Overclockers Australia catching up?

marty9876 said:
That first one is only 175 bucks. Who knows how maximal speed 200 MFLOPS
summary speed 3,2 GFLOPS compares to a P4?

Think oculd install Foldix on it?

Oldbenwa, road trip?

Check YURT... ;)

marty9876 said:
That first one is only 175 bucks. Who knows how maximal speed 200 MFLOPS
summary speed 3,2 GFLOPS compares to a P4?

Think oculd install Foldix on it?

Oldbenwa, road trip?

I so call at least two cores on that baby.
marty9876 said:
That first one is only 175 bucks. Who knows how maximal speed 200 MFLOPS
summary speed 3,2 GFLOPS compares to a P4?

Think oculd install Foldix on it?

Oldbenwa, road trip?

Bwahahahahahaha. That is all.

Edit: VVVV-1.25mil :D :cool:
In spite of my poor production today, we have reversed the trend. It looks like we have delayed overtake by 4 days (to 46). So, fold on [H]orde and we may keep that trophy!

the first Cray closed @ 330. Buy two for 900 bucks!

Please, someone say FAH won't run in parallel or what ever these things do.

Didn't you all want a Cray as a kid?
marty9876 said:
the first Cray closed @ 330. Buy two for 900 bucks!

Please, someone say FAH won't run in parallel or what ever these things do.

Didn't you all want a Cray as a kid?
I still want one..
Celerator said:
In spite of my poor production today, we have reversed the trend. It looks like we have delayed overtake by 4 days (to 46). So, fold on [H]orde and we may keep that trophy!

I think we're all having poor production due to stanfords servers, I think they're doing some work on them today. Plus, it looks like I'm chewing on some huge units, I don't know about the rest of you, but I imagine you are as well.
ND40oz said:
I think we're all having poor production due to stanfords servers, I think they're doing some work on them today. Plus, it looks like I'm chewing on some huge units, I don't know about the rest of you, but I imagine you are as well.

Yeah I think they have some servers down or something. My lappy hasn't had anything to work on since it finished a unit this morning.

Yeah, definitely somethings wrong, check our last update as a team Link
Not a single person had a point last update.
marty9876 said:
the first Cray closed @ 330. Buy two for 900 bucks!

Please, someone say FAH won't run in parallel or what ever these things do.

Didn't you all want a Cray as a kid?

Maybe the first one found a home in the [h]orde ;)
I think some WUs got lost in their downtime--as of now, it's showing 1 WU in the last 3 or 4 days, when I rarely have a single day without a WU turned in.
WUs are definately getting lost, eventually we should see some sort of elephant dump when they clean up their (FAH) reporting. Unfortunately, some of the decrease in numbers is due to problems with the client switching to a new server when one is down. I've gone weeks without my farm having hang ups with getting new work units and I have had to, on average, restart at least one box a day due to this problem over the past week (12 boxen in my farm).
The stats suggest that the Roos will overtake us in about 40 days UNLESS we step it up. :eek:

Isn't it time for some FPP (Front Page Pimpage) to get [H]ard|OCP users to help out the team? Let's not wait until those Roos snag our Trophy!

Fold on, borg, recruit, and vote here for FPP!

I sure wish I could step up my production on my end, but when your trying to move the server farm and other household furniture to Georgia, you run into a little problem.

So I have been downgraded to one pc, but give me one year, I'll be back up in production and having roo sandwich on toast.

I might also have a job working in the IT department in the place where I currently work, but in Georgia. Oh the Borging possibilitys, but first I have to get the job.

Oh ya, there is a Cray supercomputer on ebay, and here is the specs:

Cray J90 System Specifications:

Shared Memory Multi Vector Processor
OS: UNICOS (Cray Unix Variant)
Compilers: Fortran, C, C++, Pascal, ADA

System parameters:
Clock cycle 10 ns

Theory Peak Performance:
Per Processor: 200 Mflop/s
Maximal: 6.4 Gflop/s
Main Memory: <= 4 GB

Memory Bandwidth:
Single Proc. Bandwidth: 1.6 GB/s
Number Of Possible Processors: 4 to 32
I'm doing my best. I had a two boxen go down in the last two weeks. One had a hard drive crash and the other one had the fan on the video card fail. Took some time to diagnose the problem.

go Team 33!

I added a AMD 2500+ and a AMD 2600+ last night... and a 2 x 750 was added this morning... I'm trying my darnest to get to 2000 ppd.
That's the spirit! :) Let's keep our boxen folding and keep those Roos at bay as we go for the cure!

If you visit Overclockers Australia's DC forum, you seem lots of excitement about how they are overtaking us and will soon have the trophy. :eek:

Yet on our forum, it seems we are in denial. Not a word. :confused:

Let's talk it up, recruit, borg, and otherwise keep those Roos "down under."


At the time of posting 36.5 Days until overtake = UNACCEPTABLE... It's time to put in more boxes to fold - I have asked a friend of mine if I could borg his systems - total of an extra 6Ghz or so :) More borging is required :) I don't care about the heatwaves... It's time to show the aussies that they truly do not deserve the no.1 spot.

Let's whip back into the high gear with BOOST on ;) Work your magic guys... I'm trying to gain at least more 10Ghz within the next week somehow ;)

zim01 said:
I'll do my best to keep us number 1

I see our fair weather friend has turned on OCAU - such a shame - his contirbution to the horde won't be enough to keep us at bay!

Anyway its all in the name of folding so it really does not matter who you fold for - its the fact you are doing it,
I've tried my best .... total 6 clients running non-stop for total 9.1 Ghz ....

Well, with the addition of zim to our team, and the loss of zim to OCAU, that puts the double hurt on them to the tune of about 16k ppd :eek: Today's stats are looking good with OCAU only posting 1,084 more points than the Horde! Granted, Silicon hasent dumped in a few days so that will skew the stats a bit, but for now, the takeover date has been prolonged by two days!

Nice! Let's keep at it.
How many more Zim's are there wanting to join the [H]orde? We've recruited 01, now where is 02...;)

I am personally 8GHz in the hole due to upgrades :) and failures :(

Hope to be back up by Friday.
It's all about the little guys now :p 1000 PPD is only a few machines' difference. Maybe I can talk my brother into that Conroe system a little earlier...

... or at least once Intel comes up with a chipset for them that doesn't suck... :rolleyes:

unhappy_mage said:
It's all about the little guys now :p 1000 PPD is only a few machines' difference. Maybe I can talk my brother into that Conroe system a little earlier...

... or at least once Intel comes up with a chipset for them that doesn't suck... :rolleyes:

you mean 865 sucked?
I have 10.6 ghz of woodcrest folding power enroute, hopefully dell can get it to me in the next week or so.

Their gonna OVERTAKE US in < 20 days... It's time to pull out the big guns now...
Jon855 said:
Their gonna OVERTAKE US in < 20 days... It's time to pull out the big guns now...

Remember...all they have is Silicon..who is a powerhouse, but if he trips...they're done......
we are a team, not a one man band
zim01 said:
Remember...all they have is Silicon..who is a powerhouse, but if he trips...they're done......
we are a team, not a one man band

QFT. :cool:
If we can hold them until late august people will start coming back to school and production *should* come up even more. I know my brother will be back here with his little 2100+ that put out good numbers on tinkers, gonna have to put it on regular units since Stanford's tinker tank is on EMPTY! Maybe I can figure out a way to help the poor med student to upgrade.

Well I have decided to get back into Folding after a brief stint a few years ago. Since I have watercooling I dont have to tear my ears out from the noise of aircooling a computer running at 100% all the time. Anyways I currently have it installed on my Opty165 which I have tuned down to 2.6GHz for added stability in folding. I plan on installing it to my parents computer a 2.6C P4, setting up an old 700MHz Athlon, and possibly my 2.4C P4-M Laptop. I also have a 3200+ which I plan on turning into an HTPC when I go back to school in a month...

So that would be 5.2GHz folding right now with another 8 or so coming soon possibly. Hope that helps some.

About the parents computer...is there I way I can install F@H so that it runs even if no user is currently logged in? Since it is a family computer there are multiple user accounts and often times none of them are logged in and it sits at the login screen. So does anyone know if it is possible to keep F@H running?