Path of Exile

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How can the quill rain be good at all end game with that top end?

Also, that's some crazy luck with the exalt rolls. Could have rolled light radius or reduced requirements which would have been an awful feeling to spend an exalt for
How can the quill rain be good at all end game with that top end?
At first glance you could say that about 90% of the uniques in the game, until you focus on the attribute(s) they have which makes them unique. The devs stated that uniques in PoE are not supposed to be solely uber power items but items which you can make cool or quirky builds around due to their one of a kind properties.

In Quill Rain's case, the attribute to focus on is the attacks per second - so you grab some skill which does damage independent of the weapon damage and benefits from many attacks per second and boost that skill into oblivion.
About light radius and reduced req's...HATE THEM.
I swear that at least 1 in 4 pieces of gear I get has one or the other, and I dunno about you, but the reduced req is meaningless when you're likely using X gem that needs Y stat that is way higher in requirements anyways. Maybe if it had a level requirement reduction (yes, like d3) it might be a bit more useful, but as it stands now, it's a wasted mod.
About light radius and reduced req's...HATE THEM.
I swear that at least 1 in 4 pieces of gear I get has one or the other, and I dunno about you, but the reduced req is meaningless when you're likely using X gem that needs Y stat that is way higher in requirements anyways. Maybe if it had a level requirement reduction (yes, like d3) it might be a bit more useful, but as it stands now, it's a wasted mod.

Agreed. If they want to make it usefull, it needs to reduce the requirements of all gems in the item as well.

But even so, who wouldn't rather just have +30 stat instead?

It's like they purposefully made gear harder to roll. These are the same as Health Globe pickup range and reduced level requirement in D3. Utterly useless.

At first glance you could say that about 90% of the uniques in the game, until you focus on the attribute(s) they have which makes them unique. The devs stated that uniques in PoE are not supposed to be solely uber power items but items which you can make cool or quirky builds around due to their one of a kind properties.

This is what i thought. And if they want this to stay true, they should stop putting out OP uniques like the Soul Mantle, where if you are totem spec, this one item trumps all others.

edit--i take that back. My buddy just got the Soul Mantle and tested out the curse effect. There is no cap on how many times you can get cursed. He had 8 while spamming his totems. Yep, it triggers the effect on ANY totem death, not only their dead by the enemy.
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Lol, I guess you are supposed to spam totems before they die, at least thats what I plan on doing with mine. Also, has he tried to use the curse remove flasks? Let a few curses build up and wipe, repeat as they pile up.
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Speaking of special uniques, I managed to get a unique mace to drop when I was level 30 (used it till lv55). It's special feature was no critical hits. This pushed me towards the 100% accuracy but no critical hits perk , which for me is a life saver (sweep marauder). Plus it saved me a ton of nodes in accuracy, its a PITA when you miss 20% of the time. However, I swear sometimes I crit when using glacial hammer, but I'm not sure there's a way to verify that.
Lol, I guess you are supposed to spam totems before they die, at least thats what I plan on doing with mine.
That's what he thought too. But when he has 3 totems out and casts another to move it, it "kills" the previous totem, applying a curse.
Also, has he tried to use the curse remove flasks? Let a few curses build up and wipe, repeat as they pile up.
I told him to do this too, which he tried out. Now he says he doesn't mind being cursed. Since it's totem spec, he can run around freely anyway. He says the only curse that he bothers to remove is temporal chains.
Speaking of luck a quill rain dropped for me, ilvl 72, took 7 jewellers to 6 socket it and 3 fusings to 5L it.

lol, I can't even 4link my Aurseize w/ 54 fusings...normally it takes like 5 for gloves, wtf?
lol, I can't even 4link my Aurseize w/ 54 fusings...normally it takes like 5 for gloves, wtf?

My buddy borrowed an exalt from me to purchase a Soul Mantle for 2 exalts.

He then spent 9 Jewellers, and got it 6-Socketed. His VERY FIRST fusing took it to 6-L.

WTF... i wish i had some luck with the RNG in this game :(
Speaking of special uniques, I managed to get a unique mace to drop when I was level 30 (used it till lv55). It's special feature was no critical hits. This pushed me towards the 100% accuracy but no critical hits perk , which for me is a life saver (sweep marauder). Plus it saved me a ton of nodes in accuracy, its a PITA when you miss 20% of the time. However, I swear sometimes I crit when using glacial hammer, but I'm not sure there's a way to verify that.

Got the same one, used it for a while on my duelist even though he was spec'ed into 1H swords, it just did that much damage. Now my buddy has it on his marauder and is destroying everything. Had another unique wand drop for me in a party game, my inventory was stupidly full and it got snatched up. :(
Got the same one, used it for a while on my duelist even though he was spec'ed into 1H swords, it just did that much damage. Now my buddy has it on his marauder and is destroying everything. Had another unique wand drop for me in a party game, my inventory was stupidly full and it got snatched up. :(

Yea i don't party much because of this. When i party it's with friends, so that even if they get the item--if it's good for me they pif.
Uniques seem to be very very common now probably due to how many there are. I started a run through with a new person and they saw 2 uniques in the first 5 areas and on act 3 were up to a load. I've also seen them in successive areas. :D
Anyone running a duelist? I have a few questions:

Should I take the skill converting all evasion to armor?
If I'm taking the +bonus% to evasion+armor skills, should I be mainly using gear with both? (all else being equal) What if I also take the +armor% only skills?
If you take iron reflexes then +%armor nodes affect everything fully (including the evasion that is converted to armor), +%evasion nodes affect only the evasion part, but it does still add to your armor total (if you wear full evasion gear then its just as good as %armor), but the hybrid nodes don't "double count" as it were.

Basically, if you take iron reflexes then you want +%armor nodes more than +%evasion or the hybrid +%both ones (since the hybrid ones are generally less % per node). The more evasion gear you wear the less it matters which % nodes you get. Keep in mind that the 8 and 10% armor or evasion nodes are usually a waste of a skill point.

Note that iron reflexes is generally best if you
A) take unwavering stance (Can't be stunned but can't evade either)
B) use ethereal knives or heavy physical damage and are worried about reflect
Anyone running a duelist? I have a few questions:

Should I take the skill converting all evasion to armor?
If I'm taking the +bonus% to evasion+armor skills, should I be mainly using gear with both? (all else being equal) What if I also take the +armor% only skills?

I wouldn't spread your defensives out too far. What kind of build are you running?
HP and resists are going to be more important than a pure armor class focus. If you're a "traditional" duelist, you can balance a bit of both evasion and armor, but you'll still want more passives in HP and resists.
Not really sure what build TBH; I'm around 45 and am running a 1H sword and board. Swapping between dual strike, heavy strike and cleave depending on the gear I'm running and my slot/link situation. Taking as many +% damage nodes for 1H sword, at least until you hit the "big" node, saving the small 8% nodes after the big one for later, if ever. Already have the +15% attack speed and 15% all resists nodes, as well as Golems blood.

So far I took both the dual armor/evasion nodes to get the +24% bonus. The name of the character is "Landragoran", not sure if you're able to look characters up, any feedback would be welcome.
You'll need to focus on one weapon type for passives as well as gem selection. If your gems work with swords, stick with that. You can play the game with different weapon types and whatnot, but you'll need to focus more to reach end game.

Once you hit Merciless, it's time to make your gear work for you, rather than being a slave to your gear. At that point, you'll want to have a plan and a target to shoot for. If you're going for the armor/evasion combo, stick with that. Find out what support gems work well with what skill gems. Remember, raw HP and HP nodes work for every build outside of Chaos Innoculation builds.

You can link your passive tree by logging into the PoE website, clicking your profile picture, opening the passive tab and copying the url
Got it. Definitely not spreading out weapon passives; sticking solely with 1H swords and shield, and have only done those passives. I like life on hit with dual strike and very fast attacks, then add in +dmg elemental and physical damage supports.

EDIT: On an unrelated note, has there been any talk of the option to lock the camera over the shoulder when zoomed all the way in? The game is actually kind of fun when played like a 3rd-person game, the action definitely feels more intense.
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I took a look at a "blue post" collection on diablofans today talking about diablo3. They're at the one year marking an still just talking about adding some misc feature to make the horrid loot infinitesimally better. I just baffles me that people can eat that shit up so willingly.
edit: And basically, i don't watch the guy, but someone linked this video in one of those threads, Kripp describing the Blizzard model and the future of D3
Anyways back to good old PoE, ran the unique map with the restless skeletons and whatnot with a group. About 200+ rares dropped (which were all garbage mostly), was fun though. I would suggest just selling the map or going solo with lotsa wisdom scrolls if you do it. Also the large chest in the end had ~20white, 5 blues and 1 rare. We laughed. I also managed to get a uniq map myself, the Vaal Pyramid one with all chests and no monsters. I've heard it's terrible though cuz chests are...terrible, so I'm debating whether or not to sell it.

Today also ends my week long staycation while recovering from sinus surgery, and i'm a bit burned out from the game after putting at least 80 hours into it this week alone. But its fun....and addicting....and i have like 4 stash slots full of uniques (mostly junk).
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Oh, sorry...have a bunch of crap skill gems in there just to level up. I only actually use heavy strike and cleave currently; depending on the gear I have, I'll use dual strike instead of heavy.

As for non-direct damage, I use Grace, Frenzy (mainly for bosses/unique monsters) Additional Accuracy and Item Quantity.
I took a look at a "blue post" collection on diablofans today talking about diablo3. They're at the one year marking an still just talking about adding some misc feature to make the horrid loot infinitesimally better.
At least they're looking at making loot better instead of making gear worse like GGG did with reduced requirements and light radius. (yep, i went there)
About 200+ rares dropped (which were all garbage mostly), ... I've heard it's terrible though cuz chests are...terrible ... and i have like 4 stash slots full of uniques (mostly junk).
sounds like Diablo 3.

The more I play PoE, the more I realize I have a ton of the same complaints that I also had with D3. (loot wise--obviously a skill tree and the way skills are set up is way better in PoE)
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At least they're looking at making loot better instead of making gear worse like GGG did with reduced requirements and light radius. (yep, i went there)

Lies. Those mods didn't replace anything.

Every time they release a patch, they throw in some more uniques (many of which are pretty damn cool).
Wasn't reduced req and light radius added as possible properties? If so, then yes loot has gotten worse since the pool of possible properties has grown with undesirable ones.

Still enjoying the game, but I can't get a damn 5l armor piece! What is the math behind link chances, is links (not sockets, I understand that) affected by item level?
Lies. Those mods didn't replace anything.

Every time they release a patch, they throw in some more uniques (many of which are pretty damn cool).

I agree with your latter statement--they're constantly adding new gems and uniques, which is sweet!

However, until they added the Reduced Requirements and Light Radius mods, there were no worthless mods in the game (think +Health globe pickup range in D3, or Strength on a Wizard-only Item)

Sure there were rolls you didn't want, but +30 strength for my Witch is actually helpful, and +accuracy is simply not for my spec, but could be good for a different spec.

I can't imagine ever wanting either of the new mods on ANY of my characters, and it's disgusting how often you see them pop up on gear. As a result, they effectively nerfed crafting, and increased the grind required to get gear you desire... which is a really dick move.
Yep, find gear all the time with reduced requirements - which doesn't help at all. - however if this rolled over to the gems that were inserted that could work wonders. Would allow you to use gems at certain levels you otherwise wouldn't be able to with your build. Now thats a interesting idea...
Reduced requirements is definitely almost useless for gear, but would be nice for gems. Light radius is only good for Pain Attunement type builds.

I'll agree, they do kinda suck. If people really wanted the mods, they could be added as passives, or something. Light radius could even be a tied to mana potion mods, which would make more sense than putting it on gear.

I have a feeling we will see this change in the near future.
Maybe I should post the reduced requirements (affects gems instead of gear) on the PoE forum and see what people think..
Maybe I should post the reduced requirements (affects gems instead of gear) on the PoE forum and see what people think..

it couldn't hurt. Me and my buddies thought of this too. If it doesn't affect skillgems, then there is really no point to the affix at all.
True that chockomonkey, most of the gear you will "want" to be wearing you will have plenty of points to be able to wear it. Normally you wouldnt see a witch running with full heavy armor but hey, anything is possible with the skill tree. This kind of reduced requirement would actually allow for more diverse skill builds :p
True that chockomonkey, most of the gear you will "want" to be wearing you will have plenty of points to be able to wear it. Normally you wouldnt see a witch running with full heavy armor but hey, anything is possible with the skill tree. This kind of reduced requirement would actually allow for more diverse skill builds :p

Wouldn't +all stats be more desirable to wear such gear with stat requirements outside of your build?
Wouldn't +all stats be more desirable to wear such gear with stat requirements outside of your build?

This is true as it would grant other benefits. Mainly why i'm using a +20 attribute necklace instead of +rarity.

Still think reduced gem requirements would be more useful vs reduced requirement stats to wear armor. However, I'd take + stats anyday.
I just found a unique Paua neck, called Atziri's Foible, which reduces both gems and items reqs by 25%., and grants 9% to max mana. I guess this is a new item, haven't seen it before.
I just found a unique Paua neck, called Atziri's Foible, which reduces both gems and items reqs by 25%., and grants 9% to max mana. I guess this is a new item, haven't seen it before.

Indeed it is, and I expected GGG to throw at least one unique using this mechanic in there when they announced the (similar) stat with reduced reqs on items.

Believe it or not those guys "get it". What decisions they ultimately make with their knowledge is what is up for contention. If every piece of gear could have the reduced gem reqs, it would be way too desirable for one of your 4L's (helm, gloves, boots), as you could then throw in a buff/aura/off-spec and it's associated leveled supports to boost you absurdly in relation. (Among a number of other complex possibilities).

Expect them to put the stat on another 1-2 uniques in the next weeks/months.

True that chockomonkey, most of the gear you will "want" to be wearing you will have plenty of points to be able to wear it. Normally you wouldnt see a witch running with full heavy armor but hey, anything is possible with the skill tree. This kind of reduced requirement would actually allow for more diverse skill builds :p

And i'm one of those witches wearing "heavy" armor. Actually AR / ES, Saintly Chainmail/Hauberk and Crusader/Imperial Helm/Glove/Boots but it looks like chain + plate visually and also slows me down due to not being able to get the remove movement bonus node, but it is more than offset by ensuring that my boots always have at least +20% movement speed. To reach this I have to wear the Perandus Uniq Belt (which to most people looks very weak past lvl 50), and spent a several points on +30str nodes. I also want to use higher levels of Chain, Fork, Culling, and sometimes Haste, which upped my dex requirements, which cost me a few nodes as well. Eventually i'm going to get that new neck mentioned above to test it out and see just how many nodes I could save with it, but necks are *extremely* powerful with the right stats, and I have three that I swap between as needed which would really complicate things if I take off the Unique one and suddenly can't use half my gems/gear.

The main one I use has I think 75% total mana regen, +mana, +spell dam, and some resists. I have a +27% chaos one w/ 40% regen specifically for chaos heavy maps/bosses that is relatively terrible, but I'm looking for a replacement, and finally a magic find one with regen and i think +12 quant/ +32 rarity.

Right now my "main set", with all auras I can maintain myself, stats of 1500hp, 3400ES, 3500armor, 78% all ele resist, +2% chaos (or 29 with the other neck), 47% block, 43% spell block, +25hp/s, +ALOT of mp/s (to maintain how I play), +25% item quant, +189% item rarity (wear an andvarius at all times + rarity in spark) and ~65% block/stun recovery.

The block stun recovery is of note because having such high block and relatively low hp means that when I block a hit that would stun me (1/3rd of my hp? i think it is) there is 50% due to having ES up that it won't play the block animation, then the other 50% that do would play the block animation. With increased block recovery the time of that is reduced from it's base of 325ms (?), so if I can get that higher than 100% i think i'll be solid survival wise. The other obvious option is to get "cannot be blocked" (Chayula uniq neck), but that goes back to what I mentioned before about how I swap necks often and how strong they can be. I don't think spending the 7-8 points to get all the way to unwavering stance would be feasible, as it's completely str nodes to that point and dropping the ones I have already in other areas won't be enough to compensate (as they are also %hp nodes).

Did I mention I like theorycrafting?

As far as choco's comment about my comment about bad's not that they are "bad" bad, it's that they are for lowbies and that I have duplicates. They all have their use, and i use them on alts, but it's moreso that I collect them and don't vendor/sell them like I should be packrat nature. Completely different from D3's "Oh look it's a terrible unique that has zero use to anyone ever because it doesn't have x dps which is the only stat that matters in this game whatsoever first and foremost".
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