Only 39% Are Honest About Cursing at Computers

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
How many of you have ever been so mad at your computer that you yelled at it / cursed / etc.? I'm willing to bet it is a lot more than 39%. ;)

Which leaves us to believe that the balance - 61 percent - have never done so. Never cursed ... and never yelled ... at a computer. Not once. I'm sorry, but weed out the newbies, mutes and living saints, and what you're left with in that 61 percent is, at best, a boatload of selective memories.
All the time.

Usually when I get stuck fixing someones piece of shit slow ass computer.
Oh yeah, I've done it a few times.

Never anything more than "Oh you piece of shit" or something like that. And under my breath, never full on rage.
Where does muttering horrible things at them in a low voice come into play?
I curse at my many computers and electronic devices at least weekly
This may go well with that another recent study (too lazy to find link) where people could withstand pain longer if they swore than if they did not.
I have no problem admitting I've yelled at computers, and other inanimate objects. Cursing, hitting, all sorts of things to "show them" who's boss.
I just compliment their siblings and use them more. They don't really say much about it but you know they're dying inside. When they understand thats how things are, then they tow that line. Sometimes I get out the old AMD machine with the diskdrive that opens for no reason and sit them there infront of the two rigs. I turn it on. They po face through it, but you can tell their hurting. It's like seeing yourself when you get old and don't do what you're supposed to anymore. They look at this old shell, with its canabalized wi-fi cards and missing card readers that have become part of them and they feel a deep guilt and foreboding of the day when they are shown to the new crop. Sometimes when they wont reach their clock speeds I decide they should, I go out and buy something new. I sit down a lian li case by them, still in box. I go to hardware websites, or this forum and browse for new things. Sometimes I mean it, sometimes I don't. I know it's not good to live in fear, but theres no real danger to them. Secretly they know that as long as they do well by me, i'll keep them going, and we'll all be happy. I've got a disk with windows home server ready for when they dont...
I have not only yelled at a computer before, in the fit of range i was taking my headset off, it got caught on my "person" so that enraged me even more, and i proceeded to throw said headset agains a wall and it shattered.......

I have grown up a bit since then lol, i only mutter profanity now
Cursing at computers? That's before I got an i7 coupled with a Solid State Drive. Problem solved.
I learned a long time ago that screaming at the computer usually leads to hitting the computer and components. After replacing keyboards, mice and several monitors, I decided the problem was PEBKAC. :D
All the time.

Usually when I get stuck fixing someone's piece of shit Windows installation.

Fixed that for you.

Funny thing is, I hardly swear. Especially not in person. Worst I typically do is some F-bombs at my car. (First and only Honda I will ever own...)

But, if it's a computer, especially my own, all bets are off. I've had my mom tell me I need to knock it off when I go into some rant about MS. Bad thing is, since I typically don't swear, I don't have a very good dirty vocabulary already, and sometimes my imagination just isn't very good, either. While she thankfully was amused, I've had a female co-worker later embarrass me by asking what a "buttmonkey" was... (I really couldn't even remember saying it, but yeah, not real imaginative...)

If that's what I'd say about Bill Gates, I wonder what I would say about Steve Jobs?
I never really yell at computers..

But I do have a tenancy to smash keyboards into oblivion.
Guilty. If yelling doesn't fix the issue a little tannerite and my AR15 will. Well, maybe not fix, but sooth the soul. :D
I learned a long time ago that screaming at the computer usually leads to hitting the computer and components. After replacing keyboards, mice and several monitors, I decided the problem was PEBKAC. :D

Buy some expensive $1K+ 30" monitors.

Either I've just gotten so good as smashing stuff that I know how to do it and avoid the ricochets hitting the expensive items...

Or my 30" monitors have an invisible protective shield around them.

I know it has to be the former, but something new happens about every-other month that makes me not as convinced that it couldn't indeed be the latter.

But after buying desks and having them all warp from 22" 90lb(?) monitors, I now own heavy duty shelving units that I could park my vehicle on and it wouldn't warp. So, they can take a licking and keep on ticking. bad thing is you forget this and forget where you're at when you're at work. I can pound fists on my desk at home, and it's solid enough that nothing moves. Do that at work? I've had a monitor do a complete backflip off the desk once. Thankfully it was the one hooked up to the Linux box, so I was able to just go "musta been some Linux/Network douche" and just shrug it off when I was asked about it...
I don't yell at my computer anymore. These days I just mumble and curse silently at it. Still not happy with my rig so I am very much looking forward to bulldozer.
I don't yell at my computer anymore, yelling didn't solve anything so instead I had long discussions with out resulting in drastics has actually helped me.
I don't curse at computers with vulgar language, but I do say something mild like goddammit or dammit.
Every time someone hands be a piece of shit slow ass computer to fix. Or if it's one of the grey and black dell towers. God I hate those and everyone owns one..
Never had to yell at my computer before. I have however slammed my mouse and keyboard in frustration. lol
Every day on my piece of crap work computer. Takes almost 7 minutes to log in.
I seldom have cause to curse at my home computers. They are generally well behaved.

The ones at work, a different story. I might even admit to getting a bit rough on a keyboard, or bitch slapping a monitor, if I have had enough to drink. Bu we don't ever talk about that mouse. That mouse never existed.
I was once bragging to a Mac fan about how quickly Windows 7 boots up, when it decided that this was a great time to run chkdsk for the first time in a month.

So I'm in the 39%.
It's not like my computer doesn't deserve it. These surveys never take into account justification.
Personally, I stand over my computer on a stool and beat my computer with a large rubber mallet.

Until it works or dies... whichever comes first.
Yeah I yell at my computer most of the time, mostly at my piece of shit internet connection, hate it when its slow, and at my computer, when it slow, freezes or something that doesn't work.
A stupid program shut my computer down when it finished a task even though I had it set to do nothing. In the background my computer was working on compiling a file that's been going for the last 120 hours or so straight. And now it's all gone.

Suffice to say my computer just got one hell of a verbal bitch slapping. :mad:
I do not curse or yell at computers because...
they always obey me.