Official Team Fortress 2 Thread

So I finally decided to buy The Orange Box (despite the fact I already have HL2 and Ep 1) because it seems everyone playing TF2 is having a blast... and my card's being declined because I'm in Canada and using my American card (at least, that's the only reason I can think of; Steam asks if I live at the current location on my billing details, which I obviously don't). Sigh.
I guess I'll have to wait til Sunday when I go back to the States to play... :(
So there is no way to get this Beta going without buying the Orange Pack. LAME. I already own within Steam HL1/ HL2 Ep1 and 2. Do they give me some sort of break because I'm double buying this stuff?

You can gift any item you already own once the game officially launches :)

And you *are* getting "$129.99" MSRP of games for $44.99 - so it's not that bad. TF2 is well worth it!
Spy - Ugh. The Spy. Easily one of the more complex characters to play, as well as the most annoying for the enemy. I haven't played much of them yet, so I don't know a whole lot of tactics. Just know the Spy can right-click to go partially invisible for a short period of time. They can also, at any time, disguise themselves as a character of the enemy.
Whether disguised or cloaked, they can knife any character in the back for an instant kill. You'll also have the satisfaction of knowing that the other player is screaming "FUCK!" in front of his computer at that very instant.
If a spy attacks at all, their cloak and/or disguise is broken and the enemy will see them in their true form - an enemy spy.
Things to look out for:
If you see one of your teammates acting kind of weird - like running away from the action towards your spawn or something. He may be a Spy. Don't be afraid to shoot!! Remember, there's no team damage in TF2, so just start laying rounds into them. If he truly is a teammate, no harm done. One thing to remember though is that if you do shoot, there really isn't an indicator if you're doing damage or not. So if you do just a couple test shots - it may not be enough to determine if they're actually a spy or not. Luckily Spies don't have much health, so they die quickly.
If you EVER see a spy character morphing into another class (it's a very unique animation) - it's an enemy spy. SHOOT HIM! You will never see a spy from your own team morphing. You always see your own spies as their true class. If your own teams' spy is in disguise, he'll still look like a spy to you, but he'll be wearing a cardboard cutout mask of whichever class he's pretending to be (hilarious).
If you're ever running along and your character gets stuck on something. Like maybe you hit an invisible wall or ran into some shitty game physics or something - well, it's a cloaked spy. Start jumping up and down and shooting wildly into the air. You will never see your own teams' spies cloaked. If your own teams' spy is cloaked, he'll just look kind of transparent to you, but still perfectly visible. A cloaked enemy spy kind of has a "predator" effect going on, so they're not totally invisible. Very hard to spot though.
One of the Spys most important roles is to disable sentry guns. They're able to walk right up to them (while disguised) and plant an electronic sapper device which will destroy the gun. If the enemy has setup a nasty sentry gun in a choke point that your team can't get by, it's the job of the Spy to take it out.

The only 2 things I would like to add to my fast becoming favorite class is, If you are running out of your area disguised, run out of the area backwards. It makes it look you were just shooting at someone and are running backwards to protect yourself from your own team. I have done this several times where it should have been obvious that I was a spy (Tight pinch point with a lot of action) and it seems to have helped.

Your last point about destroying turrets is a very important one, and having the right disguise for the job is important. Go disguised as something defensive if you are going to a defense point. It helps you look like you are actually there for a reason. Standing around in a scout disguise at a defensive point might draw attention, and you should be running around everywhere.

Basically ACT like you are on their team, and spring at the appropriate time. Timing is going to be a big thing with this class.
running vista x64 and I can't even get the thing to start. hl2.exe has stopped working. Verifying the game cache files right now. It plays the valve music when it should show the logo, but no visuals, I am peeved for sure.

Play in windowed mode, thats what I had to do to get the game running. Otherwise I had the same problem as you (using vista x64).
Do you Vista x64 guys have UAC enabled? I have Vista x64 and UAC disabled and it works perfectly.
No problems here running on Vista64, btw how do you send a PM over Steam? Trying to gain access to the [H] steam room
Scout - A pretty fun role to play. They move almost twice as fast as any other class. They're mainly all about capping control points or flag running. Their main weapon is a sawed off shotgun which does pretty good damage close up. If you find yourself in close with a bad guy, circle strafe them and keep shooting. You're a very hard target to hit. They also have a baseball bat which is awesome for knocking someone in the back of the head.
It's a pretty straight forward class. Very fast. They cap control points twice as fast as anybody else. And... very fast.
Oh! They also have a double-jump which further allows you to navigate the map with blinding speed. Just hit the jump button while in midair to double-jump. Furthermore, you can change directions while while double-jumping. It's pretty much hax.
I've seen some really good Scout players already in this game, and they can be lethal and annoying.
A scouts biggest nemesis is probably the Engineers sentry gun. A scout can pretty much outrun any other class, as well as most their bullets. But rounding a corner into the sights of a sentry gun is lethal. The Scout doesn't really have anything to deal with sentry guns either.

Pretty spot on.. All I've been playing is scout and turrets destroy me if I run into them. Their stopping power negates my speed and I'm lucky if I can even manage to get out of its sight once I'm hit.
I love the scout myself. Not only is he fast, but he has a double jump a la Metroid. Also, unlike Team Fortress classic, he has serious firepower and can easily gun down some of the lighter classes.

The more I play this game, the more I like it. Even my non PC gamer friends are blown away by it.
The more I play this game, the more I like it.

The more I play, the more I love the class balance, but the less I like the maps. 2Fort just turns into a total stalemate if you have Engineers that know what they're doing. And Well seems really biased towards Blu team.

I do love Hydro and Dustbowl though. I like the control point maps where you take turns on offense and defense. That works really well.
I think part of the stalemate problem is that a lot of players just don't know how to play their class yet. When everybody does their job on a team the stalemate will break. From what I have seen people are still learning the game and how to work together.

Another problem is that not enough people are exploting the in game VOIP. The classes really need to work together and communicate--if a scout runs into a turret he needs to call it in and a havier class has to come up and take it out.

As for the scout, the turrets are his biggest problem for sure, always has been. His only recourse is to call in his heavier teammates.


So much fun.
Another problem is that not enough people are exploting the in game VOIP. The classes really need to work together and communicate--if a scout runs into a turret he needs to call it in and a havier class has to come up and take it out.

so true. spent a couple hours playing with people I didn't know and towards the end we started to get it. when you hold down 'v' to talk--please tell me that only goes to your own team....
That depends on if the server has all talk enabled, but for the most part they prob don't.

So far imo, the game is very nicely done, there are just a few things that drive me nuts.
- I don't like the cap point on 2fort in the basement, it should be on the battlements.
- I don't like the fact that you can't charge the sniper rifle when not zoomed in, I used to do alot of charged non zoom sniping.
- I don't mind the lack of he nades, but I wish they didn't remove the con. nades, hluc. nades, and Scout's foot things lol. I feel they really added alot to the game, with out turning the game into a spam fest.
- I really miss the det pack, but it's easy to see why it was removed. Same with medics infecting people.
- Also, as many people have said, the Spy is insane. I don't think he is too overpowered, but when people really start to master that class, then things could get rough. But hopefully once all the classes are mastered by people, the whole game with even out some more, which i fell it will.

Other than those, I feel the game was really well done.
I have a dual boot setup XP-64 and Vista-32. I didn't have any problems in Vista 32bit yesterday. Of course I only played for an hour.


XP 64 is a pain however, doesn't it make more sense to have XP-32 for compatibility and Vista-64?
Works beautifully for me on Vista64. I've got a q6600 and an 8800gts. As usual, make sure you 'run as administrator' when starting up games.
I am actually a big medic fan because not only is the healing beam awesome, the medic heals himself. Finally, instead of the medic bone saw, I usually revert to the syringe gun. It does fire in an arc but if you get the hang of it, you can get indirect fire.

You can stay in cover and arm the syringe gun to destroy sentries, it's actually one of the best weapons to destroy sentries because it's the only remaining weak but longer range constant stream weapon. In the old TFC, you had the little tack gun thing etc. that could kill sentries from afar, the syringe gun is the next best thing.

It's also good for killing people when you are up close and you spray and pray, I wish it did poison damage. I've killed a few soldiers with the syringe gun.
I'm getting tired of groups of three engineers building fully upgraded turrets in the basement ramps on 2fort. They cluster them to block the ramps so no one can get in. The spy is useless in this situation because the engineers just sit there repping and will shoot anyone they see to spy-check.
I'm getting tired of groups of three engineers building fully upgraded turrets in the basement ramps on 2fort. They cluster them to block the ramps so no one can get in. The spy is useless in this situation because the engineers just sit there repping and will shoot anyone they see to spy-check.

I hear ya. On two servers I played last night, they'd eliminated the time limit so there was no sudden death. Without sudden death, and without FF, a game can turn in to the worst of stalemates.

If FF were on there would be a penalty for the three engineers checking everyone who walks through with a nonstop barrage of fire, but as it is now once they've set up a turrent and dispenser enclave that blocks all entrances there's really nothing you can do. A couple of them were even smart enough to stay in areas where I couldn't get to as a spy, so I couldn't even backstab them so all I could do was put a sapper on and watch as they healed the turret than killed me.

What was really sad was that because they had 4 or 5 engineers building all this stuff, and 3 snipers, they had absolutely no offense. Our defense was totally piss weak compared to there's, and had I been on the other team I could have capped 3 times easy as a Scout, but after going that far I wanted to see my team through. After an hour of neither team making any progress, I just left and went to another server, only to find it was running the same settings and was in the middle of yet another stale mate. Luckily I was able to find a good server after that though.
The title to this particular screenshot was 'tomcat 68 is looking good'

I have to agree :D.

Really, this game is a ton of fun. Will probably be my multiplayer game of the year vote.

So far I've only tried out the 'easy' classes (i.e. just offence and defence), gonna try out the Medic, Sniper, and Spy soon.
Love the game

One gripe I have though is that sentry guns seem a little overpowered to me. If the engineer is sitting there repairing it I can hit it with 4 rockets and the thing is still going, ah well.
It is 8 sticky bombs at at any one time

And scouts are, far and away, THE most powerful class.

I demolished 1 HW, 1 Soldier and a Medic by myself.

Got the jump on them and took the medic out and then teh soldier and HW guy. Ran away and healed.

They gave the scout the more powerful Shottie and the soldier the weaker one, and boy will they rue the day.
Love the game

One gripe I have though is that sentry guns seem a little overpowered to me. If the engineer is sitting there repairing it I can hit it with 4 rockets and the thing is still going, ah well.

I think I'm starting to agree. I don't have a problem with how tough they are, but more how much damage they do. And how accurate they can shoot. I mean shit, if you're anything but a Heavy, it's almost like an instagib. On top of that, they have this annoying knock-back effect.

I also think sentrys are the reason that 90% of the matches are draws, or go to sudden death. They're just too good at locking down an area.

I'd like to see Valve tone them back a bit, but at the same time, I'd also hate to see them really give it the nerfbat. Because sentry guns are the Engineers bread and butter, and they need to still be useful.
This game is so much fun

The ingame VOIP is mad leet.

The team I was on won almost all of our games due to the fact that we all had mics and common sense, Seriously. A team or Scouts, Engineers, an spies dominated due to our coordination.
I'm stuck behind a satellite link, does the beta support LAN play? Can you create your own local server?
Right click is the special ability for most classes... whatever it is

I think "everything" is overpowered if people know how to use it, so hopefully more people will figure it out, I've dominated with every class so far... I suck with spy though, haha... when I did get the jump I got like 3 backstabs... other then that I don't feel like learning it, I was never the sneaky type. Added a few more, the facial expressions are priceless.
I'm getting tired of groups of three engineers building fully upgraded turrets in the basement ramps on 2fort. They cluster them to block the ramps so no one can get in. The spy is useless in this situation because the engineers just sit there repping and will shoot anyone they see to spy-check.

I'm confused about which location exactly you are talking about, mind posting screenies?