phil fish is in trouble again fez II canceled

In short (from what I've seen): He is a complete douchebag.

What I remember of his douchebaggery:

Insulting all Japanese developers (Though he was asked his opinion and gave it and the response was blown way out of proportion)

Saying some stuff about PC not being for gaming and THEN porting Fez to the PC

General bad attitude about things

Huge level of arrogance, going beyond Johnathan Blow level (though Blow seems to have mellowed out)

His general attitude on Indie Game: the Movie

I'm sure there is more, but I can't think of them.
In short (from what I've seen): He is a complete douchebag.

What I remember of his douchebaggery:

Insulting all Japanese developers (Though he was asked his opinion and gave it and the response was blown way out of proportion)

Saying some stuff about PC not being for gaming and THEN porting Fez to the PC

General bad attitude about things

Huge level of arrogance, going beyond Johnathan Blow level (though Blow seems to have mellowed out)

His general attitude on Indie Game: the Movie

I'm sure there is more, but I can't think of them.

He came across as somewhat of an egotistical ass on Indie Game. His whole portion seemed to involve him vs. whoever, his coworker, his ex-business partner, etc etc .. usually if you find conflict everywhere, you might need to re evaluate the source of that conflict.
Don't forget to mention Marcus Beer who's probably the biggest dickhead at the moment when it comes to trolling journalism. This tool deserves to die in a car crash and burn alive with his entire family in it.
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Don't forget to mention Marcus Beer who's probably the biggest dickhead at the moment when it comes to trolling journalism. This tool deserves to die in a car crash and burn alive with his entire family in it.

Beer is a complete douche as well, but seriously dude? That isn't cool, not at all.
He came across as somewhat of an egotistical ass on Indie Game. His whole portion seemed to involve him vs. whoever, his coworker, his ex-business partner, etc etc .. usually if you find conflict everywhere, you might need to re evaluate the source of that conflict.

Fish is a drama queen. You could just tell by watching Indie Game that he pushes everything to become a bigger issue and the world revolves around him. He brought all this criticism on himself, declared that he wouldn't be affected by it, then had a meltdown specifically because of how affected he was.

Also he is a hypocrite asshole who brags about being "VERY" successful yet he couldn't pay MS the standard fee to deploy a patch for a game breaking fix to Fez.
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I never really gave a shit about the drama, picked up fez when it came out for pc. But this is freaking ludicrous, probably the most childish thing I have ever heard a grown man doing.

French-Canadian with mutton-chops? His hipster-douchebag face is just begging to be punched....



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I don't care about his persona... however, I have not bought Fez, despite it looking like a neat concept, specifically because of his attitude towards PC gaming. I'm not going to support someone like that financially.
French-Canadian with mutton-chops? His hipster-douchebag face is just begging to be punched....

Why imply he his a douchebag and french canadian? Hes maybe one douche... But not because hes french canadian. A little savoir vivre no?
Fish is a little egotistical bitch that doesn't care about his customers.
No one should buy Fez, on principal. I'm not supporting a crying little baby. Grow up.

This was all started when Beer (who is a douchebag himself) started asking Fish and Blow(ha!) for a sound bite on the MS 180 with indies. Fish, who's a little pussy, started crying why aren't they talking about HIS game and why is he getting asked these questions as the "face of the indies" or some shit, then pulls this. He's trolling the internet. Don't pay attention to this idiot.
Fish should also know he was getting asked the questions because he had a tantrum in public about the Fez patch.
I was always on the fence about Fez. Now that I see the degenerate responsible for it, I find that it's not even worth pirating, either.
Whatever, he's done. I can't see anyone else giving him a chance after this. Dear Fish: have fun working at McDonald's.
Why imply he his a douchebag and french canadian? Hes maybe one douche... But not because hes french canadian. A little savoir vivre no?

It also implies he can't use a turn signal
He's a whiny asshole. He's smug enough to claim that his game is "legendary" and that Japan puts out nothing but garbage. Watching him in the Indie movie made me so annoyed with him by the end.

Frankly I'm glad he won't be involved in the gaming community anymore. Last thing this community needs is another loud mouth asshole with paper thin skin.
you have to be fucking kidding lemmings to a cliff

That is pathetic. Makes me want to register or something just to troll them.

Seriously, I will never understand the fanboyism some people have.

Also this kid needs a giant glass of STFU and perspective. Oh no, somebody said some mean shit about you. Deal with it. People say mean shit about EVERYONE and when you are in the public eye, you'll get more of it. Just how things go.

I'd never heard of him, or Fez, but damn what a whiny little bitch. The funny thing is that he'll quickly find out he hates being just a regular guy, that nobody talks about, much more than having haters I'm sure.

My bet is he sits around and nurses his grudge and wanks off about how awesome he is until he starts to run through the money he's made. Then he realizes that hey, being wealthy is kinda nice and games were the way he got to do that, and tries to get back in to it. Of course at that point, nobody is likely to give a shit.
Watching him in the Indie movie made me so annoyed with him by the end.

I got halfway through Indie Movie yesterday and he didn't seem so bad, more depressed?

Jonathan Blow definitely came off way more pretentious and smug. "I'm sad that people like my game but not for the reasons I want them to whaaa whaaaaa."

Does Fish get worse through the rest of the flick?
I got halfway through Indie Movie yesterday and he didn't seem so bad, more depressed?

Jonathan Blow definitely came off way more pretentious and smug. "I'm sad that people like my game but not for the reasons I want them to whaaa whaaaaa."

Those are pretty much the same impressions I got.
I got halfway through Indie Movie yesterday and he didn't seem so bad, more depressed?

Jonathan Blow definitely came off way more pretentious and smug. "I'm sad that people like my game but not for the reasons I want them to whaaa whaaaaa."

Does Fish get worse through the rest of the flick?

I really don't think the film portrayed him that badly. Definitely depressed and a bit unstable, but not really a dick. He has said some stupid things over the years that were arrogant and jackassish though. Problem is, his comments led to hate, which didn't sit well with his unstable personality, which led to him saying more stupid shit, then more hate... and it just got worse until he generally just became someone who was unliked by about anyone who knew who he was. Fez is great, and Fish is legitimately very talented and it really sucks that his personality issues got in the way of that.
Fish is immature, but he's got nothing on the morons goading him on just to get a kick out of it. The difference here is that he's responsible for creating one of the best puzzle platform games ever and the crowning accomplishment of most of his detractors is "graduated middle school."
I hated fish in the film and it made me feel so good when his game was crashing so bad in the show he was at because the dummy was editing it the day before. He is just a whinny little princess that wants everything his way and doesnt care about anyone but himself. I am glad he is leaving gives other indie developers bad names because of his douchbaggery.
I got halfway through Indie Movie yesterday and he didn't seem so bad, more depressed?

Jonathan Blow definitely came off way more pretentious and smug. "I'm sad that people like my game but not for the reasons I want them to whaaa whaaaaa."

Does Fish get worse through the rest of the flick?

Well to be fair I ready had an impression of Fish from his various comments before I watched the movie. Then when he showed up on the screen looking like a hipster douche that didn't help.

Of course, then there is this...

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I got halfway through Indie Movie yesterday and he didn't seem so bad, more depressed?

Jonathan Blow definitely came off way more pretentious and smug. "I'm sad that people like my game but not for the reasons I want them to whaaa whaaaaa."

Does Fish get worse through the rest of the flick?

He becomes more obnoxious throughout the film but at one point you actually feel somewhat bad for him due to the stress , then by the end he's back to his smug douchebag behavior all over again.

I just spend like 30 minutes reading through Phil's twitter account and its like the ramblings of a 14 year old without a mental filter of any kind.

I do not support harassment in on the net in any form but if you have the time to read his usual communications between people on Twitter , he really draws a lot of his negative attention all on his own.

People who support him are acting like he was entirely innocent in the flaming he received. Sometimes a duck is just a fucking duck is all I have to say to that.

I do however think he is using this entire situation to avoid making another Fez and that in reality he is working on something else. He mentions several times in the film that he isn't going to go through another "experience" like Fez again so this entire thing could perhaps be his own scapegoat for any kind of fan obligation or pressure to make a sequel.
the film was very generous and one sided in the way the portrayed him. dude apparently has no tolerance for crticism. he reminds me of the amy's bakery nuts on kitchen nightmares.
I'm probably going to buy Fez now, just because I think attitudes are meaningless. I don't care who he is and what he thinks of me, if his game is good I'll buy it.
Apparently this guy posted on 4chan posing as an enraged "fan" with a screenshot from "Fish's" twitter. To bad he took the screenshot when he was still logged in, given away by the presence of the delete post button.
If enough people say your an asshole then your probably an asshole. A bigger asshole calling out another asshole doesn't cancel out the first one from being an asshole.
I'm probably going to buy Fez now, just because I think attitudes are meaningless. I don't care who he is and what he thinks of me, if his game is good I'll buy it.

The guy is a douche but his game is pretty good so far, played through the initial area + one bit after that, the main mechanic is very interesting.
It also implies he can't use a turn signal

This. Or drives 15 in a 30 looking for someones house, then decides to do a u-turn without a signal out of nowhere, blocking all traffic behind and infront, turning his steering wheel in place grinding his tires and still not using a signal. Let's also not forget the holy grail of "dumb shit to do while driving": driving 50 in a 65 in the left lane, refusing to merge right blocking everyone behind them with their extreme idiocy/superiority complex.

Fuck drivers from Quebec. FUCK THEM. :mad:

Also I can't help but think of how useless this son of a bitch is. Oh you want a game? Well I'm getting out of the industry. Please. No one gives a shit.
I don't care who he is and what he thinks of me, if his game is good I'll buy it.
+1, I just heard of Fez after recently watching the Indie Movie. I dunno... I'm surrounded by creative types and they are all pretty sensitive so his behavior here doesn't surprise or bother me. I find it more funny people take things so personally that they won't buy the game "on principle alone"... lol, nice one you really showed him!!! :p

fwiw I probably won't buy the game either, it doesn't look all that interesting to me... maybe if it's on sale for 5 bucks or on humblebundle
Fez only pissed me off. It's a 2 hour game with hours of lame filler. Once you get the "eureka" moment, that's it.

And Fish is an ass.
+1, I just heard of Fez after recently watching the Indie Movie. I dunno... I'm surrounded by creative types and they are all pretty sensitive so his behavior here doesn't surprise or bother me. I find it more funny people take things so personally that they won't buy the game "on principle alone"... lol, nice one you really showed him!!! :p

That would mean actually caring.
I've been playing Dark Souls all week. I don't what you are trying to imply.

Yeah, WE showed him! Talking about him on a forum he will never see... :rolleyes:
I find it funny that you think its funny that I didnt waste my time with this game. lol