12 hours until I depart for the fabled land of Gamestop!

Dude , fuck Gamestop. I am making it a point not to purchase my copy from them or if Possible any game ever again.

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planning on purchasing it on PC if it doesn't have the consolized menus / controls. Does anyone know if the PC version is just a console port?
Agreed. Its an Elderscrolls game how could it not be good?

RPS said:
Maybe I’ll do all that next time. First though, I really fancy a nice set of Glass Armour, so time to explore a few caves for ore to mine then spend some good, honest hours at the forge. I may be some time. I may be the rest of the year, and beyond. Not only is Skyrim, for my money, the game of the year, but… oh this is hard. Very hard. I’m sorry Morrowind – I love you, but I don’t need you anymore. I think, at last, there is a new Best Elder Scrolls Ever.


Let's not get carried away here. That kind of hype from RPS gets my attention since they're typically not prone to go too far into hyperbole BS territory but there ain' no way it's going to be better than Morrowind. If it's even comparable we're in for a treat.

Better than Oblivion? Pretty much guaranteed.


Let's not get carried away here. That kind of hype from RPS gets my attention since they're typically not prone to go too far into hyperbole BS territory but there ain' no way it's going to be better than Morrowind. If it's even comparable we're in for a treat.

Better than Oblivion? Pretty much guaranteed.

If its better than Oblivion (which is very likely) I would be happy JUST for this.

If its better than Morrowind..... I would shit my pants and be divorced and jobless in a week.
If its better than Oblivion (which is very likely) I would be happy JUST for this.

Me, too.

If its better than Morrowind..... I would shit my pants and be divorced and jobless in a week.

If it's even comparble to Morrowind it might get into that territory. Better? Almost hard to imagine. ;)
planning on purchasing it on PC if it doesn't have the consolized menus / controls. Does anyone know if the PC version is just a console port?

Giant Bomb's review said that the menu's work great with a mouse and keyboard, they use the w,a,s,d keys. They also said that the PC version was the clear winner. But to answer your question, the game was developed on the Consoles but then again so has every game Bethesda has put out since Oblivion, so its not that big of a deal.

I think you should get it on PC too. Remember, if there is any aspect of the game you don't like its probably guaranteed to be fixed with mods.
^ I stopped playing oblivion after like 2 hours cause of the horrible controls on the PC, i felt like everything was tailored to the console and the PC is getting lackluster attention. Can't really explain the feeling i get... but even the mouse movement itself is rigidity. I guess I'll have to try it out at a friends house or *cough* get a demo from somewhere *cough* before I buy it.
Shit, it's getting hard to hold off on this game. I was half-way hoping that it would be buggy at release so I could justify waiting for patches/mods.
Some of these reviews are pretty ridiculous. A few had legitimate complaints, but said the game was even MORE charming due to bugs and limitations.
Crysis 1, TF2, BF3, Arma 2, Witcher 2, Rift

- High-quality
- Broad market
- High sales
- Large teams
- Big budget
- Polished audio-visual direction
- Perfect technical and artistic execution
- Playable & fully enjoyable within the first five minutes of play
- Exhaustively tested
- Bug free
- Great usability
- Continous, balanced entertainment from beginning to end
- Great graphical user interface
- First place in the markets, and great marketing
- Hype
^ I stopped playing oblivion after like 2 hours cause of the horrible controls on the PC, i felt like everything was tailored to the console and the PC is getting lackluster attention. Can't really explain the feeling i get... but even the mouse movement itself is rigidity. I guess I'll have to try it out at a friends house or *cough* get a demo from somewhere *cough* before I buy it.

Don't know what you mean. I never had mouse or control issues with Oblivion.

"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is every single reason to love a Western role-playing game, condensed into a single comprehensive experience with nothing lost in the conversion process. It is a game that will drown those who step into its absorbing, overwhelmingly detailed world, a game that will bury you and refuse to let go. Yet your submergence will be agreeable, your burial ecstatic, and the hands placed around your throat welcomed like those of a lover's. To play Skyrim is to enter into a relationship, one that provides feelings of empowerment, yet demands total submission.

Submit you will, for The Elder Scrolls V is the new zenith of role-playing games and it commands you to look up".

"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is every single reason to love a Western role-playing game, condensed into a single comprehensive experience with nothing lost in the conversion process. It is a game that will drown those who step into its absorbing, overwhelmingly detailed world, a game that will bury you and refuse to let go. Yet your submergence will be agreeable, your burial ecstatic, and the hands placed around your throat welcomed like those of a lover's. To play Skyrim is to enter into a relationship, one that provides feelings of empowerment, yet demands total submission.

Submit you will, for The Elder Scrolls V is the new zenith of role-playing games and it commands you to look up".
Don't know what you mean. I never had mouse or control issues with Oblivion.

its not really issues, it just doesn't feel as smooth as say fable 1 or morrowind, swinging a sword and aiming weapons feel really sluggish and console like. *sigh I'll never be able to explain this feeling
its not really issues, it just doesn't feel as smooth as say fable 1 or morrowind, swinging a sword and aiming weapons feel really sluggish and console like. *sigh I'll never be able to explain this feeling

Don't psych yourself out. Its funny though, I never knew Oblivion was on consoles until I had beaten the game and played many many hours of it. Of course I didn't visit the forums or internet reviews like I do today though. Back then I only read PC Gamer, I somehow missed it. :p
Skyrim's release date may be tommorrow, but for me, its' at some point next year when it's fully patched and I can pick it up off a deal I see on

By then, fully patched, and will include DLC and expansions, can't lose there.
Skyrim's release date may be tommorrow, but for me, its' at some point next year when it's fully patched and I can pick it up off a deal I see on

By then, fully patched, and will include DLC and expansions, can't lose there.

I swear I've seen this post at least a dozen times by now.

We get it, Fail. ;)
I'm not even interested in this game ... yet. Will probably get next summer, but eager to hear how you guys like it.
just tried the game out, the menu is horrible it is definitely consolized. You have to use the wasd keys to navigate through the text tiered menu, yet some menu items you must use a mouse.

The movement using the mouse is slow feels kind of liquidy, theres a delay response, I turned up the sensitivity to minimize the amount I can feel but I ended up feeling the really bad mouse acceleration. Glad I tried it at a friends place before I decided to waste 60 dollars
just tried the game out, the menu is horrible it is definitely consolized. You have to use the wasd keys to navigate through the text tiered menu, yet some menu items you must use a mouse.

The movement using the mouse is slow feels kind of liquidy, theres a delay response, I turned up the sensitivity to minimize the amount I can feel but I ended up feeling the really bad mouse acceleration. Glad I tried it at a friends place before I decided to waste 60 dollars

you can turn the mouse acceleration off via .ini file
just tried the game out, the menu is horrible it is definitely consolized. You have to use the wasd keys to navigate through the text tiered menu, yet some menu items you must use a mouse.

The movement using the mouse is slow feels kind of liquidy, theres a delay response, I turned up the sensitivity to minimize the amount I can feel but I ended up feeling the really bad mouse acceleration. Glad I tried it at a friends place before I decided to waste 60 dollars

Go find out how to turn off vsync, I bet that is making it lag.
Go find out how to turn off vsync, I bet that is making it lag.

Skyrim .INI commands

On page 2 of that thread is a quote from TweakGuides....

Skyrim, the long-awaited sequel to Oblivion, has finally been released. I've prepared an HD YouTube video which demonstrates basic gameplay at maximum settings - it will be available shortly. I'm also writing a tweak guide for the game, as it has a range of in-game settings and a large number of .ini variables which can be tweaked.For now, the most important tweak has to do with the fact that VSync is automatically on and can't be disabled from within the game. This not only reduces FPS, it also introduces mouse lag. To disable VSync in Skyrim, add iPresentInterval=0 to the bottom of the [Display] section of the Skyrim.ini file in the \Users\[Username]\My Documents\My Games\Skyrim directory.