Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen ~ Challenging Epic Planar High Fantasy MMORPG

I paid $50 or something around there years ago when it was first an option, so I got into the first season test a month.. two months ago ? It was relatively polished. Fun play.. mostly, slowww combat and prep (mana regen, etc).

I don’t mind slow progression and a grind, but progression was really hard without someone or a group. I’m nostalgic for the older days / EQ style, but .. ain’t got time for that, especially forced group playing. All my friends, myself included are older now and have families / lives. I can’t dedicate 2+ hours a day, while attempting to also line that up with others to make progress, pickup groups are never great.

Slow grind is fine, it gives me a good sense of progression and accomplishment, gone are the days of endless social / entertainment time, unfortunately.

Project gorgon does a good job of solo vs group content requirements and grind. But I've played it too long so haven't touched it in a year or two.
Hope they have a LFG mechanic it's the only thing that might hold me back from actually spending time.


Video from today Nathan Napalms group.
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