Path of Exile

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So I finally got the drop I've been trying to craft forever. (like, i've probably spent 100+ alchemy orbs on various kris's (80% global crit dagger) since the mid 40's... finally got one to drop (ilvl 70 too!)--It just needs a divine orb (or several, depending on my luck):

ilvl 70 Kris (80% global crit)
24% Spell Power
15% Spell Crit
30% Crit multiplier
24 mana

I'm a little sad it doesn't have a resist or something on it, but the chances of getting the main 3 i was after is so slim anyway, i can't really complain. I'm tempted to exalt it, but i KNOW i'd get accuracy or some nonsense.

anyway... woot.
It just needs a divine orb (or several, depending on my luck):

Hate to break it to you, but a divine won't help that.

Stat rolls can't be divined to a new tier, they can only roll within their existing tier...So without looking at the spreadsheet (which I'd link but all poe sites are restricted where i'm at), I'd guess that the best rolls you could divine from that are ~5% on each, if they aren't already at the top of their particular tier. You can't divine a 24% spell dam into a 70% spell dam (or whatever the max possible is) for example.
Hate to break it to you, but a divine won't help that.

Stat rolls can't be divined to a new tier, they can only roll within their existing tier...So without looking at the spreadsheet (which I'd link but all poe sites are restricted where i'm at), I'd guess that the best rolls you could divine from that are ~5% on each, if they aren't already at the top of their particular tier. You can't divine a 24% spell dam into a 70% spell dam (or whatever the max possible is) for example.

They're broken into tiers? /sigh As if the rolling weren't bad enough ><

Where can I find that info? edit: I'm guessing

I'll have to look to see which affixes this thing has. But likely you're right--i'll be disappointed.

So with this new info, i'm thinking (and this is just a guess) that the chances of me getting the roll i want are not .00019, but instead .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001.

Thanks Grinding Gear Games.
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Hate to break it to you, but a divine won't help that.

Stat rolls can't be divined to a new tier, they can only roll within their existing tier...So without looking at the spreadsheet (which I'd link but all poe sites are restricted where i'm at), I'd guess that the best rolls you could divine from that are ~5% on each, if they aren't already at the top of their particular tier. You can't divine a 24% spell dam into a 70% spell dam (or whatever the max possible is) for example.

Going back to this point for a second... after looking at the ranges for items, a divine is worthless.

Most ranges are only like 5-10 difference, why spend that much currency for a CHANCE at 5% more spellpower?
Divines are really only worthwhile on uniques, imho. And even then their rarity limits their use to the top tier uniques.
Divines are really only worthwhile on uniques, imho. And even then their rarity limits their use to the top tier uniques.

Yea it's just a stupid design decision. Why make tiers? To make more shitty gear that can't be fixed. If there weren't tiers, Divine Orbs would be awesome for trying to fix gear you go the right affixes on.

I swear, the more i learn about the grind in this game, the less it makes me want to grind.

rabble rabble

Did D3 have shit split up into tiers? Not like it matters because there's nothing like a divine orb, but i'm starting to wonder... is PoE's grind actually worse than D3's?
Have a few questions because this game is rather confusing, about 30 minutes in.

I think im lvl 5. Have found a few copies of Glacial Something, are these extra skill gems worth anything? Am i going to want to keep them for anything?

I've gathered that i don't want to identify every blue item i find, since wisdom scrolls seem rare. But what about portal scrolls, do they come less often? Should i use them to sell junk whenever i get one? Are UNid'd items worth less?
Yea it's just a stupid design decision. Why make tiers? To make more shitty gear that can't be fixed. If there weren't tiers, Divine Orbs would be awesome for trying to fix gear you go the right affixes on.

I swear, the more i learn about the grind in this game, the less it makes me want to grind.

rabble rabble

Did D3 have shit split up into tiers? Not like it matters because there's nothing like a divine orb, but i'm starting to wonder... is PoE's grind actually worse than D3's?

Well, why do you want to grind in the first place? For BiS gear? To hit level 100? Tackle late end game maps? You're still progressing now, are you not?

Games like this are designed for a certain amount of grind. This is why leveling gets slower and as you narrow down your focus, gear becomes harder to replace. You're also feeling post AH regret. Face it, I think the ease of trading in D3 ruined things a bit for some people.

D3 was less grindy when the level cap was 60 firm and there were fewer events and zones to do, since it was a smaller game. PoE has a lot more to do and honestly really isn't designed for post level 75 content right now.
Have a few questions because this game is rather confusing, about 30 minutes in.

I think im lvl 5. Have found a few copies of Glacial Something, are these extra skill gems worth anything? Am i going to want to keep them for anything?

I've gathered that i don't want to identify every blue item i find, since wisdom scrolls seem rare. But what about portal scrolls, do they come less often? Should i use them to sell junk whenever i get one? Are UNid'd items worth less?

Keep skill gems for alts, just in case you roll one (or 5). Unid'd blues sell for different currency: transmutes. Id'd sell for alterations. It just depends on which currency you need more at the time. Wisdom scrolls are not rare, especially when you're selling 1-3 slot whites for scraps. ID as much as you can without running out, then you can trade vendors transmutes for stacks of wisdom scrolls if needed.
Well, why do you want to grind in the first place? For BiS gear? To hit level 100? Tackle late end game maps? You're still progressing now, are you not?

Games like this are designed for a certain amount of grind. This is why leveling gets slower and as you narrow down your focus, gear becomes harder to replace. You're also feeling post AH regret. Face it, I think the ease of trading in D3 ruined things a bit for some people.

D3 was less grindy when the level cap was 60 firm and there were fewer events and zones to do, since it was a smaller game. PoE has a lot more to do and honestly really isn't designed for post level 75 content right now.

Good stuff to think on... you have a way of bringing me back to earth lol

I grind because i like twinking. I'd like to get this character completed (basically 'done enough') so that way when i want to do high-end content i can. Then i could play this one less and work on some other toons. I want a 6L chest, a rathpith, and good gloves. I could probably live without a weapon upgrade.

Like you said tho, there is no 'why' when it comes to these games. I learned that the hard way once in D2. Grinded forever for this helm for my ice orb sorc. Eventually broke down and purchased the remaining gear i wanted for like 10 bucks... played maybe one more night. Then never touched it again lol

As i mentioned earlier though--i really hope they put out a "No trades" league with either buffed quality/quantity or buffed currency. I solo most everything anyway... it'd be nice not having to spend SO much of my life twinking a toon.
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If you want a decent spell dagger, try and look around for Divinarius. It's got decent dmg and crit along with increased aoe. I managed to get a searing long staff on a map, spent around 40 fusings to get it to 5l, and had to spend my only div to get it from 31 spell/24 fire ~ 40 spell/31 fire. Not sure if it was worth the effort, but I'll post impressions once i get my new fire toon up in levels.
Good stuff to think on... you have a way of bringing me back to earth lol

I grind because i like twinking. I'd like to get this character completed (basically 'done enough') so that way when i want to do high-end content i can. Then i could play this one less and work on some other toons. I want a 6L chest, a rathpith, and good gloves. I could probably live without a weapon upgrade.

Like you said tho, there is no 'why' when it comes to these games. I learned that the hard way once in D2. Grinded forever for this helm for my ice orb sorc. Eventually broke down and purchased the remaining gear i wanted for like 10 bucks... played maybe one more night. Then never touched it again lol

As i mentioned earlier though--i really hope they put out a "No trades" league with either buffed quality/quantity or buffed currency. I solo most everything anyway... it'd be nice not having to spend SO much of my life twinking a toon.


Now, the meat of it; is PoE more of a grind than D3? In some ways, yes. In some ways, no. The lack of easy trading and the fact that you have over a dozen different types of currency with values that change month to month make that portion more of a grind than D3.

I like the idea of a Self Found type league with different drop rates. Could be fun. Trading is sometimes frustrating in Default, but much less so than in D2. I think a forum based bid system would work pretty well (for default), but only if drop rates stay as low as they are now.
If you want a decent spell dagger, try and look around for Divinarius. It's got decent dmg and crit along with increased aoe. I managed to get a searing long staff on a map, spent around 40 fusings to get it to 5l, and had to spend my only div to get it from 31 spell/24 fire ~ 40 spell/31 fire. Not sure if it was worth the effort, but I'll post impressions once i get my new fire toon up in levels.

yea i chance every imperial skean i find.

Still though, i'd rather have a kris with it's 80% global crit backed up with spell damage, spell crit, crit multiplier, and maybe some cast speed or something.

The chances are so shit though... I haven't had the desire to play after learning about the stupid 'tiers' of rolls they put in this game.

I looked it up--the ilvl 70 kris i got has a lvl 7 spell crit roll on it. wtf is that shit.
A well rolled dagger like that would be very valuable. Hell, I have a ~100% spell/cold damage wand with 17% cast speed and that's fairly valuable. If it had crit, I wouldn't be using it, but it would be a really nice pure FPer wand if it did.
I'm ok with affix tiers, but getting 1-9 fire damage on a god damn i72 weapon is just fucking retarded
I'm ok with affix tiers, but getting 1-9 fire damage on a god damn i72 weapon is just fucking retarded

Tiers at all just don't make sense. Why not have 0 tiers, and just allow an affix to roll higher as the ilvl goes up? then Divine orbs would be more useful.

But basically GGG is all about making the grind long for the sake of a long grind. They don't want me to be able to fix this dagger up. (and how many divines would that take anyway? it's not like it'd be easy to roll 4 affixes toward the top of their potential, randomly) They want it to be more vendor trash = /

here's quote from a Lead POE dev on reddit regarding light radius and reduced requirements, basically saying that they wanted to dilute the mod pool:
lead ggg dev on reddit said:
I regret not having them in the initial set of mods before Closed Beta. They were meant to be, but we didn't get around to it. The sudden addition of them (which is very important) certainly caused the reaction we feared :(
Edit: I should probably explain the "very important" part there. When there's a random outcome, there have to be both good and bad results. Yes, this dilutes the quality of new items that are rolled, but it also makes the item system much stronger for the future. Having bad mods is good! It makes the good mods worth more. Don't worry, there are plenty of other itemisation changes coming soon that will make it more rewarding to find and craft items.
It makes sense though, there needs to be a way to slow down progression. If you make it too easy, people will max out quicker and the game will lose interest, mainly losing hardcore fans with noting to do. Make it too hard and you'll alienate more casual players who don't invest the time to beat the rng to make any significant progress. PoE seems to be more catered to the hardcore crowd. I enjoy it, but its sometimes disheartening to farm for hours and find no upgrades, and to spend currency on items I have with no upgrades.

It's a tough balancing act keeping everyone happy. Personally I'm more casual now. I don't mind some grind, but I don't value worth of a game by how many hours it takes me to "clear" it, but instead i value a game by how much fun I have playing it.
It's a tough balancing act keeping everyone happy. Personally I'm more casual now. I don't mind some grind, but I don't value worth of a game by how many hours it takes me to "clear" it, but instead i value a game by how much fun I have playing it.

Agreed. I'm the same too lately. I do enjoy the gameplay of PoE, but aRPGs are basically slot machines... and a slot machine only keeps my interest if it pays once in awhile... or else i go find a new machine that does.
Info on Patch 0.11 is out:

Plenty of stuff coming out next week. New leagues, items and new orb. Changes to the skill tree too and there will be a one-off full skill tree reset. etc

Damn I'm excited :eek:

Substantial Rebalance

Several areas of the game have been significantly rebalanced. We've reduced all monster damage and have made corresponding reductions to player Life and Energy Shield passive skills. Physical damage nodes (both general and weapon-specific) have been substantially increased. As a result of these changes, characters rely less on life than they did previously. Defensive options such as armour are substantially stronger now, more than offsetting the lower life totals.

In response to those core changes, we've rebalanced many other areas of the game. Some examples include: Acrobatics now halves Energy Shield and Armour rather than removing them. Rustic Sashes now provide 12-24% Physical Damage instead of 3-5%. The Savant node in the Witch starting area has been changed to Elemental Dominion which gives +20 Intelligence and +20% Spell Elemental Damage. We've also addressed the power of some of some passive skills that were basically mandatory in previous versions.

Melee characters gain the most from these changes, but many previously underpowered builds have also improved.

That is very awesome and just what I was waiting for before playing again!
The new orbs are a nice feature but, they should be something that is more available in my opinion.
Since they don't like yellow mobs dropping anything make them an uncommon drop from yellow mobs.

lets see here
We've reduced all monster damage and have made corresponding reductions to player Life and Energy Shield passive skills.
that means the mods damage is cut 2% and your life and shields are dropped 20%

Defensive options such as armour are substantially stronger now,
so they upped armor values from 0 to maybe more than 0 ?
Very nice. Hopefully the re-balance will work out well. Right now it feels like you need to put 75% of your skill points into survive-ability and, even then, there are lots of situations where it doesn't feel like enough.
whoa! Finally! and Yippee! finally a mode where "no-ninja" is actually no-ninja!
Now they just need to add a long duration mode Leader chooses how many seconds!

Item Allocation Options
A party leader can choose from the following item allocation modes for his party in 0.11.0:
Free for All: Items are not allocated to players and can be picked up immediately.
Short Allocation: The exact system we have at the moment. Valuable items allocate to a random nearby player for a short duration. There is a small bonus if you're far away from the item.
Permanent Allocation: Valuable items allocate to a random nearby player.

I really like the balance changes too so the builds aren't all "full-health".
This patch will get me playing again.

That, plus I just finished Bioshock Infinite.
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The full respec though really deflates the value of Regret orbs.

For about a day, probably. Never underestimate the amount of players who don't plan anything at all. On my main, I have nothing I want to respec, I still have about 12 respecs banked on her. On one of my alts, I need to respec everything.
You can usually get enough regret orbs and passive respec books when playing the game to fix any minor to moderate problems you've caused. If a dozen or so respec point will not fix your build... ;)

You can even buy regrets at the vendor if you don't like trading.
I always wondered why people would want regret orbs. I traded them away for useful orbs.
For about a day, probably. Never underestimate the amount of players who don't plan anything at all. On my main, I have nothing I want to respec, I still have about 12 respecs banked on her. On one of my alts, I need to respec everything.

They have stated (and I have experienced) that it's actually easier to screw up a character when doing a full respec than it is when you are building steadily, making decisions while your character is developing.

There will be a fuckton of players that will take this opportunity to "try something new" and royally screw up their characters in the process, I assure you.
They have stated (and I have experienced) that it's actually easier to screw up a character when doing a full respec than it is when you are building steadily, making decisions while your character is developing.

There will be a fuckton of players that will take this opportunity to "try something new" and royally screw up their characters in the process, I assure you.

No doubt. I did this a couple times back in Closed Beta. Completely hosed a couple builds. On the plus side, it taught me a lot about theorycrafting.
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