Pixel 6 / Pixel 6 Pro / Pixel 6a

After a weekend of heavy use, I can confirm that factory resetting my Pixel 6 fixed battery life issues after installing Android 13. After looking around at some forum posts, apparently people are specifically recommending that you do NOT use Google One backups in this scenario. I guess some of the settings it restores = whatever the issue is. Considering many/most Google apps save your data independently of Google One, you aren't actually losing much. Basically just text messages, phone call records, and certain system settings.
I upgraded my 6a to Android 13 two days ago and so far everything is going well. The fingerprint scanner is faster as reported by others. No apparent power usage change for me between 12 and 13. Everything else is as smooth as it should.
Oddly, my wife's phone hasn't even gotten the update via AT&T. I have no idea how long you can delay updates, but I've told her to decline it as long as possible once it shows up. The battery thing clearly doesn't seem to be affecting everyone, but the timing is annoying.
Oddly, my wife's phone hasn't even gotten the update via AT&T. I have no idea how long you can delay updates, but I've told her to decline it as long as possible once it shows up. The battery thing clearly doesn't seem to be affecting everyone, but the timing is annoying.
I'm very pleased with the improved performance of the scanner. Still prefer a hardware scanner on the back, though.

50$ trade in value on a working P2XL. Not much of a deal there
Not just that. If my pixel 2 XL power button still worked I would still be using it. I don't really see the need to upgrade these days. My biggest issue was the camera on the 2 XL. Thing was trash and this p6p is amazing.

Otherwise, I didn't find it a big upgrade.
On ATT with like 6 Google accounts on my phone, 3 with G1 backups, A13 has been a much much better experience, no reset needed. I did manually update via ADB though soon as the files were available.
I got my pair of Pixels yesterday, and didn't play around with Android 12 very much before the upgrade happened. But the scanner didn't seem bad, and certainly doesn't seem bad after the 13 update. Yeah, a physical button is faster to find but as long as I can unlock quickly I don't mind needing to learn the correct placement to do it blind.
I have a close family friend in a senior position at Google's HW division and he has always insisted that all the issues with the Pixel devices were SW related, at first I thought it was usual CYA but given what I've seen, I am inclined to believe he was being mostly transparent.
We just upgraded the wifes phone from a iPhone XR to a Pixel 6a and galaxy watch 5. So far she loves it, no complaints. I think I may wait to upgrade my 4a to the 7a? not sure yet.
The new 6a arrived yesterday. There was a lot of, well, i consider it bloat, to transfer over from her 3a and it's still acting a big weird. I'm hoping it'll settle down in a few days.
Holy smokes, really? From when they received it? We are waiting on the same thing.
Trade in initiated on July 22nd, box for the old phone arrived August 1. Dropped at the post August 2nd. They received it the 7th I think. On the 8th their email said 1 to 4 day processing. August 24th notice of refund issuance. August 29th notice of refund from credit card. Total turn around but still they over shot their 1 to 4 day inspection window by a bit lol.
The P6 Pro 128GB is now available from Google Fi for $599. That's a $300 discount. (y) I'm not interested in the P7/P7 Pro this year. Zorachus continues to rave about his P6 Pro, so I decided to give it another shot. Maybe the better price will make it easier to deal with the curved screen. I already have a buyer for my P6 256GB ($450), so this could turn out pretty well for me. :)
Trade in initiated on July 22nd, box for the old phone arrived August 1. Dropped at the post August 2nd. They received it the 7th I think. On the 8th their email said 1 to 4 day processing. August 24th notice of refund issuance. August 29th notice of refund from credit card. Total turn around but still they over shot their 1 to 4 day inspection window by a bit lol.
Google just got her phone today, so let's see how long it takes.
Whew, back after a week in Orlando. Our two Pixel 6's managed to last all day sans any battery issues for a full week of extremely heavy use and crazy heat. Pretty sure if I hadn't reset things after the Android 13 upgrade there's no way it would've cut the mustard. My wife's phone wasn't affected, so it was no big deal on her end. I noticed that the September update supposedly fixes really high battery use while idle on Pixel devices, so clearly Google got on that issue quickly.
I've had my 6 Pro for over a week and wanted to post my thoughts. I love this phone! It's so fast that for the first time with any Android I've owned I didn't need to change animation speed to improve the performance. The curved screen took some time to get used to, but now I'm typing as well as with a flat screen. The fingerprint scanner works quite well, too.

Of course, my happiness with this phone also has a lot to do with the price I paid.. At release, the 128GB P6 Pro was $899. I paid $599 for it last month through a Google Fi promotion. Don't know if GF runs that promotion every year, but I'm going wait and see from now on before buying another Pixel.

EDIT - Just checked and the 128GB P6 Pro is back at $899. :eek:
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Other than some weirdness in the first few days (mostly related to transferring over SMS messages it seems) my wife's 6a has been fantastic and a huge improvement over her 3a.

Now if Google would just give me my money for trading in the 3a. 😐
Other than some weirdness in the first few days (mostly related to transferring over SMS messages it seems) my wife's 6a has been fantastic and a huge improvement over her 3a.

Now if Google would just give me my money for trading in the 3a. 😐
Finally. Nearly a month after I sent it off.
6 Pro Portrait shot;


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What is the current gesture to see currently running apps?

The functionality that used to be the right button on the bottom.
What is the current gesture to see currently running apps?

The functionality that used to be the right button on the bottom.

Swipe up from the bottom about a half inch or so. Should bring up the tiles for the programs running. Same way you'd take a screenshot.
Reports that T-Mobile and Google-Fi users are seeing a delay in the Jan Security Patch. It appears to be an issue with T-Mobile and not Google. My Pixel 6 has not received the security update and I use tmobile
Nope- I saw somewhere that is got held back because of a late bug found with (here is the part I'm not sure I remember correctly) WiFi calling or something.
I'm on an unlocked 6a and I haven't received a January update. Last security update was Dec 5, 2022