PC gaming will always be superior....

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Michael.R said:
You make me sick. :rolleyes:



The only light of reason here...
retardedchicken said:

A "real' console gamer would have a hardcore audio set up and a really nice HDTV, whereas a PC gamer can save lots of cash with nice headphones and a good 21" LCD (hell or even a CRT)
But the console lasts 5 years, I have to upgrade my PC with $1000+ a year just to keep it where it is right now. I think I am done with anual upgrades after these consoles come out. I play my Xbox just as much anyway and that costs far less. Sure the mouse is great for RTS and FPS but the price no where justifies it for me. I have probably spent $5000 in PC hardware over the last few years and it seems like this next batch of consoles will be good enough that they can fill the gap enough for me to stop throwing money down the PC pipeline.
azzkikur said:
I'm not a fan boy, especially since I'm pumped about the Xbox 360, but don't make comments that are so blatently wrong. As of right now, the only thing consoles can do better is sports games. That's it.
Consoles are infanintly better for user friendliness. I never have to install a 6 disk game that takes 20 minutes, I never have to worry about finding the patch so I can play online. The controllers always work right (unlike most of the time on PCs with the exception of m+k). And even on the games that pads do work well on, you have to configure them, test out what they do, make changes etc. I find that consoles save anyone 20% of the time they would spend tinkering with their PCs and because of that, I enjoy gaming a lot more. Wouldn't you if you didn't have to worry about a headache when you want to play a new game for PC?
Staples said:
But the console lasts 5 years, I have to upgrade my PC with $1000+ a year just to keep it where it is right now. I think I am done with anual upgrades after these consoles come out. I play my Xbox just as much anyway and that costs far less. Sure the mouse is great for RTS and FPS but the price no where justifies it for me. I have probably spent $5000 in PC hardware over the last few years and it seems like this next batch of consoles will be good enough that they can fill the gap enough for me to stop throwing money down the PC pipeline.

$1k a year? Damn, what do you squander your cash on?

Over the last 2 years, I have spent $1200 for the system I have right now (including monitor speakers etc...), and I won't have to upgrade for another year and a half or so.
this whole thread is moot for me since I will always have a gaming pc... and a console.. it doesn't matter which one is better.. as long as I got the option of choosing which platform I want. When the xbox360 comes out.. I will get one of those too.
G'ßöö said:
<coughs> BULL...<cough> SHIT ..whatever

Maybe it's just me, but I personally find console games much more fun than PC games. I play PC games for some sort of competition, and they tend to get me kind of... angry (^_^), whereas console games don't.
the way i see it,

different games will excel on different platforms. i think a PC has more potential but then again they are much more expensive. a console will have a much larger consumer base because they are cheaper and easier to use. i hope all of them stick around. i like playstation for certain games and PC for others.
magnetik said:
this whole thread is moot for me since I will always have a gaming pc... and a console.. it doesn't matter which one is better.. as long as I got the option of choosing which platform I want. When the xbox360 comes out.. I will get one of those too.
agreed... i currently have the funds to buy all next generation systems when they come out, AND upgrade my pc annually...
I agree with the opinion that having both is good. I can play and do stuff on my PC that i can't on my console and vice-versa.
And once consoles get to the point where you have to add keyboards, memory, hard drives and such to play them well then they'll just be basically a Gaming PC IMHO..
I love playing burnout 3, spiderman2, ect; on my ps2 but i also love playing Halflife 2, Far Cry, ect; on my PC. To me, a PC will always add a little something extra that a console can't atm. (at least for now)
MOST consoles are designed for ONE thing, and that is to play games on. Whether solo or online.
PC's are designed to be multipurpose machines to do more than just one thing.

That said, i still wish i had my old amiga 500, for the day and age, it was an amazing machine graphically and gamewise..
Staples said:
But the console lasts 5 years, I have to upgrade my PC with $1000+ a year just to keep it where it is right now. I think I am done with anual upgrades after these consoles come out. I play my Xbox just as much anyway and that costs far less. Sure the mouse is great for RTS and FPS but the price no where justifies it for me. I have probably spent $5000 in PC hardware over the last few years and it seems like this next batch of consoles will be good enough that they can fill the gap enough for me to stop throwing money down the PC pipeline.

A64 3400+ Claw / nF3 250GB / 2x512MB
SB Audigy 2 ZS
2 WD Raptor SATA drives
Dell 1900FP/NEC 17" flat CRT

L0ony! said:
People should get over the hype of these new consoles. PC' s and PC games are always going to be the leaders when it comes to gaming, to the true gamer that is!!!

I would be totally and utterly depressed if I had to go to any game that had a resoloution lower than 1920 x 1200. Imagine playing games like Battlefield 2 with a joypad. The average FPS PC game requires at least 10 function buttons on the keyboard alone, not counting the left/right mouse buttons, the scroll wheel and any other assignable you may have on your 800/1200/1600 DPI High Precision Gaming Optical Mouse.

xBox, PS3, NR is all about hype,nothing more.

We who revel in the world of PC gaming do not only enjoy having the benefits of leading the way in graphic superiority and controlability, we also enjoy the most involving gaming experience. We also enjoy the other benefits PC's bring to out lives ( not just the pRon ;) lol )

PC games are supported by the software devleopers several months after release. As do the playing/modding communities. These allow the gaming experience of out favourite title longjevity and intensify the whole gaming experience. I have only just stopped playing RTCW, that game is now nearly 4 years old... and I played it at least 10 hours a week!!! some weeks embarrassingly more!!

The PC gaming experience will always reign supreme and no challenger will ever see it dismantled from its throne.

I completely agree with you, most console games are terrible, there are sooo many more good PC games out there. The problem is the masses are too stupid or poor or lazy to game on computers...
i have an xbox and a pc and since i got my xbox in january, i've bought about the same number of games for both. its really about the games, and which controller works best for it. i like rpgs for both platforms. more adventure type rpgs for console and more 'true' tpe of rpgs for the computer. also i don't have XBL so i multi-online (cs, starcraft, etc)

there are good games for every platform and games which don't quite fit. that's why i like living w/ 3 roommates, we have just about every console between us
As always, what will happen with the next gen consloes is this:

at launch, not enough decent well designed titles. PC gaming holds forth

6-9 months after launch - Console gaming will catch up to and possibly surpass PC gaming as designers learn to screw every inch of performance out of the consloe platform.

12+ months after launch - the rapid pace of PC component design and release will mean that PC gaming on a high end rig is better than on a current gen console.

Then 24 months after this, the 'next, next gen' console will be starting to attract some hype and we will all be back here arguing over what will be the best platform.
Hate_Bot said:
Way to leach bandwidth!

EDIT: And way for you to quote it to make the situation worse. :rolleyes: - Lethal

Oh shit I forgot isnt that a rule of the forum that we arent allowed to leach bandwidth from other servers. :eek:
I think Tarzan could win a fight against Flash Gordon.

...and a PC vs. Console argument is about as important.

Get both- there's no law against it. I don't own a console, but when I have a LAN party it's great to have both. My budget makes me choose only one, so I choose PC. Other than that, there's no reason to make it a "vs." issue.
Hell, im playing my new PSP more then my computer right now so that should tell you something....
Gamings like cars theres the hotrods and the tuners lol. But some of us like both so get over your self and buy a xbox360 when it comes out. and then buy a new gaming rig then shut the hell up and PLAY VIDEO GAMES.


And that cover you got on your psp is sweet think its going to add to the life time. Not joking i crack the screen on my GBA :( .



Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Kent UK

Now i under stand see how it shows noobie under your user-name. Well delete the IE from the end and there you go. ;) :p :rolleyes:
come on now, pc is great for gaming, consoles are great for gaming. just leave it at that.dar dar this one is better than that one dar dar. NOOOO THIS ONE IS BETTER. see what i mean? just buy whatever you want and stop arguing over it on some internet forums.
Staples said:
Consoles are infanintly better for user friendliness. I never have to install a 6 disk game that takes 20 minutes, I never have to worry about finding the patch so I can play online. The controllers always work right (unlike most of the time on PCs with the exception of m+k). And even on the games that pads do work well on, you have to configure them, test out what they do, make changes etc. I find that consoles save anyone 20% of the time they would spend tinkering with their PCs and because of that, I enjoy gaming a lot more. Wouldn't you if you didn't have to worry about a headache when you want to play a new game for PC?
First off, I have no idea what you're spending 1K per year on. Your current vid card, CPU, and sound card were probably all picked up within the last year. HDs too. But unless you have a fetish for 'must have the best piece', it's not a valid statement that it costs the average computer gamer 1k per year to play PC games.

Secondly, while I hate installing the 5 disc that make up HL2, that's far from the norm. Atari's Act of War is one DVD if I recall. Took very little time. I didn't have to patch anything either.

My keyboard and mouse work perfectly.

Controllers have the tendancy to need replacing sooner or later. Especially if you have people playing the Capcom vs whoever this week, games.

And visual quality. Watching San Andreas makes me want to puke. Choppy, crappy, stuttery, garbage. It's like watching Warhammer 40k (badly programmed piece of shit game.) Granted, playing San Andreas is fun, no matter the platform, but the eye candy is pathetic on the PS2.

I like both personally, consol and PC, but there are some really flawed statements floating around this thread, on both sides of the line.
Apallohadas said:
First off, I have no idea what you're spending 1K per year on. Your current vid card, CPU, and sound card were probably all picked up within the last year. HDs too. But unless you have a fetish for 'must have the best piece', it's not a valid statement that it costs the average computer gamer 1k per year to play PC games.

Secondly, while I hate installing the 5 disc that make up HL2, that's far from the norm. Atari's Act of War is one DVD if I recall. Took very little time. I didn't have to patch anything either.

My keyboard and mouse work perfectly.

Controllers have the tendancy to need replacing sooner or later. Especially if you have people playing the Capcom vs whoever this week, games.

And visual quality. Watching San Andreas makes me want to puke. Choppy, crappy, stuttery, garbage. It's like watching Warhammer 40k (badly programmed piece of shit game.) Granted, playing San Andreas is fun, no matter the platform, but the eye candy is pathetic on the PS2.

I like both personally, consol and PC, but there are some really flawed statements floating around this thread, on both sides of the line.

Replace controllers? Wha? I've never had to replace a controller...EVER. I've had my PS2 since release and i'm still using the original controller. Same with Xbox :rolleyes:

Visual quality? Why are you knocking a 5 year old console? Last resort maybe? Look at Gran Turismo 4, that looks more realistic than any racing game i've ever played! Metal Gear Solid 3 is very nice, Jak 3 is amazing...I can go on. The GTA series was never "known" for good graphics.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Replace controllers? Wha? I've never had to replace a controller...EVER. I've had my PS2 since release and i'm still using the original controller. Same with Xbox :rolleyes:
I find it amazing that you've had the same controller for 5 years. Very amazing. You must not play any fighting games. Gone through 4 controllers in 2 years. Some just sucked ass.
Visual quality? Why are you knocking a 5 year old console?
Gee, I dunno, :rolleyes: because we're talking about that 5 year old console? Read the thread, I'm not the first person to bring up the word 'console.' :rolleyes:
Last resort maybe? Look at Gran Turismo 4, that looks more realistic than any racing game i've ever played! Metal Gear Solid 3 is very nice, Jak 3 is amazing...I can go on. The GTA series was never "known" for good graphics.
You'd have done better mentioning God of War. Best graphics I've seen on a PS2 yet. And GT4 graphics were a letdown when I saw that it wasn't as sharp as the intro scenes.
consoles are more fun for the masses, and simpler games.

but for really complex games or games that i want precise aiming on. i have to go pc. and the graphics can be updated quicker. instead of a 5 year life cycle.
Apallohadas said:
First off, I have no idea what you're spending 1K per year on. Your current vid card, CPU, and sound card were probably all picked up within the last year. HDs too. But unless you have a fetish for 'must have the best piece', it's not a valid statement that it costs the average computer gamer 1k per year to play PC games.

Secondly, while I hate installing the 5 disc that make up HL2, that's far from the norm. Atari's Act of War is one DVD if I recall. Took very little time. I didn't have to patch anything either.

My keyboard and mouse work perfectly.

Controllers have the tendancy to need replacing sooner or later. Especially if you have people playing the Capcom vs whoever this week, games.

And visual quality. Watching San Andreas makes me want to puke. Choppy, crappy, stuttery, garbage. It's like watching Warhammer 40k (badly programmed piece of shit game.) Granted, playing San Andreas is fun, no matter the platform, but the eye candy is pathetic on the PS2.

I like both personally, consol and PC, but there are some really flawed statements floating around this thread, on both sides of the line.

I dunno what your talking about, first of all, installing any number of disks is a pain, dont forget patching, and if anything happens to your computer, reformating, and reinstalling etc.

Second, I still have my original NES controllers, and I havnt ever had to buy new ones. My mice actually break more then my computers

Also, Most console games have good graphics, for consoles, one in every 4 games have good graphics, for PC, its one in every 12, I know it sucks, its just game devs are moving towards consoles because they are more mainstream, and easier to make (since a console only ever has 1 system requirement, with PCs you have to cater to people with the lowest of the low, and the highest of the high.
Ocean said:
consoles are more fun for the masses, and simpler games.

but for really complex games or games that i want precise aiming on. i have to go pc. and the graphics can be updated quicker. instead of a 5 year life cycle.

By precise aiming you mean just the fact of using the more accurate/precise KB/M and not an aimbot :eek: :eek: :p

Some games on consoles just would not have the same impact if they were on the PC, an vice versa. I don't think I would have liked Far Cry near as much if I were playing it from 10-15 feet away with a controller, and I dont think that my pants would have stayed dry playing RE4 on a KB/M a foot from the screen.
i sure would like to take on one sorry mofo who dares to play Warhammer DOW against me if an xbox or ps2 version ever comes up. You just can't play certain games on a console, at least this has been the case so far, so until that changes i don't think many hardcore pc gamers will respect or care for console gaming. This is my humble opinion, i haven't mentioned it to offend any console owners of flame anyone.
Wow - I'm surprised that this obvious troll hasn't been locked up yet.

Anyway, my $1.29 (inflation):

I'm going to have to agree with the early post of why limit yourself to one platform? I got my start on a console (Odyssey), and expanded to PCs when they came out. Even when I had a PC, I had a console as well (Nintendo, Sega, 3D0, etc.) Why? Ever play any console games? Some of them are quite addicting and fun. I spent hours on games like Techmo Super Bowl, the Mario series, Sonic the Hedgehog, Return Fire - games you would not find on a PC. Anyway, I don't play consoles as much these days, but I do keep one around and find that the entire family can enjoy it. (Super Mario Kart is always a winner.)
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Look at Gran Turismo 4, that looks more realistic than any racing game i've ever played!

Then you've never played TOCA Racedriver 2 or any other racing game on the PC for that matter, GT4's graphics were on par with PC graphics 2 years ago.
wfalcon said:
I'm going to have to agree with the early post of why limit yourself to one platform? I got my start on a console (Odyssey), and expanded to PCs when they came out. Even when I had a PC, I had a console as well (Nintendo, Sega, 3D0, etc.) Why? Ever play any console games? Some of them are quite addicting and fun. I spent hours on games like Techmo Super Bowl, the Mario series, Sonic the Hedgehog, Return Fire - games you would not find on a PC. Anyway, I don't play consoles as much these days, but I do keep one around and find that the entire family can enjoy it. (Super Mario Kart is always a winner.)

The games you are talking about were great. That was back in the days were consoles were worth the price. The last console that had a decent selection of good games was the SNES. Long live the classics. I just finished mario rpg with my girlfriend and were now working on mario world, both of which I finished years ago. Older games had much better replay value. I find a lot of PC games to be closer to the classics, and the commercial quality PC games are bigger and more indepth with better graphics than there console counter parts. I see no reason to have a console now, at least with the current generation. Maybe the new ones will have better games, but I'm not holding my breath...
"3. ...all that coming from someone who doesn't have specs posted."

Maybe he doesn't need a hundred nameless faces knowing he has a good computer to boost his self esteem. Posting your specs is just a cock fight, "mines bigger than yours". Who gives a fuck what computer you have, the only person that cares that you have a new video card and processor is you... no one else even looks or gives a shit.
damn.. what a dumb thread... kinda like the z06 vs ferrari thread in the car forum... if you can afford a ferrari then you can have a z06 too if you wanted too. Same thing here.. why does one have to be judged better or not? I plan on having both.. and choosing which is the better game when it comes out.. albeit pc or console. It's all about the games... not the platform.
CHollman82 said:
"3. ...all that coming from someone who doesn't have specs posted."

Maybe he doesn't need a hundred nameless faces knowing he has a good computer to boost his self esteem. Posting your specs is just a cock fight, "mines bigger than yours". Who gives a fuck what computer you have, the only person that cares that you have a new video card and processor is you... no one else even looks or gives a shit.

Then maybee you and him dont belong on these forums.
Michael.R said:
Then maybee you and him dont belong on these forums.

Please, if the only purpose of these forums is to brag about your computer to the countless nameless masses than count me out. I thought these forums were to discuss computer related topics and to help people solve problems and whatnot. You can do that without touting your computer and making sure that everyone knows you have the best setup in the world. If I had a question or problem involving a piece of hardware in my computer or someone asks about my computer then there is no problem saying what you've got. But to put it as your sig where the only purpose is to brag about it and compete with others is completely asinine.
CHollman82 said:
Please, if the only purpose of these forums is to brag about your computer to the countless nameless masses than count me out. I thought these forums were to discuss computer related topics and to help people solve problems and whatnot. You can do that without touting your computer and making sure that everyone knows you have the best setup in the world. If I had a question or problem involving a piece of hardware in my computer or someone asks about my computer then there is no problem saying what you've got. But to put it as your sig where the only purpose is to brag about it and compete with others is completely asinine.

Fudge, you people have turned this thread into another IGN forum 12 year old bitching console war fest......
CHollman82 said:
"3. ...all that coming from someone who doesn't have specs posted."

Maybe he doesn't need a hundred nameless faces knowing he has a good computer to boost his self esteem. Posting your specs is just a cock fight, "mines bigger than yours". Who gives a fuck what computer you have, the only person that cares that you have a new video card and processor is you... no one else even looks or gives a shit.

...I'm not the one who is lording my computer over people who prefer consoles, nor am I the one who even brought specs up in the first place. Please pull your head out of your ass and get a clue.

The fact is that he came in here talking shit, insulting console owners, and pretending to have a computer that he likely doesn't have (One powerful enough to best an X360).

Having your computer posted in your sig isn't about bragging. Many people have problems from time to time, and it helps to know exactly what they're running if you want to identify the problem.
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