Official Team Fortress 2 Thread

I'm confused about which location exactly you are talking about, mind posting screenies?

Here you go. Just capped one for now since I'm about to head off to sleep, but it should be enough.

I can't count how many times I've seen engineers camp these halls/ramps with multiple turrets set up to fully block the path and just sit there repairing them.

There is an alternate route, but after a while someone's set up turrets there too.

None of this is that big a deal if all 2Fort servers would be smart enough to have a time limit. If both teams set up an impenetrable defense then it goes to sudden death where an engineer can't upgrade his turret quickly due to the limited materials thanks to no resupply access. He could take a gamble and try building a dispenser first so he'd get a constant stream of metal, but if a Scout rushes that area then he's totally screwed because he won't be able to build his turret fast enough.
Demoman is amazing... I honestly killed the entire other team atleast 2x in a row (got 20 kills)

None of my teammates were dieing (I was killing the enemy so fast) and none of my teammates were getting kills

Literally all of hte killspam was "Blazestorm *pipe bomb* someone" or "Blazestorm is dominating someone"

It was incredible, I'd catch every spy trying to cap the point or destroy sentrys, and wow.

Honestly, I love the demo now...
There are plenty of ways to take out sentry guns easily if you're skilled enough.

Heavies can pop out from cover, shoot and pop in without getting hit, demo men can shoot around corners, over objects, if you're having trouble with the primary fire as they're repairing then just launch all 8 stickies at the turret and detonate them all at once.

Charged up runs with a medic/heavy can take down loads of turrets when up close due to the heavy damage over time the mini gun has, where as a soldier has to reload a heavy at close range can take out a clump of 3-4 sentries at once.

The downside of having too many engineers in CTF maps is that if you do manage to take down the defences they're more or less helpless from you capping until everything is back up which takes time.

It's just going to take time before people learn the tactics of the game, it's obvious that right now 90% of the players are still in the early stages of adapting to the gameplay, where as the odd couple of people are reaping the rewards of being a good player in the middle of bad ones, right now a good medic/heavy or medic/soldier combo can oblitorate a team, I've done it numerous times when I've found a decent player to work with.
Is anyone else experiencing something that feels like packet loss in TF2? I play on servers where my ping is 15 to 40 and as soon as I engage someone it stutters and people warp around me. I have not had a single smooth gameplay experience yet in TF2. I don't have any issues with any other Steam MP game or any MP game on my 360. As you can see, my ping is excellent.

I have lowered my sound quality to medium thinking it was sound related but that didn't help. Is there anyone out there with this type of issue?
Not really, I've seen it happen brifly once or twice on one server, that server also seemed to be displaying animations a bit jerky, the turrent assembling themselves were being animated at about 10fps, still had a high frame rate during all of it.

Most of my experience with TF2 has been very smooth.
Is anyone else experiencing something that feels like packet loss in TF2? I play on servers where my ping is 15 to 40 and as soon as I engage someone it stutters and people warp around me. I have not had a single smooth gameplay experience yet in TF2. I don't have any issues with any other Steam MP game or any MP game on my 360. As you can see, my ping is excellent.

I have lowered my sound quality to medium thinking it was sound related but that didn't help. Is there anyone out there with this type of issue?
This is usually the result of people with less-than-adequate servers hosting non-dedicated servers when a game is first released. Their connection might be good enough, but non-dedicated servers require a ton of resources on the part of the server, and the server was probably straining to manage both the resources of everybody on the server, as well as render everything for the person running the server. When HL2:DM came out, non-dedicated servers were the only kind you would see, and all the physics choked the server to death.
Basically ACT like you are on their team, and spring at the appropriate time. Timing is going to be a big thing with this class.

Totally agree with the latter statement. Timing is crucial. But after playing Spy some last night, more and more I'm starting to disagree with you first statement. People are just becoming too paranoid now, and it's becoming customary for teammates to randomly just start shooting themselves - testing for spies. No matter how well you think you blend in, looking like one of their own, you're still going to get tested with a shotgun blast to the face.

So while timing is critical, I don't think you should be just waiting around. The way I'm starting to see it is - disguises are just useful enough to allow your cloak timer to recharge. If you're in disguise and your cloak timer is charged, make your move. Sap a sentry, knife a heavy, anything.... then immediately cloak and escape to some secluded corner, re-disguise yourself and repeat.

This may in fact be the ultimate hit and run class. Imagine what this game would be like if friendly fire was enabled. =O
I disagree, I think your ability to blend in is vital, I've seen so many bad players attempting to blend in and just fail. People do "test" for spys with small arms but they don't test everyone, the only people who do significant testing for spys are the engineers and only when you idle around their turret for too long.

As a spy you need to consider what class to be, this defines what area of the map you're likely to be on in, heavy weapons guys, soldiers and demo men are on the front lines, pyros also but these tend to be in tight spaces rather than open areas. Medics and engineers tend to be midfield behind the stonger offensive classes and snipers tend to be right at the back of the fight.

If im sniping (from a well chosed sniper position) and any class other than another sniper walks past then 10 to 1 thats an enemy spy.

If you see any team mate on a long retreat anyone other than an engineer chances are thats an enemy spy infiltrating.

Dont disguise as a heavy or a scout, the movement difference is too noticeable.

Do not hang around! Thats probably the best advice I can give, if you hang around turrets you're going to get shot at, if you want to place charges on them you need to be smarter than standing next to it for 3-4 seconds, wait until a lot of enemies have spawned and are running past the turret and join their little group and fluidly change your view to plant the electrozapper while on the move. Keep following them and only break off once they're close to their front lines, change disguise and move around a bit.

To a smart player a spys 2 biggest tells are, noting being able to shoot (disguised medics not healing for example) and their movement behavior, you rarely see a retreating HWG or Soldier. And you rarely see a HWG on the front lines who isn't spraying a doorway.

More advanced tactics I use are to dive into a mish-mash of enemies who are shooting and generally unorganised and all engaged in a large fight, then after a few seconds move out of that group but walking backwards, this looks authentic if done right, but can only be used to retreat back into enemy territory a short distance, anyone running backwards a large distance looks suspicious. So retreat a little then get into cover, this is easy to forget as taking cover is a natural response and faking it is easy to forget, maybe peek out of cover once.

Now you need to move lateral to the general path of attack, if you further retreat from this point, enemies in the area will be suspicious, especially people who have been in that area for a while such as engineers (remember that engineers when they've got their turrent 100% upgraded are more or less constantly looking for spys)

Lateral movement across the battlefield isn't suspicious, it simply looks like you've tested that area for attack and it's a no-go and now you're going to try another route, once you're between the 2 routes of attack and can't be seen it's time for an engineer disguise, this gives you practically free reign over midfield in the enemies defences, but again dont stay still.

Anyhow enough of giving my secrets away ;)
can anyone enlighten me with the spy?

i tried to play it for 1h and always got killed .

can we stay disguised as long as we want? if i take out my knife does something change in my appearance?
Yes yes, I understand all the social engineering aspects of being a spy. There's really no secrets there. But what I'm saying is that, at least in the matches I've been playing, it doesn't matter. Spy-testing is just becoming more and more common practice. I do it all the time - I don't care if the player is moving forward, backwards, lateral or upside down. I'm testing them. And since I often play Pyro, testing for spies is easy. =D

I know trying to blend in is important. Blatantly running headfirst at someone will obviously cause suspicion. But what I'm saying is that the longer you loiter around waiting for some "ultimate opportunity", the much greater chance you're going to get busted. I think cloak is the spy's greatest tool, not diguise.
can anyone enlighten me with the spy?

i tried to play it for 1h and always got killed .

can we stay disguised as long as we want? if i take out my knife does something change in my appearance?

You can diguise yourself at any time, and remain disguised as long as you want. Changing weapons does not ruin your diguise, but attacking with one will. Even if you don't hit anything, just the act of attacking will break the diguise.

Using an electronic sapper on a turrent or dispenser will not break your diguise though. Although, if someone actually sees you putting one on, they'll know you're a spy and attack.

Right-click for temporary invisibility which is on a charge timer.

The true art of the Spy comes down to juggling when to cloak, when to disguise, and when to attack.
You're telling me you test every single friendly near you, all the time?

Oh and there are some servers with FF on...
ive started to test the majority of people i see who arn't attacking or doing anything, yea...

naturally if i see a soldier fire his rocket, i dont, see a sniper aiming and i can see his dot, i dont, medic healing, etc...

but if i see a soldier clearly looking at the enemy and not fireing a rocket.... well yea, imma blast him.
ive started to test the majority of people i see who arn't attacking or doing anything, yea...

naturally if i see a soldier fire his rocket, i dont, see a sniper aiming and i can see his dot, i dont, medic healing, etc...

but if i see a soldier clearly looking at the enemy and not fireing a rocket.... well yea, imma blast him.
Spoken like a true TF veteran. Back in the TFC days, when I played D I always advised my team to fire their weapon into the air or equip a non-default weapon when they entered our base/flag area, or else they'd be spy-checked.

And FF servers in TF are just wrong.
i thought i remember reading a while back that the source engine was going to be updated to take advantage dual core. i thought it was going to happen with hlep2 portals and tf2. did it happen?
thanks for the info on the spy soy .

I dont know why , but the spy attract me a LOT .. but i cant seem to get the hang of it
Seems like we have several people here who know what they are doing in TF like soy, frosteh etc....

any of you interested in getting on the same server sometime and seeing what we can do?
ive started to test the majority of people i see who arn't attacking or doing anything, yea...

naturally if i see a soldier fire his rocket, i dont, see a sniper aiming and i can see his dot, i dont, medic healing, etc...

but if i see a soldier clearly looking at the enemy and not fireing a rocket.... well yea, imma blast him.

See...but this is still based on traits of the characters behaviour all of which you can mimic, with the exception of shooting. I guess either I've been playing against complete n00bs or I've just rememberd my spy skills from TFC all those years ago.

Numbers helps, charging along side a wave of enemies means theres less chance of someone spotting spy like tendancies in your behaviour, there's only so many people you can keep track of at once.

I agree 100% though, any spy standing around is going to get busted, practically no no stops for longer than a fraction of a second in this game, everyone is on the move all the time.

Seems like we have several people here who know what they are doing in TF like soy, frosteh etc....

any of you interested in getting on the same server sometime and seeing what we can do?

I think I'm up for that...I'm UK based however.
You're telling me you test every single friendly near you, all the time?

Oh and there are some servers with FF on...

As an engineer, yes. Everybody that approaches my machines gets two shotgun blasts to the face. Also as a Medic, before I heal anyone asking for it, I'll give them a couple swipes of the bonesaw first. But on the front lines fighting, no, of course not. I'm too busy killing people. Sure Spies still get through and kill me. I do check as often as I can though - and the trend is growing.

I'm just saying, the longer you loiter, the more chances you're going to fail. If your cloak meter is full, there's no better time to strike.

Yeah, FF with this game would be crazy. Especially with Spies. In my Counter-strike days I was all about FF. But I'm not sure I would like it as much with this game. It almost seems like it was designed without FF in mind.
Every server I've played on, I've always encountered at least one player who would spend more time 'testing' every player to cross his path than he did actually trying to win the match.
Other than trigger-happy engineers blasting everything that comes near them, seems a lot of demomen get bored if they're not spamming grenades - I've seen people caught out entirely by chance that way as well.
Is anybody else floored by the sheer amount of thought that went into the class balance? Every class is almost invulnerable if played by the proper person, and every class is almost worthless if played against the proper person. It seems pretty fucking ingenious.
Is anybody else floored by the sheer amount of thought that went into the class balance? Every class is almost invulnerable if played by the proper person, and every class is almost worthless if played against the proper person. It seems pretty fucking ingenious.

It's damn near perfect if you ask me. Every class is fun to play, each with their specific roles. And not one of them feels overpowered.
Is anybody else floored by the sheer amount of thought that went into the class balance? Every class is almost invulnerable if played by the proper person, and every class is almost worthless if played against the proper person. It seems pretty fucking ingenious.

I agree, some combos are ruthless when played with skilled people, w/o the skill though those combos suck:

Heavy + Medic: if the heavy doesn't take down people attacking the medic, the medic will die very quickly and then the heavy will as well. If the heavy supports his medic, they can destroy a whole lot of people.

Demo Man + Medic + Heavy + Medic would be a fun combo, two healers and both indirect and direct damage abilities for clearing out turrets and defenses.
Yes yes, I understand all the social engineering aspects of being a spy. There's really no secrets there. But what I'm saying is that, at least in the matches I've been playing, it doesn't matter. Spy-testing is just becoming more and more common practice. I do it all the time - I don't care if the player is moving forward, backwards, lateral or upside down. I'm testing them. And since I often play Pyro, testing for spies is easy. =D

I know trying to blend in is important. Blatantly running headfirst at someone will obviously cause suspicion. But what I'm saying is that the longer you loiter around waiting for some "ultimate opportunity", the much greater chance you're going to get busted. I think cloak is the spy's greatest tool, not diguise.

After this mornings round of play I would tend to agree. It's amazing to see how gameplay is evolving. I don’t get checked by everyone, but it is getting more and more prevalent.

Still anything you can do to blend in and give the other team a reason NOT to shoot should be priority. i.e running backwards, picking the correct character. I think I am going to wait to disguise until I see someone exit an area and get killed, so I can look like I am them going back in.

This is turing out to be a great combination of a thinking mans game as well as a good mix of twitch. Gameplay is evolving daily, if not game by game.

I wish there was a way of checking without wasting ammo. Maybe we should start memorizing the name of every teammate? Does the popup give any indication?
I personally think the scout class does way too much damage with their SG for a class designed for speed and flag capping and point capping. A fast moving strafing scout can dodge most slower weapons, and yet take out soldiers with 2 close shots. I played defense on 2fort in the basement with a scout and with the exception of HW guys, or HW / soldiers with a medic, everyone else I totally dominated.... Yeah, dominating on defense with the most offensive class in the game seems really unbalanced IMO. Perhaps I just came across some talented players just having to all be playing scout against me, so I'll perhaps reserve real judgement after playing the game some more. :)
As an engineer, yes. Everybody that approaches my machines gets two shotgun blasts to the face. Also as a Medic, before I heal anyone asking for it, I'll give them a couple swipes of the bonesaw first. But on the front lines fighting, no, of course not. I'm too busy killing people. Sure Spies still get through and kill me. I do check as often as I can though - and the trend is growing.

I'm just saying, the longer you loiter, the more chances you're going to fail. If your cloak meter is full, there's no better time to strike.

Yeah, FF with this game would be crazy. Especially with Spies. In my Counter-strike days I was all about FF. But I'm not sure I would like it as much with this game. It almost seems like it was designed without FF in mind.

Oh I totaly agree, engineers are not especially combat effective and so all they have to do once they've built their turret to 100% is defend it from spies and repair it if somoene gets a hit in. During the building however they're often backwards and forwards collecting ammo to use upgrading it. loitering around any class is more likely to get you killed, spies should keep on the move and everytime they take someone out should move to a new area.
After this mornings round of play I would tend to agree. It's amazing to see how gameplay is evolving. I don’t get checked by everyone, but it is getting more and more prevalent.

Still anything you can do to blend in and give the other team a reason NOT to shoot should be priority. i.e running backwards, picking the correct character. I think I am going to wait to disguise until I see someone exit an area and get killed, so I can look like I am them going back in.

This is turing out to be a great combination of a thinking mans game as well as a good mix of twitch. Gameplay is evolving daily, if not game by game.

I wish there was a way of checking without wasting ammo. Maybe we should start memorizing the name of every teammate? Does the popup give any indication?

I read somewhere that it changes your displayed name as well, to help fool the other team... but I also swear reading that you can shoot your teammates while disguised to help blend in, but doing so knocks off the disguise.
I personally think the scout class does way too much damage with their SG for a class designed for speed and flag capping and point capping. A fast moving strafing scout can dodge most slower weapons, and yet take out soldiers with 2 close shots. I played defense on 2fort in the basement with a scout and with the exception of HW guys, or HW / soldiers with a medic, everyone else I totally dominated.... Yeah, dominating on defense with the most offensive class in the game seems really unbalanced IMO. Perhaps I just came across some talented players just having to all be playing scout against me, so I'll perhaps reserve real judgement after playing the game some more. :)

I think this class needs to be weaker (100 health instead of 125) and have a less powerful shotgun, I think the baseball bat is fine. But they should reward the scout with a tiny bit more speed.

Essentially scouts are not great at capping points, that requires several people to defend it during a cap, and due to the nerfing of CTF scouts are largely useless, so it seems as though they've beefed them up combat wise to keep them useful. That was never really the intention of the scout in the original TFC, he was there to be able to move the flag fast enough to allow sucessful caps, it was never required but it made capping a flag a lot easier.

I read somewhere that it changes your displayed name as well, to help fool the other team... but I also swear reading that you can shoot your teammates while disguised to help blend in, but doing so knocks off the disguise.

In a similar vein, does anyone know if calling for a medic when disguised lets enemy medics see the medic symbol above your head, that'd be a neat trick in helping fool enemies, no one suspects the guy being healed :)
I read somewhere that it changes your displayed name as well, to help fool the other team... but I also swear reading that you can shoot your teammates while disguised to help blend in, but doing so knocks off the disguise.
The name switches to a random name of someone on the other team playing the class you disguise yourself as. However, this poses problems because that means there's a dupe name running around. I've shot "myself" quite a few times while playing engineer.
Thanks for the suggestions on my issue. Does anyone know a good dedicated server that has little stuttering?

If the server is really the problem, I am amazed anyone is having fun with it acting like that.
I had stuttering in one server, but joined another and it ran smooth as butter.

Just search:
Non-Empty, Not-Full, Not Password Protected by lowest ping/latency.

And find one that is smooth.

Edit: You can also try starting a server yourself and seeing how the game runs, to make sure its the server and not your computer that is slow.
Yep, I can almost guarantee enemy medics see the health symbol above your head when you're disguised and call for a medic. It's always great having an enemy medic completely heal you, then two seconds later you stab him in the back. I had a couple good moments the other night. Once I came up behind two medics and heavy weapon guys in sudden death, and got all four of them before a soldier or scout killed me. Another time I was behind two soliders, a heavy weapon guy and a medic on a ramp, and got them all easy (except the medic who freaked out and ran away) because they were lined up. You definitely have to look out for engineers though, and I can't blame them, I played as one last night and anyone that came near my sentry got a couple test shots. I think my best as a spy was roughly 6 minutes alive and about 12 kills. I almost always end up with the highest score though, usually by quite a margin as well, so I still feel the spy is overpowered. I wonder if the electro zapper should have some kind of charging system after each use. Right now you can just run by a few sentry guns and dispensers and zap them all instantly.

Oh, and someone mentioned the enemy can tell the speed difference is you're disguised as a heavy weapon guy or a scout. If you're disguised as a class slower then you, you automatically slow down to their speed. However, if you're disguised as a scout, you don't get any faster.
Is the amount you're slowed by dynamaic to match the class you're currently disguised as? I was under the impression that you were just slowed by a set amount which didn't change between classes.

Then again I can't say I've ever disguised as a Heavy or a scout so thats probably why I can't tell.
Well, keep in mind this is still only technically in "beta" phase. Once the game is released "for reals" I'm sure you'll see a ton of powerful, dedicated servers show up.
can someone exaplain what game type this is? ctf?

There are CTF (Capture the Flag) and other games where you have to hold or conquer positions. One map has 6 positions to conquer, and each team starts with 3. You battle for two at a time... one yours, and one your enemies. If your team is good, you could get all six and the game would end.

Oh and there are some servers with FF on...

I played on a couple servers last night.... FF was on some, not on others. Friendly fire on was fun. I had snipers shooting and chasing me... I didn't get it at first because I was used to no FF. Then I shot back at the sniper and he apologized. I'm not sure what happened.

I'm very happy that I can play this buggy game at all. I have suffered through the lockups / freezing / crashes. Valve should figure this out.

There are CTF (Capture the Flag) and other games where you have to hold or conquer positions. One map has 6 positions to conquer, and each team starts with 3. You battle for two at a time... one yours, and one your enemies. If your team is good, you could get all six and the game would end.

I played on a couple servers last night.... FF was on some, not on others. Friendly fire on was fun. I had snipers shooting and chasing me... I didn't get it at first because I was used to no FF. Then I shot back at the sniper and he apologized. I'm not sure what happened.

I'm very happy that I can play this buggy game at all. I have suffered through the lockups / freezing / crashes. Valve should figure this out.

Are you reporting the issues or just playing? You really should report the issues.

From what everyone else is sayign I should be having issues right now, but havent noticed a single issue.. It's playing like a release version, or better.. I have Vista 64 bit as well as a soundblaster audio card.

Vista 64 Ultimate
Soundblaster Audigy
Nforce 680i Evga
8800 GTX Evga
Core 2 Duo e6400
1066 DDR2 OCZ (4gig)

Not super high end specs, but certinaly respectable.
I'm very happy that I can play this buggy game at all. I have suffered through the lockups / freezing / crashes. Valve should figure this out.

That's weird. I haven't had a single lockup or crash in my ~10 hours of play.