolutely huge difference in gameplay, but it's enough (if there's actually a noticeable difference the way they're implemented) to alter play style a little at least, in terms of weapons. For example, the Vanu having high sustained recoil isn't a problem, because I usually fire in bursts anyway.

Has any of this has been implemented to a point of these differences really being currently noticeable though?
I started with VS, but honestly you should have a char for each faction.
Territory ownership changes rapidly. I like to choose what side I'm on depending on the map.
What faction are you looking to play primarily, and what server and/or time zone? I've found Ghosts of the Revolution to be one of the best Vanu (The purple guys with the futuristic gear) outfits around back in PS1 and they've had a strong presence through PS2 beta. They're going to be playing on the US East server which is tentatively named "Mattherson". Look into them at .

This outfit is AWESOME. Really know how to cordinate large groups. Can't tell you how many times I had WTF moments playing against them in PS1 with what they pulled off.
I started with VS, but honestly you should have a char for each faction.
Territory ownership changes rapidly. I like to choose what side I'm on depending on the map.

That's what I was thinking, but probably just with TR and VS, though you cant have two characters of different factions on the same server, from what I've read.

But are the weapon mechanics actually implemented enough yet to really make a difference in the feel of the gameplay?

I'm doubting it's that huge of a difference, but I don't want to make that assumption since I've not had a chance to touch the game as of yet.