Planetside 2

Considering beta is close to an end and game launch imminent, are they still giving beta keys away?

You can get one from here.

lol no but if you want to think that go right ahead..

on a side note, if your on TC side on amerish, be careful buying a ground vehicle at the main spawn! you'll fall through the map.. so pissed.. spent 5 minutes doing my certs for the vanguard.. finally buy it and fall through the map the second i buy it.(and yes i tested it with all the vehicles, all of them fell through the map, lol)

This a issue again? lol

Back in the summer there were a few places on Indar having the same issue. Needless to say I wasn't too happy when it happened.
I think they shot themselves in the foot by releasing the game as F2P.

Oh, it's free, it must be garbage. Lets play some BF3 guyzzzz!

no, you'll just end up nickle and dimed to death...I begged for a key for weeks, but got lucky and landed in tech testing. I really tried to get into it but I found the game to be shit and so boring...preorder CANCELLED!
First come first serve Beta keys!





in the same fashion:

Sending out 4 keys here. I can probably dig up a few more..
Don't forget that "Alpha Squad" ends so if you like PS2, I suggest picking up the deal. It costs $40, you get $40 worth of in-game "real money currency", plus a bunch of little bonuses like an unlocked badge/decal, camo patterns, several weapons unlocked from the start etc...







Get them while the are hot!
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Exp gain has been nerfed and certification costs have gone through the roof since the last patch. Looks like the true colors have been run. Hello micro ( macro? ) transactions if you want to unlock anything of worth in a reasonable amount of time. Oh, and if you spent your certs ( time or money earned ) on a set-up, it can be nerfed into uselessness at any time without any option to respec too.
Exp gain has been nerfed and certification costs have gone through the roof since the last patch. Looks like the true colors have been run. Hello micro ( macro? ) transactions if you want to unlock anything of worth in a reasonable amount of time. Oh, and if you spent your certs ( time or money earned ) on a set-up, it can be nerfed into uselessness at any time without any option to respec too.

I guess they have my $40 in station cash for now ;/
I wonder how long the beta will last? I just got in and actually won't even be able to start playing until my new gpu gets delivered today. My luck I'll get my card installed and they'll shut it down. I'm kind of looking forward to this game tbh.
Exp gain has been nerfed and certification costs have gone through the roof since the last patch. Looks like the true colors have been run. Hello micro ( macro? ) transactions if you want to unlock anything of worth in a reasonable amount of time. Oh, and if you spent your certs ( time or money earned ) on a set-up, it can be nerfed into uselessness at any time without any option to respec too.

So, you're upset that you have to invest time into a game to get things in the game...
Exp gain has been nerfed and certification costs have gone through the roof since the last patch. Looks like the true colors have been run. Hello micro ( macro? ) transactions if you want to unlock anything of worth in a reasonable amount of time. Oh, and if you spent your certs ( time or money earned ) on a set-up, it can be nerfed into uselessness at any time without any option to respec too.

Go figure. Game is fun so far but it does feel like a grind. It is missing something or I'm remembering the first PS real differently.
5 Keys up for grabs.





More keys, first come first served

So, you're upset that you have to invest time into a game to get things in the game...

When it turns into a pay to win system, yes. And when you pay for something that can be changed at anytime to something you would not have paid for, yes. And to top it off, you can't even test out the unlocks to see if you like them, so you are blindly spending money or time on stuff you have no idea if you will like or not in the end.

Earning is fine. Grinding is not. Making the grind severe enough that the only option for people who do not spend their lives in game to buy items to compete with those who do is not right.
When it turns into a pay to win system, yes. And when you pay for something that can be changed at anytime to something you would not have paid for, yes. And to top it off, you can't even test out the unlocks to see if you like them, so you are blindly spending money or time on stuff you have no idea if you will like or not in the end.

There is NOTHING in the store you can buy that will give you a distinct advantage over other players (I'm talking like buy this ammo for 25% extra damage) that is not available to people don't spend money. With that I don't think this game is P2W in anyway. Unfortunately this is just how the F2P model is. Either pony up the money for the gun you want or play the game to get the certs needed. I'd rather of had a box fee plus say a shop for you to buy skins and such, but F2P is also needed to help keep this game populated.

Smed said they are putting in trials for weapons also, see here. This was one of my complaints at least they are doing something.

I totally agree however on certain aspects of what you may specialize in getting nerfed or changed drastically. This has been a major concern originally when I found out cert points aren't refundable with a timer (like the original PS1) or even having a clean slate say once a month. I would hate to have weeks of game time dumped off due to a balance patch and having to work for a whole new role again. I actually talked with Higby about this in person at PAX. He didn't seem concerned at all with this issue as he believed from the cert system having a endless amount of cert points is what would balance that out. I understand that point, but I still don't totally agree with it. As for changes to weapons. Depending on how often they bring out new weapons for vehicles/infantry I wouldn't hop on them on day one. Chances are any balance done to them would be in the first week or 2 of release.

I'm still on edge whether I'm going to be playing the game TBH. I spent thousands of hours in PS1 over the years I played the game. Easily my most favorite game of all time, just the second isn't totally what I was expecting on top of my interest in games not being as high it was in high school. Regardless I do think the PS2 team has done a terrific job over all with the game, a lot of progress has been made since early beta in the summer. I really am hoping for this game to be a success to open up the genre of the MMOFPS.
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Got 5 keys if anyone needs them

Still waiting on performance patches myself... im still afraid its just going to feel like a grind game with no actual goals. I've seen some of their bigger end game goals, but none of those are even close to being down the pipeline yet.
There is NOTHING in the store you can buy that will give you a distinct advantage over other players (I'm talking like buy this ammo for 25% extra damage) that is not available to people don't spend money. With that I don't think this game is P2W in anyway. Unfortunately this is just how the F2P model is. Either pony up the money for the gun you want or play the game to get the certs needed. I'd rather of had a box fee plus say a shop for you to buy skins and such, but F2P is also needed to help keep this game populated.

You can unlock every weapon in the game with station cash. That's pay to win. That's not cosmetic unlocks. Now, the player who is getting dominated by rocket pods in the first hour will EVENTUALLY be able to unlock a countermeasure, but in the mean time someone else has paid and they will win because of it.
You can unlock every weapon in the game with station cash. That's pay to win. That's not cosmetic unlocks. Now, the player who is getting dominated by rocket pods in the first hour will EVENTUALLY be able to unlock a countermeasure, but in the mean time someone else has paid and they will win because of it.

How are sidegrades "pay to win"?
You can unlock every weapon in the game with station cash. That's pay to win. That's not cosmetic unlocks. Now, the player who is getting dominated by rocket pods in the first hour will EVENTUALLY be able to unlock a countermeasure, but in the mean time someone else has paid and they will win because of it.

You can't really "win" in Planetside. Now if you mean individual battles, if they do it right (like Tribes imo), then it will come down who has more skill.
Don't really like this game but... i got some keys :)

Worth it to buy alpha squad?

Also how exactly is this game pay to win? From my understanding, weapons differ in terms of range, spread, damage, and recoil. But there is no one weapon that has max range, max damage, low recoil, is there? I was always under the impression that different weapons exist to accommodate different play styles.
Holy crap...How can anyone be saying anything bad about this game? I just got to spend a couple of hours in the beta and...damn...this game kinda represents the whole package in my honest opinion. It may just be that I'm new to this genre (MMOFPS), but it seems like it's the tits.
Got my beta invites the other day and I'm finally installing overnight.

Here are some keys:

Can't wait to play this when it releases. New system will be up and running by then and I'm sure it will be pretty epic.
This thread has now descended into, "don't know if I want to play this FREE GAME because someone that pays money on it might have a temporary advantage over me." WTF is wrong with you people? If you haven't paid a dime and someone has a slight advantage over you, then simply earn the upgrade to level the playing field or pay a bit of money.

You'll however go and play a game that costs $60 bucks and the 14 year old high school drop out will have all the unlocks by day 2 and rape you whinging asses.

It's a fucking amazing FREE game. They are yet to implement all the features, and it is already easily the best FPS in the past couple of years. Finally we get a true PC FPS game that happens to take everything that was good about the real Battlefield games (scale, player count, teamwork, etc), improve it by 10x, and throw it under an MMO format. The graphics are amazing, the lighting and ambiance is unparalleled, and you get to spend anywhere from $0-whatever the game is worth to you.

Fucking ridiculous shit I tell you. I'm buying the Alpha squad pack just to support the concept of a PC game still being viable today. I suspect everyone on this forum has parallel interests.
I understand what you are saying Dethred, but 4000 station cash ( 40 bucks via Alpha Squad ) will buy you exactly

0.0095% of a 420,000 SC unlock, which seemed to be the typical price they had set for things. I like the game, it's fun. I just don't want to spend thousands of dollars on a single unlock.
Anyone else have 3 keys for me?? Shoot me a PM if you can. I will hook you up with one of my steam games I have lying around.
No offense but the first thing I though when reading you response was "is this guy tripping"? They have set out the pricing scheme clearly, and the most expensive weapon you can unlock is not more than $7.50. The lesser things that are around 240 cert points cost $2. Please tell me your post was sarcasm.
No offense but the first thing I though when reading you response was "is this guy tripping"? They have set out the pricing scheme clearly, and the most expensive weapon you can unlock is not more than $7.50. The lesser things that are around 240 cert points cost $2. Please tell me your post was sarcasm.

I checked in game a couple days ago and prices were in the 420,000 range?
I understand what you are saying Dethred, but 4000 station cash ( 40 bucks via Alpha Squad ) will buy you exactly

0.0095% of a 420,000 SC unlock, which seemed to be the typical price they had set for things. I like the game, it's fun. I just don't want to spend thousands of dollars on a single unlock.

Lol. Is that why you were so amped up?