Only 39% Are Honest About Cursing at Computers

Cursed? I would murder my PC. When I was 10 I had some serious attitude problems, I would beat the shit out of my PC. One day I got so mad I punched my CRT monitor and then everyone looked like coneheads. A week later I punches a hole through the front drive bays. A month later I picked up my keyboard and smashed it across the same monitor, and kicked in the front of the PC. A month later and 1 new keyboard, I kicked the PC so hard the CD drive exploded and so I decided to finish it off by ripping off the cords, picked it up and tossed it out the door onto the pavement. Then I started going "Office Space" on it.
Of course I curse at computers. I don't usually raise my voice to them, but a simple wtf you piece of shit fucker does it for me. Like if you drop a screw inside the case somewhere when doing work inside.
Cursed? I would murder my PC. When I was 10 I had some serious attitude problems, I would beat the shit out of my PC. One day I got so mad I punched my CRT monitor and then everyone looked like coneheads. A week later I punches a hole through the front drive bays. A month later I picked up my keyboard and smashed it across the same monitor, and kicked in the front of the PC. A month later and 1 new keyboard, I kicked the PC so hard the CD drive exploded and so I decided to finish it off by ripping off the cords, picked it up and tossed it out the door onto the pavement. Then I started going "Office Space" on it.

Well don't go doing that to your sig system!
I swore at and begged both my computer and xbox360 to just get along while trying to network them. Eventually they caved and got along, magically. I tried ten different things in the end having my spirit broken was the golden ticket to them finally working.
I swore at and begged both my computer and xbox360 to just get along while trying to network them. Eventually they caved and got along, magically. I tried ten different things in the end having my spirit broken was the golden ticket to them finally working.

lol Congratulations!! You've joined the assimilated. ;):p
people who are bad at computers don't admit to cursing at them.

people who are good realize that cursing is a prerequisite to fixing them.

i usually give problem computers a 1 finger salute once i fix any said issues.
Me? There are days the phones won't stop, clients think they know it all...oh yes....*grins* there are days I'd love to toss my computer out the window onto the freeway.... I hate people throwin' fits about thier computers and then you get (Not Responding)....HOLY @#%@#%#@ MY SCREEN IS WHITE!!@#%# *clicks mouse over and over* (beep) this place.

But how I do love solving those problems ;)

I do verbally abuse some form of eletronics DAILY.
I have never yelled at my home computer but I have yelled at my work computer. And the God Damned CRM I am forced to use.
All printers tend to break for little or no reason. Some just more than others. It's probably the most mechanical hardware than anything else IT related aside from mechanical hard drives.

emphasis mine and +friggin1

Get someone to fix your printer issue CORRECTLY and you won't have those problems.
When the right parts are replaced with OEM quality replacements (not knockoffs) most printing issues magically disappear. Also, use cheap crappy consumables; get crappy results.

Is this some copypastaganda from the Printer Anti-Defamation League? :confused:

Zarathustra[H];1036824997 said:
There are decent printers out there, its just that often times in corporate settings cheap is favored over good :p

I have used, fixed, dealt with, maintained and been responsible for just about every type of printer made, and a few presses, too, from bubble jets and lasers and dye-subs to a $40million MAN Roland. With the exception of some dot matrix printers from the 80s that I still have, not only has every other type of printer, but every single specimen I have ever seen has needed repair beyond normal maintenance, and usually very often. I have used both $300k and $500k laser printers in corporate settings (not what I'd call "cheap") which used ONLY oem shipped paper/toner/supplies, that needed repair - from certified oem-sent pros using certified quality oem parts - WEEKLY, if not twice a week. At least. SRSLY. Beyond that, I am currently up-to-date certified to repair printers myself, and when I finish this break upon which I am typing now, I go to - guess what? - fix a damn printer. No shit. The rule is, if a <$250 printer can't be fixed in 30 minutes or less, it just gets replaced. If they were anything approaching reliable, would they need a damn rule? I DON'T THINK SO! *^&$&^%@&^%%(*)^&$ printers.:mad:
God I feel so at home in this thread reading the stories. I dont think I have ever touched a computer I haven't cursed at. I'm usually pretty cool head but damn give me computer that isn't working and the flood gates open. The two worst offenders I can remember are my old AMD Thunderbird build and the cursed DFI N-Force 4 SLI build. That little thunder bird could take abuse like I have never seen. I hit kicked and smashed that case into oblivion but that thing be damned it never died. The DFI board was because of SLI and Creative not wanting to play nice. For some damn reason the two video cards and sound card would always want to use the same IRQ. After weeks of trying to fix it, more bleeding then I want to admit too and foul language to make sailors and bikers blush with shame I finally ripped out the board, threw it across the room breaking it in half, went on newegg and ordered asus board and 8800gtx. God I miss that card, almost doubled my FEAR frame rates with everything maxed out.
My wife often leaves the room when I play online. I don't know if this counts because I am actually yelling at the game and the people I am playing with (I don't use a headset so they can not hear me). She will come in there and tell me to stop yelling at the computer. I just see yelling at an online game is just like yelling at a football game.
The only printer I cursed was a Lexmark Inkjet printer that I was given for free about 8 years ago. It printed decent enough color... when the print head wasn't dried out, which was always. That was my first and last go at inkjet. I don't print much, and not very often, but when I want it to print it better print because it's something important, and I'm not going to pay for an ink cartridge just to print 5 pages. I've been using a Brother 2070N laser for the past 3 years and I've had no problems with it. It cost me all of $100 on sale, and I've replaced the toner cartridge exactly once.
My wife often leaves the room when I play online. I don't know if this counts because I am actually yelling at the game and the people I am playing with (I don't use a headset so they can not hear me). She will come in there and tell me to stop yelling at the computer. I just see yelling at an online game is just like yelling at a football game.

And here I thought my wife walking out on me during online FPS sessions was odd :confused::confused::confused:

Oh well :D
Christ... I probably went through 8 SNES controllers. NES controllers on the other hand are really hard to break. Probably only did 1 of those in.

It's all coming back to me now. Playing Street Fighter 2. TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Well don't go doing that to your sig system!

I learned to take care of my things after I started having to purchase my own components. No more mommy to leech off of. I remember buying my $100 G15 and one day I got so pissed at a game I slammed my fist right on it and smashed a few keys, broke 2 of them. From that day I realized, shit... I can't be breaking stuff I paid so much money for.

Also LCD are not as safe to hit as a CRT.
Becoming a teacher has done wonders to curb my swearing. There are plenty of times I would like to toss out a bomb, but one crazy parent is all it takes to lose my job.

Today I submerged a system in vegetable oil ... kids loved it, but boy did I have to bite my tongue as the thing was so messy.
Use mineral oil!

I have special ordered a highly viscous mineral oil(Purity FG white oil) from Petro-Canada. Todays demo, with vegetable oil, was only meant to show students how it works. I plan to setup a permanent aquarium, filled with mineral oil, in my classroom.
Becoming a teacher has done wonders to curb my swearing. There are plenty of times I would like to toss out a bomb, but one crazy parent is all it takes to lose my job.

Today I submerged a system in vegetable oil ... kids loved it, but boy did I have to bite my tongue as the thing was so messy.

Now a days I only curse around close friends just joking around mostly. Out in public I'll hold back though because I don't want people to think of me as some little shit even though im 21. Although when it comes to video games I still curse up a storm.

I admit, I cure at a lot of things that piss me off, including computers.

Sometimes trying to get things to work right makes you angry.