Yeah, Skyrim isn't what I was expecting. True, I've never played any of the Oblivion games before, but I remember Elder Scrolls was supposed to be awesome when it first game out. Even on Ultra settings some of the textures look terrible and overall the graphics are pretty poor. Combat is pretty wonky also, I swing my axe and sometimes connect and other times don't but I can't really see what I'm doing. I gave it a shot but definitely not my cup of tea!

sounds like Dark Souls would be a better fit for you
Yeah, Skyrim isn't what I was expecting. True, I've never played any of the Oblivion games before, but I remember Elder Scrolls was supposed to be awesome when it first game out. Even on Ultra settings some of the textures look terrible and overall the graphics are pretty poor. Combat is pretty wonky also, I swing my axe and sometimes connect and other times don't but I can't really see what I'm doing. I gave it a shot but definitely not my cup of tea!

Once graphics mods come out some of your complaints will be fixed. I'd also suggest trying a bow using character to get around melee wonkyness if you want to give it another try. A bit more intuitive for people used to FPS games, if you are.
Anyone able to play Skyrim on Eyefinity/Surround? When I launch the game all it gives me is some worthless crap resolutions listed. I've changed the resolution in the SkyrimPrefs.ini but it still won't launch and tells me: Failed to initialize renderer.

Is every freaking game these days designed solely around playing on 720P **** consoles?
Is Skyrim good to buy for PC? I want it for PC but i know some games play better on console than PC (Ass Creed) and i know Skyrim was made on 360 and ported. So i am just curious if THE platform to get it on is PC?

The UI takes a bit of getting used to. Not the combat or anything, but working with items, magic, levels, etc. You can get around most of the designed-for-console bits of that by just adding important items to a "favorites" list that you can quickly go to with the "Q" key.

After using it for a few hours, I've gotten used to it. I'm sure it's decent on console, but I'd rather play from my solo gamer-cave environment with my 24" LCD. than on the couch with a console controller. The game is likely to be modded heavily down the road too, and you won't get that experience from a console.
Boy was this game a huge disappointment. Poor animations, shoddy graphics, console control system, low audio levels, buggy gravity, etc. the list goes on and on.
Boy this game is spot on and I am enjoying it immensely.

Well sure, some people are happy with inferior products but they should be ashamed of themselves for ever releasing a product with a shitty graphics engine from 2006.
I'm suprised at how well it runs, even on my lower end system.
Well sure, some people are happy with inferior products but they should be ashamed of themselves for ever releasing a product with a shitty graphics engine from 2006.

Your hatred blinds you.

Looking at Oblivion vs Skyrim is like night and day.
This. It even surprises the optimists how good Skyrim is on release day.

/remembers oblivion's soupy water.. :eek:

Speaking of water, it looks pretty amazing when you're in the water on Skyrim, I was riding my horse through the water, looked pretty neat to me.

Guys, Skyrim isn't a bad game any any stretch of the imagination, all it needs is some TLC from the modding community to unlock it's true potential. As is, it's a pretty decent game that needs to have the heavy deconsolization modded out.

That's my verdict.
Your hatred blinds you.

Looking at Oblivion vs Skyrim is like night and day.


Game looks quite amazing despite its rather lowres textures at the times. Something that fans will fix in couple of months I'm sure. But general looks of the game is miles ahead of vanilla Oblivion.

If this game has console control system, I really cant say. On the other hand it definetly needs tweaking, but once you get used to it you can navigate it FAST with keyboard and mouse too.

Biggest problem I have with the game is that I greatly preferred the old school minor/major skill class system. AND WHERE THE HELL IS SPEED AND ACROBATICS!? Can I no longer create a swashbuckling thief jumping on roofs, dropping out in front of the houses he intents to "liberate from their materialistic burdens"!? Damnit, I want those back.

Otherwise, this game kicks ass. MUCH better than Oblivion, rivals Morrowind in some aspects.
Speaking of water, it looks pretty amazing when you're in the water on Skyrim, I was riding my horse through the water, looked pretty neat to me.

Guys, Skyrim isn't a bad game any any stretch of the imagination, all it needs is some TLC from the modding community to unlock it's true potential. As is, it's a pretty decent game that needs to have the heavy deconsolization modded out.

That's my verdict.

Pretty much. It's not like Oblivion where you really need mods to make the game playable and good, Skyrim is already good and mods will make it great.
Pretty much. It's not like Oblivion where you really need mods to make the game playable and good, Skyrim is already good and mods will make it great.

Agreed. This thing is stone's throw away from being something truly exceptional IMO. A few key mods and a few nip and tucks puts it over the top.
From what I've played though, it's still no Morrowwind, but it is definitely better than Oblivion, by far. To be honest, I would have rather they delayed the game as long as it would take to fix this atrocious consolized UI, I could not even create a decent character appearance thanks to how bad the UI is.
From what I've played though, it's still no Morrowwind, but it is definitely better than Oblivion, by far. To be honest, I would have rather they delayed the game as long as it would take to fix this atrocious consolized UI, I could not even create a decent character appearance thanks to how bad the UI is.

the UI isn't too bad once you get past character creation. But yeah, character creation was nuts until you can figure out the pattern. Fortunately, you you can console "showracemenu" but that will reset your stats... there might be workarounds for that problem too though.
I only played for like 3 hours but so far I have found this game very entertaining. It is no Morrowind but I am not sure if that is bad. Morrowind was an amazing game for the time and I still have it in my computer to play. However, so far Skyrim has just taken the game into a different level. Amazing graphics. The faces, though still not great, for once don't s*ck. Voiced are good and the sound is amazing (better than DragonAge Origin as a comparison IMO).

It is taking a bit to learn the controls but I find its ok. I would have liked a Dark Messiah level fighting but unfortunately it is still "just keep clicking the mouse until they are dead" I think. I still need to learn all the controls. Haven't tried spellcasting nor Dragon shouting. Lockpicking is pretty neat.

I am putting this one away onto the shelves for now, not because I am disappointed but because if I continue playing, I will get sucked into the game and never come out of the basement.

BTW, I read that others found the giant spider difficult. Was that the one in the barrows because for me it seemed not too bad.
I only played for like 3 hours but so far I have found this game very entertaining. It is no Morrowind but I am not sure if that is bad. Morrowind was an amazing game for the time and I still have it in my computer to play. However, so far Skyrim has just taken the game into a different level. Amazing graphics. The faces, though still not great, for once don't s*ck. Voiced are good and the sound is amazing (better than DragonAge Origin as a comparison IMO).

I'm not prepared to go too far with it but I certainly feel like Skyrim is more of a proper sequel to Morrowind than Oblivion ever was. And I liked Oblivion but I can already tell I'm going to like this a lot more.

It is taking a bit to learn the controls but I find its ok. I would have liked a Dark Messiah level fighting but unfortunately it is still "just keep clicking the mouse until they are dead" I think. I still need to learn all the controls. Haven't tried spellcasting nor Dragon shouting. Lockpicking is pretty neat.

The lockpicking is more or less a carry over from the Fallout games. I wouldn't have minded if they'd also included that automatic "force lock" option for convenience.

For this series, the combat seems better to me but yes, Dark Messiah style combat would have owned.

I am putting this one away onto the shelves for now, not because I am disappointed but because if I continue playing, I will get sucked into the game and never come out of the basement.

Same problem I'm going to have. I'm going to make myself play other games this weekend and do other things.

BTW, I read that others found the giant spider difficult. Was that the one in the barrows because for me it seemed not too bad.

Golden Claw? That was easy. All I did was sneak in quietly, used bow and arrows from a distance and when he would charge me I'd retreat through the area you enter through and he couldn't follow me and I'd peg him a few more times.
I am putting this one away onto the shelves for now, not because I am disappointed but because if I continue playing, I will get sucked into the game and never come out of the basement.

Dude, that is the idea! You pick a whole weekend, stockpile your fridge full and cancel all meetings and sink into the world of escapism. :D

May not work for people with a better half at home though... At some point your wife/husband will come and pull the plug I guess. :D
Really liking this game so far. The first hour with the introduction of the dragon was pretty epic, now after three hours I'm well into the game proper, and can pick whichever path I want. My suggestion is to talk to everyone, burn up all the conversation possibilities, since those open up side Quests. The UI takes a bit of getting used to, the menus being more keyboard than mouse driven. Once I figured out that you can put your spells into Favorites and quickly select them with Q the game became alot easier. Developing a wood elf mage, I just pour fire on bad things until they stop moving. To me, this game is Fallout3 with swords and sorcery, which is not a bad thing because I loved that game. Back to Skyrim!
Golden Claw? That was easy. All I did was sneak in quietly, used bow and arrows from a distance and when he would charge me I'd retreat through the area you enter through and he couldn't follow me and I'd peg him a few more times.

That's what I did (and I'm not an archer type character), felt like cheating.
Golden Claw? That was easy. All I did was sneak in quietly, used bow and arrows from a distance and when he would charge me I'd retreat through the area you enter through and he couldn't follow me and I'd peg him a few more times.

Thats also the easy way to take down mammoths (which actually makes sense...a spider could just pull its legs in as it's body is less than half the width of the hole :D)
For the people that are complaining about missing hits in melee, try playing in 3rd person mode. Seems to work better for me. Plus you can see all the cool action swings :-P
Dude, that is the idea! You pick a whole weekend, stockpile your fridge full and cancel all meetings and sink into the world of escapism. :D

May not work for people with a better half at home though... At some point your wife/husband will come and pull the plug I guess. :D

Frankly, my wife likes it --gives her the chance to watch those shows us guys hate with an uber-passion, without me giving the running commentary about why they suck. :D
I like the finishing moves that you get in combat. Reminds me of Dragon Age Origin. However I notice they come out way too much. In one case, a draugr attacked, I took out my steel mace and right at the first shot, I got a finishing move.

Even Mortal Kombat makes you do a few hits before you get Fatality.
I used the cheat psb to give myself all spells just to see what it was like, and well, I can tell you that the higher level spells have some neat effects, kind of reminds me of the spells in a Final Fantasy game to be honest.

The game suffers from one thing though, your spells do a fixed amount of damage and do not increase in power as you level, so the only way to make them more powerful is to increase the rank of those spells and put points into the perks that increase their damage.
I like the finishing moves that you get in combat. Reminds me of Dragon Age Origin. However I notice they come out way too much. In one case, a draugr attacked, I took out my steel mace and right at the first shot, I got a finishing move.

Even Mortal Kombat makes you do a few hits before you get Fatality.

I think the finishing moves have something to do with critical hits combined with the opponents level. The draugr may have been a rather low level compared to your characters uber awesomeness + some luck, and that results in instakills.
Really liking this game so far. The first hour with the introduction of the dragon was pretty epic, now after three hours I'm well into the game proper, and can pick whichever path I want. My suggestion is to talk to everyone, burn up all the conversation possibilities, since those open up side Quests. The UI takes a bit of getting used to, the menus being more keyboard than mouse driven. Once I figured out that you can put your spells into Favorites and quickly select them with Q the game became alot easier. Developing a wood elf mage, I just pour fire on bad things until they stop moving. To me, this game is Fallout3 with swords and sorcery, which is not a bad thing because I loved that game. Back to Skyrim!

I found the UI to be quite intuitive and easy to use right out the gate. Later on though, now that I'm carrying a metric fuckton of stuff, I really wish it had some sorting features. It's hard to tell which items are weighing me down, which items are worth selling, which weapons deal the most damage and have the most armor, which items are quest oriented, things like that. Overall, I actually like it quite a bit.