Official Team Fortress 2 Thread

Does the cloak for spies make them completely invisible? And for how long? I don't have the beta but In FF you can use a cloak forever, although it slows you down and it's very easy to spot you if you're moving.
I wonder if the electro zapper should have some kind of charging system after each use. Right now you can just run by a few sentry guns and dispensers and zap them all instantly.

Oh, and someone mentioned the enemy can tell the speed difference is you're disguised as a heavy weapon guy or a scout. If you're disguised as a class slower then you, you automatically slow down to their speed. However, if you're disguised as a scout, you don't get any faster.

You read my mind about the electro zapper. i really think that it should have some type of recharge but i think it should be very short as well, just long enough that they cant run by clicking as fast as humanly possible and get everything in sight.
Are you reporting the issues or just playing? You really should report the issues.

That's weird. I haven't had a single lockup or crash in my ~10 hours of play.

I reported my issue with Valve. I used the in-game "bug report" feature, or whatever it is called.

I wish I had no problems... I have never had any problems with Valve or Steam before this.
One thing about spy-checking, I can't tell the difference if it's a spy or teammate? I honestly shot at a spy, he gave me no reaction and kept running, then I saw him place a sapper on a sentry and I finished him off, but you should atleast see some blood or something instead of nothing.

One advantage of the Demoman, with FF off and I think the server had no-block or something similar (maybe that's standard) I could shoot through teammates, so I'd launch pipebombs at everyone if I was just hanging around, and the spys would get hit, but the pipes would go through teammates, super-handy if a spy was in a crowd of teammates.

I had one Spy who was really out to get me (I kept managing to kill him while he was cloaked without knowing he was there) and everytime he wasn't cloaked he showed up as Blazestorm (how not suspicious) so I killed him atleast 10 times in a row before he went soldier :p

I do think that every class is "overpowered" if the person knows how to use it... I really wish the demoman had 6 shots for the pipe-bomb instead of 4, but I guess it makes more sense balance wise. I never use the sticky bombs though, I always used them in TFC... now they seem weaker/awkward to use...
I was in a sudden death at the end of a round once and there was a guy on my team who ran by me. I thought I was wrong, but his name was "l3ender"...which is what I use. So I was able to follow the spy and kill him.

Pretty neat, I laughed when it happened.
In order to find spies, I usually find them if I run into a teammate and they block me. Normally, teammates just go through me.

Also, the other night, I was playing, yelled for a medic, happened to see one. He ran over and stabbed me in the back. Worst doctor ever :mad:.
One thing about spy-checking, I can't tell the difference if it's a spy or teammate? I honestly shot at a spy, he gave me no reaction and kept running, then I saw him place a sapper on a sentry and I finished him off, but you should atleast see some blood or something instead of nothing.

No no, that's part of the talent of being a Spy - not reacting to "Spy checks". I don't think there should be any damage indicator for Spy checks. That would just be too much of a nerf for the class.

spydermonkey said:
Also, the other night, I was playing, yelled for a medic, happened to see one. He ran over and stabbed me in the back. Worst doctor ever

Great game, I'm really loving it...

I only have one issue and that's that every minute or two I get what seems to be a lag spike... everyone stops moving around and stuff gets frozen in the air, and then after a second or two it goes right back to playing smoothly. This happens in even the lowest pinged servers that are within miles of me.

Also, after seeing the benchmarks with the 8800 and the new nvidias coming out soon, I really want to get one... If I get an 8800, I assume my processor would be the item holding back my machine... Would you recommend upgrading my video or my processor?
I actually think Heavy Weapons guy has been totally nerfed. I find he just doesn't deal enough damage to survive small groups of enemies. When combined with a medic I think he does ok but he doesn't have enough firepower to compensate for his utter lack of speed.

I almost never play heavy because he is so slow and it just isn't worth it. In TFC if you got anywhere near a Heavy you were going down fast but now it seems like it is just hard to get kills with the Heavy. I almost NEVER get killed by one.

Also, correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to recall in a preview video of TF2 that the demoman had sticks of dynamite or something that he threw.
i just had an update for TF2 , and now i cant play some of the maps since they arent updated server side... sucks to be me
Yeah, heavies are toned down, soliders and demo men can kill the HWG no probs if they have cover to pop out from, fire and then pop back in. They also suffer at the hands of snipers and dont pack enough of a punch to nail anything but the basic turret without a lot of help.

I don't fear the HWG's gun like I did in TFC which is a shame really, but it's not an entirely unplayable class, they've very hard to stop with a good medic helping them.

All the classes had nades planned but they dropped them all, the dynamite was the demo mans grenade. I can't help but think that the removal of grenades was partly due to not having time to finish all of them properly, they were all quite unique in TFC and would take a fair chunk of code and model/texture work.
I can't help but think that the removal of grenades was partly due to not having time to finish all of them properly, they were all quite unique in TFC and would take a fair chunk of code and model/texture work.

I doubt it, Valve are perfectionist, if they wanted grenades they would have done it. But I think it's way better w/ only 1 class that has grenades. People bitch and whine that they have grenades... but that's ALL they have... I've beat a couple spys down with the bottle, but that's really it... I've gotten the hang of leading and mid-air hitting scouts, or people running up ramps and stairs... still figuring out the trajectory but I love the Demo.

I do think the heavy is toned down, it took me 1 critical hit and 1 regular pipe to take one down, he killed me after the first critical (I'd already killed 2 other enemys and was pretty hurt) and then I launched the 2nd one before he killed me, then it killed him.

I had a medic uber-charge me, took out 2 engys, 2 sentrys, dispenser, scout before it ran out... :) then I killed one more sentry and another scout and engy before a spy backstabbed me.

I love the demo.

New patch

[-] September 20, 2007 - Current Release


Linux Dedicated Server beta release
Disabled the loading of background maps

Bug fixes

Fixed not being able to issue rcon commands with empty strings like: rcon sv_password
Fixed refresh rate video mode issue
Fixed crash on opening the scoreboard after having changed between windowed and fullscreen
Fixed a hitch problem related to mouse updates happening too frequently
Fixed sentry muzzleflashes not drawing unless sentry was near the map origin
Fixed a crash during loading while starting the game in fullscreen mode
Exploit fix related to "join_team".
i need to find a good ff server to really check out the spy. servers with ff off everyone shoots first and asks questions later. the paranoia on ff servers should be a trip.

new patch? wonder if any of those fixes will take care of machines hardlocking etc.
What the fuck is going on?

No I can't play any dustbowl maps because it says my map is not the same as servers?
Hopefully they fixed the vista 64bit fullscreen problem. TF2 rocks I cant really find a problem with it.. its simplely a great polished fun multiplayer game. The only grip I have is the pyro class needs a slight boost in power... Maybe napalm grenades/landmines? I dont think any FPS games coming out will hold a candle to TF2 except Unreal 3... Crysis so far is a big let down the Beta runs horrible in Vista 64bit and to make things worse the multiplayer is generic, big, and confusing.
Hopefully they fixed the vista 64bit fullscreen problem. TF2 rocks I cant really find a problem with it.. its simplely a great polished fun multiplayer game. The only grip I have is the pyro class needs a slight boost in power... Maybe napalm grenades/landmines? I dont think any FPS games coming out will hold a candle to TF2 except Unreal 3... Crysis so far is a big let down the Beta runs horrible in Vista 64bit and to make things worse the multiplayer is generic, big, and confusing.

lol, and what makes you think developers are focusing on Vista? It's the biggest OP flop in microsoft history...not many companies are even blinking at it until SP1. Not to mention 90% of people who play online Pc games are still running XP.

On another note...TF2 is awesome. Sucks if you have a horrible team, but hella fun.
I was killed by a heavy weapon guy... but I think I got the last laugh.

All the classes had nades planned but they dropped them all, the dynamite was the demo mans grenade. I can't help but think that the removal of grenades was partly due to not having time to finish all of them properly, they were all quite unique in TFC and would take a fair chunk of code and model/texture work.
The models for the grenades still exist in the TF2 game files, so the reason for the removal was due to it being detrimental to gameplay.
Is anybody else floored by the sheer amount of thought that went into the class balance? Every class is almost invulnerable if played by the proper person, and every class is almost worthless if played against the proper person. It seems pretty fucking ingenious.

I'm floored by the oversight of the overpoweredness of a single room or area with 3 or 4 level three turrets in strategic locations. It's the worst in the flag rooms on 2fort. It turns the game into TDM because it's utterly impossible to launch a successful attack to take them out, even with considerable coordination. And if you're one of the morons who is going to suggest using the spy to sap them, please move along. All it takes is one or two engineers camping their shit to make that tactic completely useless and to expose them to the god-turrets. And don't mention using a soldier to rocket them, because once you get in their line of sight, you're an absolutely dead man. Demoman grenades don't bounce far enough or well enough for that to be an effective tactic with some of the placements. All that works is an ubercharged one of those classes, and good luck marching all the way into their base and getting that shit off in the flag room.
Yeah I had a go on 2fort last night and if sentrys are put up within close proximity of each other to cover all the angles then it's very hard to get past. I've been scout whoreing recently and am starting to find tactics take them out.

Use the pistol, in fact with a sentry placed near a corner you'll find parts of it stick out that you can shoot but it can't detect you, if there's no engineer close by then you can take it out in just a few seconds of rapid shooting. You have to get the angle right, which can be tricky without going too far and getting shot, but once you're in position the superiour accuracy and rapid fire rate of the pistol allows you to take it down fast.

I've even taken turrets head on before with the scout, strafe out from behind cover, blast it with your shotgun, rise and repeat, you have to time this exceptionally well, the turrets do have a slight aim time so that can afford you some hits, especially if you strafe out as a soldier and shoot rockets at it.

I've seen some crafty spies who have run past loads of equipment, and trapped it all and then if the engineer goes to remove the electrozapper you can either back stab him, or simply re-apply the electrosapper. The only way to break the cycle and save all the kit is to run the risk of chasing and killing the spy first then going back to save the kit, most engineers try and save the kit first under the assumption the spy is simply going to leg it.

I think limiting the amount of engineers is a smart move, but ultimtely it's a class that doesn't require any real skill so it's the first class to be powerful on the field, now people are starting to learn how to play the other classes better the turrets will pose less of a threat and should get knocked out more often.
Sentrys are overpowered, but you CAN strafe in and out of cover and fire rockets before the sentry-gun can lock onto you... it's probably a 1/4sec time before the sentry gun can lock and start shooting, but it loses the lock almost right away, I got some FRAPS footage of me taking out a group of sentrys, I got sloppy and got killed by the 2nd or 3rd one... but it's very possible.

There should be a class limit of 3 engys per team (depending on max players in the server) and there should be a limit to how close you can build sentrys to eachother, (So you can't group 3 sentrys in one spot, you have to space them out 25ft or so)

That would be perfect balance imo... It's really annoying how the lvl1 sentrys kill almost instantly though, one engy put a sentry ACROSS the water tunnels (They had 3 sentrys in our water tunnels on 2-fort, so I was going in the front of the water to get a different angle, and an engy had setup a sentry at the entrance to their water-tunnel, just to kill me as I jumped down. I got past it 1 time.

Either way, it needs some tweaking (sentry guns) but I feel the game is a lot of fun... Spys are kind of annoying, I wish they'd have slight visibility while running, maybe 1-2% opacity, so if you're in the fight and moving your mouse a lot, you can't see them, but if you're standing perfectly still and paying close attention you can catch them. Right now it's ridiculous how they can be completley invisible, run past your whole team, uncloak and start sapping shit and stabbing people in the back. it's not too horrible. I've learned to counter it...

I'll get some cool footage up later once I get some more. I got some good runs w/ the demo and scout...
For sure, I'm going to fraps some action with the scout, loving the class at the moment :D
Joined a server, got a 16 kill run w/ a Demo... I caught like 4-5 spys being stupid (me being stupid not catching them at 1 point) but they were incredibly dumb... haha...

Either way, 16 kills, 5:45 or so and then I got trapped by a pyro (probably could have gotten away if I didn't get stuck >_<)

I'm rendering the video right now... maybe 30-45 min till it's uploaded...

FRAPS runs perfect on my system too... half-res (960 x 600 @ 30fps) never drops below 30fps while recording... which makes for very smooth video... just takes up a ridiculous amount of space, I may try doing 60fps and dropping my settings a bit, see if I can get even smoother video
Joined a server, got a 16 kill run w/ a Demo... I caught like 4-5 spys being stupid (me being stupid not catching them at 1 point) but they were incredibly dumb... haha...

Either way, 16 kills, 5:45 or so and then I got trapped by a pyro (probably could have gotten away if I didn't get stuck >_<)

I'm rendering the video right now... maybe 30-45 min till it's uploaded...

FRAPS runs perfect on my system too... half-res (960 x 600 @ 30fps) never drops below 30fps while recording... which makes for very smooth video... just takes up a ridiculous amount of space, I may try doing 60fps and dropping my settings a bit, see if I can get even smoother video

What did you use for conversion/compression for both video audio?

I did some work and was going to use xvid and vdub but the sound was in 5.1 and vdub pisses and moans about converting that, so will have to do stereo, but it's still rather large...
What did you use for conversion/compression for both video audio?

I did some work and was going to use xvid and vdub but the sound was in 5.1 and vdub pisses and moans about converting that, so will have to do stereo, but it's still rather large...

Xvid for video is fine. H264 would be better though. AAC for audio (to keep all channels). Then use mkvtoolnix to merge the video and audio, in a mkv file.
So I'm not having a problem with the computer locking up while playing for more than 2 hours. Otherwise the game is a blast and the Scout is my favorite character.
Visit our dedicated Linux TF 2 Server. It's located in Europe, but i think we have europeans lurking in here as well ;)
I've been pretty effective taking out turrets while being the HW guy with a medic behind me. That chaingun eats anything lol.
I've found that, however the push of the turrets when you're being hit by them his horrific and you're soon quite a distance away leaving your main weapons practically useless against them.
I just edit in Vegas 8... and encode to wmv (not the best quality) but everyone has windows media player... or the codecs for it...

Threw in some unreal music and slo-mo when the gibs show up ;)

Nice vid, gave me a better understanding of the demoman, I was'nt really able to get into that class for some reason.

Frosteh said:
I've found that, however the push of the turrets when you're being hit by them his horrific and you're soon quite a distance away leaving your main weapons practically useless against them.

I agree, the push of the turrets is a pain when your going head-on.
i don't see why people are complaining about the spies invisibility, it is visible at close-ish ranges, I've killed tons of spies because they were running around invisible near me.
I just edit in Vegas 8... and encode to wmv (not the best quality) but everyone has windows media player... or the codecs for it...

Threw in some unreal music and slo-mo when the gibs show up ;)
You're a stud with that pipebomb launcher. I feel like it's a class I could get into, but it's definitely going to take some work to get the timing down and knowing how to lead people. I usually have a pretty good idea of how they're going to juke - years of cs, what can I say - but I haven't spent enough time playing to be able to work out the leading to be any good with the demo.

I noticed you didn't use sticky bombs at all. Any particular reason?
I didn't know it was even available for DL yet on Steam. Shite! :eek: I gotta get over there right away and get it, coz I have Black Box and I want to get familiar before the full release hits.

Capture the flag, or domination (I think that's what UT called it) for what I've see.

I play mostly 2fort...I hope they make some more CTF maps soon.
do you think Valve will surprise us with anything for the final release seeing as how this is supposed to be 'just' the beta?