Official Overwatch Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Deleted member 245375
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They really need to fix this ranking queue system. Seems more and more you get a queue with people who are 500-800 point difference. Out of my last 10 games, 8 of them have been like this and this isnt really a game that 1 person can carry a team like Counter-Strike. Keep getting these 2800+ players playing with 2000-2400 players then the better player plays a fuckin healer and lets the gold player play DPS (which 9/10 times they completely fail at). There is such a HUGE gap in skill between 2200-2400 and 2700-3000 that it gets irritating to play with these queued players ;/
They screwed up placing most people in season 2. It's broke't.
Season 3 will start semi-early it sounds like.

Pro something going on hell I don't even own the game I wonder if the main focus of this game was to just make tournament.
Any 21:9 owners in here? How do you play? 16:9 with bars or the retarded zoomed in 21:9 that actually reduces field of view?
I'd really like to try this game but I don't know if it's worth playing with a crippled view.
Any 21:9 owners in here? How do you play? 16:9 with bars or the retarded zoomed in 21:9 that actually reduces field of view?
16:9 with bars. If playing the occasional title with bars bothers you, keep a 16:9 monitor around because there will always be titles coming out which don't have proper 21:9 support even with hacks/tweaks/mods.
The Overwatch World Championship is in direct relation to Blizz Con this week. Nov 4-5 Anaheim California
Blizzcon announcements -

1) Sombra. Hero page already up. PTR next week. New CG short already available.
2) Quick play will be changed to 1 hero limit.
3) Arcade mode to replace weekly brawl mode. Arcade mode will have no hero limit and other various modes (1v1, 3v3, etc) and brawl style modes. Will have new map for it exclusively. ETA is PTR next week.
4) New KOTH map in December.
5) Genji skin and Heroes of the Storm cross promotion event. Nov 15 - Jan 4

All free, no season pass required.
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Hmm...I haven't played this in quite some time, but 1 hero limit in Quick Play seems like an odd choice. Not necessarily bad, but in R6: Siege what happens is that when a new character is released (or even just older, better characters) it's practically impossible to play as them because everyone is mashing the button to pick them before everyone else.

Maybe Arcade Mode is meant to replace Quick Play? Dunno.
There is a no hero limit mode in arcade I think.

Most people in QP basically wanted to play a no pressure/casual competitive mode game it seems from reactions. But a subset of these games were being ruined by hero stacks The other issue is balance, there is an issue around balancing 1 hero per team vs hero stacking.

I know there is the complain about hero stacking, see this thread for example, but at least from my experience it seems most people adhered to 1HL in QP anyways. Well at least in my MMR range/queue times.
Arcade is going to be what quick play is now. I don't mind the mode as much as I mind the people. The new version will be a competitive light as it were which is fine with me. I just hope the quality of player improves. Not necessarily skill, I just want people to remember there is an objective and to actually try instead of doing nothing at all lol.

I'm wary of Sombra at this point, seems really strong.
Sombra will probably be like Ana. At launch she'll be buffered by difficulty but once the pro players exploit her and the higher level players copy she'll probably be like where Ana is now. While lower down she won't be considered overpowered and maybe even useless. Whether or not that actually constitutes as balanced well...
I might have misheard but I don't think Mike said there would be one hero limit on quick play, just an arcade option for that?
The arcade option is no hero limit.

Quick Play will just be competitive without rankings and with the shorter single round matches.

Arcade mode will have -
Mystery Duel - 1v1 best of 5. Random identical heroes for both. Uses new arcade only map "Eco-Point Antarctica"
Elimination - 3v3 best of 5, no respawns with single her limit.
Mystery Heroes - Same as the weekly brawl. You spawn as a random hero every respawn, otherwise identical to QP.
No Limit - Same as QP now.
All Broawls - Just a list of various brawls you can choose.

Arcade mode will also have a different loot box reward structure. Rather then XP you can get loot boxes directly?

Weekly Brawl will change to a new mode called "Total Mayhem"

Competitive will remain as is.
They need to fix the asians playing on US servers. It gets ridiculous when they all speak another language ;/
They need to fix the asians playing on US servers. It gets ridiculous when they all speak another language ;/

I just mute people speaking a language I don't know and use chat wheel and attack/defend commands.
I just mute people speaking a language I don't know and use chat wheel and attack/defend commands.
Ok but why should we have to do that? And communication is pretty critical for this game (more so than some others).
These super short rounds really screw with my stats, lol.
The game setup was longer than the match.


At least with the longer matches I can up my stats a bit.

I have better averages in Competitive Play, but I seem to die more, everyone seems to target me when I pop up.
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Sombra looks pretty sweet. And I liked the halloween Brawl. But am having a hard time choosing overwatch over bf1.
Sombra and new game play mode changes are live on PTR.

PTR also has some balance changes for several heroes. Global ult charge rate nerf as well except for Dva's call mech.
Sombra's not too bad, definitely needs some tweaks but not as bad as I was fearful of. Havent gotten to the new map yet. Like the Arcade options though.
The new map, Echo Point, is a smaller map for the new 1v1 and 3v3 arcade modes. You won't run into it any of the 6v6 modes.

There is a new 6v6 map, Oasis, that is scheduled for next month. Supposedly it will have a different environmental hazard, currently just falling, in the form of cars.

For anyone interested in trying the game there will be a free weekend starting on Nov 18 - 21 -
Finally made it back too 2500 SR after trolling and throwing matches got me down to 1800. I think I'm retiring from season 2. :):):)

In order to climb 700 points I played a lot of Zen and kept healing orb on our Winstons, DVa's, Zaryas, Pharahs and when there were environmental kill maps gladly switched to Lucio to heal. It's surprising how much difference you can make as a good healer as opposed to a retard that has no clue when to heal boost or trail the majority of the team to keep in line of site.

The best way to win is switch characters to counter something the opposing team is doing. Chances are if you're in the lower ranks they won't switch to counter you back.
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theres a free weekend starting tomorrow. I've been wanting to try this game. need something to play along side of bf1.
Good luck in the pub matchmaking.

My advice for the newcomers (take it or leave it) is:
- take the time to learn 1 character from each class
- switching characters is not a bad idea, but as a beginner you won't know how to counter so don't worry about it and just learn your core four
- don't go Rambo solo, but stick loosely to a few other players, but don't clump up
- play the objective
- there's value in not dying, but don't feel like you have to stay alive at all times
- the maps are balanced for the most part
- learn emotes or use your mic to be helpful
I tried the Arcade mode yesterday and had a lot of fun.
The 1V1 was tough, only won 1 Match out of 3 since I don't know how to play most of the characters. the one match I did win was luck as I was just mashing the buttons and won enough rounds to get the match.

The 3v3 was really fun, won 8 out of 10 matches to fill up the loot box bar, then went on a losing streak, lol.
Overwatch is free this weekend. Also if you know any friends waiting for that price drop, it's $35 on all systems over on Amazon.
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Overwatch is free this weekend. Also if you know any friends waiting for that price drop, it's $35 on all systems over on Amazon.

Sounds like a reason not to even bother logging on this weekend. Going to be packed full of spastic kids.
wouldn't the game put you in matches with similarly ranked people?

Yeah I doubt you will get placed into games with level 1-30 people unless they are grouping with a friend that is level 100+ I know level isn't MMR but generally I've noticed that it simply won't match me with low level players unless the aforementioned scenario occurs.
I swear, Blizzard games must have some kind of mix between nicotine and coke somewhere along their lines of code :D

really like the free weekend so far, sale lasts 'til 28th of the month so I will really think about it :)

no money given to EA this year, paid around 22$ 13 months ago for bf4 base game + second assault DLC

this one looks like that it can keep my interest going for a few months at the very least, now if only I didn't have that huge backlog on steam :p
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Yeah I doubt you will get placed into games with level 1-30 people unless they are grouping with a friend that is level 100+ I know level isn't MMR but generally I've noticed that it simply won't match me with low level players unless the aforementioned scenario occurs.

Quick play has a hidden MMR used for matching making as well. Fun fact also is that ranked plays actual MMR is not the same as the public facing SR.

There is also priority given to matching prestige (> level 100) players with other prestige players.
Quick play has a hidden MMR used for matching making as well. Fun fact also is that ranked plays actual MMR is not the same as the public facing SR.

There is also priority given to matching prestige (> level 100) players with other prestige players.

Played a bunch of brawls solo and have encountered no low level players in my games, just wanted to add in case anyone thought brawls were different.
Worth getting this game, if I am already spoilt for choice playing MP games between IW, TF2 and BF1. For 35 I am thinking about picking it up.
Are you trying it out during the current free weekend?

Personally I can only really play 1 MP game at a time. But trying BF1 open beta didn't interest at all compared to OW, I had to force myself to play BF1 to give it fair chance and sample size during the open (but I haven't liked what DICE has changed since Battlefront). Full disclosure though I hate aim down sights with iron sights so there might be bias, but I didn't like Battlefront either which didn't have that.

Was never interested in COD. Much more fun than what I remember TF2 to be. There seems to be a lot of TF2 cross over though. I think a lot of the notable current higher level pro players are ex TF2.
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