Outpost: Q6600 @ $299 + S&H

You guys are funny about the $266 pricing, I'll remember this thread post-price drop :D
This matters why? It outperforms everything else on the market. By the way, nice hotlink from Cnet :).

Just stating the obvious. I don't care about linking. The whole internet is based on hyperlinking. The bandwith will get used one way or another. Just as many people would click the link to see the picture. :)
Just stating the obvious. I don't care about linking. The whole internet is based on hyperlinking. The bandwith will get used one way or another. Just as many people would click the link to see the picture. :)

dual-dual core is where it's at!
Just stating the obvious. I don't care about linking. The whole internet is based on hyperlinking. The bandwith will get used one way or another. Just as many people would click the link to see the picture. :)
I think you're missing the point. It's not necessarily a matter of bandwidth use. It's a matter of advertising. CNet wants you to go to their site in order to get people to visit their pages and generate ad revenue and help their google ranking and etc. When you hotlink, you just leech their bandwidth and they receive no compensation in return.
I think you're missing the point. It's not necessarily a matter of bandwidth use. It's a matter of advertising. CNet wants you to go to their site in order to get people to visit their pages and generate ad revenue and help their google ranking and etc. When you hotlink, you just leech their bandwidth and they receive no compensation in return.

Good for them. This thread is about the Q6600.
Good for them. This thread is about the Q6600.

LOL. That doesn't change the fact that taking a picture from another site and stealing their bandwidth is generally looked down upon.... But it's true, this thread IS about the Q6600 ;)

Edit: KingKaeru FTW
LOL. That doesn't change the fact that taking a picture from another site and stealing their bandwidth is generally looked down upon.... But it's true, this thread IS about the Q6600 ;)

Edit: KingKaeru FTW


That was like a dozen wasted posts complaining about linking.

I'm sure Wire is beating himself silly over it.

Came in today: L645G. Haven't had a chance to tear down my QuadGT yet.

Looks to be the same as some later E6600's. I wonder if the E6600's were just non-passing Q6600's like the old Toledo/Manchesters.
I got a stepping: SL9UM... checking for info about it :).

EDIT: It's a B3 stepping apparrently. SLACR is the G0 one. Still, not bad :)!
Came yesterday. Marked it up 100% and sold it to a client as part of a new VMWare build. Thanks, OP.
god bless america

Hahaha. We had actually intended to build it into a new home computer, but when we heard a client needed a VMWare server deployed today (their old one blew its motherboard and was sent in for RMA) and was willing to pay nearly double retail for it, we decided to check out the work order. The spec called for a quad core processor and there was no way we were going to be able to procure a quad core system and still deliver it in time to make the bid (< 12 hrs), so we just went ahead and used this one. We'll pick another one up for ourselves next month or something when they're about this price again.

I love my 939, but damn...i think when the prices get back down, it just might be time.
I'm sure everyone knows this by now. And it won't be $266 for the rest of us unless you're going to buy 1000 of them from intel directly. Expect prices between $280 and $300, so the $299 was quite right.
I'm sure everyone knows this by now. And it won't be $266 for the rest of us unless you're going to buy 1000 of them from intel directly. Expect prices between $280 and $300, so the $299 was quite right.
Thanks, but I'm pretty sure that was mentioned at least 5 times in this very thread :D

Tank Guys website is now stating that the Q6600 is back ordered. :(
I think it always has been back ordered, BUT they are guaranteeing g0 stepping, which is supposed to be superior to the current stepping. Ben estimates they will be shipping them out by mid August.

I love my 939, but damn...i think when the prices get back down, it just might be time.
I loved my 939 too, and just sold it. The CPU, ironically, wasn't what drove me. It was the rock-bottom DDR2 prices which are unlikely to last much longer. I couldn't pass up 4GB of high-performance DDR2-800 for $140 after rebate, and the mainboard I wanted was on sale too.

Suppose I could have bought those, and waited for the CPU prices to come down late this month, but I'm not complaining. I'm not running Maya, or LightWave, or anything that is likely to use four cores, so two is enough for now.
I loved my 939 too, and just sold it. The CPU, ironically, wasn't what drove me. It was the rock-bottom DDR2 prices which are unlikely to last much longer. I couldn't pass up 4GB of high-performance DDR2-800 for $140 after rebate, and the mainboard I wanted was on sale too.

Suppose I could have bought those, and waited for the CPU prices to come down late this month, but I'm not complaining. I'm not running Maya, or LightWave, or anything that is likely to use four cores, so two is enough for now.
you probably made the right decision

You know, I think I'm secretly checking this thread constantly in case somebody happens to say "THE DEAL IS BACK ON AGAIN" :)

I can hope

/waits unpatiently for 7.22
I am checking it also. I probably just got a few extra fews for this thread from all the others seeing this bumped to the top.