PC gaming will always be superior....

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Mar 1, 2005
People should get over the hype of these new consoles. PC' s and PC games are always going to be the leaders when it comes to gaming, to the true gamer that is!!!

I would be totally and utterly depressed if I had to go to any game that had a resoloution lower than 1920 x 1200. Imagine playing games like Battlefield 2 with a joypad. The average FPS PC game requires at least 10 function buttons on the keyboard alone, not counting the left/right mouse buttons, the scroll wheel and any other assignable you may have on your 800/1200/1600 DPI High Precision Gaming Optical Mouse.

xBox, PS3, NR is all about hype,nothing more.

We who revel in the world of PC gaming do not only enjoy having the benefits of leading the way in graphic superiority and controlability, we also enjoy the most involving gaming experience. We also enjoy the other benefits PC's bring to out lives ( not just the pRon ;) lol )

PC games are supported by the software devleopers several months after release. As do the playing/modding communities. These allow the gaming experience of out favourite title longjevity and intensify the whole gaming experience. I have only just stopped playing RTCW, that game is now nearly 4 years old... and I played it at least 10 hours a week!!! some weeks embarrassingly more!!

The PC gaming experience will always reign supreme and no challenger will ever see it dismantled from its throne.
Splinter Cell and Metal Gear are infinitely better on console than on a keyboard and mouse.
Give it up, PC gaming is going away. RPGs and MMORPGS, as well as sims will always be PC ground, but mainstream gaming is going to consoles.

Plus, what FPS do you require 10 extra buttons for? You aim with a mouse, shoot with the 2 buttones on the mouse, move with the keyboard, and scroll through weapons the scroll weel, what OTHER 10 buttones are you talking about?

Plus, aiming with a controller, can tend to be easier.
Smiffy said:
Why would a "true gamer" limit themself?

That one statement is the be all and end all.

Everyone bitching about Xbox is better than PS2 and cube is lame, but the PC is best of all blah blah blah just needs to shut the fuck up. Its about the games not the platform.

This thread should be locked as it's so obviously looking for people to argue and is blatent flame bait.
Your prejudices would prevent you from enjoying console gaming. Sucks to be you, because you're going to miss out on a lot of great games.
Only n00bs scroll thru the weapons.
weapons = 6
direction = 4
jump = 1
crouch = 1
bino's = 1
sprint = 1
walk = 1
reload = 1
alt = 1
use = 1

Seems like more then 10 and those are the most used by me. Leaning I use use + left/right.
L0ony! said:
...PC games are always going to be the leaders when it comes to gaming,
I'm always one to bash the kiddie console users but this does hinder trollin :D but I hear ya ...

Hate_Bot said:
Give it up, PC gaming is going away. RPGs and MMORPGS, as well as sims will always be PC ground, but mainstream gaming is going to consoles.....Plus, aiming with a controller, can tend to be easier.
BA! whatever. you can't back that up so quit being so naive. playing a fps on a gamepad is utter crap but to each iz own. most of you young ones were never around to learn on the first platforms, hence why you like em. then add the inability to buy/understand or config computers :p ....fps's were born with the keyboard and mouse and will remain there untill there is another choice besides the pad
Hate_Bot said:
Give it up, PC gaming is going away. RPGs and MMORPGS, as well as sims will always be PC ground, but mainstream gaming is going to consoles.

Plus, what FPS do you require 10 extra buttons for? You aim with a mouse, shoot with the 2 buttones on the mouse, move with the keyboard, and scroll through weapons the scroll weel, what OTHER 10 buttones are you talking about?

Plus, aiming with a controller, can tend to be easier.


Using Enemy Territory/RTCW as a quick example

12345678 for weapon change.


F action/ open close etc

C crouch

Shift run

CTRL walk.

Q Lean Left

E Lean Right

lol... I can on and on

B Binoculars

P drop weapon/pick another up.

V + combinations on 1234567890 enabling you to communicate quickly with other players when online.

Mouse combined with WASD allows straffing, better manouverability. Splinter cell is superb on PC and has far better graphics in comparison.

Smiffy said:
Why would a "true gamer" limit themselves?

I didn't say you can't have both, I'm just expressing my opinion on what ultimately is the best bang for your buck and its undoubtedly the PC!!!
i'm pretty sure they'll make a keyboard and mouse for it.....if anything try to remember what graphics cards were out when xbox 1 was released and compare it now...the same thing would probably happen
L0ony! said:
the best bang for your buck and its undoubtedly the PC!!!

Everything was fine until you said that.

There's no way conceivable that a Gaming PC is going to be the best bang for the buck.

Also on my xbox controller, I've got 6 Buttons, 2 triggers, 2 anaolog sticks, each analog doubles as a button, d-pad can be used as 4 buttons.

Mouse - Right Analog
WASD - Left Analog (Run/Walk etc, since it's pressure sensitive)
Fire Button - Right Tricker
Grenade/Alt Fire - Left Trigger
Zoom - Right Analog Button
Crouch - Left Analog Button
Action Open/Close - A
Drop/Pick up Weapon - X
Lean left - White
Lean Right - Black
No need for buttons for communication with your XBOX Live headset (just an example)
Still have B and Y un-used for whatever I didn't think of (cycling weapons I guess)

And that's without using any button combinations like some games use. (a could be open close & pick up/drop weapons)

and as far as sensitivity goes. It's really not much of an issue anymore. Someone posted a Halo 2 video here a bit ago and everyone was asking if he had the mouse/keyboard adaptor for his xbox. He was using a controller and didn't even have sensetivity all the way up. (it was at 3 or 4 out of 10 I believe). I keep my settings at 10 personally.

I do love my PC as well.
Question: Who cares if one is better than the other? Who cares what you think?
Controllers suck? I have yet to find anybody choose M+K for an adventure game (Prince of Persia etc) over a controller.
personally.. the whole reason I never play console games is the controls..(mainly fps or rts) I just got used to mouse and keyboard too much. If the xbox360 has mouse/keyboard support.. then I am all for it. I think comparing them is kinda dumb tho..because all that ever happens is a bunch of leapfrogging.. If I find a game that I like on a system and it's on both.. I normally will go the pc route unless it's just a port from a console... also depends on how they implement controls. Another factor is the price of the games.. I can find some good pc games on sale most of the time.. I also got used to not paying anything to play online.. I can't come to grips with paying monthly to play on XBL. I am not going to say one is better than the other... because everyone knows it comes down to individual games.. kinda like comparing xbox to ps2.. you got some good games on both... sometimes the games are better on the xbox and vice versa.
L0ony! said:
I would be totally and utterly depressed if I had to go to any game that had a resoloution lower than 1920 x 1200.

You must have been very depressed until recently, or only just started playing games.
L0ony! said:
I didn't say you can't have both, I'm just expressing my opinion on what ultimately is the best bang for your buck and its undoubtedly the PC!!!

LOL that is just plain incorrect.

Bang for buck. OK lets take the PC in my sig. That costs a shit load more than both the xbox, PS2 and the gamecube combined. When you are talking about value for money consoles are way out ahead.

But as I said before, if you can afford to have consoles and a PC then why limit yourself? Obviously if for financial reason you cannot have them all then you have to make a choice and decide which platform will have games that you want to play. But for the love of god why scream and shout about how my console is better than yours but his PC is worse than either or whatever?
Im not going to get into an argument with you over what are the best controls for gaming, as I know that Keyboard and Mouse win hand down, apart from playing racing or fighting games, which we have PC gaming pads for.....

I have an xBox and a PS2, well; they are my sons, but I enjoy playing games like PES4 and GTA Vice City / San Andreas etc. They do have some great games and I enjoy them alot, but they are limited to low res and I stress IMO limited controlabilty. even my son prefers his PC gaming experience over his consoles.

I will admit there are games that are better played on a console and they do have a market but they are never going to take the place of the PC.

deathBOB said:
Question: Who cares if one is better than the other? Who cares what you think?

This is a forum were people share there thought and opinions, If people dont post what they think it would be a pretty futile process actually having forums in the first place!!! next!!!!
Osiris said:
You must have been very depressed until recently, or only just started playing games.

I think I missed a crucial word BACK

It should have read "I would be utterly depressed if I had to go BACK to res less than 1920 x 1200". Once you play HL2 in 1920 x 1200 on a 24" Widescreen, pushing dual 6800 Ultra's in SLI you can't even look at a Playstation / X box without squinting!!!

The xbox 360 will be able to run a 1080i, it will cost you $3500 for a TV to support it though!!!
L0ony! said:
I will admit there are games that are better played on a console and they do have a market but they are never going to take the place of the PC.

I think (this is an educated opinion not fact, but it probably is) that more people have consoles for gaming rather than PC's.

Consoles brought gaming to the mass market and to Joe Public.
L0ony! said:
I think I missed a crucial word BACK

It should have read "I would be utterly depressed if I had to go BACK to res less than 1920 x 1200". Once you play HL2 in 1920 x 1200 on a 24" Widescreen, pushing dual 6800 Ultra's in SLI you can't even look at a Playstation / X box without squinting!!!

The xbox 360 will be able to run a 1080i, it will cost you $3500 for a TV to support it though!!!

Cost me 2500 for my 65" HD Widescreen.

Probably about the same as your 24" LCD Widescreen.

the topic should never be argued :eek: ...its coming of saying one is way better that's down right rediculous. differnt strokes for diff folks

great cartoon micheal
L0ony! said:
I think I missed a crucial word BACK

It should have read "I would be utterly depressed if I had to go BACK to res less than 1920 x 1200". Once you play HL2 in 1920 x 1200 on a 24" Widescreen, pushing dual 6800 Ultra's in SLI you can't even look at a Playstation / X box without squinting!!!

The xbox 360 will be able to run a 1080i, it will cost you $3500 for a TV to support it though!!!


If you can afford dual 6800 ultras and a 24" widescreen I dont think there is going to be much stopping you from putting $3500 down on a tv.

I myself will be buying a projector that supports 1080i which is a lot less then $3500.

the topic should never be argued ...its coming of saying one is way better that's down right rediculous. differnt strokes for diff folks

great cartoon micheal

Ya I love that one. :D
L0ony! said:
I would be totally and utterly depressed if I had to go to any game that had a resoloution lower than 1920 x 1200.

Uh, can we say "Spoiled Little Bitch"? LOL jk. I love amazing graphics just like every other graphics wh0re :)D) but you gotta also have FUN with a game as well. Consoles have become the mainsteam gaming fix for millions of people around the world and I don't think PC gaming will ever take that back. I'm not saying that PC gaming is dead by no means but consoles are definitly more bang for my buck. I've spend over $1500 *trying* to get my PC top of the line and it has never reached it anywhere close. I'm tired and I kinda feel stupid for spending all that money like I did when I could buy a console and have the same experience for less. Plus, I'm a broke college kid and cannot spend half a grand on another video card. That was so stupid of me.
Hate_Bot said:
Plus, aiming with a controller, can tend to be easier.

Tell me you are joking? If not you have obviously never played FPS on a computer then tried to play say halo...you can get good with a controller, but it will never be the equal of a mouse.
dx2 said:
Tell me you are joking? If not you have obviously never played FPS on a computer then tried to play say halo...you can get good with a controller, but it will never be the equal of a mouse.

QFT. You just can't spin around, put your sights on a baddie in half a second with a console like you can with a mouse. I would never buy a machine that does one task (games) only. I love my PC.
I'm personally looking forward to the next generation of processors. I hope they're powerful enough to, say, put in a hosting server, like the one used for this forum. It will perform a statistical analysis of all the words in everybody's posts, and from that it will determine if the person is attempting to sway other people's opinions about something as stupid as this with their own, as though anybody who's dumb enough to do that has anything intelligent to offer to the "debate" in the first place. Then, when they attempt to post their pointless trolling, instead of directing the user to a page that says, "Thank you for posting!" it will instead direct them to a page that says, "Shut the fuck up. We've been through this before, stop posting for the sake of posting. You're an idiot." and then immediately ban them.

Man, that would be awesome.
Consoles are far superior to PCs for single player games for enjoyment.

But the PC will always be the platform of choice if a game wishes to have a competitive fanbase. Xbox has attempted to rekindle some of this competition with Xbox Live, but it's far from being an equal to competitive PC gaming, and I doubt that it will ever overtake it.
Does anyone see where I can attach my mouse into his soapbox?
blah blah blah lets tell people on a computer hardware website that computer gaming is better than consoles, cause theres really a point to that. :rolleyes:
Staples said:
PC gaming will always cost 10x as much.

Big deal.


A "real' console gamer would have a hardcore audio set up and a really nice HDTV, whereas a PC gamer can save lots of cash with nice headphones and a good 21" LCD (hell or even a CRT)
As long as their is a market for PC gamers hardware and games will still be produced.
As long as their is a market for Console hardware and games will still be produced.

Sometime ppl just want to play and dont want to worry abt installing, and all that, there will always be a market for console games just like there is a market for consoles.

At the end of the day it make no difference what the manufacturers say, it is the consumer that governs what will succeed and what will not.

They will all say that theirs is the best and is better then the other.

Take betamax and VHS, Both do the same job, there is evednce out there (somewhere) that says that Betamax was a far superior format, but the VHS won and has only now stopped being sold in some stores.
I'm more of a PC gamer but own a couple consoles and see there is a place for both. Both have excellent games but overall I would take PC gaming over console gaming anyday. PC gaming will aways exist. There will always be a good amount of strategy games, RPGs, and FPS on the PC. When I'm alone, PC gaming is a lot more fun. Consoles are more fun when you have a few friends over.
Strykur said:
Splinter Cell and Metal Gear are infinitely better on console than on a keyboard and mouse.
You must be on crack. I rented SC:Chaos Theory for the PS2. I had bought it online for the PC, but it wasn't in yet. I played a little on the PS2, then my PC copy arrived. Playing it at 1600x1200 with everything maxed ona 21" LCD puts the PS2 and Xbox to SHAME!!! It looks so good my wife even commented on how realistic it was on my PC. Plus, using a mouse and keyboard is 10x better than a controller. Also, there is more content on the PC version, mainly because of patches and more room. And new Splinter Cell content will be downloadable soon, so it get's even better for the PC.

I'm not a fan boy, especially since I'm pumped about the Xbox 360, but don't make comments that are so blatently wrong. As of right now, the only thing consoles can do better is sports games. That's it.
Hate_Bot said:
Plus, aiming with a controller, can tend to be easier.
maybe for you but not for me...and the many like me. therefore: you're speaking out yer (_x_)

astern said:
Consoles are far superior to PCs for single player games for enjoyment.
<coughs> BULL...<cough> SHIT ..whatever
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